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Superhero Showdown #11: Justice Society of America v. The Avengers

Guest Hunter1

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IIFC; Thor threw the hammer when Billy Said Shazam to get out from under the wreckage of the rollercoaster. CM changed to Billy and Mjolnir went to Wonderwoman...



Which goes to show that most writer can't write themselves out of a wet paper sack and explains why both DC and Marvel books get boring after about 40 or 50 issues and why Specter would show up to pound the Avewngers but Thor would get the power of Captain Universe for such an injustice... you know Hal Jordan being evil and all...and then he'd whump up on the etire team....



Perhaps the financial records of the two companies and whoever is selling more comics can call their team the winner....


wait, I am feeling unusually Crumudgeonly now.



putting on my happy hat....


Both teams Fought Hard.





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  • 7 years later...

Re: Superhero Showdown #11: Justice Society of America v. The Avengers


The Justice Society of America: some of the members include Dr. Fate, Dr. Mid-Nite, Capt. Marvel, Power Girl, Hour Man, Mr. Terrific, Star Girl, Wild Cat, Hawkman, and Hawk Girl.


The Avengers: some of the members include Capt. America, Hawkeye, She-Hulk, The Wasp, Giant Man, Jack of Hearts, Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, the Falcon, and Thor.


I know that the list of heroes on both teams is constantly changing, but pick the ones that you like for the battle.


Who wins? Once again, it depends on which team shows up. As far as power goes, I would give it to the Justice Society. However, I could see the Avengers taking it due to Capt. America's skill as a tactician. It would be an amazing battle, better than the recent JLA v. Avengers comics.


If the comic is done DC style, here are your matchups.


Doctor Fate vs. Scarlet Witch: DRAW. This is nothing but a giant cosmic bomb waiting to go off. If these two fight, two universes will get royally messed up.


Thor vs. Power Girl: I give this one to Thor. Power Girl is tough, but all Kryptonians are vulnerable to magic.


Captain America vs. Mr. Terrific: Captain America. Mr. Terrific is terrific, but Cap is so much more.


Quicksilver vs. Flash: Quicksilver fights dirty, but he's no match for Jay.


Wonder Man vs. Captain Marvel: Simon's power is limitless, but he's kind of self centered. Too bad Billy's got the mind of a fifteen year old. Draw.


Iron Man vs. Green Lantern: This is an interesting battle, and one which turns entirely on the range at which the battle is fought. The further away Iron Man gets, the more trouble Alan Scott is in. Those pulse bolts can stave in all kinds of things. I give this one to Tony Stark because he's smarter. Alan's real creative, but Tony has the advantage in the brains department.


Hourman vs. Hercules: Hercules is really strong, but he doesn't have the edge in facing opponents equal to his strength, plus, Rex is smarter than Hercules by leaps and bounds.


The Spectre vs. Moondragon: Advantage, the Spectre, but not by much.


Now, if this is done the Marvel way, here's how this looks.


The Avengers use teamwork to defeat the massively more powerful JSA. The whole of the Avengers is greater than the sum of it's parts. And Captain America is the greatest tactician in the multiverse. Between Cap's Shield and bouncing Thor's Hammer off it, combined with the Scarlet Witch's hex ability, even the Spectre can't lift Thor's hammer when it lands in his hand.


After this, the outcome is decided.

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Re: Superhero Showdown #11: Justice Society of America v. The Avengers


I'll choose any of the JSA's with the Spectre vs All of the Avengers ever.


The Spectre beats them all. :-)


Why is Captain America always so over estimated? He must be the GM's pet player.


First frame, full page:

Spectre grows to 5 miles tall, and squashes both teams into mush.


End of story. The rest is a reprint of the Ambush Bug secret origin and ads for selling Grit.


Umm...thread necromancy big time. Anyway, if the Spectre is on the playing firld it's all over. The Spectre is probably capable of going toe-to-toe with Infinity or the Beyonder. Why he spends all that time punishing mortal sinners is beyond me.

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Guest steamteck

Re: Superhero Showdown #11: Justice Society of America v. The Avengers


As an aside' date=' I don't think the "common" Thor could take Captain Marvel, but that's a whole other can of worms.[/quote']



I'd think he'd crush like a bug on centuries of battle skill alone. Captain Marvel has the wisdom of Solomon but no one's battle skill. One the other hand, if the power of Zeus meant what it really should....

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Re: Superhero Showdown #11: Justice Society of America v. The Avengers


Again it comes down to writers... If they handle Captain Marvel as they should, Billy would have years of experience (including winning battles against the combined might of the Flash (Jay), Green Lantern (Alan) and Superman. Yup, all at once), access to a mental rolodex of martial tactics and theory, speed equal to the Flash's (exhibited on multiple occasions) and even the power to resist possession by the Sword of Destiny!




Captain Marvel can be depicted as a prepubescent turd who will be distracted by Star Girl's pretty hair during the battle and get creamed. :(

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Re: Superhero Showdown #11: Justice Society of America v. The Avengers


Heh. You know it's all about arguing the unprovable, using characters who power ranges vary from issue to issue.


I'm pretty sure whatever happens, Scarlet Witch just retcons the whole thing so that it never happened ;)

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