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Everything posted by RavensPath

  1. Re: Five magics People, I continue to be impressed. A lot of great ideas have been posted here and I hope even more are posted. And Phil, your Boron comment was funny. Awful, but funny! Thanks again and keep them coming. Once I have more of the world done I will post it here!
  2. Re: Five magics I hadn't thought about the numerology aspect of it Killer Shrike! Thanks for the idea. The reason for 5 is this: Years ago (9) I was at Gencon with some friends and we were discussing a game world. The world had been split into 5 versions of the same world, each plane/realm had one type of magic that was based/focused there. The planes would be connected through various gates, stairways, portals and such. I just joined a writing group here in town and have a coworker that also enjoys fantasy type writing. We decided to write some stories round robin style but needed a setting. I started one, but then this idea from 9 years ago crept back into my head and I put the city I had been working on into this realm. Once I get the idea fully formed I will probably post parts of it here for people to see. It isn't meant to be a game world per se, but more a fiction world. But I also have no doubt that it would make a fun game world also. I trust, believe in and value the opinions of the people on these boards. I strongly feel that Hero fans are the most creative bunch of fans out there. We span ancient times to centuries in the future with what we play with one system. When I wanted some more input there was only one place to go to get it. Herogames.com
  3. Re: Five magics I choose Void because in the mythos of one of my fantasy worlds Void is the unseen element that most people don't know about. Thanks to you and the others for all the sugesstions so far!
  4. If you had to pick 5 types of magic for a world, what would they be? The obvious are the 4 elements and void, but I want to see what the rest of Herodom say. Like: Necromancy, Illusion, Enchantment, Psionic, Elemental. Discuss.
  5. Re: So Viper, huh. Viper in my game 'Project: Mongoose' (on Hero Central) is very very deadly. The team was put together for express purpose of defeating Viper. I won't say too much as I know many of the players read the boards, but they are tough. Game set up included Viperia slaughtering the UN Security Council. There is much more to come that will suprise, dismay and maybe delight the players. As I said in the campaign info. "This isn't your parent's VIPER."
  6. Re: Ok...Ummm...What Now? Thanks for continuing what I had started! And that's all I will say on Games Gone Awry. We ended a 15 year D&D campaign with a twist the DM had not expected. Many of the years had been searching for weapons that were designed to slay demons that had been during the last demonic invasion. One of the special abilities was that an a natural 20, if another natural 20 was rolled the demon was dead, killed instantly. Got to the demon price, realized we were fighting an image, fighter figured out where the prince was and attacked. And rolled two 20's in a row. The DM sat there stunned as he never thought it would happen in the final battle. But it did and the game was over. Needless to say we got lots of XP for it.
  7. If you were building a fantasy campaign and didn't want to use the 'standard' races, but only human base, how would you modify them to have different races. For example: an empathic race as well as a regular human race. Very little if any differences in physical form. One just has empathic powers. What would you create?
  8. Re: Games gone awry They were not casual killers. That is what made it funny. The player that killed Icicle had never played Champions before and he didn't get the fact they were heroes. After he did it he started to rationalize all the heroes in comics that kill people in self defense. I honestly believe that he thought it was okay. The character was also young (16). He said, "He's 16 so he would tend to be rash." The player later said that he always kills at least one person in every game that he plays or it doesnt' feel like a good game. All righty then! Just thought I would share since it was so funny and and fun to run. I've had things go bad before, but not where the hero team became wanted criminals in the space of 2 hours real time!
  9. I am sure that all GM's have had a mid game twist by a character doing an unexpected action. Thought we could share some here. We just had a small gaming convention here in Cedar Rapids, Iowa and it was a success. We ran a number of games including Champions. The afternoon was blocked out into two gaming times, each about 2 hours long. In the first session I ran a modifed 'Catch me if you can' from the Legion of Heroes stuff. Fun but mostly just battle. The second session had me with the 2 of the three same players so I improvised a game. Had Champions Battlegrounds with me so pulled Foxbat Girl and Boy out of it and had them attack a mall concert. The team of three took them out easy. Pulled Icicle from Champions Universe and had her do a jewelry heist at the same time (she hired the people to be a distraction). She knocked one player done and was fleeing when she was knocked off her ice slide by PC who is also an ice projector. He had tried to entangle her and when it didn't work he figured his powers wouldn't work on her. Icicle hit the ground and PC with telekineses pinned her down. She let loose an ice sheet across the floor in response. Now this is where it gets good! The Ice character says "I walk up to her and break her neck." Needless to say I was stunned. "You what?" I think was my response. "I break her neck. My powers don't work on her so I break her neck." Fine. The police came and arrested the whole team then. At the police station they are in a holding cell and the DA asks what happened. His response was "Self defense." DA: "Let me get this straight, she was pinned to the ground and had passed on a chance to attack your teammate when fleeing and you are claiming self defense." PC: "Yes, my powers wouldn't work on her and she was going to cause more damage. I saved those peoples livehoods and lots of money in damages to the mall." DA:"So you get to decide that if someone is too much of a problem to deal with that they can die? Because you don't want to deal with them?" PC: "Yes." She left, they tried to escape. No powers thank to power dampers. Did escape when lawyers came. Attacked police officers and fled custody. When being pursued by police decided to ice roads so that cars would crash. They did, causing millions in property damage and lost life. PC finally realized that he had caused more damage than Icicle would have. Thought about turning himself in, but then decided to become a criminal instead. How is that for derailing a game. It was a ball to run, it just took me by suprise. One of the other GM's at the con asked how the game went. I said good, the heroes had become villians by the end of the session and were wanted for murder. He just laughed. What are your stories?
