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Everything posted by BlackSword

  1. Re: Selling people on Hero system when they're already inclined against it...?
  2. Re: Selling people on Hero system when they're already inclined against it...? arcady, I think the strongest point you will have is due to the multi-classing the players are doing. It is obvious they are a bit constrained by the current classes and are trying to find a way to break out of it, so sell Hero's (or BESM) ability to build a more rounded character. We are currently playing Spycraft d20, and I ran into this problem when I was working on my character. There is no way to increase his ability to hit in combat except raiseing his stats or waiting til the character levels. I kept looking for ways to buy CSLs, no luck.
  3. Re: Base Maps Question and Request I have worked on a few maps (nothing quite ready to post yet). I typically use the drawing program included in OpenOffice.org, it allows you to export files to pdf, which are great for posting or sending to people who may not have the original program.
  4. Re: Spiderman Vs. Firelord In addition Superman was not at his peak in that fight. He was still recovering from an atomic blast and was not back to full strength, Batman even commented that he should have been able to dodge those missles.
  5. Re: Selling people on Hero system when they're already inclined against it...? I glanced through the thread and didn't see a mention of Sidekick. If they are intimidated by the big black book, Sidekick is a much condensed version and gets rid of some of the more complex options. Its $10 for the book, and it might be an easier and less intimidating way to introduce people. It has had great success in teach new players the system, and it sounds like for many of the gamers in the group it might be the only book they need. What other system can they buy into for $10?
  6. Re: Sin City Interesting input Neil. When I picked up Spycraft the gal at the counter said when they played it they use it for short stories too. We just started some Spycraft characters and we'll see where it goes. Interesting insight though it explains why sequels to many spy/thriller novels/movies seem to fall a bit flat.
  7. Re: Spiderman Vs. Firelord Don't have a good feel on total points. But current Bats is the poster child for skills as powers. His stealth would use not just invisibility, but also teleportation for his 'appear out of nowhere to talk to Gordon' trick. Deduction borders on precognition. His skills go beyond what really fits on the scale, as only a few supers such as Superman or Martian Manhunter can counter-act his training.
  8. Self Realization So, I am taking a night class for drawing and the community college. Being a community college the class is a pretty broad cross-section. During the break I am sitting between two groups. On my right are three attractive college-going females taking some electives over the summer. On my left are two older members of the class talking with the teacher. To the right they are discussing the the travails of college, balancing drinking with class-work, living in dorms, all that. To my left, the trials, tribulations and cost of home-ownership. I almost cried when I joined the conversation to my left because it was a conversation I related to better.
  9. Re: A Thread for Random Musings So I am writing a friend about my opinion of the best summer movie, I say, "I have to go with my inner geek and say Spiderman 2." Then I look around. Within arms reach I have Spycraft, Hero 5th, the UPSD, The Legion and Swamp Thing comics, and my desk has the following figs, Superman, Batman, Buddy Chrst, Darth Maul, Sulver Surfer and a 12" Daredevil (note, thats the desk, I am not turning around to look at the bookshelf). (yes and the WB's Taz is my 3.5" diskettes) Inner Geek?!?! Who am I kidding.
  10. Re: Along time back to HERO/Champions. Welcome, glad to hear that you are beginning to convert a new generation. A fair warning, all of the products are good, so you might find yourself buying lots. I have used the Until Superpowers Database and it is great. After I brought it to a few sessions everyone went out and picked it up. It makes building powers and recreating comics characters much easier. The Speedster section is like a how to for Wally West. There are quite a few web-pages out there with people having built characters using Hero. Don't have any handy, too many bookmark files have been deleted for me to remember where they are. Also Hero has put a lot of (very good) work into building references to make Hero more multi-genre. If LotR piques their interest then Hero works great for fantasy storytelling as well. And as one of the Star Hero fans, buy lots of sci fi stuff so they publish more.
  11. Re: Did anyone else... Didn't even notice the words on the back...too focused on the front.
  12. Re: Setting up a new game (general questions) I think this is an important point, make sure that its the genre that everyone (or at least a good majority) wants to play in. While I agree with giving out XP for roleplaying in genre, if you try to get too big a stick you might breed resentment and they will sabotage the game (conciously or not). Hugh's scenario is great because its a subtle reward. Just make sure they understand the genre, heroes are Heroes with a capital 'H'. Good and evil are clearly defined. Also from one of the signatures, make sure the bad guys are proper Golden Age bad-guys, I don't know much about Golden Age, but I don't think Viper as written fits into the GA setting. For the problem player you might suggest they look up some of the Max Fleischer Superman cartoons at Blockbuster. Then its Blockbuster's problem if they mess up the tapes/DVDs.
  13. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Is it just me, or are car brake lights and turn signals getting dimmer. Today is the second time in as many days I couldn't figure out what the person in front of me was doing because their lights were so dim that in daylight I couldn't tell they were braking and it wasn't until I was on their bumper that I could make out the turn signal flashing. Maybe I just need to get my eyes checked.
