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Stranded in the big easy


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All right! New campaign, new FREd (that's right, I just upgraded from the BBB, my Scottish grandfather would be so proud), new player (my wife).


Backstory - Two Galactic Federation Marshalls are in hot pursuit of a dangerous and demented master criminal. They suffer an ambush, and crash land here on little ol' pre-warp Earth. No communication off planet is possible. Escape is not possible. They suspect the fugitive crashed also.


Marshalls Becker and McGuyver are doing there best to follow protocol given the circumstances. They have attempted to adopt names and identities that citizens will find familiar and comforting. They hide out in the ruins of a haunted antebellum plantation upriver from the Big Easy by a few miles. They drive a black 1960 impala stashed nearby years earlier by a global recon team. They have a lot of broken gear. They are mid level supers, and Earth has the standard super population spread for a slightly off-beat four-color supers story.


Marshall Becker is not comforting to most people. It is a human sized oily indigo spheroid with six tentacles. Two stalked, red eyes are on each tentacle. It needs a regular immersion in petrochemicals for sustenance. It has no mouth or ears, but communicates by vibrating the surface of its body like a speaker. Hearing is achieved in the reverse manner - sound waves vibrate, its nervous system hears.


Marshal Macguyver is, thankfully, a warm-blooded omnivorous mammal, or a reasonable facsimile thereof. She presents as what might happen on the Island of Dr. Moreau with spare elephant and cat parts. About 9 feet tall, big ears, trunk, long cat tail, retractable claws, red fur. She understands bipedal mammal culture better than Becker, who's closest relative on this planet is a mushroom.


Its a shame about the broken disguise generators.


SO, here is what I need from you good people of Champions City: ideas! I need villains (super and otherwise) for NO. I need side adventures. I need allies. I need federal agents. I need to flesh this silliness out. I need an artist to draw what this humanoid ele-cat might look like.


Thank you all, and happy new year!

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Guest WhammeWhamme



Well, definately need to have them tangle with a sentient mushroom. Give Becker *something* he can relate to. Probably give it hallucinogenic spores (which HE is immune to), fantastic regeneration, and what the heck, many levels of growth. :)


Starts off monster... ends up where?


Clones. Everyone loooves clones. Sure, these two might not be that powerful ... but what if you add in some more bits... :D


Hrm. Aliens *need* MIB; have them pick up a friend there too. After all, they have same general motivations...

Give them chances at interplanetary communication here, but have things go wrong. The Superiors think they're criminals, that kind of thing.


Make sure there is at least one space capable NPC... who attacks them on sight. :(


Gotta have an alien fanboy/girl.

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New Orleans has plenty of culture with the only thing lacking being a developed Tech sector but Atlanta isn't too far.


Things to see people to fight;


Various Krewes and super Krewes, plenty of organized crime to choose from. I assume the bad guy is also stranded which leaves take over the whole mudball or escape.


The Gulf Coast has plenty of UFO history, maybe there are other ETs or time travellers active in the era, worse, maybe they are friendly-minions of the bad guy.


Major influx of the supernatural, ghosts, the spiritual residue of slavery/ the civil war battlefields being one, the native american and Voodoo traditions being others. The Spanish looted plenty of Meso-American native gold and religious treasure, some ships used New Orleans as a port some as a burial site and some got wrecked here. The Honey comb Island swamp monster, Bermuda triangle-maybe a warpdrive crashed here and is warping Earths space time may mean a way home may mean a portal to invading aliens, the heroes ,ight have to close the only functional warp drive before it rips upart Earth.


A Voodoo practicianer, A Bokor (Sorceror), Necromancer or Loa (God Spirit) like Baron Samedi could wield an army of the dead imagine John Carpenter's theFog on the scale of Independance Day.

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mardis gras girl


her costume jeans, a loose tee shirt and a neck full of plastic beads she robs banks coinvinece stores and anywhere theres a lot of loose cash and preferably male staff.


her power is that the moment she lifts her shirt no one can look away from her chest and will instantly forget what her face looks like oh yes and anyone who is attracted to women obeys her every command as long as her chest is exposed.

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Originally posted by freakboy6117

mardis gras girl


her costume jeans, a loose tee shirt and a neck full of plastic beads she robs banks coinvinece stores and anywhere theres a lot of loose cash and preferably male staff.


her power is that the moment she lifts her shirt no one can look away from her chest and will instantly forget what her face looks like oh yes and anyone who is attracted to women obeys her every command as long as her chest is exposed.


Sounds like a villian of zornwil, Bud Girl. Perhaps her sister.

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Depends on your theme, I guess. Some stuff off the top of my addled brain:



1) The aliens have "Instantaneous Translators", that can translate any language known to man. They only partly work against "southern". Mistakes and hijinks occur.

2) At least one villain named "SwampBat", who has a "Swamp Boat". Use Foxbats character sheet. Repalce "Fox" with "Swamp". Swampbat learns of the aliens and tries to capture them, no one believes him, of course.


Less humorous, but still amusing

3) If you have the Terran Empire book, you may notice a similarity to one of the races in there and Grond...perhaps the one these space cops are looking for?

