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Everything posted by torchwolf

  1. Re: Negatory But do you mean an African swallow or a European swallow?
  2. Re: Brand new to HERO & finding my feet I can wholeheartedly recommend the Ultimate Skill, which covers use of skills to an extent I have not seen anywhere else. As an added bonus, the only things that changed in that book was renaming Seduction to Charm (which was a better name but it's function is unchanged), the COM chart (1 paragraph long only), and a few pieces of equipment that may have to be slightly redesigned. Other than that, you can use the entire book as-is with 6E. Hope you will long enjoy this excellent game system - some of us are on our 3rd decade of Hero!
  3. Re: Normal Human Unless I'm terribly mistaken, the Original Post was intended to illustrate the absurd extent to which NCM did not cover the limits of human abilities. All it ever did was double the cost of Characteristics, and some movement Powers, above a certain point. It does not prohibit the character from purchasing FTL Travel, which I off-handedly assume humans are incapable of. Granted, the term "Normal Characteristics Maxima" can be interpreted as the max limit of normal human abilities, but IMO there is no reasonable way to apply it to a Superhero campaign in a meaningful way unless you add a bunch of house rules. Back when I got the 4th Edition BBB, happy that I was, I made a few characters using the NCM Disadvantage, but immediately ran into the game balance issues that such a character becomes a bit too limited to be an effective fighter - mostly because of the SPD 4 and DEX 20 limits, which really penalized Martial Artists who were supposed to be human but able to fight along superhumans. Scratch one reason to use NCM (as written) in such campaigns. Another issue came up when I thought about the "Superpower Neutralizer": if such a device could be used to make superhumans "normal", would imposing NCM limits on such a character achieve the effect? Absolutely not. Scratch another reason to use NCM as written. Upon these reflections, I saw no reason to use them in a superheroic campaign at all - better to define baseline categories and let exceptional characters exceed them where reasonable for the concept. I still think it would be neat if it could be easily represented how a superpowered character would look if depowered, but as for now, that simply has to be judged on a case-by-case basis - the same situation as with normal humans with superior abilities. It is IMO not any NCM limit that makes the Big Bat's abilities mysteriously capable; I think it rather helps his concept (and similar concepts) to not have an absolute limit to human capabilities. I strongly suggest using some variant of the optional rules from way back in Dark Champions 4th Ed - if you are going to use NCM at all, let a character take it at 5 points less to exceed it by 1 level (say +20-25% points) in one Characteristic, and 10 points less to do it in two Characteristics. Alternatively, pay 5 or 10 points if you use no Disadvantage for it. This can allow characters to develop differently than they might otherwise do once they reach the increased-cost limits. All of this is as of 6E now a moot point (cost-wise, although the max-Characteristic-per-character issue may still be considered if those optional rules are used). For that matter, Steve Rogers is an excellent example of an enhanced human, not a normal human. Finally, I would like to express my complete agreement to the fact that NCM is not an SFX, not even a game mechanism, beyond it's establishment of an increased cost multiplier, much like paying for a +1 Advantage. Using it with Age is even more dubious and tends to fit almost only limping old wizards well. Even they could just boost themselves to incredible fighting machines using magic, bypassing the Disadvantage altogether.
  4. Re: No Gliding Limitation (6E) Maybe he is Foxbat's new sidekick: The Fabulous Fruitbat? EDIT: the Fabulous Fruitbat Friar, Father Frank.
  5. Re: Secret Wars Campaign Log This is one of those campaigns that deserves to be written down and these are also Really. Good. Descriptions. It reads like a script, and the GM Notes are well-considered. From what I've heard, the next installment will be pretty intense.
  6. Re: "revised" hit location chart? This may not be what you're looking for, but anyway - it has other pretty numbers as well: http://kuoi.com/~kamikaze/RPG/hero_rules.php
  7. Re: What CV's (OCV & DCV) model in Heroic settings While the effect is fundamentally up to how you choose to represent it, there are a few differences between straight CV and CSLs: You always have your CV available, while you cannot utilize your CSLs when Stunned (or probably when Surprised Out of Combat, if the character is moving but relaxed and not anticipating an attack). This argues that CV is an inherent quality of the character, as it is in effect Persistent. How that inherent quality is defined, however, is from the character concept rather than anything game-mechanics-wise; CV may represent raw natural ability, extraordinary reflexes, extensive combat experience, years of training, precognitive precision/avoidance abilities, luck, intuition, or whatever fits the character concept best. CSLs may likewise represent anything that accomplishes the same, but requires some aspect of conscious awareness of the situation. This may make CSLs a better choice to represent the precognitive abilities, but training might still be defined as just CV, if defined as "it's so highly trained an ability that it's part or the character's natural instinct". You can in the same way think of bonuses from Martial Arts Maneuvers as extremely limited CSLs (incorporating additional effects as per the Maneuver). That's my 0.01 Euro.
