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Dr. MID-Nite

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Everything posted by Dr. MID-Nite

  1. Re: Stronghold Thoughts... That'd be one to consider. In my campaign, he'll most likely be a servitor of an evil god....or a resident of Jotunheim(if I decide to add the Norse Gods to the others already present in my world). Rob
  2. Re: Stronghold Thoughts... No...that was Hoarfrost. Glacier originally DID have ridiculously low defenses for a ramapaging monster(based on the description in the text). Rob
  3. While I haven't looked the book through cover to cover, I did thumb through it enough to give some decent first impressions... Part 1 covers how to handle the trial and all the legal issues pertaining to arresting a bad guy and how the legal system handles superhumans in general. Given Steve's background, this is of course extremely detailed....and while I myself don't usally need so much detail, my players do...so the entire section will help me make it all more "real". Part 2 covers the Stronghold prison itself in exhaustive detail. I especially appreciate the prisoner classifications, which identifies them based on ability to escape and record/potential for violence. There's even a list of who's currently locked up(though this will need to be modified for your own campaigns of course). Part 3 has some prisoner writeups. Among them: Glacier-Giant cold generating behemoth. An updated character from European Enemies. Yes....you read that right....EUROPEAN ENEMIES! The writeup is great. This monstrosity will give all but fire users an extremely hard time and even fire users will really have to work to take on this one.. Geothermal- Powerful earth/lava controller. Does massive damage and his agenda is to more or less wipe out most of humanity. Requiem and Frost: Yeap...former members of Deathstroke. You'll have to buy the book to find out what happened to the other members. These represent what happens when you spend most of your life in Stronghold...as their point levels are low(no XP!). Alchemica-Low level matter transmuter, but the nature of her powers got her sent to the super prison. My personal pick for a potential "redeemed" villain. Point levels on these guys ranged from 270 to about 1000. Geothermal and Glacier are in hot sleep.(Though how long that could be effective on a walking iceberg is open to debate.) Anyways...for those wanting a detailed super prison, here it is(with notes on changing aspects of it). Well worth it. I could have used more writeups, but I alwasy want more writeups...so don't let that stop you from picking this up. Rob
  4. Re: The Amazing Darkon Darkon is a comedy relief villain from Enemies 3. He was Canadian..and very silly....like Foxbat silly. Rob
  5. Re: Information for HERO/Champions Fans About The Champions Online MMO Max Von Sydow maybe? Rob
  6. Re: terminator The Ultimate Metamorph has an excellent write-up of a "Nanometal robot". Should be exactly what you're looking for....I think it was in the 6-700 point range. Rob
  7. Re: Terrax the Tamer, Dead Herald of Galactus. I agree here. I think the above writeup is suffering a bit from stat inflation. 75 CON? Why? I'd say around 50 myself. And the last time I was into checking in on the abilities of this guy, I'd have given him STR 75. Valek is a close approximation to Terrax(minus the psi abilities) and he still spent hundreds less. i guess it really depends on the campaign, but I'd probably make him a bit less obscene if I did a writeup for my game. Rob
  8. Re: Do you use miniatures? Count me in as among the many who use Heroclix. There's enough of them out that I can find a reasonable proxy for just about any character. Sometimes, getting a specific figure will inspire me to do a homage character anyways. The newer sets are nicely sculpted....and my group is mostly made up of common archetypes. I find the group has a better handle on how combat works if they can visualize it on the tabletop. Rob
  9. Re: Champions Of The North Having at least done a bit better than a cursory glance at the book, I can safely say I like it. Well written, lots of writeups, and plenty of plot hooks. I must say though, the power level for some of these characters is through the roof. While the Canadian superteam isn't to obscene, most of the individual characters are. Celestar and his Supress all energy powers/Drain energy defenses combo is really REALLY nasty. All the bad guys had very large attacks. I pity the Canadian supers who would end up facing Necrull or Borealis or Tillingkoot. Rob
  10. Re: New organization book question... I'll do my best, but keep and mind I've barely started going through it... Angelstone Laboratories: Basically a scientific organization that has interests that generally involve the Superhuman World. Reminded me of that group mention in the Champions Universe Update book..Goodman Insitute? Bastion Alpha Security: Provides low super powered mercenary help to supervillains. Executive Control Solutions: Same as above, but generally more on the side of the angels..or at least not overtly bad. Exoplanetary Society-Near as I can tell, Anti alien society. Grand Cienelago Island-Resort for Superheroes...nuff said. MCPD Special Unit Omega: The elite of the MCPD anti-super villain squad. Sickbay-Special care service for superheroes. Trans City Construction: Construction company specializing in high speed construction, including repairing damage by superhumans. ICON-Up and coming criminal organization in the vein of VIPER. Motlee's Crew-Low powered superhuman theives...whose powers are perfect for that vocation. Villainy Unlimited- A support service for supervillains. Hope that helps. Sorry I couldn't provide more detail, but I just got it and haven't read any of it in detail yet. Rob
  11. I just got Cops, Crews, and Cabals. While I haven't read it fully yet, I was under the impression that the IHA was supposed to be covered in it and it's not to be found. Am I just crazy or was the organization bumped for a future book of its own? Thanks, Rob
