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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? The Secret Saturdays is 87 different shades of awesome.
  2. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Star Wars: The Cologne Wars
  3. Re: A Thread for Random Videos The 70's Spider-Man theme ('... does whatever a spider can!') by The Ramones. And, somewhat related, the Hong Kong Phooey theme as interpreted by Sublime:
  4. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Conan O'Brien. I mean, his first name's Conan. He has to swing a mean axe.
  5. Re: A Magic: THe Gathering player I had a similar idea for a villain; he had the power to bring any picture or image to life. He just used game cards because they were portable and concealable (and he was also a gamer geek). I just gave him a huge-butt VPP with a limitation that he could only use it to bring a picture to life. He didn't have to follow the rules for the game (and usually carried cards from several games), though. Why huge-butt? I have Dragonball Z cards to use for props ...
  6. Re: The cranky thread Persistent coughing with needles stuck in one's arm. Imagine the possibilities of pain and discomfort.
  7. Re: TV to rpg The Secret Saturdays Batman: The Brave and The Bold
  8. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares The Curious Case of Benjamin J. Grimm
  9. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Brad and Jeff doing Sound Effects on Drew Carey's Green Screen Show.
  10. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Maybe I'm tone deaf, but ... why did they give the female the microphone? I'm not hearing a female voice in the lyrics. If she's background vocals, she shouldn't have front'n'center stage with just a mic! *Pick pick picky*
  11. Re: Psychic Disruption Working backwards, 'acting without difficulty' could be Negative Skill Levels or a DEX Drain/suppress, possibly with a linked Ego attack or Stun Drain if the target can eventually be rendered unconscious by the continuous application of the power. If/When one's DEX reaches 0, I believe you can no longer stand, which accounts for the 'drops to his knees' effect of the power.
  12. Re: Star Wars Jedi (and light sabers) Indeed. Another example is Darth Maul taunting Obi-Wan in that solar collector pit. When he was sweeping his lightsaber back and forth along the rim, he was just striking sparks. If lightsabers cut through anything effortlessly, strips of the floor would have been falling on Obi-Wan's head.
  13. Re: Star Wars Jedi (and light sabers) Lightsabers can cut through nearly anything, but not necessarily 'like butter'. It would take some effort to cut through tank armor, but it could be done (unless the tank armor were made of cortosis or phrikk). Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon cutting through the blast doors is a prime example; they were definitely cutting through (ignoring DEF), but still had to deal with all the BODY those doors had.
  14. Re: Star Wars Jedi (and light sabers) Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, and Yoda do a fair amount of TK shoving in the prequels; Wookieepedia refers to this power as 'Force Push'. There's also Force Whirlwind (pick someone up and spin them around violently), Force Wave (an AE-Radius, Pers. Immune, No Range Force Push), Force Throw (flinging objects at an opponent, see Yoda vs Palpatine in the Senate chamber), and others. The SW SAGA RPG features Force Thrust, which is basically a physical blast with Double Knockback. I would probably buy a fair-sized Multipower, with multi slots, with variable limitations. If you have the time, you can stand there at 0 DCV Concentrating; if you're in a rush, you'll have to make a skill roll/take an activation roll, that sort of thing.
  15. Re: A Thread for Random Videos I watched most of those. Visionaries, Spiral Zone, Mighty Orbots (I have a fondness for robots, as everybody knows by now), MASK (which I've always wanted to make into a campaign), Defenders of the Earth, and Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors. Heck, while I'm here ... Orbots, unite! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gg_jOr0Hjvg Please excuse the horrible violations of scale between the regular Orbots and their gestalt form, what with the 8' (or so) Tor's chest suddenly being big enough to park the Beam Car in.
  16. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Captain Ultra:
  17. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Real live furries. NT: Unusual medicinal side effects.
  18. Re: Cuts through anything Last I checked (I could be an Edition back), you were only allowed to have one designated Defense for all your NNDs, to avoid, well, cheese like 'NND: Defense is being in the air' and 'NND: Defense is being on the ground' or 'NND: Having a force field' and 'NND: Not having a force field'. HERO doesn't do absolutes well. He'll have to accept 'nearly anything'.
  19. Re: Cuts through anything Indeed. I still think that a straight HKA, perhaps with Penetrating or AP covers it; despite what Claremont seems to think, material strength is not the sole determinant of what can cut through what. Hand the Ebony Blade to, say, a 90 year old, and they won't be cutting through cold butter with the thing.
  20. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares As a tangent, I once saw someone ask (obviously in jest) what would happen if Jesus and Hitler did the Fusion Dance. My response was, predictably, "FUUUUUUUU-SIOOOOOOOOOOON, HEIL!"
  21. Re: Cuts through anything Illegal, plus again, there are things that those weapons can't cut through (magical fields, for example).
  22. Re: Cuts through anything I'd do NND, does Body, with defenses like Force Field or magical defenses. Really, though, both weapons should be limited by how much strength the user can put behind them and neither should be able to 'cut through anything'; I take that as hyperbole.
  23. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Any of them.
  24. Re: I killed a fellow PC last night...
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