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Everything posted by Asperion

  1. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Repeat after me: We are about to die! A: Okay, you can do it.
  2. Re: Esper powers caused by infection Another good question: How realistic is the world? Highly: Most people will follow the dictates of a few charismatic individuals. If the individual is in favor then the psi will be accepted - if not in favor then the psi will be hated maybe even feared depending on the individual. This does include things like news services in all medias and the government. They will be voicing what the mass of people are currently saying and as that voice changes so will they. Moderate: People will consider the actions and attitudes of the individual, including the news and government. There will be some form of reaction but that reaction will not be beyond the ability of the psi to handle (as it will be in Highly). Low: Little to no reaction that anyone will even notice. Only the extremists will do anything. Also: That figure of 1:1000 seems extremely high. Most pandemics never reach even one quarter that figure. What I would do is leave the true figure unknown. That way as more show up they could be questioned and worked into the system easier. For most diseases the actual figure of how many got the disease is not known until the disease is dying out, possibly months afterward.
  3. Re: Near-human genetics The way that I would handle this situation is to say that there can be no interbreading, unless done in a science lab. Even then it is the genome that is being worked on, not the living being itself. After several years of lab-created mixbreads then one can start to see something that will possess attributes of both human and nonhuman. These mixbreads can than act as a bridgh and humans and nonhumans and start to bread through the mixbreads. As far as diseases go nonhumans will be immune to human diseases but not nonhuamn diseases (no LS). The reverse is also true - humans immune to nonhuman diseases but not human diseases (again no LS). In time both nature and labs will mutate diseases so that they can affect both groups.
  4. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Your wife just ran off with your best friend, house burned down, lost your job, and sister was killed. Why are you shaking your head like that? A: I don't care if it is hot in here, you put your clothes back on.
  5. Re: Answers & Questions Q: How do I clean my toilet? A: Have book - will read.
  6. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What would happen if you touch this mirror? A: Stop by their offices behind the convenience store.
  7. Re: Training exercises? Here is a good classic: WarGames: Split everyone into two teams. This could either be within the team or between two or more different teams. Each team will have its own base that they need to defend. At the same time they need to go out and capture the opponent's base. Any method and trick for both offense and defense are allowed. The first team to capture the opponent's base will win the war.
  8. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Welcome to the Greasy Spoon. Is there anything that you would like? A: They don't bounce so well.
  9. Re: Campaign Setting: Final Incursion
  10. Re: Training exercises? "King of the Mountain" - Choose someone to be the King. Give him an area to defend (the Mountain). He can use any method and device available in the defense. Everyone else can use whatever method and device is available in their effort to take the Mountain. CRISIS ALERT - There is some crisis that either will or has happened. How will everyone respond?
  11. Re: What will it take to get some flying cars?
  12. Re: Answers & Questions Q: I can swallow the Sol System in one bite. What do you have to say about that? A: Whenever the full moon rises, he turns into a cheap special effect.
  13. Re: Your PCs might be overpowered if... . . . The stock markets do as the PCs desire, regardless of who else it will effect. . . . Val Halla extends the Rainbow Bridge just because they would like to visit.
  14. Re: What will it take to get some flying cars? To bring about personal aircars there needs to be major alterations in two departments - government and insurance. Government - overhaul licensing and registrations for both vehicle and operators. Currently separate licenses needed for ground and air vehicle with vehicle needing separate validations and certifications for either operation. I suggest that both licenses be merged into one license. Same with the validations and certifications. Insurance - The insurance companies charge a reasonable amount for ground vehicle (due to the overwhelming competition) but when it comes to air vehicles, they ream the few customers that they do have. As a result, the costs for air vehicles will have to come down to a level that the common person will be able to afford it. This could be a result of the same merging that I suggested above with the government. These are the biggest problems that I see at this time. I realize that there are other problems here but they are the biggest problems right now.
  15. Re: Academy of Super Villain awards: The Monnies The only villains that would be interested in this concept would be the second and third tier villains since the first stringers already have several avenues of recognition. As for what the award would look like - how about villain smashing some unnamed hero. However this award ceremony would have an extremely difficult time taking off since any villain not honored would feel slighted and let everyone know in a manner that would be appropriate to the villain.
  16. Re: Answers & Questions Q: You have just slammed another one out of the park. How do you do it? A: Side Effects may include: Headache, Nausea, Diareaha, Persistent Rash, Skin Irratation, Rectal Bleeding, Spontanious Human Combustion, and Dry Mouth. Use only as directed.
  17. Re: What would you do as GM when our intrepid . . . . . . I believe that this should not be immediately threatening. However since he did make a crit, (and you said that you use crits) he should have some nasty side effect. As a result, the visible effect would be as simple as finding food that is tainted (possibly making a hero into villain or vise versa). Not quickly appearant would be that he got the attention of something. This something could be good, neutral, or evil, depending on how you want to play it out. However this something will not show itself to the group right away and only follow them to see what they are up to and how it would either defend them or fight them depending on the nature of the something.
  18. Re: Answers & Questions Q: California just slipped into the ocean! Who shall we blame for this? A: Twice the calories at only half the flavor!
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