  8. Re: Demon Barrier "Against Evil Demons" would certainly work. It's only if you want something to be Triggered that a sense is needed, then it would depend on how "Detect Evil" works, if you have such an ability available (i.e., how is "Evil" defined?). Also, I guess good demons are easily counted, regardless of your specific campaign?
  9. Re: Demon Barrier Any Barrier with PD and an "Only vs Demons" Limitation (could be -1/2 or more depending on the rarity of demons in your campaign) would prevent demons from physically passing through, but allow anyone/anything else to pass. If the ward prevents non-physical damage from demons, it would need some ED as well, and possibly some Power Defense.
  10. Re: Escapist "High Adventure" column about Hero Oh, now I find myself dittoing you again.
  11. Re: HA, Ranged Oh well, let's leave SETAC out of it altogether and just let me say I enjoy reading your and Hugh's intricate discussions of game mechanics; it makes me think about how I want things to work for me even when I don't agree... but mostly, I do agree with well thought-out arguments. I see what you mean. I just think it's strange that a basic component have two options of applicability; it makes it seem as if 1 DC is actually two equally valuable components that are mutually interchangeable. That may just be me being obsessively deconstructivist, however.
  12. Re: Senses as Superluminal Speeds There was a recent Star Hero thread about building an "otherspace" hyperspace, that touched on this (the Dune route), where we also talked some about Larry Niven's idea of psionic starship piloting (which goes along the same lines).
  13. Re: HA, Ranged Yes, this is a basic principle. However, it doesn't state in itself that the 1 DC is Ranged - which is implied, by the fact that most of these Powers are Ranged. This also means that while you could, as Hugh points out, subdivide and deconstruct game elements and reason that a HTH DC is worth 4 points, I suspect it is rather a 5-point DC with No Range (-1/2). As this actually becomes 3 points, it doesn't correspond well to a 4-point HTH. If a base DC is actually HTH and worth 4 points, it becomes 6 points if Ranged (+1/2). It may be that Range has an inflated value as either Advantage or Limitation, but alas, it also has to work in relation to other Modifiers. There is probably no reasonable way this can be solved without changing the minimum value of Modifier, or adding 1-2 point adders that work per DC or level (in essence a not-very-Hero System variation of Modifiers). Any (logical) system has to have basic foundations and principles; 1 DC (at range) = 5 points is one of them, in the Hero System - 1e through 6e. Deconstructing the basic building blocks are always interesting projects, though - maybe there are solutions and alternatives I do not see at present. As for DEX, it may be overpriced, but as the Hero System works, it is SPD and DEX as initiative (granted, along with CVs, Maneuvers, and other modifiers) that determines much of a combat outcome - especially when numbers of opponents are involved. Having the initiative AND numerical superiority is often crucial. Of course this also depends on Hero's relatively tight CV range, relationships between damage and defenses, etc. Still, effects of initiative is also what determines much of how "realistic" a game system appears to be. If relative numbers of opponents and initiative seems to have little impact, the system just feels unrealistic. It can happen because of discrepancies between damage and defenses, odds of successful attacks, or other factors, but if these work, then initiative becomes more important. Ergo, if the system is balanced, then initiative becomes more important, and DEX as initiative may be worth an extra point. Important Note: I know both ghost-angel and Hugh Neilson have done serious SETAC work and I don't mean no disrespect to their respective mathematical analysis. I humbly declare myself less educated on any game mechanics issues than either.
  14. Re: Senses as Superluminal Speeds Interesting questions - if you are looking for rationales, the tachyon and/or quantum mechanics are probably good candidates. Some kind of mass detection principle might be useful, but would probably have to be combined with either of those. The rationales for FTL travel, FTL sensors and FTL weaponry/targeting impact on each other; if FTL sensing is possible using, say, tachyon-based radar, then any missiles need to have those sensory packages installed as well as their own FTL unit, but any beam weapons would also have to be tachyon-based - assuming FTL combat can take place at all. In case of mechanics, I agree with the above posters, plus you could also consider a Mega-scaled Clairsentience sense that has range enough to let you detect objects in the distance in sufficient time to react. In any case, whether you build it with Enhanced Senses or Clairsentience, you might want to consider the implications on "travel safety". If you have only a Turn or less to react when you get sensory input, FTL travel will be considered to be risky in general; if you get info at least several minutes or more ahead, FTL travel will seem to be no more risky than oceanic travel.