  14. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... I've read the first four Lensmen novels, the book store didn't have 5&6 so I picked up Skylark of Space instead. Reading the novels it is apparent that a lot of scifi elements were developed from Smith's novels. Simple answer is that the device, which helps to focus mental powers, the lensman where is called, 'the Lens.' For humans, its described as a watchlike device. It is instantly identifiable and cannot be copied. If the wearer of the lens dies, the lens automatically dissolves. So one who wears the lens is called a Lensman. A Grey Lensman is an unattached Lensman and is identified by his plain grey uniform. Unattached Lensman cannot be ordered and can ask for any resources from the Galatic Patrol in order to complete their objective. I haven't read Second Stage Lensman so can't describe them yet.
  15. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... I have been reading Skylark of Space by EE Smith. Its quite enjoyable, a nice light read, and classic pulp. The main character is strong, a brilliant inventor and has beautiful gal at his side. The main villain is just as cunning, just as strong, honorable, but dark and amoral. The book definitaly had strong influence on the TV show Lost in Space. I haven't finished it yet, but would give it a 8 of 10. Its straightforward, no real surprises, but its a great read.
  16. Re: turakian question We just started a fantasy game (a home-made world not Turakian Age). We used 100 + 50 for the starting characters. We didn't pay points for normal equipment (swords, armor, etc), but any magic items or unique items we started out with we had to pay character points for.
  17. Re: Super Names Short list from me, Champs and CoH: Kremte Telepinu Kochi Ember Menmattre
  18. Re: Whats your favorite Attack? With my speedster I prefer the move-bys and multiple move-bys. I can take out a legion of mooks faster than anyone else and with enough running room its good-night gracy to all but the toughest opponents.
  19. Re: SF Novels for Star Hero? I believe the third book was Children of the Mind. I enjoyed Ender's Game, made it through Speaker for the Dead and stopped reading the series at that point. Alan Dean Foster wrote some pretty good SF novels, will look up some titles when I get home.
  20. Re: SF Novels for Star Hero? Lensman series by EE Doc Smith, currently in print by Old Earth Books. Dorsai series by Gordon Dickson.
  21. Re: from little plot seeds, mighty games do grow I like this idea. I can just imagine Foxbat (or some other villain), "Teleport me now." *flash* "Oh nuts" as the heroes pound him. Smiling they carry the defeated foe out of the building and find..."Hey, this isn't Millenium City!"
  22. Re: Campaign: The Turakian Age Thanks for the write-ups JG. They have been very entertaining. Most of our games vary between RPing and BS sessions. Though sometimes we get a bit frustrated by too much BS and not enough game.
  23. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Just finished installing WinXP. What a waste of hard drive space. I'll admit that it runs smoother, but ugh, its going to take me forever to figure out how to turn off the 'features' which keep getting added in.
  24. Re: Getting Started I would highly recommend Sidekick for learning the game. I got the main book, was totally overwhelmed, but fortunataly got into a good group and have learned the game. Also, while Hero Designer is great, I would recommend doing some character by hand. I made several character by hand then transposed them to the computer. Worked really well for learning the system. For other books, it depends on what you want to play. Star Hero, Fantasy Hero and Champions (Super...umm...Hero) are great books to describe their respective genres. Also the setting books are very high quality if you want a quick start setting or to get ideas. For me, one problem with recommending books is, they are very well written. If you play a super-hero game, the must have book is the UNTIL Superpowers Database. It is great for showing ways to build different powers. I used it, brought it to a game session and I think everyone went through it and decided to pick it up.
  25. Re: Suggestions? Telepathic PCs just captured VIPER agent At first I was thinking of some sort of hypno-therapy, but reading the other posts I have changed my mind. The following comments are not new, but my own summary of how I might consider this situation (fortunataly no telepaths in our group, the only player that would abuse a telepath is fortuntaly more occupied trying to munchkin a blaster). If there are other telepaths in the world, then likely Viper would make some move to protect itself from telepaths getting hold of its minions. (a) has two options a1) Hypno-therapy is expensive and time consuming so its unlikely a mook will get the treatment. Since telepaths are known in the world he will most likely be protected by being ignorant. He will know a few things, but not enough to reveal then entire plot. He knows that he has to rob a bank, but not where the money will go or what it will be used for. a2) All Viper agents do go through the Academy. During the training they would get minimal hypno-therapy. The telepath should also get some information if they make their roll. As pointed out, the telepath did pay for the power, they should get some use for it. However, telepathy shouldn't be used as a "Force GM to reveal entire plot with players doing no work, 13-". I might use the hypnotherapy as follows (haven't looked into mental powers closely so adjust as needed); for every +4 the mentalist gets above the target number, reveal one extra piece of pertinent information before the hypnotherapy kicks in. Hypnotherapy will jumble the agents mind so the mentalists can't make heads or tails of the data he receives. The unfortunate side effect is that the agent becomes a vegetable for several weeks before he recovers with no memory of his time in Viper. c) Senior members of Viper will have extra training and may have limited metal defenses. Clues shouldn't give away the entire plot, but should give helpful (or sometimes deceitful) information as much as a successful streetwise roll or other path of investigation.
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