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Originally posted by johnnype

I have Hero 5th Edition so I don't see the point of getting Sidekick. Obviously I am not in the target demographic.


However, I've never used my copy of 5th edition because I found the system dry and boring so maybe Sidekick would be perfect for me, I don't know.


Frankly the negative comments the game has received here and elsewhere has made me lose interest in ever bothering with Hero. If I want a simplified game I'll use one of the other games I own.


See, this is why I don't hang out on the RPGNet boards, despite the fact that it's the favorite board of some of my gaming group... (Highlight mine)

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As a RPGnetter, long time GM, a Champions player, and an advocate for using what system is best for what I am trying to achieve, I will say there is some hostility by some of the posters on both sides. But that same hostility is applied to almost EVERY GAME on the market. I have seen tons of threads blasting Palladium, Unisystem, BESM/dX, d20...what have you.


I believed the percieved conflict comes from trying to have a site for all gaming with vastly different styles and preferences. That kind of conflict is going to come up. Here, however, the conflict is less likely to occur due the this boards homogenous nature. In a sense, it is safer to post about a particular company's game to that company's site.


The big picture is simple: just keep playing. If your system is being crapped on by some anonymous guy, so what? Work harder in your local area to pimp your game of choice. It has worked for me, and I play some small press, obscure things (octaNe, anyone).


DO I own HERO? Yes, I do. And Cash permitting, I will buy FRED. Do I play HERO? Yeah, if there is a game I can get into. But I will play anything (except THAT WHICH SHALL NOT BE MENTIONED). Do I GM HERO? No, my time is limited and I don't want tweak every detail. That is simply my preference. Do I bash HERO? No. I love games. I need gamers of any stripe. Without someone to play with, I just have worthless mountains of paper.



-I just game.

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I read that post too, Alhazred. A whole lot of the lemming mentality going on over there.


I've used rpg.net to research a couple of games before buying them and received mostly positive feedback. Other than that finding a coherent thread that doesn't turn into a flamewar or pointless discussion about something completely off-topic can be difficult. And posters over there do want to flame HERO even if they are going to be low key about it.


I find it funny that the D20 fans over there can be elitist about that system. It's the system that EVERYONE plays and is quite easy to master. A few good OGL games exist, but they are by far in the minority. D20 is real bland IMO and a whole lot of the D20 offerings really suck due to poor writing/playtesting, bad production values, and redoing old cliche concepts to death. Playing D20 is like saying "since Britney Spears is so popular she's better than everyone else and she's all I'll listen to" when the fact of the matter is she has no talent beyond her looks and that you see her a lot in commercials. So I guess HERO would be the Radiohead or Miles Davis of gaming, much better but not aknowledged or comprehensible by Britney/D20 fans. Or by D20 gushers on rpg.net.


And since I have no wish to find out how to play the X-Men using the Exalted rules, or to read speculation on WOD 2.0 I rarely post there and read some of the posts about once a week.

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Originally posted by Lowly Uhlan

I find it funny that the D20 fans over there can be elitist about that system. It's the system that EVERYONE plays and is quite easy to master. A few good OGL games exist, but they are by far in the minority. D20 is real bland IMO and a whole lot of the D20 offerings really suck due to poor writing/playtesting, bad production values, and redoing old cliche concepts to death. Playing D20 is like saying "since Britney Spears is so popular she's better than everyone else and she's all I'll listen to" when the fact of the matter is she has no talent beyond her looks and that you see her a lot in commercials. So I guess HERO would be the Radiohead or Miles Davis of gaming, much better but not aknowledged or comprehensible by Britney/D20 fans. Or by D20 gushers on rpg.net.

(italicized for emphasis by me)


uhh...mildly ironic...exhalts the superiority of a system while denegrating the proponets of another...:)



-i just game.

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Originally posted by neverrob

(italicized for emphasis by me)


uhh...mildly ironic...exhalts the superiority of a system while denegrating the proponets of another...:)



-i just game.


Seemed like a good analogy. I gave up on attacking any system a while back. Probably a lot kinder than D20 fans on rpg.net. Not a reflection on you. I just game too. CODA (the red headed stepchild of Decipher) is the best system IMO, HERO is the best generic system. I get baffled by people who stick to D20 without ever giving other games a chance.

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I was always partial to Mayfair's system they used for DC Heroes (and that "Blood of Heroes" managed to screw up).



.... See how nice it is to say something like that here and not get attacked by anyone? That's why I love you guys. Big hug!...

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Re: RPG.net


Originally posted by nexus

I was wondering if anyone felt that Rpg.net forums are a little, well, hostile to Hero players?


No, not at all.