4) A race of intelligent reptillain aliens crashed in the Louisiana swamp years ago. Today, they still survive...hunted for their hides by locals.


Harsh and Gritty

5) Local drug dealer revelaed to have off planet connections. The aliens discover that the drugs that have been flooding their worlds come from one place...Earth.

6) Commandoes from the government show up, and grab a criminal alien shortly before the players do. The players find out that the local government has been capturing, torturing, and executing aliens for years. Casual observation will reveal hundreds of products in local stores...all of which exist on the players worlds. What will the players do...when they stumple across the most massive case of copyright infringement in history?

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Thanks for the kickstart, all! The swamp is bound to have someother sort of mushroom person/veggepygmy - great idea! I'm not sure if the Bokor IS the local kingpin, or hired by the local kingpin, but the night of the living dead episode should be a scream.


I think I will be using the Lucky Mansion as the template for the haunted house/home base (everybody should check out Kill Dr. Lucky at cheapassgames.com)


Probably going to be MOSTLY humorous, drifting towards grittiness.


Super Krewe - BRILLIANT. High tech for one, voodoo for another. Maybe a turf war and a Yojimbo opportunity. Super float, entangle beads, mind control, too much fun. I think these two aliens can pretty much go anywhere they want to on Mardi Gras.


We've included a DNPC reporter for the Weekly World News, poor girl has the scoop of a lifetime, her paper prints it, still no pulitzer.


I think the alien master criminal may be a shapechanging mentalist. That should keep him in the background for as long as necessary.


Swampbat will DEFINITELY have to rear up his ugly head.


Thanks again, everybody, and I welcome your continued brainstorming.

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Possible names: Hurricane Camile, Heron, Blue Heron, Scarlet Ibis, Copperhead, Cottonmouth, the recent Viper supplement has quite a few snake themed villains all written up, Gator, Gatorman, (Jack Robichaux from the Wildcards books is a were-gator here is a write up for him from Surbrooks stuff -http://www.devermore.net/surbrook/index/


John Robichaux-Human form:



Alligator form:




CORDELIA CHAISSON jack's sister and super




.) Kudzu, Captain Kudzu, The Gray Ghost, Capatain Confederacy and his Dixie Chicks, A modern technology but retro themed pirate like Jolly Roger, the Mad Cow, Frogman, Displaced Aztec or Mayan god whose temple was ransacked by the Conquistodores who buried a sacred artifact somewhere in one of the south's swamps. The spanish moss id monstster from the Kolchak the Nightstalker episode "the Spanish Moss Murders", Corrupt politicos (read any Karl Hiasin novel for a gill net of ideas), The Navy used to train Dolphins for military use at a converted marine theme park in Gulfport Ms, A sapient dolphin who feels more comfortable around the aliens than humans perhaps, Marie leVoux- the Voodoo queen of New Orleans, Elvis, the Ghost of Elvis, the supernaturally young Elvis who faked his death and has been studying martial arts in Tibet all these years, The Elvis or any historical personage whos been hiding out at the Ponce DeLeon health spa and invigorating mineral fountain, Retired ww2 super heroes or villains, Captain Liberty, Souther Belle, Freedom Fighter etc) who retired to the Gulfcoast and insist on backseat driving on cases, The Cajun Commandoes.



I was thinking if your sense of humour includes straight camp, that a batmanesque-non nonsense crime fighter who patrols the French Quarter and has zero tolerance for weirdness in his city might make an interesting straightman/ally.



I hope it won't offend but the Goon from Darkhorse comics has a great necromancer crimeboss, check him out and, if nothing else, steal his look especially his hat. Love the idea of the mardigras float and entangle beads.

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just as a thought. The alien criminal for could be a psionic parasite that could posess people and ride around in there heads. fits nicely with the voodoo principle of being riden by spirits. new orleans woudl be a perfect place for a being like that, to set up shop it has lots of succeptable/weakend by drink minds, lots of tourist should it need to make a hasty escape and lots of wilderness surrounding for it to crash land in.

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Plenty of ghosts that could provide allies/enemies for this duo. Provided communication is possible. Maybe have a psychic ally who can communicate with ghost. Maybe a distant descendant of Jean Lafitte(sp?) could be a villain. Maybe a Native American spirit tired of the city's corruption comes back for his people's vengeance (could be ally or enemy). It dont get no freakier than New Orleans.:P

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If you want to play with some flavor, but not necessarily with a horrid stereotyping, you may wish to take the character concept of the Black Rapier (from Astro City) and make him into a southern belle, a glamorous super-fencer who wears black and keeps to the rooftops. A Fencing helmet, with the mesh faceguard, is a nice costume idea the original Black Rapier uses, very mysterious but also with a touch of nobility and the Old World. Swamp-Thing, Solomon Grundy, the Ratcatcher from Batman's rogue's gallery, a mutant dinosaur, ghostly heroes and villains fighting titanic battles in the swamps which will never end, a frnch-canadian style fur trapper themed superhero, The Saint (dressed in black and gold like the football team) who has a vaguely religious theme... lots of good choices. Just took me a few days to get my thoughts together.

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