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What Would Your Character Do? #63


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You arrive on the scene as the villainous Krono-Guy is zapping bystanders with his Krono-Gunâ„¢, turning them into either infants or senior citizens. During the ensuing struggle, the gun accidentally discharges and hits a small child. The kid, who turns out to have been a latent mutant, is age exellerated to the level of physical maturaty one reachs at age 18 and his latent powers become active (he's a powerful energy projecter type). He then blasts Krono-Guy into "GM option." With the villain down for the count, the group gadgeteer examines the Krono-Gun and, upon figuring out the setting controls, starts restoring the affected people to normal. But when it comes to the kid's turn he says, "Go back to being a powerless little kid? Screw that!" and dodges the beam. What would you do?

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #63


First...wonder how a kid learned profanity so quickly!


Rook would telepathically link with the kid to see why he wanted to skip the first eighteen years of his life.


Then, (barring finding horrific abuse or anything like that in his background),

Rook would use mental illusions to show him what he was missing by growing up "too fast" (you know - kids birthday parties, holidays such as Christmas, summer vacation, graduation, all the Norman Rockwell Hallmark cards you could imagine) and hope he chose to go back.


If not, then Rook would guilt him by showing him how his parents will experience grief nearly beyond imagining by the loss of their baby.


Hopefully the brat would be ready to go back and actually live his life instead of fast forwarding.


Then he'd get zapped back to infancy.


And watched carefully for signs of his powers manifesting in the years to come!

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #63


I would have the team Sound controller , Dischord, surround him in Sound bubble (14/14 FW), then when the Kro-no ray is ready again have the team speedster,Blitz, (whom has an OCV of 12) shoot the spoiled child while the Dischord only opens one side so the brat has nowhere to dodge too.


If I'm by myself, call in the team while subduing (i.e. knocking out) the poor aged child with a kick to the head.


My character only likes his own kid. :eg:

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #63


It's interesting that so far' date=' everyone wants to force the kid to go back.[/quote']


I have to say my reasoning is that it was written Small Child. To me means below 10 normally. No child that age is emotionally or morally ready for copious amounts of power. We don't let children have guns, his powers would be a loaded gun.


And Avatar doesn't like Kids. :eg:

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #63


Audra Blue wouldn't give a darn. She's got a problem with people who play God. She might make an argument on behalf of the kid's free will.


Anthem would discuss it with the kid. "You'll be missing out on a good portion of your life; some important parts. And your powers will be there when you reach maturity anyway."


Uncle Slam is the extremist here. He's a believer in balances and all things in their time. He would indeed reverse the effect and he would apologize to the boy. "It is for your own good." Then he would say to him, "When your powers manifest, come to see me and I will assist you in their use."


(Naturally in Uncle Slam's case the kid will turn villain and look him up anyway ;) )

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #63


First, my character Warp would detain him with a spatial distortion trap. Then we'd talk to the kid and have the team mentalist check him out to find out what his deal was. Since we came upon the scene while Krono-Guy was already zapping people, it's possible this "kid" had been an adult who was hit before we got there and just happened to be hit again.


If so, we let him go. If he actually was a kid we'd restore him back to his proper age. Should be easy to do, since Warp could use his Indirect, Any Target Missile Reflection to allow the beam to hit the kid while he's still in the Spatial Distortion Trap (which is an Entangle that's transparent to Indirect attacks that bypass intervening space).

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #63


Adrenaline would try to reverse the aging and then feel guilty that he forced someone into something they didn't want.


Death Wish would reverse the aging without remorse and then train the kid in the proper way to be a hero.


Hecabus would use the kids naivety to his advantage, giving him a cheap, loyal and powerful pawn.....Yes, Hecabus is a hero......just a "slanted" hero.

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #63


Special Agent Trent would be both sympathetic and wary. On the one hand, he's intimately familiar with being turned into a super by someone else's actions. On the other hand, a "small child" with that kind of power is going to be extremely dangerous, as Avatar pointed out.


Trent would try to talk to the ex-kid and get a feel for him, but he'd be prepared to take him down if he had to. Trent's had too many dealings with criminals, super-villains, and unstable superheroes to have much faith in human nature.


If a fight doesn't break out, he'd like to have the individual in question talk to a psychologist/psychiatrist for a while, along with the parents. If the kid seems stable and responsible, it would be wrong to force him to change back against his will. If, on the other hand, the kid is a threat to society, do what you have to do.


But will the memory of being forced back fester in the kid's mind, until he gets his powers and decides to take revenge on those who stole them in the first place?



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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #63


Get him to "join the Team and fight crime", while basically keeping him out of harm's way or causing unnecessary damage. Make sure he faces a lot of tough (i.e. nearly impossible) challenges in in the danger room. Let homesickness do the rest.