RPGnet services a broad section of the RPG community. In that, you'll find people who like Hero, people who dislike Hero, and people who don't know or care about Hero either way. RPGnet is no more hostile to Hero than it is to Palladium, d20, GURPS, or any other system -- it's entirely in one's perception.

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Originally posted by Blue

I was always partial to Mayfair's system they used for DC Heroes (and that "Blood of Heroes" managed to screw up).



.... See how nice it is to say something like that here and not get attacked by anyone? That's why I love you guys. Big hug!...

Get away from me you freak!

sorry, just a reaction. Thought you were a smurf

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Originally posted by Lowly Uhlan

Seemed like a good analogy. I gave up on attacking any system a while back. Probably a lot kinder than D20 fans on rpg.net. Not a reflection on you. I just game too. CODA (the red headed stepchild of Decipher) is the best system IMO, HERO is the best generic system. I get baffled by people who stick to D20 without ever giving other games a chance.


I would expect that response from someone with a Lowly Uhlan mentality!!:D


I gave up trying to defend system choices too (try trying to sell VTM to Battlelords players...). But now at this point, like you, I just want to play. Why bicker? It stops me from killin' more orcs...



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Re: RPG.net


Ouch' date=' how long were you in the hospital? :)[/quote']



They were all good friends of mine from High School, but they got into gaming from a tactical/wargaming end. They just weren't ready to try something different. But I must admit, we played some of the best CP2020 and Shadowrun that I have ever played.



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Re: RPG.net


They were all good friends of mine from High School, but they got into gaming from a tactical/wargaming end. They just weren't ready to try something different. But I must admit, we played some of the best CP2020 and Shadowrun that I have ever played.




Cool, I remeber having alot of fun with CP 2020.

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Re: RPG.net


I don't feel that RPGnet is necessarily hostile to Hero players per se. Rather, Hero players and gm's tend to be concerned about the nuts-and-bolts building of the Hero system while the RPGnet boards are more concerned about the gaming experience. Hero fans will debate on the merits of power frameworks to simulate some effect. RPGnet'ers would debate using sources of inspiration from other games without allegence to a particular system.


From my own experiences, a large poriton of the posts on the Hero boards follows the former trend while the RPGnet board posts follow the latter. The RPGnet boards have a large portion of discussions on doing different, neat, interesting, or even weird things with a variety of systems. Hero fans tend to want to do all of this in Hero - even if Hero is not the best fit. (Trust me, sometimes doing a particular game in Hero is not the way to go). RPGnet'ers are much more likely to buy various systems, using bits and pieces for whatever game they have in mind.


Maybe the standard RPGnet'er doesn't find Hero inspiring - and maybe that is percieved as a flaw that makes them turn their noses down. A toolkit system in a vaccuum doesn't really get the creative juices flowing for most people. Sure you can do a lot in Hero but why do so if a game designer has already been inspired to produce a facinating game with another system? Whether all of this is true or not, I believe that groups of each side have a clash due to these percieved attitudes of the other group.

I don't know about that. I can't speak for anyone else, but personally I find non-toolkit systems an impediment to creativity. I like to create my own settings and power systems rather than using some other guy's stuff. Most of the time, I'm more inspired by telivision and comics and so on than RPG books. Unless I want to write my own RPG for every game or alter an existing game's rules nearly beyond recognition, I pretty much have to use one of the generic game systems.

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Re: RPG.net


Now if I was rude and was given to stating broad generalizations or deliberately insulting others, I might say some thing like…


“D20 is a very basic and simple system and all it take is a very basic and simple mind to understand it, master it even. With the Hero System you actually have to think a little and a lot of people find that difficult. “


But I don’t like to make statements like that. So I will refrain.



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Re: RPG.net


Aaagh! I'm starting to see what people mean by the hostility towards HERO on RPG.net. Do me a favour guys and read my exchanges with Topher v2.0 and tesuji starting on this page - http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?s=&threadid=111266&perpage=10&pagenumber=29 - and tell me if I'm actually being offensive, arrogant or misrepresenting HERO System in anyway - because I really don't think I am - or if these people are just ~&*$#!^ nuts!

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Re: RPG.net


Aaagh! I'm starting to see what people mean by the hostility towards HERO on RPG.net. Do me a favour guys and read my exchanges with Topher v2.0 and tesuji starting on this page - http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?s=&threadid=111266&perpage=10&pagenumber=29 - and tell me if I'm actually being offensive' date=' arrogant or misrepresenting HERO System in anyway - because I really don't think I am - or if these people are just ~&*$#!^ nuts![/quote']

Reminds me of some of the NGD political threads. ;)

And no, I don't think you were being offensive.,

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