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How to build a non-organic limb


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Hi, maybe it's easy and I just didn't found the entry but how do you build a limb that is basicly an item (something like an cyberarm or as an example from a fantasy novel the silvery mechanical hand like the one from Corum)


Actualy the character has lost a real limb (physical limitation maybe?) and now has an technological/magical replacement that can be destroyed. The problem I have is how do I model the Hit Points of the limb and the fact that you didn't get stun nor body damage if this limb is hit in game terms.

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A mechanical/cyber limb itself is simply a matter of SFX. You just say "my limb is made of metal"


As for making it so you don't take STUN .. you're GM would have to let you take the automaton "Takes No STUN only BODY" got 60 pts with the Limitation "Left arm only" (for example) at -.75 or whatever value your GM feels is appropriate. This assumes you use Hit Locations, if you do not then the Limitation might go down to -.25 or even 0.


As for powers on the limb those are just OIF or IIF Limitations or "left arm". Assuming the arm can be removed. If the arm cannot be removed I wouldn't even go that far - you just use your powers through your left arm (or whichever limb) like any other power. At that point your simply talking about the FX of "I have a metal hand, it works like everyone elses hands in the world" and you get no Limitations for defining your hand as mechanical.

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Depending upon other factors (I have metal bones and our greatest enemy is a master of magnetism... oooh Waaiiit OW! WOW!!!!! OWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!) the item in queston can provide some additional disadvantages than just the Phisical Limitation disadvantages.


Another option on the takes no stun would be Desolid, Only Vs. attacks that hit Cyberlimb, Only affects stun, not body, OIF/IIF Cyberlimb.

Other options would be to buy additional Con /Stun only for location X. The STR with the limb could be increased with that limb only, and possibly run off of an End Reserve or Fuel Charges.

basically decide what you wan t it to do and go from there.

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Restrainable is a popular choice for prosthetic (sp?) limbs, provided there are accessable means of disabling limbs. Another good choice is the Real Item limitation (you need to perform maintanence on your arm or it decays and breaks)


As for Takes no body or stun . . . lets figure out what the limiting value should be. Hands and arms are locations 6-8 on a 3d6 roll, so there is a 21.29629629629630000% chance of hitting them. We only use the Left arm here, so it's half that, or 10.64814814814815%. That means that, placed shots aside, the takes no stun bit will only come into play 11% of the time. That's either a -1 or a -.75 depending on how you look at it (I actually might let you use -.89, were you my player)


Hmmm, the real problem here is that the arm itself does take damage. It could even take stun. However, the damage it takes only applies to the arm, meaning the arm can take 10 body, and the rest of the body take none. It's not really desolidified, because any attack can affect the limb. Lets try the 60 point automaton power works . . .




How would you like an automaton, period? You could have an automaton shaped like a human arm, no problem. and it's cost would be cut down to 1/5. Not only that, you could have it hop off your shoulder and perform your commands. Give it a mind link, no range, and you can control it using a mind link! When it's attached to you, you can use the hit location rules normally.

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I'd buy extra BODY, Armor, Takes No Stun, or however you want to do it with the appropriate activation roll limitation for one limb of coverage. In games with no hit location make the activation roll, in games with hit location you apply it when arm comes up on the hit roll.

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Originally posted by Sociotard

Hmmm, the real problem here is that the arm itself does take damage. It could even take stun. However, the damage it takes only applies to the arm, meaning the arm can take 10 body, and the rest of the body take none. It's not really desolidified, because any attack can affect the limb. Lets try the 60 point automaton power works . . .




How would you like an automaton, period? You could have an automaton shaped like a human arm, no problem. and it's cost would be cut down to 1/5. Not only that, you could have it hop off your shoulder and perform your commands. Give it a mind link, no range, and you can control it using a mind link! When it's attached to you, you can use the hit location rules normally.


heh heh .. I like that idea. That's a great way to do cybernetics with no Bio-Feedback (you don't get Stunned or Hurt when someone shoots your cyber-hand).


Of course, how you "feel" with that limb might come into play. Personally if you've got the Touch Sense Group with it then you should be able to also feel it's "pain". and STUN is just another way of saying "system shock" in many cases.


But it's a wicked cool idea.

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Originally posted by Bengal

This is just armor, activation 8-. Come on, everyone, this guy doesn't need to write up three zillion new character sheets just to say "metal arm".


well I didn't write this stuff on the charactersheets, that was the first thing I learned last week... power-infos and co. belong on a special piece of paper :)


well it's an NPC of my Campaign, i got the Idea for it by watching Berserk! and reading Corum. I think the idea with the automaton is nice but I have to set the movement to zero. After all it's just a hand and we are not the addamsfamily here :D


Whatever method I choose I think I will give the Character the physical disad "No touchsense in right hand" frequently, slightly impairing (krank... ups... there goes another glass) for 5 points and another one for 5 points to represent the fact that he is... well, without a second hand if this thing should stop to work or be destroyed.

