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Tornado Building


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Okay. I'm looking to build a tornado. Not a tornado demon, or a tornado superhero, or whatever, but just a tornado itself. I actually think it would be kind of cool to create it as a mindless "creature" (I have an NPC who I'd like to be able to Summon tornadoes), but I'm open to other ideas, too.


Has anyone built a tornado before? Would anyone like to?


My thought for building it as a character would be that it would an automaton with Damage Reduction that had a few limitations (maybe not working against wind powers, area of effect attacks, and maybe one or two other similar strategies), so that it would be possible, though difficult, to take it down. What would be the effect of the tornado? What would its "attacks" be?


I'd appreciate any assistance I could get. Thanks.

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Re: Tornado Building


Well, it should have a huge, Area Effect TK, for one, depending on the size of the tornado.


Next, damage would be caused by flying debris, so an EB, Physical, AE Continuous (or Autofire, your choice), based on available materials swept up by tornado.


Change Environment for the tornado's path of destruction.


It should be able to grab and throw objects and people, and rip through buildings so it needs to be very strong.


And its victims should be somewhat dizzy from being swept around in circles at high speeds. Not sure, exactly, how to simulate that. Maybe a minor, linked Transform that would give the tornado's victims a minus to CV and Dex Rolls.


I hope that helps you out. :D

Cool idea, by the way.



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Re: Tornado Building


You don't actually need a transform. You could just buy Negative Skill Levels for Characteristic rolls and All Combat UAO UAA.That way there is no annoying rolling the effect. EVERYONE gets dizzy.


Also the Change Environment should not be used to simulate the Tornadoes path of destruction, the TK AE with Linked EB or RKA should do that just fine. You might want to use it to create areas of low pressure, increased winds and reduced visiblity though.


I totally agree this is a cool concept. Post it once you have it stated up fully.



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Re: Tornado Building


Sentient being or not, this does sound cool!


I'm thinking of something with very high STR, Stretching and Extra Limbs with a Continuous AE Personal Immunity TK whirlwind effect surrounding it. It should have lot's of Running and naturally some Leaping. It's STR and whirlwind could easily have "only during natural storms."


I'm not sure if Damage Reduction would work, but Desol and ARW on the STR and whirlwind would work. It would naturally be affected by wind powers and wouldn't be able to move through solid walls.


As a character, it could easily have Physical Limitation "moves with storms" and Psych Limit "fickle combatant."

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Re: Tornado Building


Here are a few extra points to consider.


1. Storm Clouds/Dust Storm - There should be some kind of darkness to go with it.

2. Dust Cloud - Consider a dirt/flying debris based flash vs. sight, I may even add NND with the defense being covered eye protection.

3. Roaring Sound - Consider a sound based flash vs. hearing, maybe include flash vs. storm based senses, radar, sonar, etc....

4. Force Transferrence - During a tornado a deck of cards or a piece of hay can become very deadly, definately all attacks should be RKA

5. High Winds - I would go with several stacked Change Enviroments to show how much more difficult it is to move the closer the tornado gets.

6. Swirling Winds - What about a HUGE flight Suppression

7. Super Strength - It is common for a tornado to pick something up and carry it/throw it several miles.

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Re: Tornado Building


I think desol is the way to go on something like this. There will be no punching the tornado! ARW on all of its effects...welll, it's a good thing points don't matter for the gm. :winkgrin::sneaky:


Further powers/disads for a tornado:

Limitation on AE powers: non-selective. (How the hell did it miss your house??)

Psych Lim: Hatred of trailer parks.

Psych Lim: Completely random actions.

Psych Lim: Showoff.


And last but not least (drumroll please)...


EDM: Oz!! :D


Usable against others, of course... :thumbup:

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Re: Tornado Building


What if we treat it more like an attack than a critter? A big heap of powers thrown (dare I say "linked"?) together (flash, TK, EB, etc.) with indirect, AOE (explosion?), continuous, uncontrolled. The hard part is aiming it - a tornado tends to move around in a somewhat unpredictable fashion. If that's what you intend, its almost like No Conscious Control, but not quite. Give it dozens of charges and a nearly guaranteed runaway?


Make it an OIF, so Pecos Bill can rope it.

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Re: Tornado Building


In the old FH, from the Air Wizard College...


Telekinesis (50 STR), AE, Explosion. For throwing objects straight up the funnel and into the air (man sized objects get thrown 32" up and away (15d6 on impact))


3d6 RKA (phys.) AE Vertical Line (one 1d6K and one 2d6K attack) for random objects hitting things


6d6 EB (phys) AE Vertical Line (one 1d6K and one 2d6K attack) for random objects hitting things


They had some special rules for it too, but this is basically how they did it. I suppose you could add a flash if you wanted, and a Change Environment for sure.

