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Your PCs might be Underpowered if...


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Re: Your PCs might be Underpowered if...


. . . they get a major injury by stubbing their toe.

. . . they cannot get out of an entangle made of styrofoam.

. . . a computer made in 1980 has better stats than anyone in the (or the entire) team.

. . . a snail can run faster than the team speedster.

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Re: Your PCs might be Underpowered if...


. . . They do not have the strength to roll their own dice.

. . . Their electrical blasts could not light a 60 watt bulb.

. . . Static electricity is enough to KO them.

. . . Temps colder than 45 degrees is enough to freeze them.

. . . Their get away vehicle is a tandem bicycle.

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Re: Your PCs might be Underpowered if...


Here's one: a heroic version of Teleios. And I don't mean "tone down the characteristics and you can have an approximation"' date=' either. I mean "the Perfect Man", [i']as defined by the CU as written[/i],* as a PC. The characteristics alone cost 318 points, not counting skills, etc. Even dropping the VPP, it's still a 500+ point character that is otherwise generally (not perfectly) compatible with the Standard Superhero power level.Minor tweaks could make the character a better fit for the power level, but reducing the character to 350 points would violate concept.


Why would this be an acceptable hero? One example should suffice: Michael Holt, aka Mr Terrific, in the current incarnation of the JSA. While you might be able to do a "Mr Terrific-ish" character on 350 points, that charcter would not have the relative standing in the CU that Mr Terrific had in the DCU at his introduction (gaming equivalent: at the beginning of the game campaign). While the JSA is arguably not at the Standard Superhero power level overall, Mr. Terrific could easily fit that power level in the CU, but not the starting point total for that power level, unless his abilities were diluted in breadth and/or (relative to the power level) depth.



VPP: Aid Characteristics low dice, high max, LOOOOOOOOOng Duration SFX: "Terrific Training"


howz about dat?

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Re: Your PCs might be Underpowered if...


all the team's espionage missions begin at 1:15 am,

cause Billy gets off work when the Pizza King shuts down at 1,

and he can bring his car around to Team HQ.


And, at 3AM, pulled over on the broad shoulder of Rural Route 5, looking over the ditch at the field of pumpkins....

Captain Super-Ultra [billy]: "Oh, jeez. I'm totally gonna lose my job. I can't take a bus to work on late shift!"

Wolverine Boy (Little Billy): Damn it, moron. Cars aren't supposed to make that kinda noise! Why didn't you take it to a garage!"

Snakes On a Plane [Jennie]: "Don't worry. My Daddy's got AA. That means they have to send a towtruck for us. I think."

Twilight[The Girl Currently Known as "Mistress Penance"]: "Straight As and you actually think...I guess you don't dye. There is no way I'm riding in a towtruck with Brad. Just call your Dad and end this farce."

The Amazing Spleen [brad]: "I'm gonna start practicing now. Please don't kill us, Mr. Wong. Please don't kill us, Mr. Wong...."

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