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Everything posted by csyphrett

  1. Re: Bat-Swarm Man ??? Do you think a movement power linked to an AOE attack would work just as well? If this is a way to get around, simple flight. Clairsentience (go my minion and spy on the evil ones.) I got nothing. CES
  2. Re: How do you feel about Superheroes that kill? There's very little you can do with a gamemaster who is a putz. Damn right. CES
  3. Re: A question for Comics fans
  4. Re: A question for Comics fans With Grant Morrison and Geoff Johns being appointed continuity directors at DC, it raised two questions for me. Why didn't they do that in the first crisis so there wouldn't be a mish mash of things going on? Second why Morrison? If you can forget the sexual orientation of a character, what else can you forget? CES
  5. Re: A question for Comics fans Which is better to have a brand new character with an old name, or killing the old character to have a new guy with the same powers in the old guy's position? I prefer to have a new guy not attached to the old one while the old one retires, or is busy elsewhere. I guess Jay Garrick and Barry Allen spring to mind for this. Killing Oliver Queen to have Connor Hawke take over seems to me a little extreme. CES
  6. Re: A question for Comics fans He only quit for three issues, until Aquaman disbanded the team. On the other hand I don't how much of that is still in continuity. It gives a sort of reason for Batman to start the Outsiders and A-man to disband the team I guess, but other than that, it sounds like writer failure to me. Here's another one I thought of on the way home from work. There's about 20 characters that have been killed leading into the summer Crisis. If the policy was no revivals, or revamps, would we see this many deaths. Oh wait. There's the Hal Jordan thing from Rebirth. If Marz had given him a more heroic death, would old timers have liked Kyle more rather than lobbying for his return for how many years? CES
  7. Re: A question for Comics fans Putting the worst spin on it sounds right. I remember he quit the league over something. Why didn't he do it here, why did he keep the secret when it seems counter to his personality then? I know the answer there. Writer Fiat. CES
  8. Re: A question for Comics fans The Spectre and Eclipso are supposedly both the wrath of God with Eclipso coming first. That begs another question. They both need driving souls to operate. How is the Spectre operating without one? He should be in Limbo, not causing problems. CES
  9. Re: A question for Comics fans Thanks Jim. Why didn't Shazam do that? Wait. It's 3 a.m. here. Got another that just occurred to me. Green Arrow was one of the heroes behind Dr. Light's mindwiping in Identity Crisis. Batman opposed it. Doesn't this seem like a role reversal since GA has always been Mr. ACLU Liberal, and Batman, the more stiffnecked all for justice? CES
  10. I was at Hanes Mall, at Waldenbooks. I picked up an issue of JSA tying into Days of Vengeance. The Spectre was ripping up Black Adam's country. Here comes the question. If the Spectre was having so many problems with Captain Marvel, how the heck did he deal with Black Adam in like one panel? If the JSA hadn't been there, BA would have been paste. CES
  11. Re: How do you feel about Superheroes that kill? And just what was wrong with that version of the Champions???? I can see a couple superheroes plumb forgetting a girl in some moment of non-thinking or non-perceiving, but not several, of our group someone is always stopping to help the nearby innocents. The original Ghost Rider, if present, could have done something. One of his flame cycles is like 0 to 300 in a five seconds. More than enough time to rescue anyone. CES
  12. Re: The New Circle That's the whole Charlton/ D-Commandoes team finally. I think I will stick with solo heroes from now on. A team is a pain and a half. Cap Charlton is the Peacemaker with Johnny Smith vision. Q-Man is Captain Atom, an emitter of dangerous radiation. Scarlet Scarab a mystic Blue Beetle. Lily Veil is probably more like the Nightshade of today than when she first started out. Fu the kung fu master is a Chinese Judomaster. Mister Mist is the Question. The last member Swithin is the direct opposite of Peter Cannon, Thunderbolt. Cannon had to work for everything, undergoing years of training to become a physical and mental marvel that can focus his will to do amazing feats and be a reluctant hero. Swithin is a hero because he would like to share his good fortune, and the world helps him do that as much as it can. Everything goes his way so he has no problem lending someone a helping hand. He just isn't ready to wear a costume. CES
