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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


But I don't want to get used to it.

It happened again this morning. I want to sleep normally. That is not too much to ask for.

I know.


I recommend a glass of warm milk and NyQuil about an hour before bed. Just keep a dream journal handy, 'cause that'll give you some interesting ones.


At least, if you're anything like me, it will.

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Re: The cranky thread


I hate what the heat is doing to my sleep pattern. I stayed up a little later before going to bed in order to try and exhaust myself. What happens ?

I get up later and am late for work.

oh phooey !

I don't think I've had too many nights where I've slept 8 hours this year. Just try not to overmedicate yourself. It only messes you up and going through withdrawal when you stop the medication SUCKS! (my meds were prescribed by a doctor for something else, btw).

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Re: The cranky thread


Let's see...


The house we're trying to sell has been on the market over 90 days; we've gotten a couple lowball offers, but nothing worthwhile. While there are many things in life that are better in pairs, mortgages are not among them.


The mortgage company miscalculated our escrow rates, then somehow forgot to deposit the check our lender sent them. So every month, we get a mortgage statement that says we owe more than we do. Every month, we call the mortage company, who confirms we only owe "X" not "Y". We pay "X", then get socked with a late fee because we didn't pay "Y." Another phone call, and the late fee gets rescinded. This has gone on for several months now. Today we find out that the mortgage company has filed a foreclosure notice against our house because of all the unpaid late fees. (We're talking about a total of $100 here BTW.) Didn't bother to notify us, of course, let alone warn us ahead of time. More phone calls, everyone assures us it will be cleared up any second now. (Place your bets on how long it takes.)


All this for a house we're not living in.


Meanwhile, at our new house... we're being sued, because the ***hole we bought it from never paid the contractor that did the remodel, so the contractor filed a lien against our house. Again, everyone assures us that we're bullet-proof on this one, our title insurance company specifically covers us, etc. But again, any bets on how long it'll take this to get cleared up?


Grrr. Arrgh.

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Re: The cranky thread


Somewhat famliiar but we don't have it half as bad, bdh, I'm sorry to hear that. We just had a problem where our insurance was incorrectly being paid out of our mortgage provider, and it went on for many months with multiple complaints. But that's nowhere near your situation, sorry to hear that.

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Re: The cranky thread


Want some sick numbers:

Foreclosures in Colorado in the first six months of 2006: ~9,400

Foreclpsures in Colorado in the first six months of 2005; ~7,000


Colorado leads the country in foreclosures, the housing market here is on the verge of collapsing.

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Re: The cranky thread


Want some sick numbers:

Foreclosures in Colorado in the first six months of 2006: ~9,400

Foreclpsures in Colorado in the first six months of 2005; ~7,000


Colorado leads the country in foreclosures, the housing market here is on the verge of collapsing.

The scary thing is that the collapse of the housing market, in a wider scale, is considered by many to be a trigger to a serious depression, making our '80s-'00s recessions look like child's play and revisiting, basically, the Great Depression sort of badness. Scary indeed...read up on the Great Depression from any angle and it's almost unthinkable to us who have grown up in the unprecedented prosperity of the post-WW II era.

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Re: The cranky thread


Colorado leads the country in foreclosures' date=' the housing market here is on the verge of collapsing.[/quote']

Yeah, as I understand it there were a lot of Coloradoans that were right on the verge of being able to afford homeownership, got talked into ARMs when rates were low, and as soon as rates started going up found they couldn't cover the payments. Hence all the forclosures.


Hell yeah! Maybe if I move out there I can afford a house!

It's definitely a buyer's market right now. Prices haven't actually dropped that much, but they sure aren't going up.


The scary thing is that the collapse of the housing market' date=' in a wider scale, is considered by many to be a trigger to a serious depression, making our '80s-'00s recessions look like child's play and revisiting, basically, the Great Depression sort of badness. Scary indeed...read up on the Great Depression from any angle and it's almost unthinkable to us who have grown up in the unprecedented prosperity of the post-WW II era.[/quote']

Yeah, I've heard that too. From everything I've read & heard, I think the Doomsday scenarios are somewhat exaggerated. At least, I hope so... :fear:

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Re: The cranky thread


Yeah' date=' as I understand it there were a lot of Coloradoans that were right on the verge of being able to afford homeownership, got talked into ARMs when rates were low, and as soon as rates started going up found they couldn't cover the payments. Hence all the forclosures.[/quote']

That and the "Interest Only" loans are responsible for most of the forclosures.


Colorado is one of something like 2 states that doesn't require the creditor or loan office to have a liscense. A condition that will quickly change I think.

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Re: The cranky thread


The big boss just quit, so people are jockeying for position. I just put in my bid for a promotion, but a coworker commented that I shouldn't get my hopes up, as I haven't kissed up to anyone here, despite everything I've done for the program. I swear I'll quit on the spot if I get the shaft again.

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Re: The cranky thread


:help: My purse strap is twisted and I can't figure out how to untwist it. Aargh !


If it's one of those kind where the loop on the end of the strap connects to a ring of some sort, its possible the loop has turned. This is a pain to fix, but is one of the more common reasons for "unfixable" twists in straps.


You see it a lot in bondage equipment.

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Re: The cranky thread


The idiots in the Warhammer thread keep posting stuff they shouldn't be posting. They never listen when I ask nicely. So I lay the law down. Invariably, someone will complain about what a dictator I am.


