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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


A Ziploc® brand sealable plastic bag. Just so I didn't have to get out of the car and chunder next to the busiest road into town. The vomit was a brilliant green color' date=' because of the blue Gatorade I'd been drinking.[/quote']


Add a small charge, and presto! Homemade vomit squibs. :ugly:

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Re: The cranky thread


I've missed two months of my workout because of injury' date=' illness, and insomnia. Sometimes all together at once. And I get really obnoxious (more so than usual) when that happens.[/quote']


Do the missed workouts contribute to the insomnia? I know I always slept soundly the night after workout days. Especially leg days, those are brutal.

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Re: The cranky thread


Do the missed workouts contribute to the insomnia? I know I always slept soundly the night after workout days. Especially leg days' date=' those are brutal.[/quote']


More like the other way round. But I have had sleepless nights after intense workouts.

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Re: The cranky thread


Little Miss Vengeance was up at 4:00 this morning. Which is OK. Normally, we feed her and she falls back to sleep. But not this morning. BunnySue had her from 4 to about 4:45, then I took over so she could get a little sleep. I discovered, when I took Baby V into the other room where a light was on, she calmed down. So we sat on the floor and played, me hoping that she'd fall asleep. She kept yawning and rubbing her eyes, so I gently, quietly took her back into our room... and she immediately began crying again.


So I took her back out to her room and she calmed down instantly. I started wracking my brain... what's different between the two rooms? Then it came to me... our room was dark, this room has a light on. So I put her into her bassinet, left the light on, and began rocking her. In <5 minutes, she was sound asleep.


Unfortunately, by that point it was almost time for me to get up. :(


On the plus side, we've now got something else we can try if she just won't quiet down and go to sleep...

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Re: The cranky thread


Ever coughed so hard you felt a sharp pain between your shoulder blades, then kept coughing until you threw up?


Oh, while driving.


No, but I occasionally get ice pick headaches while driving.


They are short, stabbing, extremely intense headaches that can be absolutely terrifying. They generally only last between five and 30 seconds. However, they come out of nowhere, can strike anywhere on the head, literally feel as if an ice pick is being stuck into your head, then disappear before you can even figure out what's happening.
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Re: The cranky thread


Nice day off, so I walked up to Chapters Books to look around. (Got this.)


Then I made the mistake of looking at a Walking Dead graphic novel. Not to piddle on anyone's favourites, but c'mon! How many murdering cannibalistic raping lying psychopaths have you run into in your lifetime? Apparently, on the basis of the sample size, about, what, one in ten of your acquaintances?


And for gosh sakes, could someone start using their brains? Zombies chasing you, wearing you down? They have these things called "bicycles" now. Zombies biting you and infecting you? Leather jackets are harder to chew through than wife beaters. Zombies surrounding your compound that you can't shoot because near-complete brain death causes zombies to have homing hearing? Throw rocks at them.


No. Seriously. Throw rocks at their heads. It's the leading cause of human-caused death for cavemen, and they were a lot smarter than zombies. And stop killing each other and chopping each other's hands off and committing murder-suicides and and and... Yes, I know that stress does funny things to people, but, at the same time, most people cope. The whole post-traumatic stress thing comes after. That's why it's called "post."

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