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Everything posted by csyphrett

  1. They do have exceptions for some werewolves in the MHI. Harbinger and his new girlfriend are wws. The goto guy from MHI should be Franks. He seems to be able to kill anything he can grab. CES
  2. This ranch where the Badger was staying was overrun by mongols and he had to help the families escape. It played over at least twice with different details before I woke up. At one point, one of the ranchers told another one he should be ashamed and jump from a cliff into a river. CES
  3. Not me. Just like it didn't surprise me that the police have recently begun using equipment to track every phone call withn a certain radius of a cell tower when they didn't know who they were looking for, or who they would call. CES
  4. Bryan Brown is Sim. He has the ability to force a person to enter a hallucination which simulates real life from the mental blast until it becomes a nightmare for the victim. CES
  5. It's not about power. It's about the tone of the campaign. Indiana Jones is about a world filled with ancient wonders that can be used to accomplish things, and the ability of adventurers to save the day. Call of Chutulu is about a universe that doesn't care and things above men as we are above insects. It's not about how much power is involved in raising Hecate, it's about can the hero stop it without losing his mind at some horror that he can't comprehend. CES
  6. Mike Parobeck. After Impact's plug was pulled, the only job they would give him was Batman's animated adventures. CES
  7. I had a dream where I was following a lawyer trying to defend a man named Sefton in court. It was like watching it on television but being inside the set. And I had another work dream where things were messed up on the conveyor belt. CES
  8. No. You asked what level would it be to lift such a setting into the Call of Chtulu. Raiders/Indiana Jones tends to be built around artifact magic, but it doesn't seem to be all that common in the pulp/modern era where anyone could do it out of a book. We don't really see anything that could be construed as a shoggoth, or a night gaunt. CES
  9. Watched Pacific RIm. Monsters vs Giant robots. It's awesome CES
  10. Watched Beyond the Boundary on youtube. Boy meets girl, falls in love with her, boy has a demon living inside of him. Girl has cursed blood. Hijinks ensue CES
  11. Graphix is Rollster Brown, master of special effects and illusions. it's said he could fake an alien invasion with nothing but duct tape and lighting. CES
  12. men in black 3- Time travel hijinks and an invasion of flying jelly fish battleships. The internal monsters for Boris was a whole lot of yuck. CES
  13. Winston-Salem Journal reported yesterday that a man filming the police department was confronted by an officer who had some disparaging words. Said contact is on youtube somewhere. CES
  14. Diedre is gone. I don't know if she was holding her coin, or Nic got it. But she is staying with Hades for her afterlife. CES
  15. This is one punch man. The problem is he's so strong he beats his enemies in one punch so he's bored. CES
  16. It looks like you got the sixth member of the team, Comic. What's the next team? CES
  17. Linney Bonn is a world class skiing champion, able to complete most courses with ease. This is easy for her since she is also Avalanche, able to cause snow and water to rush her to the finish line. CES
  18. Bryan Gilchrist is a radio and television personality that also sponsors charity events who happens to be Speakeasy, a mind controller with his voice, who orders people to give him what he wants. CES
  19. Part of the first disc of Kung Fu Panda Legends of Awesome Where the Furious Five and Po take on Monkey's brother, a scorpion herbalist and kung fu shoes CES
  20. Probationary officer is wanted for murder in Pomona CA after shooting a man in the street. CES
  21. Brotherhood of the Blades. Imperial assassins bring in or kill criminals for the Emperor. What happens when three are picked to bring in a high criminal leads to a tragic end for all involved. Brick mansions. Detroit has walled in a district to keep the crime down. Then the mayor decides he needs the land more than the people. Second Disc Monster versus ALiens the series. Not as funny as the movie, but still some good bits CES
  22. I have to agree with Assault. Fae is background. That means nothing. What do you want the character to do? Goblins live underground. Trolls live under bridges and are considered strong thanks to Tolkien. Brownies clean your house for a saucer of milk. Pixies are tiny flying creatures who may talk to animals. Elves are magic using, honorbound, child replacing cuckoos. That's the first five examples I thought of for your question. That's not even getting into Selkies and other things. What abilities are you trying to justify for your character is the way to go with this. CES
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