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What are the most annoying player habits!


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Originally posted by Avatar

I'm sorry, but I would have to kill this person if they pulled that in my game. I understand if I have to NPC on of their old characters for some reason and they were unhappy with my portraiel of said character, but if I'm sharing GM duties for the same game, and this mook craps on my GMing this way, it would be a real short game.

Actually, this happened during a Vampire game where i was a player. After the fourth comment from this player the following scene happened :


GM (impersonating a brujah) - We were great and glorious back in Carthage and ...

Player - Oh yeah, Carthage (insert here comments, rants about Troilus/Brujah li'l blood-sucking thing, etc...) ...

Other player, also a brujah (sinister) - Dude,You've got five minutes to gather your stuff and move away from here. And if you dare to open your mouth again; you will leave this room with your teeth in a bucket ...

Player - Errr ... you're speaking in character ?

other player - Guess ?


We never saw this player again in the club. I don't miss him a lot to be frank.


I agree, very anoying, I just read it and had to reply with a death threat, I fell for you if this is actually happing with your game. Send this person to FL, I'm Italian, want some legs broken? ;)

Funny you said that. the "other player" i told about above is french but grew up in Florida ;) -true, i swear-

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Originally posted by Susano

I will admit, I like DBZ. Correction -- Dragonball the manga not the over-done and drawn-out anime. It's over-the-top martial arts fun on par with scads of HK films (like Swordsman II among others).


As for "playing an anime character," I'm not sure how that works. Are you talking about someone who wants to play a (say) Super-Saiyajin in a superhero game? I can see how that can be annoying, although on the other hand, I did the same thing in a PBEM game (where I played version 1.0 of NINJA HERO's Kayli the Destroyer). She worked out really well, mainly as I didn't force any anime conventions I can recall (except maybe not getting hit during her power-up sequence -- but then, I did have her power-up logically, usually *before* getting to the fight scene).


As for playing anime games... once again I'm not sure where you're coming from. You against people playing say, the crew of the Bebop in thier own game (I can see this being a bad idea in an instant), or are you against even the mere idea or running a game in the Tokyo of BGC or the world of El Hazard with totally new character concepts?


Mostly inserting "anime conventions" into a game, such as randomly breaking into non-sequitor comic scenes, falling into anime stereotypes... as for running in MegaTokyo of the BGC universe, I used to run the Fuzion rules in the BGC RPG, noy only does Fuzion suck, but their interpretation of the BGC world sucked. Anime doesn't translate very well into serious RPG, Big Eyes, Small Mouth does a good job but the few times I've played it and I concluded the game doesn't take itself seriously.

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Like many others, I suspect, I always thought that "anime" referred to the particular artistic style of the "big eyes, small mouth". Even if the literal meaning is simply "animation", it surely has taken on a more specific meaning in usage in the USA. When I say that "anime" has never been of interest to me, I'm talking about that particular artistic style and the few cartoons I've seen that utilize it.


I have a player who is playing a character inspired by some anime feature, but it's played under regular Champions rules, and there are no problems or special considerations.


I would have a problem with any kind of special convention (such as "no attacks while powering up") based on anime features and not on the rules of the campaign.

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Originally posted by altamaros

Actually, this happened during a Vampire game where i was a player. After the fourth comment from this player the following scene happened :


GM (impersonating a brujah) - We were great and glorious back in Carthage and ...

Player - Oh yeah, Carthage (insert here comments, rants about Troilus/Brujah li'l blood-sucking thing, etc...) ...

Other player, also a brujah (sinister) - Dude,You've got five minutes to gather your stuff and move away from here. And if you dare to open your mouth again; you will leave this room with your teeth in a bucket ...

Player - Errr ... you're speaking in character ?

other player - Guess ?


We never saw this player again in the club. I don't miss him a lot to be frank.



Funny you said that. the "other player" i told about above is french but grew up in Florida ;) -true, i swear-




See, we Floridians are an Angry lot, much more suited to Brujah than others. :D

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Originally posted by altamaros

Other player, also a brujah (sinister) - Dude,You've got five minutes to gather your stuff and move away from here. And if you dare to open your mouth again; you will leave this room with your teeth in a bucket ...


This statement would earn the belligerent jerkoff a quick trip out of my game and out of my friendship. Nothing in a game justifies physical threats. Period.



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Of course, as grown-ups, none of us would dream of threatening to harm a fellow human being.


But when that annoying player has worn your nerves way past the point of frayed edges, when he is figuratively jumping up and down on that raw and exposed nerve, you could almost make a strong case for self-defense in presenting such a threat.


Defense of your sanity.


Don't you think?

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Not advocating violence or threats in any form.


But...would love to know the context in which this occurred.

The same technical threat could have been made sarcastically, tongue in cheek, even (OK, remote possibility) with humor.


