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(You found the smudged slip of paper with the URL hastily penciled onto it tucked inside your RPG rulebooks--you're not sure how it got there. Driven by that most necessary and dangerous of human qualities--Curiosity--you enter the address into your computer's Web browser and click on GO-----)


The music comes out through the speakers, a take-off on Neal-Hefti's Batman theme, as a Flash animation of a figure in a two-tone brown costume with dull yellow highlights--including flared earpieces suggestive of a bat--charges the viewer. We cut to the fight scene--


SOCK!!--Down goes Defender!


POW!!--An uppercut drops Ironclad!


ZAM!!--A right cross wallops Nighthawk!


The figure clasps his hands above his head in celebration, then spreads wide the glider wings underneath his arms. The figure morphs into a logo as the song ends--






(Click HERE to enter Foxbat's Master Plan)

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FoxbatsMasterPlan.Com--The Main Page


(A photo of Foxbat smiling appears next to a block of text--)


Hail and Welcome, Legionnaires Of Larceny! Admirers Of Villany! Lovers Of High Adventure! You Have Found What You've Been Looking For! For This Is--




Yes, the greatest supervillain of all time--namely, Me--has created the greatest website of all time, so that all my good friends can follow along and celebrate the success of my Master Plan, while all my enemies can tremble with despair at their inevitable defeat!


On this site you will find all sorts of nifty features. Navigate the links below to learn the intricate details of the Master Plan, and all about the Man behind The Plan!


FOXBATOGRAPHY--Discover the Secret Origins of the greatest supervillain in history. Who Is He? What Amazing Secrets Does He Hide Underneath His Mask? Why Is He What He Has Become? What Will He Do Next? What Will He Have For Lunch? Kids, be careful this information doesn't fall into the wrong hands--if the Forces Of Good ever found out this information, it could ruin Foxbat's effectiveness as a supervillain!


FOXBATCAMS--Watch the Fearless Foxbat in Soul-Searing, Side-Splitting Action through the excessively numerous webcams he has planted throught the city. See him as he ponders the intricate layers of details in his Master Plan! See him in action against those Humdrum Heroes as he put the Master Plan into action! See him Make Lunch!

See him watching Sapphire and Witchcraft on the webcams he planted in their dressing rooms!


HAHAHAHAHA!!! Just kidding about that last one, Girls--OR AM I???


FOXBATLINE--The timeline for the Master Plan! Follow along and cheer jubilantly as each stage of the Master Plan is completed!


STAGE I-----Implementation

STAGE II----More Implementation

STAGE III---Execution

STAGE IV----More Execution


(NOTE: The Master Plan never gets beyond Stage I.)


FOXBATBOARDS--Discuss the Master Plan with your friends! Argue about who should play Foxbat in the upcoming multi-billion-dollar movie! Contribute your suggestions to the Master Plan! Post about which superheroine or supervillainess looks best in a cat-suit! WHY would you do anything else with your time?


FOOF!--Friends Of Ol' Foxbat! That's right--the long-awaited fan club has been launched! Profess your undying adoration for the greatest of all supervillains! Join his crusade against anti-criminal conformity! Best of all, your membership dues will help finance the success of the Master Plan! And don't worry about being charged as an accomplice--my legal advisor, Bernie, who just signed up for a correspondence course in paralegal training and is the moderator of no less than six unofficial Camryn Manheim fan groups, assures me that this can't happen.


The Foxbat's Master Plan site is a work in progress, so don't hesitate to e-mail me at:


foxbtizl33t @ FoxbatsMasterPlan.Com


or post on the FoxbatBoards, and tell me what You think should be a part of--



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Originally posted by AlHazred



Hey, Al--thanks for your comments. I wouldn't consider myself a god just yet, although attaiing godlike power would work really well with the Master Plan.


I did have near-godlike abilities once before, in FOXBAT #257-- "Be Careful What FOXBAT Wishes For!" Longtime readers of my comic will remember that I found Aladdin's Lamp, and used its power to bring my greatest Master Plan ever to fruition. So powerful was I that in my own wisdom, I decided that such awesome power was not meant for this world--so I sent it away forever. (Aren't I noble? You may weep and lament over the fact that such tragic nobility is to be found on the opposite side of the law--but them's the breaks, eh?)