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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #63


Anthem: would allot all of his combat and overall levels to offense, bring his penalty skill levels into play - and shoot the foul mouthed little brat. After that he'd wash his mouth out with soap.


Midnight: would probably try to reason with the kid, but would eventually decide sandbox debates aren't his thing and shoot the kid while his guard was still down. Then he'd hand him a sucker, pat him on the head, and swing off into the night.


Pinstripe: would whip out a grenade launcher and rapid fire a bunch of concussion grenades into the kid. No sense in pussy footing around. Then he'd walk up, put his boot heel on the kids chest/neck, and shoot him in the face with the chrono-gun. He's a homicidal vigilante maniac. He's not a kid person. He's not a cat person, either.

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #63


Paradox- relax and just talk to the kid...then do a spinning kick to the back of the head, knock him out and turn him over to the CIA and let them deal with it.


Jade- totally take the kid's side at first (he's a kid himself who's 500 yrs old), but then just by being with the kid for awhile probably just slowly convince the kid on what he's going to miss.

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #63


An 18 year old with the mentality of a small child? No thanks, we have enough of those in the real world. ;)


But seriously, the kid would have to go back to his appropriate age. A child couldn't cope with a hormone driven body AND mutant powers. If he was allowed to remain, that's just asking for him to end up a villain to fight later. Besides, kids grow up too fast as it is....

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #63


A minor child lacks legal standing to choose to remain in his newly aquired artificially aged body. Legally, his parents or guardians would have the legal right to decide if he did or did not stay "all grown up".


So in game terms, you could face loving parents distraught over their precious baby losing his childhood...or unethical parents seeing a monetary advantage to having a kid they (think) can be controlled with a lot of power.


Plus...if a kid jumps from age 5 to age 25 physically, but not emotionally or intellectually, you've got a NIGHTMARE on your hands.


Look at your own kids, neighbors kids, etc. and tell me you want a 5 year old kid with the body of a grown man and enough power to blast an armored car away.


Uh uh. No way. Regress that sucker back to his rightful age.


Even if childhood sucks, it is suckage we all have to deal with before being adults. No cutting in line, no skipping ahead.

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #63


Since Husky is really a teenager he'd deifinately understand the kid's feelings and defend him from assault. After spiriting the kid away he'd stash him somewhere and tell him to wait for him. Husky would then return to the Fortress of Huskitude and transform into Kenneth. Kenneth would slap together a chronal control with an internal timer so that the kid could only be an adult for a certain number of hours per day he'd of course also build a remote activator for himself. He'd then sneak to the kid's location and change the child to his normal age from out of sight. After turning back into Husky he'd rush onto the scene and act saddened the kid has reverted to normal. He'll then offer the chronal control for the kid to use if he's willing to be Husky's sidekick and learn how to be a proper hero. Since Husky is a famous and charming Hero this will probably work.

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #63


Are you sure Husky is a hero?


Cause that behavior is underhanded, dishonest, and manipulative?


(Not that I against being underhanded, dishonest, or manipulative...just thought your character was more straightlaced heroic type!)

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #63


Eric Drake would likely convince the child turned adult to join his group learn the ropes being a teen and earn a little money for his parents on the side to make up for losing their baby in the first place.

If child is female turned adult eric would still try to persuade them to join with him but would be using his bliss touch to help 'motivate' the child into helping joining his friends the raptors

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #63


Eric Drake would likely convince the child turned adult to join his group learn the ropes being a teen and earn a little money for his parents on the side to make up for losing their baby in the first place.

If child is female turned adult eric would still try to persuade them to join with him but would be using his bliss touch to help 'motivate' the child into helping joining his friends the raptors


Your character is, I hope, a villain?


And one that, no offense, I hope gets arrested VERY SOON if he frequently mind-rapes people.

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #63


Your character is, I hope, a villain?


And one that, no offense, I hope gets arrested VERY SOON if he frequently mind-rapes people.

Or at least gets sent to juvie he's teen with a bit of a chip on his shoulder due to alcoholic father's abuse see's his power as a way of might makes right. But He could with the right mentor become a hero. But yes right now he's going down the twisted path.

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: What Would Your Character Do? #63


Sludge would let them on the team, and treat them like a kid sibling. Then again, he is on a villain team, although he has his good points.


Ideas like 'responsibility, good, etc...' - not his thing.


Still. He is young(ish).

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #63


Alex Raven would attempt to coerce the young mutant to stop and join the super group he belongs to. We are a dark style group that would use his aggressive nature to bring down villainy by any means necessary.


Rapport would attempt to establish a telepathic link and attempt to learn why he doesn't want to return to a child-like state.

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