In which case, the general displeasure of the group with this fellow's behavior was communicated.


Only if this threat was made in a serious, vein popping, genuinely violent manner would I consider it completely unacceptable.

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Guest WhammeWhamme



Originally posted by animemun001

good cure for this, when they do remember the dice and pencils and such, borrow them yourself


Why is this an issue? Dice are _dice_, and I _expect_ people to borrow them. You need randomization cubes to play.



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But they are my dice, dammit!


Actually, what I mind are the people who borrow without asking. If I give dice to someone, that's one thing, but if they take mine without asking...


Same with pencils and pens. But then I'm an artist (well, I attempt to be one occasionally), and pens and pencils are important...

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Re: What are the most annoying player habits!


But they are my dice, dammit!


Actually, what I mind are the people who borrow without asking. If I give dice to someone, that's one thing, but if they take mine without asking...


Same with pencils and pens. But then I'm an artist (well, I attempt to be one occasionally), and pens and pencils are important...

I can understand that. I draw in the manga style of anime myself. But Yeah if it's without permission then I would get mad as well.


Now another trait I tend to dislike is telling my players a good two weeks in advance about a game with all the limits. Then the day before they game one of the players asks me to create there character for them and doesn't care what it does just so long as it's 'cool'

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Re: What are the most annoying player habits!


Actually, this happened during a Vampire game where i was a player. After the fourth comment from this player the following scene happened :


GM (impersonating a brujah) - We were great and glorious back in Carthage and ...

Player - Oh yeah, Carthage (insert here comments, rants about Troilus/Brujah li'l blood-sucking thing, etc...) ...

Other player, also a brujah (sinister) - Dude,You've got five minutes to gather your stuff and move away from here. And if you dare to open your mouth again; you will leave this room with your teeth in a bucket ...

Player - Errr ... you're speaking in character ?

other player - Guess ?


We never saw this player again in the club. I don't miss him a lot to be frank.



Funny you said that. the "other player" i told about above is french but grew up in Florida ;) -true, i swear-



I've been put through worse without resorting to threats and I've found "never call the person again," to achieve the same results. That story makes me feel sorry for the guy. No matter how annoying a person is, if you ever called them friend, they shouldn't be chased out with threats of violence. It's just a game, one you can enjoy over and over again and the most one annoying person can do, is ruin one night of gaming. If you absolutely must get away from him that instant, asking them to leave nicely should be option A before threats. But, I realize it was your friend and not you, I just hope next time you happen to run into the french guy you say something like, "Please don't threaten people during my games."

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Re: What are the most annoying player habits!


Annoying player habits I have seen:


Not bothering to pay attention to the adventure, but wanting to be part of any investigation or combat that goes on.


Not letting anyone else speak without interruption, then deciding that no one else cares about the adventure.


Refuseing to accept hints from the GM, but perfoming amazing mental acrobatics in order to AVOID God hints when confonted with them.


Not washing.


Asking the GM to make a call on an attempt and not taking "No" for an answer.


Requiring their character to be better than everyone else's characters in ALL situations.


Refusing to compromise.


Assuming that all character to character criticisms MUST contain Player to Player metamessages. Just because my character thinks your caracter has lost their grip on reality doesn't mean that I think you're insane.


Whining when you aren't sick.


Staying sick all the time so you have license to whine.



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Re: What are the most annoying player habits!


This one's probably been mentioned before but...


Players who are constantly trying to push the limits of decency and good taste with their characters and/or style of game play. In my time I've seen everything from variations on Howard Stern's Fartman to a recent example that was truly in poor taste. The player in question actually had the nerve to submit a 350-point character who was more or less a normal guy with some skills, a few weapons, and the following power (I leave the Special Effects of this one to your immaginations, this guy had a lot of issues):


Warning: Icky :eek:


Major Transform 8d6 (human female to pregnant female; heals back when pregnancy carried to term), NND (defense is wearing a hermetically sealed suit; +1), Indirect (+3/4), LOS (+1/2), (390 Active Cost); Limited Target (human female; -1/2), All Or Nothing (-1/2), Gestures (*; -1/4), Extra Time (may take longer than character's Phase to reach targets significantly far away; -0), Point Of Origin Cannot Pass Through Hermetically Sealed Barriers (-0). Cost: 173-points


* Don't even ask... :eek::rolleyes:


Needless to say, I told him there was no way in hell I'd let him actually play that one in our games.

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Re: What are the most annoying player habits!


This one's probably been mentioned before but...


