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2021-2022 NFL Thread


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2 hours ago, slikmar said:

At end of KC/Bills game, it reckoned back to, what I believe was a Denver game, time running out, other team had to go down field to score, so to eat time, Denver coach smartly just had his guys tackle every eligible player at line of scrimmage. time off clock, 5 yard penalty, next play rinse and repeat till out of time and get only 1 play with still over half the field to go. I kept thinking, with 13 seconds left (and why didn't you squib the kickoff to eat some of that) that Buffalo should do same thing instead of lining up 20 yards down field against a team with 3 timeouts and giving them huge chunks of yardage. Sometimes in the moment, you need coaches who have been there, done that and thought of alternatives. 


Not sure how the tackle-every-player strategy works if the other team calls a running play.


The kickoff to start those last 13 seconds is getting a lot of analyst attention.  Should the Bills have squib kicked?  Tried to down the ball inside the 10?  Kicked out of bounds?  Apparently the best answer is to try and pin the Chiefs inside the 10, but that's hard to do, and even if successful it gives them a chance to return the football.

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Yeah, the tactical choice in that end-game situation is interesting.  Squib kick is less about trying to get the ball inside the 10, and more about trying to force the offense to run a few seconds off the clock...OR get stuck deep.  The idea is to create a lose-lose situation for the receiving team.  If you can force them to run off even 3 or 4 seconds while not letting them past the 30, the chance of pulling off the score is MUCH lower.  One play to try to advance to, say, the Buffalo 40, then 1 shot with a second left...that's about it.


My feeling here is that few coaches analyze these situations.  They're rare...and highly specific.  Make it, let's say, 35 seconds instead of 13, and  there's little value in burning off 3-4 seconds.  I think the objective is how to keep the receiving team as far away from the end zone as possible.  Conversely, with less time, like 8 seconds, you might not care at all about the field position if you can run clock...so maybe try drilling the ball low at, say, the second line.  Hard to handle, get a touch, get the clock moving, hopefully NOT cleanly handled.  Too far for the FG, force one shot at the end zone.  


In other news, as was suggested by several, Sean Payton stepped down as Saints coach.  

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That's very unlikely because Brees is a near-lock to get in on the first ballot, and Payton won't be eligible until the year after.  Will Payton get in?  Good question.  Found this:



Some of those are split...like the Colts.  Some are under Dungy, some are later.  But on this...if you think Payton belongs, do you include John Harbaugh?  I think Tomlin will get in, as will Carroll for that incredible 5 year run.


If I hadda guess...yeah, I think Payton will get in.  Other than Brees, how many high-end players can you remember from the Saints?  Fine, some of that is simple lack of media focus...probably quite a bit of it.  But Carroll had the Legion of Boom, Lynch, and Wilson, just off the top of my head.  Tomlin had Big Ben and a consistently high-ranked defense, players who had great seasons before....difficulties...like Le'Veon Bell and Antonio Brown.



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On the kickoff scenario issues, another obscure option is is to use your punter.  The kick will be shorter but with better hang time, and in principle you can run off more clock without as much danger of giving up a long return.  Now, a lot depends on whether you've practiced this situation as well, and if the receiving team has the presence of mind to make a fair catch in that situation if the propsects for a good return are poor.

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12 hours ago, Cancer said:

On the kickoff scenario issues, another obscure option is is to use your punter.  The kick will be shorter but with better hang time, and in principle you can run off more clock without as much danger of giving up a long return.  Now, a lot depends on whether you've practiced this situation as well, and if the receiving team has the presence of mind to make a fair catch in that situation if the propsects for a good return are poor.


Clock doesn't start when the ball's kicked;  it starts when the receiving team touches it.  Maybe it'd work;  the target would be to get the ball to come down around the 10, and force the receiving team to choose among bad options...fair catch?  Ball's at the 10.  Farther to go than a touchback.  Let it go and hope it goes into the end zone?  From the 10, that's dicey.  Return it?  Burns clock.  Might be worth considering, tho.

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But if it goes back up...crypto is tremendously cyclical...his basis for capital gains taxes will be the higher value.  So it may yet work out.


Bitcoin is a great justification for a Wealth perk...as long as you go back to the early days.  Did you know...the first Bitcoin transaction was a pizza purchase?  2 pizzas for 10,000 Bitcoins.  This was 2010.  

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