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Everything posted by BlackSword

  1. Re: Teen Spy Campaigns There were also the two Frankie Muniz movies, 'Agent Cody Banks'. I haven't watched any of the teen-spy shows or movies, so don't know the differences. From the few shots I have seen of Totally Spies it looks like they tend to add supertech powers to ordinary gadgets.
  2. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Last night I went to Blockbuster and rented Star Wars Battlegrounds. My sole goal is to sniper an Ewok. However, since I have to get to Endor first, I am having fun eliminating Rebel scum. Fear my sniper rifle.
  3. Re: Musings on Random Musings Makes me think of the Toy Story version of Avengers Disassembled, with Hawkeye shooting people in the head. If you liked the Toy version of AD, you should check out the Twisted Toyfare collections. They are some great versions of the Marvel heroes, may be available at your comic ship.
  4. Re: Musings on Random Musings That does look like its going to be a fun movie.
  5. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Joe Satriani is coming to town on Oct 24th. Just have to decide where I want to sit for the performance.
  6. Re: Musings on Random Musings You have ruined Chewbacca for me.
  7. Re: Musings on Random Musings Only if I post pad with my left hand.....hmmm...maybe that should have been the inside voice
  8. Re: Musings on Random Musings Wasn't he a villain on Megas XLR, the giant floating head?
  9. Re: Musings on Random Musings Yeah, but if the drink is scalding hot you don't have to worry about MightyBec tea-bagging your drink.
  10. Re: Already posted this in the NGD, but what the heck... That was the most evil thing to read at work. Hilarious, and I am not allowed to laugh out loud.
  11. Re: The cranky thread I found something I dislike more then telemarketers. Tele-politicos. Yeah, nothing like hitting the message button to get a recorded minute long spiel on how Bush is buggering the House of Saud (or was it the other way around). At least most telemarkters disconnect when the machine picks up.
  12. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Woohoo... Spaceballs II: The Search for More Money
  13. Re: Truth is stranger than fiction Another odd one. Just a solar eclipse, but from space it looks like something bad is spreading across our happy orb. http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap040926.html
  14. Well, its prefectly innocent, but it looks like something from a scifi movie. In sf I don't know wheter I'd call it a ship in hyperspace or a gun ready to fire. Still pretty cool. http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap040928.html The only thing that annoys me about apod is the wonderful views of space and the fact that we are still stuck on this ball of mud. Stupid laws of physics.
  15. Re: Up, up and awaaayyy! Here's a link to a Seattle Times article on Brason's announcement. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2002048021_rocketside28m.html
  16. Re: Up, up and awaaayyy! I had also heard that Sir Richard Branson of Virgin Group fame was planning on makeing a large investment in the group and try to get Space Tourism started. Unfortunataly the first flights were going for a few hundred thousand, but the hope was to use that seed money to lower the cost over the long run.
  17. Re: Favorite Pulp Character The recently put out a collection of Soloman Kane by Howard as well. I picked up the collection, but haven't had a chance to read it. Favorite character; I enjoy Conan, but I have really been getting into the detective stories of the era. So I would go with Hammett's Continental Op or Philip Marlowe. Marlowe shows you don't needs tons of CSLs, you just need to be the toughest SoB on the block.
  18. Re: Musings on Random Musings When I was a kid we were at a swim meet. I was walking out of the locker room and the door swung inwards. Since I had been swimming I was not wearing any shoes, the door jammed my big toe, ripped the entire nail off my 'index' toe and broke the nail on my middle toe. I endoed off a road bike and skidded/landed knees first on the asphalt. With blood running down my legs I had to ride another few miles to get home. Most other accidents tended to be due to modeling knives.
  19. Re: Playing 3.5 after Fantasy Hero We are currently running Spycraft. It does use the Vitality/Wound rules, so it has a little feel of Hero. However, during character creation I was neerly pulling my hair out. Me: Okay, I've bought all the skills I want, now to make my character more combat effective, oh wait....I CAN'T...my attack value is set by class. Well how about these feats, oh, because of the way my dice* fell in character creation I can't use about half the feats because I don't meet the min requirements. I am spoiled by Hero and other point-buy systems, so nice for character creation. *We did use random character generation, which was fun and I like my character, however I rolled a near average character, so only one spectacular attribute.
  20. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Just remembered to post this. After watching Smallville on Wednesday night...wow...more shower scenes please. Lois is an interesting addition, will have to see where her character goes. Clark flying was done fairly well, just have to see if he goes insane or not.
  21. Re: Musings on Random Musings My best guess on this guy was Rocket Red (or was it Red Rocket) from JLI. I could be mistaken.
  22. Re: Hero System is Just Alright With Me I like Hero right out of the book. We don't use any house rules, but use a few of the optional rules from the sidebars. Depending on the genre I am considering adding the Deadlands/RDU_Neil chit system for luck. A friend and I were talking about the Hero games at Gencon though. Some of them only have passing resemblance to Hero and were listed as Hero games.
  23. Re: Enterprise NC1701A vs. Imperial Star Destroyer One thing I tried to point out in the last thread was simply this: People are trying to compare fictional physics to fictional physics. They both are starting with different physical assumptions. Who knows, may the Star Wars shields are such that they stop phaser (whatever those are) and photon torpedoes. If the Enterprise appeared in the Star Wars universe, it would cease running because its physical assumptions do not work in the SWU. If an Imperial Star Destroyer appearded in the Star Trek universe, it would stop working because its physics don't match those of the STU. The only physical constant in either universe is the 'plot factor.' That being: Science is only conveinant so long as it helps drive the story forward. The moment that something becomes inconveinant it is thrown out for the episode or the moment of dialogue.
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