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Dimension warping, "Missed Me!" power? How do I write that up?


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(Transferred from another thread, I didn't mean to hijack)



  On 1/6/2022 at 7:26 PM, Duke Bushido said:

+10 DCV, usable by Hexes.



  On 1/6/2022 at 9:24 PM, Christopher R Taylor said:

I don't know what it is, I just cannot seem to hit that area, I'm always WAY off!!


Ohhhh, I like this - gives me a great idea for a character (hero or villain) - Displacer - generates a field that makes everything inside the field (including Displacer themselves) always not actually where they are, like looking through a prism; oh man! maybe they should be called Prism!  Anyway, makes them (or anyone else or anything in the field) almost impossible to target (so that would include aoe attacks)...  I like that idea!


Now, how do I write that up?


To clarify; I envision this as a field generated by the character, that "redirects" the attack randomly around them.  In reading Reflection in Champions Complete - I would say it's close, but in this case the character couldn't direct the attack back at anything/anyone specifically; the attack would just "warp" around them.  Oh, Warp would be another good name!


So, even if the power were larger than the aoe of the power - example; if Firewing threw his AOE Fireball at this character (assuming the warp field power worked), there would just be a "hole" in the fireball in the area around this character.


I envision it like two magnets repelling each other; as the attack gets close, this warping ability simply redirects it randomly around them.  It would affect ranged and HTH attacks, because as the HTH attacker gets into the "warp field", they would swing at what appeared to be the character, but they wouldn't really be there...


So, two different effects - one warps or repels/redirects attacks, the other causes everything within the field to randomly appear somewhere else in the field...


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7 hours ago, Duke Bushido said:

Without putting any thought into it (nothing personal; I have to take my wife to see her beast friend in a few minutes.  Ms J suffered a stroke a couple of months ago and, being how close they are (my wife _really and truly_ does not bond well with other people-- to the point where for twenty years she has only two friends: Ms J and my brother D.  She _likes_ people; she just doesn't bond easily), I make it a point to take her any time she wants to go.


Short version: that leaves me with just a few minutes here:


+X DCV, only affects the hex the character is standing in (consider enlarging this with AoE, centered on the Character, of perhaps centered on a particular hex near the character.  Remember that if the Character is going to be _outside_ the Area of Effect of his power, you might want to apply Ranged as well-- for what it's worth, I would require it in that case.  Also noted that I probably wouldn't make him buy Ranged because I _probably_ wouldn't allow him to use this "power" at a range sufficient enough to put him outside of his AoE.  Not because I'm a jerk, but because a reasonably crafty player could make this a real nightmare for your heroes.  Perhaps he could develop this ability after the Players have encountered him a couple of times-- once they get a feel for his Schtick, he could grow it up a bit-- staying in theme, just getting a bit more powerful as they do.


Now because you want the "here I am!" effect of him actually appearing to be somewhere else, considering Images: Here I am! Linked to your new Fractured Perceptions power  (and yeah: I had a villain named Fracture with this ability.  For what it's worth, now that I have read your suggestion of Prism, I wish I had a time machine and could go back thirty years..  :( .  His SFX was making the area around him (his defenses usable on hexes-- to explain that:  Steve Long added a thing to HERO cannon to simulate Magic Missile:  "One Hex Accurate."  I had a Player figure this out thirty years ago (if you're curious, he specifically named this power "Screw Your Ninjas!" as a reference to the Martial Artist tendency to have lots of Combat Skill Levels).  It didn't take long before _everyone_ had this.   Fracture was intended to demonstrate that maybe the heroes should have a power or two that did _not_ have that, just in case.  ;).  Oh; sorry: his SFX were making the world within a certain area appear as though you were viewing it through a shattered mirror, hence the name)


You can get as simple or as complicated as you want to fine-tune the effect, but whatever your final build is, remember that it needs to be something that you would allow a Player to use not just in the game you have next week, but in the one you had two weeks ago, too.




Gotta run!



  On 1/6/2022 at 9:24 PM, Christopher R Taylor said:


I don't know what it is, I just cannot seem to hit that area, I'm always WAY off!!

The funny thing is, it would work and you could build that: Usable as an attack on all nearby (the hexes can't volunteer to have more DCV).



6 hours ago, IndianaJoe3 said:


That is how I would build it. I might also require AoE to define the area. (I haven't priced this out.)



6 hours ago, LoneWolf said:

You can use teleport or any other movement with dive for cover or other maneuvers.  Skill levels with movement are pretty cheap so it would not take many to get a high enough bonus that you almost always succeed in the DEX roll for the dive for cover. 


If you are holding an action you don’t need to use drive for cover you can simply move (teleport) out of the area.   You only need to abort if you have already acted.  A smart player will often wait to see what is happening before committing to an action.  Having a higher DEX does not mean you go first; it means you get to choose when you act. 


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9 hours ago, Tjack said:

  I’ve spoken of a friend who played a Martial Artist without any M.A. maneuvers.  He did this as Desolid not vs. area effect attacks. With the Special Effect of “You missed.”

Aha! I mentioned that on the other thread! And as long as the GM approves (I did sorta suggested it because I knew it might drive some people crazy). It’s a valid approach.

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10 hours ago, Tjack said:

  I’ve spoken of a friend who played a Martial Artist without any M.A. maneuvers.  He did this as Desolid not vs. area effect attacks. With the Special Effect of “You missed.”

How I would do it, plus affects physical, perhaps with trigger.

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4 hours ago, Ninja-Bear said:

Really though I think that CE with a negative OCV.


As I told one person on Twitter, the beauty of Hero is nothing is ever really "wrong". CE would work, I swear I've seen Desoild written up for it with the main limitation being "must be able to see/detect attack".

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