  13. Re: The New Circle Cap Charlton smiled tightly as the Q-Man held the turtle ship in his giant hand. Moments later the craft was back in its home dimension thanks to the remote control the Scarab had rigged up. A glimpse in the future had shown him a very public execution taking place. That wasn't any concern of his. His concern stopped at the point of the invaders versus the Earth. Anything else was no concern of his. He waited for Q-Man to fly back on board before he headed back to base. Reports had to be written and filed, and the swamp bomb had a place in a secret warehouse waiting for it. The plane banked gently as it headed for home. Relations with other organizations: The Dimensional Commandoes typically operate on missions dealing with extradimensional invasions. They have limited contact with other heroes, and have established good, but not excellent, relations with those teams and solo heroes they have crossed paths with since their inception. They have helped foiled several plots by villains like Dr. Destroyer, Mechanon, and the Ultimates, but these are rare occurrences. Their main enemies are DEMON, and Istvatha V'han. A close third is the Sylvestris family of mystics. The D-Commandoes represent a collection of skills and powers that could be used to hasten Luther Black's summoning of the Kings of Edom. Q-Man, by himself, is a large dose of Qliphothic essence that could be used to weaken the world if his armored shell was broken down. Swithin's luck could be harnessed to change things to go anyway that chance could alter things. The problem is that Cap Charlton conducts preemptive raids on any DEMON lair that try to gear up to attack his team. His foresight circumvents any trap and allows his group to counter anything a morbane or brother can try to stop them. Several clashes with the Unholy Trinity has led Charlton to believe that DEMON was involved in the disappearance of his friend which has only fueled his obsessiveness to rip away any secret the group possesses. V'han has become a regular enemy due to covert operations in parallel dimensions. That has led the Council to help set up resistance networks, and provide training for those other places to oppose the empress. This has in turn led to covert strikes into the gray areas surrounding the expanding empire. These operations are intended to slow V'han's campaign, even though there is no hope of actually dethroning her at the moment. A secondary effect is to protect the Earth from any transdimensional flanking attack that could be used as a loophole in the agreement signed with the Champions. The feud with the Sylvestris began over Council operatives being killed by Bocal MacFarlane. Ever since then, the Council has done what it could to disrupt any plans that it learns about, which means the D-Commandoes are expected to bear the brunt of this secret war. They haven't been able to strike a solid blow against the clan as a whole, but they have confiscated some valuable resources, and destroyed others. Mister Mist is especially hated by those of the clan who have dealt with him. The rest of the mystic world have encountered the Commandoes, but this has not led to the enmity that they share with DEMON. It's only a matter of time.
  14. Re: The New Circle The being known by his comrades as Mister Mist began its life in the huge sprawl of Babylon. It had observed several heroes that had crossed the dimensional barriers to protect the material world. It decided to emulate those heroes and focused its efforts on battling the strange criminals in the Rookeries. Mist scored a certain amount of success since no one had ever decided to use vigilante tactics in the ultimate city before. He was the thorn in the side of every villain he had ever unearthed. Normally divided against each other, they joined forces to combat the pest making their lives miserable. Out of that effort came exile to Earth for the foggy fighter. Mister Mist wandered the world, helping those he could with his powers. Criminals began to fear his high pitched laugh and tendency to throw people off roofs. Everyone had heard of him, but few wanted to talk about meeting him in a dark alley. Organizations in the mystic world took notice of the fog thing after a little time. DEMON and VIPER added it to their lists of superheroes needing to be killed or dealt with violently after several painful encounters. Mister Mist had encountered Swithin during his wandering time away from Virginia. The two liked each other on first sight. When McGowrie returned to Fall Rivers, Mister Mist was at his side with a helping hand. That association led to the hero of Babylon to being recruited by the Trismegistus Council as one of their Dimensional Commandoes. Mister Mist has even returned to the old neighborhood since then to remind his old enemies that he was still around and still capable of opposing them. It was just now that he had help in ruining things. ******* Mr.Mist Hair/eye color- none/red-orange Height/mass- variable. Nationality- Babylonian Place of birth- Babylon