  15. Re: How to build MMA Style Martial Arts I'm sorry, that's a very true and tragic example of IRL. You are completely right in this. When I was working at a bar, more than once I grabbed people with broken bottles aiming for my co-workers, but I managed to get lucky and not suffer for it. I could as easily have been cut through the spleen or something like it if I'd been unlucky. If it had been up to just me, I would've just stayed away from such situations.
  16. Re: How to build MMA Style Martial Arts Completely OT by now: The most important factor of survivability in any situation is the ability to perceive when to run away. When I was much younger, I managed to avoid a few fights with street gangs by virtue of PRE Attack, but neither the weapons in circulation nor the drugs used were as serious as they are nowadays. Anticipation and timing doesn't count for more than a few select one-on-one situations IRL.
  17. Re: The Ten Things I Love About 6e and the Ten Things I hate about 6e
  18. Re: Desolidification and Knockback? and weirdness ... Baaad Desolid! Unhittable Character is a better fit for Desolidification. I've seen a few limited by sfx Desolid writeups, even official ones, used for Indestructible effects, and especially as Immunity against Mental Powers - but there is that troublesome issue with Affects Real World. I absolutely agree, Damage Negation or Damage Reduction are very much better at representing indestructibility, or even sfx-limited Invulnerability. Alternatively, you could use the Absolute Effect rule (6E1 p133) if the GM allows.
  19. Re: Well, we haven't talked about Killing Attacks in a while... Noone ever said that KAs do more BODY; the discussion has been about the fact that the proportions have changed. As of 6E: KA does more BODY per DC than Blast (as it was in 5ER and earlier), but less STUN per DC than Blast (in Superheroic campaigns; in Heroic or any other campaigns where the hit Location Table is used, there is no change from 5ER or earlier). This has been discussed extensively. As Hugh says, "credible" opponents already had resistant defenses on a mostly regular basis precisely to avoid getting creamed, so the rDEF rule had already been largely sidestepped. This was as true for supervillains as for agents or FH opponents; Combat Luck was at least partly constructed to avoid the "you've gotta some have armor" situation, especially for non-armored PC concepts. Take the typical non-credible opponent: the semi-amateur burglar/bank robber, who probably had no rDEF, as opposed to the above examples. Player of superhero in 5ER: "Hmm, I better not use too much of my RKA - sure, I'll have to use at least 6 DCs to be reasonably sure of Stunning them because of the STUN Lotto, but then again, I don't want to kill them, so maybe I'll use, say 5 DCs. That might be more effective than my EB, since they probably have no rPD, right?" GM: "Sigh. Pick one." Player of superhero in 6E: "Hmm, if I use my RKA, I'll have to use a lot of DCs just to Stun them, since they get to apply their PD to the STUN, and the STUN Lotto was cancelled this season. I don't want to kill them, so my Blast might be more effective if I want to STUN them, right?" GM: "Well, duh. Use your RKA if you want to kill them, and your Blast if you don't." That's the new effect, and g-a's motto: Bloody KAs. I, for one, really like it.
  20. Re: Proposal for new mental power advantages Another way of doing it, not involving Advantages: New Talent: Masterful Mentalist The character is especially adept in preventing his target from escaping the effects of one of his Mental Powers (Mental Illusions, Mind Control, Mind Scan or Telepathy). The target suffers a modifier of -3 to his Breakout Rolls (in addition to any other modifiers). The character does not need to make an additional roll nor expend any END to use this Talent – but must still use the particular Mental Power on the target successfully; otherwise this Talent has no effect. +5d6 ; 0 END (+1/2) (37 Active Points); Only To Increase Penalty To Target's Breakout Roll (-1); Standard Effect Rule (-0). Total Cost: 19 points. Note 1: This Talent uses the Standard Effect rule (6E1, p133), to avoid additional rolls. It can just as easily be used by adding the 5d6 and counting them separately. Note 2: This Talent is really just a Power template, and may be reconstructed specifically for any genre, using appropriate Advantages and/or Limitations – or rebuilt at another level of effect, as desired. The parent Mental Power's Advantages and/Limitations can also be applied, but not necessarily. Note 3: This Talent will only function as intended with Mental Illusions, Mind Control, Mind Scan or Telepathy – not with Mental Blast, Mind Link, nor any other Power built using Advantages to simulate a Mental Power.
  21. Re: Proposal for new mental power advantages Yes, this rhymes nicely with the rules: “Typically, if a character using a continuing-effect Mental Power tries to achieve a specified level of effect, but the roll only achieves a lesser degree of effect, the attack fails altogether. However, the GM may, in his discretion, allow the character to achieve a lesser effect instead (or he may let the character make his Effect Roll, then declare what he wants to achieve after seeing what he can succeed at).” (6E1, p149)
  22. Re: Things You'd See in a World Full of Supers...
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