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Anyone remeber these


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While searching for a sketch pad yesterday I came across a couple of old Champions modules that I had forgotten. I found Day of the Destroyer and Demons Rule. I felt a little nostalgic so I read through them and had some very fond memories of both GM'ing and playing throught them. And I noticed something that I vaguely remeber happening on a lot of the older books and modules. Seeker is unconcious...I have never in my 10 plus years of Champions playing seen stats for Seeker...is he really that pathetic of a character or he is just the cannon fodder of the company? Just though I'd ask. Anyway hopefully this will spark some fond memories for everyone in thinking of game sessions gone by.

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Re: Anyone remeber these


Originally posted by Corven_Ren

Seeker is unconcious...I have never in my 10 plus years of Champions playing seen stats for Seeker...is he really that pathetic of a character or he is just the cannon fodder of the company?

He seemed to get the worst of it a lot.

There are stats for Seeker in the BBB, Watcher's of the Dragon & the Champions Universe (4th edition)

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Combat-wise he really wasn't too bad for a 250 pt. character (ironically , Defender , the powered armor hero , is the weak-link of the group IMO - average everything except for relatively low defenses.).


Some of the changes in 5th ed. rules actually make him a lot nastier.


With a high CV , spd 6 , martial arts and a 3d6+1 HKA he's relatively untouchable by agents (now that coordinated attacks are no longer a given) and the new multiple attack rules make him a pretty unpleasant close-combat fighter.


The only thing that would make him a little worse would be if he spent 2 pts. to make his triple-irons (+3d6 ha) and his sword made weapons elements of his martial arts.

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Guest Major Tom

I forget which issue it was in, but there was an upgraded write-

up for Seeker in one of the final issues of the Adventurer's Club



Major Tom :cool:

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Originally posted by JmOz

Also: Put all of his weapons in a MP

Give him some combat luck


He has just become a decent 250 point character


Or don't, and just let him use those weapons in a Multiple Power Attack.


I tend to run DCV friendly games, though, so Combat Luck is generally unnecessary. I suppose that in most games it's a good idea.

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Re: Anyone remeber these


I liked the Seeker from "Watchers of the Dragon". The character had some interesting choices as he grew (Man did he have a lot of contacts!!) but he felt right. What I always wanted to see was Defender at 450 or so.


Agreed on Watchers of the Dragon Seeker. Very interesting, well-rounded character, and a devasting martial art combatant. And the narrative featuring him in WotD really added layers of depth to him. I think that most of us who are nostalgic for Seeker really miss that evolved version.


Now if you want to see a high-point 4E Defender, you should seek out the first edition of Champions Universe. That book featured experienced versions of all the Champions on 400-500 points. In Defender's case I thought his unique martial art, "Flight-Suit Fighting" for use when flying in his armor, was a particularly cool touch. :cool:

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Re: Anyone remeber these


Agreed on Watchers of the Dragon Seeker. Very interesting, well-rounded character, and a devasting martial art combatant. And the narrative featuring him in WotD really added layers of depth to him. I think that most of us who are nostalgic for Seeker really miss that evolved version.


Now if you want to see a high-point 4E Defender, you should seek out the first edition of Champions Universe. That book featured experienced versions of all the Champions on 400-500 points. In Defender's case I thought his unique martial art, "Flight-Suit Fighting" for use when flying in his armor, was a particularly cool touch. :cool:

I cannot believe that I completely forgot about that write-up. I'm going to have dig that out from the archive shelf. Still, would have been nice to see him a la Seeker/Watchers in an Ultimate Armor book. ;)

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A bit off-topic, but...


Or don't, and just let him use those weapons in a Multiple Power Attack.


I tend to run DCV friendly games, though, so Combat Luck is generally unnecessary. I suppose that in most games it's a good idea.


Ever since FRED came out, my players have been addicted to Combat Luck. Even armored characters buy it for the 30 minutes a day during which they might be caught without armor. It’s fine by me as I like keeping characters around. It’s just an interesting phenomenon.

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Re: Anyone remeber these


I GM'd Day of the Destroyer twice; once I had to kill off 9/10ths of the population :o


(Digging this up from the depths) - the time 9/10 of the population got killed off, was that part of a running campaign? If so, would you mind describing the ways in which that changed your campaign world?


(To my players - no, not entertaining directly any thought of anything so dramatic but possibly long-term or in another campaign)

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Re: Anyone remeber these


My Day of the Destroyer is autographed by Ben Dunn :)

Not really important but I thought I'd brag (laugh).


Seeker always seemed to get the worst of it on the covers. Even when he poses for street signs! You always had Seeker getting his @$$ kicked and Jaguar was the invisible Champion. You hardly ever saw him on the cover or in the books. Best Defender cover had to be Champion's 3-D..coming out the warp looking like he was about to kick his evil counterpart's butt. Plus the painted look of the cover (sigh).

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Re: Anyone remeber these


The inside joke among HERO players was that Seeker was Quality Control for the HERO line. If he was unconscious on the cover (Classsic Enemies, Day of the Destroyer,ect.) then 9 times out of 10 the book was good. If Seeker was up and fighting on the cover (European Enemies springs to mind immediately), then 9 times out of 10 the book stank on ice.

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