  10. Re: Superhero Images Thanks bblackmoor for the link to the gallery. I found the program I was thinking of. It was in another thread. Here is the link. Hero thread for Character Creator There is a link on page 2 I believe for the beta of the program. As for the other question. I have opened the PDF in Reader and photoshop. In Reader I can see the character sillouette (i know that is spelled wrong), but it won't print. In photoshop it won't even load. I"m gonna check out adobes site to see what they say. Thanks again.
  11. Re: Superhero Images Two things Herophiles. I know there is a site that lets you design constumes in the DC Universe style of cartoons. I thought I had bookmarked the site, but I guess I didn't. Does it still exist and can someone please post the link? I have a number of character templates that have been posted on the boards before. My favorite is one by Albert Deschene (not sure about spelling). I've actualy had that set for years and have used it many times. It is saved as a PDF. Whenever I go to print from Adobe Reader it will not print the character body. Only the sidebar area, though on the computer you can see the body outline. If I open it it Photoshop it doesn't even recognize there is something there on the right side of the page, it only sees the title and sidebar info. Has anyone else run into this? And if so how can it be fixed? I have printed dozens of the forms before with no problem, but now I can't and I really want to start designing some new costumes! Thanks for your help.
  12. Re: Silver Age Flash - Any Explanation for Iris West? I don't know that it was ever really explained per se why she was so nasty in the beginning. You do learn later that she is from the future, sent back as a young child to protect her. You also learn that she knew about Barry being the Flash a long time before he told her. Maybe that is what upset her. And she did die, but she also came back and is in the current Flash series (or was a 8 months ago). She wrote a book about the Flashs. Impulse is her grandson. Her and Barry ended up in the future before he died and they had twins. Two grandkids, Impulse and XS from the Legion series. Iris did mellow after a few years. Check this site out for lots of flash info! Ride the lightning
  13. Re: Robin gets Robbed! Robin rules! The original is my favorite DC character. My favorite DC title is/was the 80's run of Teen Titans. You've got to give Robin/Nightwing lots of credit. He is one of the most accomplished acrobats in the universe (according to DC rpg stats) and even a better martial artist than batman. (He says that somewhere, but I forget where!) I think he is the most human of all the heroes in DC. (Tim Drake being a close second.) And my second favorite DC character is his best friend The Flash!! What a team they make!
  14. Re: Al-Qadim? Found the original Thread that had talked about this conversion. Wizards and Limitations I'm going to work on this conversion and would love suggestions from anyone. I will post my ideas and such here as I go to get feedback.
  15. If I remember right there have been various posts on converting the Al-Qadim setting into Hero. Has anyone finished this and posted it to the web? Or just finished it in general. I'm thinking about working on the conversion otherwise since I love that setting and hope to one day play in it again, (Hero or any other system) Thanks everyone.
  16. Re: Superhero Images That is an awesome piciture Logan! Great lines, the coloring is just right. Excellet job. Now if only I could do that! Hats off.
  17. Re: Yengtao martial moves Thanks Steve and Yamamura. I will give the site a shot and try to find the other ones that you talked about Steve. Kind of off topic. One of the reasons that I love Hero so much became clear to me a little while ago. That reason is the staff. We all know that Steve, Ben, Simon, Tina and the rest of the gang respond to our questions, but do we really think about it? I posted a question here and within a few hours the Head Honcho respond to me. Not some website adminstrator. Not some intern, but the man who helped save Hero from the round file. Maybe I am wrong and other game companies give this kind of support too. But I don't know of any. Thank you Hero staff. For talking the time to read our questions. And then taking the time to answer them yourselves. We may not say it all the time. But we do appreciate it.
  18. Has anyone come up with anymore Yengtao moves? I've made a couple, but am hoping that others have made some that I can use. The powers themselves aren't that difficult to make. It is coming up with those really cool sounding names that can be so difficult!
  19. Re: Favorite Master Villain I would say Malachite. I know lots of people didn't like him in 4th edition. But I turned him into this scheming, corporate giant that the Players just hated. They could never quit pin a crime on him and they never actually fought him, or even many of his minons. They just knew he was behind all the crimes going on.
  20. Re: Campaign Concept RFC Looks good to me. I am more than interested in playing in your game if you are in Cedar Rapids, IA. I just posted the other day about maybe starting a game here in town. I ran Champions for a number of years and would be glad to help you out in anyway I can. (shaking from gaming withdrawal) Just please let me know what I can do to help.
  21. Re: Your Gaming Group's Jargon I can think of 2 from my old D&D group. The first was "Silver" from the movie "From Dusk till Dawn" (though we shortened it). It is used to pull the group back onto topic after a major tangent. The other is "(Your character name) kills (someone else's character name)". This was used when either the player or the character had just done something incredibly stupid and it had to be acknowledged.
  22. Re: Heroes, healers and vigilantes... There is also the old 4th edition book called Allies. If you can get your hands on a copy of that it would give you a few new teams for your players to face. It should be pretty easy to transfer them to 5th and up the power level so that they they stand a bit of a chance against your team.
  23. Let me be the first to welcome you to what I believe is the best game out there with the best fan base ever. You will find lots of ideas, support, and just good natured humour on these boards and in the people that play Champions and the other Hero games. What you need is FRED, probably Champions, a good group of gamers, and a very active imagination. Anything else you get only makes the experience that much better. I will let others weigh in now with their thoughts on the matter.
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