Bunch of morons, the lot of them!

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Re: The cranky thread


On Friday, I had Josh take my car to Jiffy Lube for an oil change and yearly inspection. They first remarked to him that the car couldn't POSSIBLY have the mileage it does, and that my odometer must be broken. :nonp: (For reference, I got it at the end of 2002, and it was brand new. It has just over 24K miles on it.)


Next, they tried to sell him an air filter, when mine was just changed at 21K miles and shows no sign of excessive wear.


Third, they wrote on the inspection notice that I have an oil leak. They failed to mention anything TO him, other than on the receipt, and previous oil changes haven't found any sign of leakage. Nor have we seen any signs of leaking oil.


Oh, but that wasn't the worst of it. The worst of it was, when I popped a CD into the player, it made that noise that CD players make when they're trying to read something, but are unhappy, then spat it back out. The radio works fine, but the CD player, even after a lens cleaning (well, as well as you CAN clean the lens, when the CD player doesn't work) and using some canned air to get dust out, refuses to work. It just spits CDs back out.


I've called the Saturn dealership and made an appointment to have them fix it. I am SORELY tempted to invoice Jiffy Lube with the cost of fixing the CD player they broke. :mad:


And the thing is, I got off easy. When I posted this story on my LJ, I heard MUCH worse stories of mistreatment by Jiffy Lube technicians. One of my friends had her car break down because the oil had literally run out down the street! When she complained that they should've put the cap back on, they claimed it was "stripped", and charged her for a new one. The next time she got her oil changed (at the dealer this time), they asked her why she had an old, worn-out cap that was almost stripped on her oil well.


I'm paying more at the dealer or the gas station up the street from me, from now on. They may be more expensive, but in the long run, they're a bargain.

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Re: The cranky thread


Bleh. This is going to be the week from hell for me. I leave for my wonderful week-long vacation. However, today is the last day of the month...which means billing is going to take a huge chunk of my time today and tomorrow for both companies. In the mean-time, I have a bunch of check stubs that need to be matched with invoices.


Now, I could always give the customer check stubs to the receptionist to match up...which, actually might be a good idea. Perhaps I'll give her half of them. And work on the other half myself. We'll see.


Anywho. I'm not looking forward to how busy I'm going to be this week trying to clean off my desk before I leave on vacation for a week. So many things I need to look into and get cleaned up. >_<


Work sucks. Especially when you decide to take a full week off. :P

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Re: The cranky thread


I parked for a while under pine trees in the parking lot so my car would be cooler, and now I have tree sap on my windshield and I can't get it off. Worse, there is some under the wipers, so every time I use them, it gets smeared across my windshield. I just had it cleaned. They got most of it, but not all. As soon as I turned on the wipers, more smeared across my windshield. :mad: I am taking it in for maintenance tomorrow and having the wiper blades replaced. I'll see what they can do. :help:

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Re: The cranky thread


I'm paying more at the dealer or the gas station up the street from me' date=' from now on. They may be more expensive, but in the long run, they're a bargain.[/quote']


Trust me. I hear ya there.


I took my car to an Econo Lube and Tune 9 months ago. Why? Hmmml...let's see. I got my car in there right when they opened. I was the first person there as a matter of fact. However, I was there for an hour. I don't remember why it took them that long, but the manager did take like 10% off my bill (whoopy-do, saved me tax I think). Anywho. Everything was great, or so I thought. Until the following Wednesday morning (I took it in on a Saturday) when I was a block from work and smoke started spilling out from under the hood of my car. Thank goodness I was that close to work. I pulled in, shut off my car, grabbed all my stuff and popped the hood. As I started to walk in (to throw my stuff on my desk and get the handperson to come look at my car), I looked to see what was wrong. Green liquid was pouring out. Anti-freeze. Lovely. Overheated, right? Well...sort of. I hadn't overheated if the doofus' at Econo had put the cap back on my radiator after they had put more fluid in. So, I couldn't drive my car home with no anti-freeze. Called my dad told him what happend, he was pissed. He called my mom, who in turn was pissed and she called Econo. Told the manager they were reimbursing us for the anti-freeze I had to buy because of their huge mistake. So at lunch, my co-worker drove me to the near-by autozone to buy a bottle of anti-freeze. When I got home, I found out that my dad was going to take my car back to Econo so they could flush and re-fill my anti-freeze and to get the refund for the bottle I bought. Dad took it back, was there for like an hour, everything was done, life was good. However, we had put a new engine in my car and my dad told the mechanic who put it in what had happend. So, they asked me to bring the car up after work one day. I did. Turns out the doofus at Econo had overfilled my oil by like a quart so the mechanic drained and filled it to the proper level at no charge. By the way, nothing was screwed up on my new engine.


Anywho. I have not taken my car back to Econo. I've taken it to the family mechanic. Sure, it's more expensive. But I have a good relationship and knowledge that the mechanic does great work, and it's worth it.

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Re: The cranky thread


Goo Gone or some citrus-based stickum remover ought to take off pine sap pretty well. I dunno how it'll react with the paint job though.


It matters greatly which jiffy Lube you go to. The one I go to is staffed by kids, but I suspect they're all ricers; at any rate they do a good job. The one over by the university is to be avoided at all costs (undertightening your drain plug is a big no-no). I haven't heard anything either way about the one on Liliha.

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