Date of birth- Unknown STR (5 pts ) 15 DEX (60 pts) 30 CON (16 pts) 18 BODY (16 pts) 18 INT (15 pts) 25 EGO (40 pts) 30 PRE (15 pts) 25 COM (1 pt) 11 PD 3 ED 3 SPD 4 REC 6 END 36 STUN 34 OCV/DCV 10 ECV 10 PHASES 3, 6, 9, 12 Powers Body of Fog 50 pt Multipower 2U Body of Fog: Desolidfication (40 pts), only to protect against physical attacks(-1) 20 pts 2U Getting through cracks: Desolidification (40 pts), cannot pass through solid objects (-½) 27 pts 1U Poison Touch: HKA 2d6 (30 pts), does not work on nonliving organisms (-½), no STR bonus (-½), 15 pts 2U Stretching out: stretching 8" (40 pts) cannot do damage (-½), always direct (-1/4), 22 pts 3U Fog all over the place: Darkness to sight group 4" radius (40 pts) personal immunity (+1/4/ 50 pts), no range, (-½) 33 pts 3U Float on a cloud: flight 20" (40 pts), only in contact with a solid surface (-1/4) 32 pts Telepathy 8d6 (40 pts) No range (-1/2), must follow grab (-½) 20 pts INT Drain: 4d6 (40 pts) linked to telepathy (-1/2), no range (-½), must follow grab (-½) 16 pts Mental Defense 10 pts Life Support self contained breathing, does not have to eat, does not have to sleep, safe in low pressure/ vacuum/high pressure, immune to all terrestrial diseases and poisons. 39 pts Cost Skill Roll 3 forensics 14- 3 interrogation 14- 3 stealth 15- 3 shadowing 15- 3 security systems 14- 3 streetwise 14- 3 survival 14- 3 tracking 14- 3 paramedics 14- 3 electronics 14- 3 analyze crime scenes 14- 3 AK: Babylon 14- 3 AK: Rookeries 14- 3 KS: the criminal world 14- 3 KS: law enforcement 14- 3 KS: major heroes and villains 14- 3 Navigation 14- 3 Martial grab 4 choke hold 4 killing strike 4 nerve strike 3 throw 40 + 8 levels with hth combat 20 Universal translator 5 member: Trismegistus Council Disadvantages 150 pts 20 DF: orange cloud in a coat and hat (not concealable, is always noticed,) 10 DF: babylonian aura (not concealable, detectable by small group) 10 Hunted: Babylonian rogues gallery (as powerful, is limited to Babylon, PC is easy to find, want to kill) 8 - 35 Hunted: Demon (more powerful, NCI, PC is easy to find, wants to kill) 14- 15 Reputation: vigilante with violent tendencies (extreme) 11- 20 Honorable (common, total) 15 hates criminals (common, strong) 5 Rivalry with other vigilantes (professional, more powerful, seeks to out do rival, rival is unaware) 20 subject to orders Characteristics Cost: 168 Powers Cost: 148 Skills Cost: 134 Total Cost: 450 Plot Hook 1) A bevy of Mr. Mist's old enemies have decided to invade the real world to look for it. Until they find the vigilante cloud, making the local heroes lives a misery is the next big thing on their list. Plot Hook 2) Mr. Mist, and other living clouds, have been kidnaped for some unknown purpose. Hints and clues point to the forging of a giant cloud that could become a storm giant, an elemental capable of vast destructive impulses. Plot Hook 3) Mr. Mist has been seen interrogating local criminals. All of his questions seem to be about a statue that has surfaced in the criminal underworld. Is it a Babylonian artifact, a magical item of some other origin, or a keepsake of a checkered past? Do the heroes interfere in its search?
  15. Re: The New Champions (Marvel) I believe that her main power was shapeshift any energy form with special effect of that energy like x-rays penetrating solids unless she has been powered down in the last few years. So maybe desolid with variable effects. I could be mistaken. CES
  16. Re: Alternate Marverlverses They could bring back the dead avengers at the end of the house of m. I doubt they will keep the altered reality for any length of time even though it might be better than the "real" one. CES
  17. Re: John Sable: Freelance I don't know. His name was on the cover, but I didn't pick it up to look inside. CES
  18. Re: John Sable: Freelance Don't forget the six episode tv show. Maybe they will have it on DVD like all these others they have released. Also IDW has released a new version of the comic book. CES
  19. Re: John Sable: Freelance Don't forget the six episode tv show. Maybe they will have it on DVD like all these others they have released. CES
  20. Re: Little Anthony & The Imperials I think they crush on conversions and things because they were sued. I think at a certain point they would allow things to be posted, but then they put in the no conversion policy on their own board. Now you cant take say Foxbat and load up your own version with their rules, especially not on their own turf. I could be wrong but it could just be a reaction from that. I know freelancers were asked not to help people fix ideas for submission to the Rifter for that reason. YMMV on what the real reason is. CES