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5 pts: Physical Limitation:: Left Arm is Cybernetic. (no touch sense, affected by magnetics, can be turned off / removed)


CyberArm Pain Reduction: 25% Damage Reduction, Physical, requires DEX roll.


Have fun. :)


Hit locations imply a non-superhero genre. :)


Mine's for a superheroic campaing.

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Originally posted by Farkling

5 pts: Physical Limitation:: Left Arm is Cybernetic. (no touch sense, affected by magnetics, can be turned off / removed)


CyberArm Pain Reduction: 25% Damage Reduction, Physical, requires DEX roll.


Have fun. :)


Hit locations imply a non-superhero genre. :)


Mine's for a superheroic campaing.


hit locations can provide for a brutal game, which is not the direction many "superheroic" games go I suppose. We use them as we see fit. In most combat scenarios we do not use them. In combat where we want to up the level of maiming we do use them. Of course it doesn't help that I'm always calling head shots and usually downing enemies before they all get a turn. But we run a much more brutal game than the average.


So yeah, yours works much better for a non-hit location game.

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Maybe this shouldn't be an automaton. I conceived of that option as a way to avoid biofeedback, as ghost-angel mentioned. However, now that I think about it, this feels much more like an adder for the extra limbs power. It feels like about 10 points.


I say this as I think of comic book examples, like Doc Oc or Scorpion. If memory serves, they had limbs that were hard to destroy, but still were on occasion. When it happened, the villians were mad their toys were broken, but weren't really acting hurt.



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Try this:


+X Body (X) Only applies to left arm (-1)


Armor: +6pd/ed (18) Limited Coverage (-1) 9pts


+X STR (X) Only applies to left arm (-1) Restrainable


any other abilities built into the arm would also have the restrainable limitation. In a technological campaign, a cybernetic arm is susceptable to EMP. In a magical campaign, an Enchanted arm is susceptable to magic suppression zones...


Note that the Body "only applies to left arm" is the Body that is used to keep track of Body damage to the prosthetic limb. Once that Body is gone, the limb no longer functions properly. This Body does not allow the character to take greater damage, only applies to when the arm is destroyed.

The character should also take the missing limb disadvantage, worth 0 points to represent the fact that their limb is artificial...

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This is an odd one, but consider:


Physical Limitation: One Arm


Extra Limbs: One Arm - OIF Unbreakable (-1/2)


Now, this does break the rule about not having disadvantages that are negated by powers. Given this, I would be inclined lower the value of Physical Limitation: One Arm to 0. (Which, since the rule states "is worth no points" rather than "can't be taken" is technically legal).

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Ok the goal is a metal arm that does not take stun, but can be destoryed (takes body).


OIF (breakable) solves this perfectly except that an OIF arm would be easy to remove out of combat.


Just buy the arm with an advantage "+1/4 really hard to remove"


I would not allow you to take a physical limitation (for only having 1 real arm).


I would suggest


Distinctive Features: Arm looks like metal (easily concealed, noticed, common senses)




Distincitve Features: Arm made of metal (not concealable,noticed,only by metal detector).


The Mad Arab

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Originally posted by Fireg0lem

This is an odd one, but consider:


Physical Limitation: One Arm


Extra Limbs: One Arm - OIF Unbreakable (-1/2)


Now, this does break the rule about not having disadvantages that are negated by powers. Given this, I would be inclined lower the value of Physical Limitation: One Arm to 0. (Which, since the rule states "is worth no points" rather than "can't be taken" is technically legal).


I think this is a good construct except that the arm isn't (if I read correctly) unbreakable so much as has its own BOD. I'd probably call if OIF but not Unbreakable, and then you can allow for targeting fo the Focus. I don't have the rulebook but IIRC there are some rules on BOD for Focus.


I might be okay with a Disad that gives points if there really is some Disad there. But most likely it would be what was just suggested about DF.

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Physical disad:One Arm

Limited buy off of Physical disad with the restrainable (-1/2) limitation since arm can be fouled or destroyed.

Strength for cyber arm buy up from zero, since it's not part of the rest of body but gets the one arm only lim. Add extra body, bought up from zero on arm and the add the lim: if body reduced to zero, all powers for arm are lost until arm repaired(maybe -1/2)

Long way around I know but i just like the weay this one works out mechanically- arm only has body so no stun is taken from attacks to that body part, broken when body reduced to zero but does not lose powers along the way until destroyed, etc.

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