Players who are constantly trying to push the limits of decency and good taste with their characters and/or style of game play. In my time I've seen everything from variations on Howard Stern's Fartman to a recent example that was truly in poor taste. The player in question actually had the nerve to submit a 350-point character who was more or less a normal guy with some skills, a few weapons, and the following power (I leave the Special Effects of this one to your immaginations, this guy had a lot of issues):


Warning: Icky :eek:


Major Transform 8d6 (human female to pregnant female; heals back when pregnancy carried to term), NND (defense is wearing a hermetically sealed suit; +1), Indirect (+3/4), LOS (+1/2), (390 Active Cost); Limited Target (human female; -1/2), All Or Nothing (-1/2), Gestures (*; -1/4), Extra Time (may take longer than character's Phase to reach targets significantly far away; -0), Point Of Origin Cannot Pass Through Hermetically Sealed Barriers (-0). Cost: 173-points


* Don't even ask... :eek::rolleyes:


Needless to say, I told him there was no way in hell I'd let him actually play that one in our games.


I think I get the idea. And I hate to ask this. But... is Transform Female to Pregnant Female really Major? Of course the social and physical impact is Major, but so would be transforming Gender and I believe thats a Minor Transform (possible cosmetic). It has no real immediate combat effect (or much of oner at all for several days) and...


Why the heck am I thinking about this this much...

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Re: What are the most annoying player habits!


"The following program treats mature subject matter in a childish fashion and is consequently suitable for the entire family."


:eek: is right!


We often remind players that this is a "comics code" campaign. Perhaps the best thing you can do for this player is free up his game nights to see a mental health professional.


Warning: Icky :eek:


Major Transform 8d6 (human female to pregnant female; heals back when pregnancy carried to term), NND (defense is wearing a hermetically sealed suit; +1), Indirect (+3/4), LOS (+1/2), (390 Active Cost); Limited Target (human female; -1/2), All Or Nothing (-1/2), Gestures (*; -1/4), Extra Time (may take longer than character's Phase to reach targets significantly far away; -0), Point Of Origin Cannot Pass Through Hermetically Sealed Barriers (-0). Cost: 173-points


* Don't even ask... :eek::rolleyes:


Needless to say, I told him there was no way in hell I'd let him actually play that one in our games.

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Re: What are the most annoying player habits!


"The following program treats mature subject matter in a childish fashion and is consequently suitable for the entire family."


:eek: is right!


We often remind players that this is a "comics code" campaign. Perhaps the best thing you can do for this player is free up his game nights to see a mental health professional.

As I said, this guy had a lot of issues.


Fortunately for me and the rest of the group here, "Captain Spanky" is moving out of town. Which reminds me, Anyone here who lives in Kansas City be on the look out for him, he'll propably pull the same sort of stunts with his next game group if he doesn't do some serious growing up between now and then.

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Re: What are the most annoying player habits!


I think I get the idea. And I hate to ask this. But... is Transform Female to Pregnant Female really Major? Of course the social and physical impact is Major, but so would be transforming Gender and I believe thats a Minor Transform (possible cosmetic). It has no real immediate combat effect (or much of oner at all for several days) and...


Why the heck am I thinking about this this much...

Considering the kind of sick mind we're dealing with here, it's a wonder he put even THAT much rhyme and reason into this "power." As for whether or not I'd say this counts as a Major Transform...er...you know what, maybe I'll just not get into that. :eek:

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Re: What are the most annoying player habits!


Considering the kind of sick mind we're dealing with here' date=' it's a wonder he put even THAT much rhyme and reason into this "power." As for whether or not I'd say this counts as a Major Transform...er...you know what, maybe I'll just not get into that. :eek:[/quote']


Maybe someone should kill this thread before the munchkins start asking how many points their male characters can recover by selling back their own "transform".


Guys, if it's my campaign, the most you're getting is a 5 point Phys Lim. Got that - 5 points max. And rest assured you WILL suffer that much for it.

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Re: What are the most annoying player habits!


Maybe someone should kill this thread before the munchkins start asking how many points their male characters can recover by selling back their own "transform".


Or we can just change the subject. :D


Another thing that gets on my nerves is players who can't seem to find the happy medium between taking things too seriously and making everything a joke. Anyone else have experience with that type?

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Re: What are the most annoying player habits!


Another thing that gets on my nerves is players who can't seem to find the happy medium between taking things too seriously and making everything a joke. Anyone else have experience with that type?


A related type: the player who will not play characters for whom he can play in character. The wisecracking player who insists on playing the Mysterious Silent Avenger - but wisecracks throughout the game and never shuts up ("but that's not what my character is doing!"), for example. The "impulsive" character whose player spends extended periods deliberating on alternatives for his next move is another example.

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Re: What are the most annoying player habits!


The "impulsive" character whose player spends extended periods deliberating on alternatives for his next move is another example.


I have a similar, but opposite one in my group: A Mad Hacker that tries to play quiet, contemplative, passive characters. Then he maintains the status quo of initiating every combat before it’s necessary. Throw in the occasional slaughter of an innocent because he's bored. That's one unstable monk.

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