Thanks again for your comments; you've earned yourself a Non-Prize! And remember--



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Originally posted by Richard Logue

During a battle with Menton in Millenium City, Defender trips. Reflexively, he flails out and does serious damage to a nearby Cadillac. WWFD? (What Would Foxbat Do)


Hey, Richard--The fact is I wouldn't have to do anything--Because I've Already Done It!!! For it was I, the Fearless and Felonious Foxbat, who caused Defender to trip with the latest addition to my Amazing Arsenal--The Monofilament Tanglewire Ping-Pong Ball!!! Fired from my already amazing Ping-Pong Ball Gun, it disintegrates almost immediately after causing Defender's little pratfall from grace, leaving no evidence behind. The result--the Cadillac's owner sues Defender for damages, Defender settles out of the insurance, his rates go even higher, and he's that much closer to bankruptcy!


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! No one escapes the Master Plan! NO ONE!!!


Put yourself down for a Non-Prize, Richard, and Thanks for writing! And always remember to--



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Dear FoxBat,


Congratulations on getting your own website!


I would like to know, is this your attempt to incorporate? If so, when do you go public so that I my buy shares of stock in FoxBatMasterPlan.com?


Also, I've heard awful rumors that nasty group VIPER is trying to beat you to the NASDAQ punch...


Thanks for the reply,

Concerned in Millineum City

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Originally posted by JakSpade

Dear FoxBat,


Congratulations on getting your own website!


I would like to know, is this your attempt to incorporate? If so, when do you go public so that I my buy shares of stock in FoxBatMasterPlan.com?


Also, I've heard awful rumors that nasty group VIPER is trying to beat you to the NASDAQ punch...


Thanks for the reply,

Concerned in Millineum City


Hey Concerned--Thanks for your concerns. I'm not really planning to go public at this point in time--I've been socking all the EP donations I receive into the Wealth perk, so I'm not really hurting for money. I might change my mind if a surplus MIG-25 comes on the market--Foxbat should have a Foxbat, don't you think?


As for VIPER--not to worry. Once I've unveiled my latest and greatest Master Plan, not even their criminal brilliance will be able to resist me! This time, I will be Triumphant! This time, the Master Plan will succeed!


Err--not that it hasn't failed miserably all those other times--I mean--you see--ohh, just accept a Non-Prize, okay?


And remember--



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Originally posted by CrosshairCollie

Dear Foxbat,


Just out of curiosity, will there be a FoxbatsSidekickLeRoyTheAwesomeExoskeletonMan.com as a companion site to yours?



Hey, CrosshairCollie--First things first; I need to figure out a way to bring him into the 5th Edition Universe without Steve Long and the others noticing. I've got Beamline and TimeMaster helping out, and there's a lot of temporal/reality manipulation involved--not to mention distracting the HERO staffers at a crucial moment. ("HEY!!! Isn't that Eliza Dushku covered in honey and $100 bills?")


That's as much as I can tell you for now--I'm sure Leroy appreciates you're thinking fondly of him. For that you get a Non-Prize--and remember--




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Hail And Welcome, My Frenzied Fans! I thought this would be a good time to let you in on the progress of my Master Plan.


First off, the raid on Paramount Studios was successful--The Neural Neutralizer, The Game, and the upgraded Transporter are now in my possession. Now for Stage II--to kidnap Hollywood's most beautiful action heroines, and brainwash them to serve my will, as an elite fighting force to DESTROY MY ENEMIES!!!


Think about it--as Hollywood stars they're already irresistible: as action TV/movie stars, they know how to fight and shoot and use explosives and hack into computers and all that other neat and nifty stuff. Like that redhead from the American Pie movies--she has to be the most powerful sorceress on the whole planet, maybe even more powerful that Witchcraft!


I tell you, this Master Plan is going to rock like the rockingest rock star! This Master Plan will be the Master Plan to end all Master Plans! I even have a name picked out for my Bevy of Battling Beauties--I'm going to call them the Sextuple-F, otherwise known as the FFFFFF--otherwise known as--









Is that a cool name, or what??? How can my Master Plan fail to succeed with an elite attack squad with a name like that? IT CANNOT!!! Even now the forces of purity and propriety tremble at the uttereance of each tremulous syllable! They'll rue the day they messed with the Mighty Foxbat! Oh, how they will RUE!!!


So--you're probably wondering who I'm going to kidnap and brainwash first. Well, I think I'll just let you be surprised along with the rest of the world--but just because I'm a nice guy and I like my fans so much (and also to taunt those humdrum heroes, who will NEVER guess who it is in time!), I'll drop a little hint--


She has the same initials as a ficticious Hero's girlfriend.


