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Posts posted by BarretWallace

  1. 14 hours ago, BoloOfEarth said:

    There you go thinking with silly concepts like logic and fairness.  If we were to demand the same for Trump, suddenly there would be significant screaming about infringing on his personal freedom.

  2. 11 hours ago, Ragitsu said:

    You know what's probably the worst side-effect of really suffering through COVID-19 (well, nothing is quite as bad as either death or living in a crippled state brought on by hubris)? Anyhow, if you were against vaccines while running around with a like-minded crowd and then you change your stance on vaccines following your bout of debilitation...would those same people be sympathetic to you? Are you now distanced from those who shared in that unanimity of feeling? Are you the Cylon to their mankind?

    I was never against vaccines, but they have nonetheless introduced divisions that I didn't know existed before.  From my Saturday night gaming group, a high school classmate of mine and his dad were both hospitalized for Covid in December.  I learned that neither of them had gotten the jab, which made me the fool.  I had met with that group for many Saturdays assuming that all were vaccinated.  (They are getting their jabs now, which helps).  I don't think this has created a permanent rift in our relationship, but I have decided not to attend Saturday games until case counts in Minnesota at least start trending down.  For me, that really hurts.  My better half enjoys not going out, but for me, that's been one of the hardest parts of the last two years.  I've even attended our Scout troop's virtual meetings just to hear people's voices (and see the faces of those who, unlike me, are not too cheap to buy a webcam).


    From the sound of it, both my classmate and his dad are recovering nicely, or as nicely as one does recover.  Strangely, this doesn't surprise me with the dad, as he is north of 80 but a tough old cuss, and his mind remains tack-sharp.  I just hope we can gather a few more times before he decides he's had enough of this world (somehow, I suspect that that's how he'll leave this world, when he's darn good and ready).

  3. 8 hours ago, tkdguy said:

    One of the things I realized is that I'm still not comfortable going out into the real world because of COVID. I had vaccine and booster, but I still live with high risk people. The fact that I have to take public transportation to get to work increases my risk all the more.

    I am horribly torn.  On one hand, I miss my people and I yearn for the day when I can socialize without fear again.  On the other hand, I have no idea when that will be able to resume.  In particular, my Saturday gaming group might resume this weekend.  Two of the usual attendees (a high school classmate of mine and his dad) were hospitalized with Covid recently, and I think they finally got their jabs.  I have no idea whether they are still contagious.  I want so badly to relax around the game table with everyone again, but don't know if I can relax enough to relax!  We've put off a Christmas gathering several times because illness is hitting one of my sisters and her husband.  Argh...Covid will probably never go away completely, but I look forward to when it becomes more endemic vs. pandemic, sort of like the flu.

  4. I am having fairly major surgery in a few days.  So far everything is on track.  I'm self-isolating a bit more than usual, my shots are current, etc.  My greatest fear is still that some unvaccinated dingus will take the ICU bed that's currently reserved for me.  At a pre-op appointment on Monday, I asked this question and was assured that this would not happen.  Still, I can't help but be nervous.


    Mind you, any person needing an ICU bed is going to be suffering and deserving of empathy.  When they are put there through willfully passing up a vaccine that is now widely available, then my empathy is in shorter supply than usual.

  5. 17 hours ago, Lord Liaden said:

    The entire administration of a private school not only spreading disinformation, but enacting policy which will have exactly the opposite effect of its stated intent.


    This is the education for their children that parents are paying extra money for. :(


    We sent our kids to private schools, but thankfully with less-asinine rules related to vaccinations and other Covid precautions.  Once vaccines became available they were strongly encouraged (though not mandated).  Any kids displaying Covid symptoms were required to self quarantine for 14 days.  One such kid came to a Clay Targets shooting event anyway, and once he was spotted by the head coach, was sent home as fast as we could get a parent there to get him.  He also got a good chewing-out, and oh boy was it a doozy since the coach is also a retired drill instructor.

  6. On 9/24/2021 at 6:50 PM, Dr. MID-Nite said:

    I've already lost family to Covid. I no longer have any sympathy for anti vaxxers or anti maskers. I tried to be considerate, but that doesn't work when only one side is doing it. At this point, I don't care what sort of pain and suffering they receive. Let them feel what they're inflicting on others. It's wrong...but that's where I'm at right now. 

    You're only human, Doc.  I have likewise lost family to Covid, and...well, you and I are pretty much in the same boat.  I have dear friends and family who are in the anti-vax/anti-mask camp, and so far I've kept the peace by staying away from them and not bringing up this topic.  I just...can't bring myself to feel much sympathy for them when they get it (one anti-vax family did, and in two cases it led to pneumonia).


    There are more words swirling around in the pea soup that is my brain, but right now they aren't taking shape.  I just can't think rationally when I try to empathize with the anti-vax crowd.

  7. 12 hours ago, archer said:



    "When did it ever have teeth? Until there's a United Nations Tribunal on International Law which sends out heavily armed agents to deal with nations, leaders, or rogue actors who get out of line, there won't be any international defenders of freedom."



    Until there's UNTIL...I'm embarrassed to admit it, but it took me a while for that joke to sink in.  Can I blame middle age?

  8. 16 hours ago, Pariah said:


    You speak wisdom, friend. Thank you. 


    If I may, I'd like to retract my previous comment.  After thinking it through (I should really do that BEFORE I type something), I wouldn't be angry at anyone...angry that this is happening maybe, but not angry at anyone.  Above all else, I hope that your nephew gets through this, along with the rest of you.  That is by far the highest priority.  I don't know if you are a religious person, but I'll put you and yours in my prayers anyway, and hope that is taken well.  "Sh*t gets real" for me when I can put names and faces on an issue, even names and faces of people I don't really know and may never meet.  Take care of you and yours!

  9. 3 minutes ago, Pariah said:

    I have a nephew who DJs for large groups (weddings, etc.) pretty much every weekend. He's never been vaccinated because he doesn't feel it's that big a risk.


    Well, guess what we learned this week? Yep, he got COVID. He was pretty sick last week, but he's doing better now.


    But his newborn daughter--literally less than a month old--is now in the hospital with COVID. 


    I don't know whether to be sad or angry.


    My vote would be "both."

  10. 49 minutes ago, unclevlad said:


    I will grant that I didn't bother scanning down too far, but they seemed largely business as usual.  

    Which is more depressing than anything.


    One comment might be the closest to capturing the state of things.  "I just simply can't believe ANY news program.  Lies from all sides...."  It's not whether you agree with it, but the degree of distrust and disillusionment it suggests.  I rather suspect that comment represents the silent third camp that is larger than we expect.


    Could also be a consequence of the emotional battering that's been *so* intense for the last 20 months or so.

    My local classic rock radio morning show does not deny all the bad stuff going on.  What they do is continue to mention what is still right with the world, often in simple day to day interactions at the grocery store, a restaurant, etc.  Their frequent reminders that there's still good in this world are wonderfully refreshing.

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