  12. Re: [storytime] Birth of RAVEN NOOOOOOOO! Time to run and hide...
  13. Re: [storytime] Birth of RAVEN Never trust a man who is the spitting image of Patrick Stuart(least in 4th Ed). Seriously though, this would be one powerful group. When Lamplighter is the one that your group MIGHT be able to beat...you're in trouble. Rob
  14. Re: WWYCD: The Nightmare on Hero Street Ronin: As he is a mentalit's worse nightmare, he'd probably laugh off any attempt by nightmare man to influence or scare him. Then again, Ronin has no offensive psi abilities, so the battle would be essentially a draw unless Ronin can harm the bad guy physically in the Dreamzone. Rob
  15. Title says it all. My group is meeting the Sunday before Halloween and I'd like to run a themed session for them, but I'm a little short on ideas at the moment. Anyone care to throw their two cents in for what I could do? I run a standard power level Champions game(all the heroes are 400+ pts at this time) and the adventure can either be a one shot or have lasting repercussions....doesn't matter. Thanks in advance, Rob
  16. Re: [Review] Villains, Vandals, And Vermin I liked the book myself. My time is limited...so I don't want to build new characters from scratch and books like this save me a great deal of time and energy. Even if I don't want to use them as written. tweaking them is a great deal easier than building from scratch. That said...I was happy to see Sunburst and Exo(skeleton Man). Rob
  17. Re: Villains Vandals And Vermin (VVV) I liked Sunburst and his gang....and I thought Plague and Fleshtone lived up to their hype. Some of the characters based on the USPD pics were a bit disappointing and The Tiger Squad still is more or less only superficially covered(though they could honestly have their own sourcebook). Rob
  18. Re: Jedi build ideas? Actually...I'd go so far as to say that a jedi wouldn't use his lightsaber on an opponent threatening him unless they were using a like weapon...after all VIPER agents can't really harm a proper jedi...so using his saber on them...even if they were trying to kill him..doesn't seem right. Rob
  19. Hey all....I know this has probably been done before, but I'm introducing a jedi like character into a supers sampaign I'm running and am looking for general build opinions. The basic premise is that the movies are an interpretation of historical holographic documents that were recovered from a UFO crash site. The character in question has been frozen for a long time and has reawakened on earth. So...the jedi are real, but most of the public thinks they're movies(as they should). Anyways, any advice appreciated as far as powers, skills, lightsaber builds, or whatever. Thanks Rob
  20. Hey all....I know this has probably been done before, but I'm introducing a jedi like character into a supers sampaign I'm running and am looking for general build opinions. The basic premise is that the movies are an interpretation of historical holographic documents that were recovered from a UFO crash site. The character in question has been frozen for a long time and has reawakened on earth. So...the jedi are real, but most of the public thinks they're movies(as they should). Anyways, any advice appreciated as far as powers, skills, lightsaber builds, or whatever. Thanks Rob
  21. Re: Paging Dr. Mid-Nite! Ah shucks...and here I thought I was Mr. Popular all of a sudden.
  22. Re: [Review] Hero System Bestiary The book is good....no doubt. My big gripe is not enough sci-fi/movie monsters. Also....the Godzilla clone is far too weak to be anything more than an infant/toddler Godzilla. Nuff said. Rob
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