That's all for now--time to do some Dirty Deeds, and do them Dirt Cheap! Remember to Watch This Site for more details, and to witness the Thrilling Triumphant Success of. . .



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dear Foxbat,


with your new technologies and the mind controling of leading starlets. What will you do with the heroes and villians after you take control? Wouldn't they just keep trying to either take over themselves or removing you from power, and thus becoming bigger headaches that never go away? Or will you simply teleport them into a dimensional void area where there is no time and space?



the merciful secretive universal destroyer

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Originally posted by Southern Cross


Foxbat,you aren't planning to kidnap Green Dragon's sister,are you.....


Hey, Southern Cross--Thanks for writing in. I really appreciate it, and I mean no offense when I say this, but. . .




You might be close--then again you might not. But you've proven one thing--the Master Plan is so intricate and detailed in its intricacies and details that NO ONE can unravel it! NO ONE!!! And because my unravelable Master Plan is ensured to succeed, there's only one thing to do now--stand with my hands on my hips and laugh triumphantly!!!




I needed that--a triumphant laugh is to supervillains like me what a three-martini lunch is to a CEO.


Thanks for you help, my Wonder from Down Under--you've earned yourself a Non-Prize. And always remember--



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Originally posted by animemun001

dear Foxbat,


with your new technologies and the mind controling of leading starlets. What will you do with the heroes and villians after you take control? Wouldn't they just keep trying to either take over themselves or removing you from power, and thus becoming bigger headaches that never go away? Or will you simply teleport them into a dimensional void area where there is no time and space?



the merciful secretive universal destroyer


Hey, merciful secretive universal destroyer--To answer your question, the purpose of the Sextuple-F--soon to be known and feared as Foxbat's Furiously Fearless Feminine Fighting Force (Boy, do I love the sound of that!)--is to Destroy My Enemies. It stands to reason that once I have taken control, I will have no Enemies left--because I will have Destroyed Them! Destroyed Them ALL!!!


I may spare those who, seeing the futility of opposing my Master Plan, capitulate to my will--I may be a supervillain, but I am not without some small shard of mercy. Perhaps it is an attempt to not become like those who inflicted the tragedies that turned me to supervillain-hood-dom, lest my heart go completely dark. Or perhaps I see in myself the slim measure of possibility that someday--although that day may not ever come--the spark of nobility that is buried deep inside my soul might be fanned forth into a conflagration of righteous flame that will ignite anew the torch of liberty, and shine the light of the law wherever darkness dared to tread.


But for now--that shall never be. Foxbat remains Foxbat--EVERMORE!!!


I hope that answers your question. Consider yourself the proud possessor of a Non-Prize--and remember. . .



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Re: FoxbatsMasterPlan.Com


Dear Foxbat,


To what do you attribute your unbridled success?


Do you have any advice for those who would like to follow in your footsteps?


Looking forward to next issue!


Naive Kid


Hey, Naive--There's a lot of things that contribute to my unbridled success--brains, talent, courage, tenacity, matinee-idol looks, the ability to float like a butterfly and sting like Jet Li--not to mention modesty. But what makes me a fearsome force to be reckoned with, what makes me forcefully fearsome to all those who fear me--is the Master Plan.


Without a Master Plan, a supervillain is nothing more than a small-time thug in Day-Glo ballistic tights, who only cares about the money and nothing more, who if it weren't for the powers and/or fancy gadgets would be a shoplifter or a pursesnatcher or a smash-and-grab artist. Why do you think a guy like Pulsar has been such a pain in the side of the Champions all this time? It's because he has a Master Plan--to claim prime-time soap vixen Morgan Fairchild as his own. (Must be an Eighties thing. . .)


And that, Kid Naive, is my advice to you--find your very own secret inner Master Plan, and ride it to heck or glory! Let no one dissuade you from your chosen path, because in truth, you've got to follow you own path--no one can choose it for you. One time my Master Plan involved holding the nation's chocolate supply for ransom. Everyone I knew told me it couldn't possibly work, but Did I Listen to Them? NO! Were They Right? YES! But That's Not the Point! The point is I had to find out for myself. It was MY Master Plan, and it was Great--and with Great Master Plans comes Great Responsibility, which meant I had to see it through to the bitter end.


Good luck in finding your inner Master Plan, Naive One. Let this Non-Prize be an inspiriation to you as you seek to dominate the world that is your life. And always remember--



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