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Everything posted by Asperion

  1. Have some out of the world fun MIB meets Ghostbusters
  2. Since this is a Champions game, you should say that if someone desires to rip that tree out of the ground then they can, no argument. Same with the brick breaking the indescribable material. In super-physics,if someone desires to do something that is the end of the argument, they should have the opportunity to try.
  3. Q: What did Picard tell Q the day he left Starfleet? A: Using planets like billiard balls.
  4. The Democrat Caucasus is full of Republicans.
  5. When attempting to uproot a tree, I usually figure that whatever the branch structure is above ground is what one will be fighting below ground. Since the ground itself will often be greatly compacted, this makes a powerful force that one needs to overcome.
  6. Addendum to m above - marijuana legal for all
  7. Be glad it was so small. Many places have seen increases greater than 80%. When people ask why, they are met with only silence. Then when they can't pay those higher rates, they loose coverage, homes, vehicles, etc.
  8. Silver Surfer desires to regain his original body and abandon the heroism.
  9. Q: What is the secret to Dr. Destroyers' success? A: That is your collection of has-beens.
  10. Things like this are are why I believe that the Republicans have lost the vision that they got when they became a solo party under Lincoln. If they don't act fast, they will self-destruct and leave everyone with a power void and solo party nation. This is something that scares me more than a Trump dictatorship. I really hope that some other party comes forward that will be a better voice for the people than any current party has proven to be.
  11. Something the Republicans should do is to kick Trump out of the party. At the same time, the democrats should refuse him access to their party. If this happens, the only option he has left for continuing his political aspersions would be through a minor party. Since the primary parties control a minimum of 2/3 of the votes, I doubt he would ever have sufficient power to make even a scratch.
  12. Beware - robots of the world are united and striking back!!!!!!😱🤪
  13. Trump's team is great at missing deadlines and botching things up. Then when the court rules against them, they will both go to social media and take it into appeal, both of which are incorrect solutions.
  14. Q: Can anyone create a worse drink than New Coke? A: Bring in the Rabbit Brigade!
  15. Q: Did someone let the Abomination loose in the plaza? A: We have a Black Star.
  16. Credit cards are known for such tricks. I have heard where someone paid off their last payment, but it was after the cutoff date so the company was able to make another change based on the accumulated interest. That company made an additional month beyond what they should have because of the difference in the stated closing date and the unstated cutoff date, which is usually weeks earlier.
  17. One ice cube - melted NT: Least likely places to celebrate the New Year.
  18. Q: Are you claiming that there's no thing as global warming? A: We now have the Wonder Twins.
  19. HAPs and Luck both have a similar in-game feel, despite the different mechanics. Because of this, I would wonder about characters who have both.
  20. He doesn't even attempt to take you to the center of his fist.
  21. Q: Nicholas, you claimed Lord in the exit. Is there anything you want to say in addition? A: That is T^4, your grace.
  22. This brings up the issue - you have survived the immediate apocalypse effects. Society is failing, communication unreliable, travel by foot or animal at best. Regardless of the reason, how do you respond?
  23. No matter what reality throws your way - May your Christmas be the best it can be for you and your family.
  24. Would have to talk to the Doctor. Going back to Hartnel, the most companions at one time was a group of four people. NT: [year: 1912] Great liner getting ready to launch newest ship - Titanic. You have first class tickets for voyage. Will you embark?
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