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Re: Tornado Building


Everyone forgot one of most common aspects associated with Tornados: fear. If bought as Summoned, I'd give it a high PRE for presence attacks with mucho bonus presence to resist presence attacks. If bought as an attack, I'd buy it with bonus dice to presence attacks.

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Re: Tornado Building


Thanks, guys. I appreciate all the input. What I'm really looking at isn't anything goofy (transport characters to Oz), or with a mind of its own. Basically, I want, as closely as possible, to simulate a real tornado and its effects. Once I settle on something, I'll post it here. Thanks, and please keep the ideas flowing.

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Guest Kolava

Re: Tornado Building


Building a Tornado as a summoned automaton sounds like fun. Don't forget to give it full life support and "takes no stun", otherwise you'll end up with unconcious or poisoned tornados.

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  • 3 months later...

Re: Tornado Building


Well, I finally built the tornado a few weeks back. I ended up going with a self-aware one after all, though the tornado is, to all appearances, natural. I've already submitted the character sheet, so it's probably too late for feedback, but I thought I'd share what I came up with in case it proved useful to anyone else:


Tornado Creature


Val Char Cost
0/75 STR -10
10 DEX 0
23 CON 26
10/25 BODY 0
8 INT -2
8 EGO -4
35 PRE 25
6 COM -2
20 PD 20
17 ED 12
3 SPD 10
15 REC 20
0 END -23
42/57 STUN 20
6" RUN02" SWIM00"/15" LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 92

Cost Power END
30 Tornado Form: Elemental Control, 60-point powers
82 1) Huge Tornado: Growth (+75 STR, +15 BODY, +15 STUN, -15" KB, 3.27E6 kg, -10 DCV, +10 PER Rolls to perceive character, 63 m tall, 32 m wide), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (112 Active Points) 0
17 2) Made of Wind I: Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 75% (60 Active Points); Not vs. Air, Vacuum, or Area of Effect Attacks (-3/4) 0
17 3) Made of Wind II: Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 75% (60 Active Points); Not vs. Air, Vacuum, or Area of Effect Attacks (-3/4) 0
32 4) Moves through the Air: Flight 13", x4 Noncombat, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (62 Active Points) 0
20 5) Pulling/Pushing Wind: Telekinesis (20 STR), Affects Porous, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (60 Active Points); Only to Move Objects Toward or Away from Itself (-1/2) 0
44 6) Tireless and Huge: 75 STR: Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) for up to 75 Active Points, Area Of Effect (up to 8" Radius; +1) (74 Active Points) 0
32 Force of Nature: Life Support (Eating Character does not eat; Immunity All terrestrial diseases and biowarfare agents; Immunity All terrestrial poisons and chemical warfare agents; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Sleeping Character does not sleep) 0
18 Mind of the Storm: Mental Defense (20 points total) 0
5 Tendrils of Air: Extra Limbs (100) 0
-14 True Flyer: Running -6" and Swimming -2" 0
Powers Cost: 283




Total Character Cost: 375

Val Disadvantages
25 Distinctive Features: Huge Tornado (Not Concealable; Extreme Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)
35 Enraged: Berserk When Summoned (Uncommon), go 14-, recover 8-
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence (All the Time, Slightly Impairing)
15 Physical Limitation: Body of Air (All the Time, Slightly Impairing)
10 Physical Limitation: Limited Manipulation (Infrequently, Greatly Impairing)
10 Psychological Limitation: Disdain for Humans (Common, Moderate)
20 Psychological Limitation: Glories in Destruction (Common, Total)
25 Social Limitation: Not Considered a Sentient Entity (Very Frequently, Severe)
10 Vulnerability: 2 x BODY Air and Wind Attacks (Uncommon)
10 Vulnerability: 2 x STUN Air and Wind Attacks (Uncommon)

Disadvantage Points: 175

Base Points: 200

Experience Required: 0

Total Experience Available: 0

Experience Unspent: 0

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Re: Tornado Building


32 meters wide? Is that all?



I only say that because I was waaayyy closer to the F5 that came through Oklahoma City back in 1999 than I ever wanted to be; that thing was blowing at over 300 mph at it's fastest, and was around a mile across at its biggest. (Or just over 1600 meters... so if you wanted to play it out on a 1" hex map, with standard 1"=2 meters scale, you'd need a map 67 feet across to fit it all on!)

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Re: Tornado Building


32 meters wide? Is that all?



I only say that because I was waaayyy closer to the F5 that came through Oklahoma City back in 1999 than I ever wanted to be; that thing was blowing at over 300 mph at it's fastest, and was around a mile across at its biggest. (Or just over 1600 meters... so if you wanted to play it out on a 1" hex map, with standard 1"=2 meters scale, you'd need a map 67 feet across to fit it all on!)

Any bigger than that, and my PCs will go splat! This size will do nicely for my needs and suit the abilitities of the character summoning it. Maybe I'll try a bigger one someday as a plot device...

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