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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


Sympathies. Definitely. Not entirely sure what that entails' date=' but it sounds very uncomfortable.[/quote']


Well, let's see ... first, I get two injections of anaesthetic in my arm. Ironically, the anaesthetic burns like hell before it kicks in. Then, I get two fifteen gauge needles inserted into my arm. These needles are wide enough you can almost see down them.


The needles get taped down, then my blood run through a machine that filters out the toxins and drains excess fluid from me, because my kidneys are f**king slackers. :) This takes about four hours of sitting very, very still.


Then, the needles come out ... and the anaesthetic has long since worn off, so sometimes that hurts like a bitch.


The More You Know ...

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Re: The cranky thread


Well, let's see ... first, I get two injections of anaesthetic in my arm. Ironically, the anaesthetic burns like hell before it kicks in. Then, I get two fifteen gauge needles inserted into my arm. These needles are wide enough you can almost see down them.


The needles get taped down, then my blood run through a machine that filters out the toxins and drains excess fluid from me, because my kidneys are f**king slackers. :) This takes about four hours of sitting very, very still.


Then, the needles come out ... and the anaesthetic has long since worn off, so sometimes that hurts like a bitch.


The More You Know ...


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Re: The cranky thread


I just found out through http://www.rehupa.com/ that E.C. Tubb died last month. He wrote two of my favorite science fiction series: Cap Kennedy (under the name Gregory Kerns) and Dumarest of Terra. Dumarest is similar to Conan in many ways and I consider Tubb the Robert E. Howard of science fiction. He was that damn good. My only consolation is that I still haven't read all of his books so I'll be able to read "new" E.C. Tubb novels for years to come.

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Re: The cranky thread


I just found out through http://www.rehupa.com/ that E.C. Tubb died last month. He wrote two of my favorite science fiction series: Cap Kennedy (under the name Gregory Kerns) and Dumarest of Terra. Dumarest is similar to Conan in many ways and I consider Tubb the Robert E. Howard of science fiction. He was that damn good. My only consolation is that I still haven't read all of his books so I'll be able to read "new" E.C. Tubb novels for years to come.

I stopped reading Dumarest when I realized there were *Dozens* of books and he still hadn't gotten home. But if you like sci-fi and series you can read for a rather long time, I'd recommend it.

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Re: The cranky thread


I'll take your Dumarest books if you don't want 'em. :D

Don't think I have any; I was borrowing from the library. :)


There's books I'd put on e-bay, but the last time I tried, it couldn't properly resolve my postal code. :( I got a bunch because of people who were moving and didn't want to pack them, so there's some I'm not interested in.

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Re: The cranky thread


I would really like to be asleep right now, but I have restless leg syndrome and can't stay still. This seems to happen when I take half a Nuvigil in the am and have ice tea with caffeine during the day. I read avoid caffeine to prevent it, but that doesn't help me now. Please let me sleep !

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Re: The cranky thread


I wish that the old guy on the computer next to me would learn that a computer isn't a manual typewriter and you don't have to pound the keys hard.


Hey, that sounds like the loonie who's always in the local Starbucks. Frizzy beard, baseball cap, cracked iBook?

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Re: The cranky thread


I threw a broken printer off a third story building into a dumpster. That was satisfying.


One of my brothers used to somewhat regularly go up into the mountains (from Denver) with old computer equipment and some firearms and have some enthusiastic target practice. Very cathartic. :)

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Re: The cranky thread


Lone Star has already been cancelled but Hawaii Five-O is the #1 new show? :ugly:


That's right! From an economic perspective, I am well pleased. From an artistic and accuracy perspective, not so much. It is basically a cheesy mainland cop show that happens to be set here. I like it for what it is, but episode 2 alone had more gunplay than occurred in the entire state over the past decade. I assure you life is much more boring here, canine bounty hunters notwithstanding.

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