  21. Re: The New Circle The Dimension Commandoes 14 Swithin Hair/eye color- brown hair/ brown eyes Height/mass- 5'10, 175 pounds. Nationality-American Place of birth- Fall Rivers, Virginia Date of birth- November 10, 85 STR (15 pts) 25 DEX (78 pts) 36 CON (28 pts) 24 BODY (40 pts) 30 INT (2 pts) 12 EGO (30 pts) 25 PRE (2 pts) 12 COM (1 pts) 12 PD 5 ED 5 SPD (20 pts) 6 REC 10 END 48 STUN 54 OCV/DCV 12 ECV 8 PHASES 2,4,6,10,12 Powers The World's Luckiest Man-Luck 12d6 (60 pts) Protected by Destiny-Physical and energy Damage Reduction, 50% (60 pts) luck based (-½), nonpersistent (-1/4) (34 pts.) Walk through any Danger- Desolidification (40 pts) invisible power effects versus sight (+1/4), Str affects physical world (+ 1), not through solids (-1/2), must be aware of danger (-1/2), luck based (-½), nonpersistent (-1/4), limited control (-1) (24 pts) Helping hand- Change environment 8" radius (20 pts), varying effects (+1/2), always on (-½), reduced end (0 end + ½) 26 pts Everything goes my way-VPP- 40 + 20 pts, luck based (-½), 30 pts Cost Skill Roll 3 AK: Continental United States 11- 3 AK: Fall Rivers 11- 3 KS: plumbing 11- 3 KS: landscaping 11- 3 KS: masonry 11- 3 PS: carpentry 11- 3 KS: carpentry 11- 3 mechanics 11- 3 electronics 11- 2 survival 11- 3 paramedics 11- 3 combat driving 16- 2 TF: small motorized vehicles 2 Navigation 11- 2 gambling 11- 3 climbing 16- 3 breakfall 16- 3 Stealth 16- 0 Reputation- philanthropist, (close neighbors) 11- 5 Wealth- $500,000 a year 5 member: Trismegistus Council Disadvantages 150 pts 30 Hunted by Demon (mo pow, NCI, easy to find, harshly punish) 11- 25 Hunted by Gremlins (as pow, NCI easy to find, harshly punish) 11- 10 DF: Luck Aura 30 DNPC: Fall Rivers Neighborhood (16 normals, occasionally) 11- 15 Psych Lim: Protective of others (common, Strong) 15 Psych Lim: Fearless (common, strong) 10 Reputation: Good natured, reckless loon 11- 15 Public Identity Characteristics Cost: 216 Powers Cost: 174 Skills Cost: 60 Total Cost: 450 Plot Hook 1) Disaster follows Swithin everywhere he goes. Is this a natural backlash for his powers, or is something more sinister at work. Plot Hook 2) Swithin and Jack Fool have been spotted dueling over a book. After the characters track them down, Swithin explains the significance of the book in the hopes that the heroes can use it to liberate the undead hero from DEMON. Plot Hook 3) Swithin is somehow trapped, and before he can escape is used to rewrite reality into a fairytale land. ******** It tossed aside a guard that had got in its way as the power went out. That couldn't be good. It grabbed the door to the bridge in rag covered hands, pulling open a narrow gap to get through. It wasn't surprised by the alien invaders running around in a panic as their turtle ship headed for the ocean. Its fog shroud seemed almost invisible to the hysterical crew as they tried to get the power on. It knew its comrades too well. Good luck stopping the crash, fellows. Mr. Mist drew the collar of its torn overcoat close as it tried to decide what to do. Maybe it should at least try and question one of these gooberish looking apes. Cap would like to know something when they filed the reports at the end of the action. The Council so loved their reports. Mr. Mist grabbed one of the yellow goons in its arms. A moment later, it had vanished into the eternal fog drifting around him. It took some minutes for the D-Commando to learn everything its victim knew. It released the reptile back on the bridge with a swing of its arms. "Cap," Mr. Mist said into the communicator hidden under its hat. "There's a bomb in the belly of this thing. When we crash, everything in fifty miles will be changed into a home for our froggy friends. You might want to make sure we don't crash if you don't mind." The invaders turned in mass at the strange intruder. Some reached for weapons. "I wouldn't do anything rash," said the misty refugee from Babylon. "I'm not fond of frog legs for dinner."
  22. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it...
  23. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... Intensity is the slowest Dean Koontz book I have ever read(and I have read a lot of them). I think you can throw the first half of the book away without hurting it. If you sit down to read it again, G, read the initial crime, then skim until the heroine wrecks her car to stop the RV. That's when it picks up and really goes along, I think. On the other hand, the movie condenses the material with only small changes if you can find it. John McGinley plays the villain. CES
  24. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... Thanks guys. Sounds like the first half of Intensity. CES
  25. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... What are the plots for the Wheel of Time? I have seen them mentioned but could never bring myself to pick one up. I think part of it is Jordan used to write historical soap operas, and I think the other is I rarely pick up anything that I can't get a good reccomendation for. CES
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