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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


[h=6]Thursday was a day from H#LL. I was up early so that I could climb under the house and try to run a snake into the plumbing, for the second time in about 2 months. Before I could get under there, Theresa Comes running into the house. "We have bigger problems! Paka (her sick old horse) is down!" I go out with her, and the horse is down on her belly, unable to get up. She is waving her head around, but... The slush and mud made it very obvious that she had been down and moving around for a while. There was some blood on the snow... So I got to start my day by putting the horse down. Then I called in sick to work so I could dispose of the carcass. Then we called Tavish's school and told them we were keeping him home.

I managed to find someone to haul off the carcass. While I waited for him, I got under the house and snaked the drain. That didn't work, so I took a toilet apart and tried from there. That didn't work. Fortunately I found a local guy who came out to help me out. We only had to dig out PART of the Septic tank, and then use the heavy duty snake I rented to work from there. I won't go into any details about the mess I found under the house, just to say that my insurance will not cover anything related to the Septic tank...

I think Nietzsche was incorrect. That which does not kill us, does not kill us. Stronger, weaker, unchanged, we can only definitively state that we survived.



Wow, that sucks, my friend. I hate dealing with septic systems. Even when I was in the biz I generally never worked with poo pumps, but if you run into any problems I do have some professional experience in the field and might be able to help sort 'em out.

And I'vwe been through similar with the horse, come to think of it.

Both at once... ugh. I recommend whiskey

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Re: The cranky thread


Thanks folks. The good bit of luck was we got the waste flowing again. I will need to have the tank pumped out, but not TODAY. ;)

At about 1845 my wife made a dinner of baked potatoes, ribeye steak, and salad. I opened the large bottle of "Tasman Red" IPA my brother gave me for Christmas, and the day got a WHOLE bunch better!

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Re: The cranky thread


Mean old Star put a deep 8" gouge in my leg. It hurts to put pressure on it to walk. If only we had clipped her claws it wouldn't have been nearly as bad. But how to do that when a Professional Groomer can't ?


Ouch. Out of our seven, we don't clip one of ours, but everytime he goes to the vet, they try. I've done feral cats, but Bobb holds a grudge which is why my wife & I don't try him.

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Re: The cranky thread


To the unidentified clot-head who got into my car Saturday night:


Thanks for not scratching up the door, breaking the locks, or smashing the windows. I don't know how you got in, but I can only assume I forgot to lock up. Careless of me.


I also, quite carelessly, left the dome light switched off. F*****g dark in there, wasn't it? You missed everything, moron. My CD collection in the black cases behind the passenger seat? Still there. (Kinda hard to see; black case, against black upholstery, in the dark... yeah.) Oh, and the toolkit and the jump-start kit in the trunk? Very valuable; very easy to carry off. The trunk release was down near the floor, next to your left foot, but it's been broken for years... the only way to open the trunk is with the remote switch on my key-chain.


I have not the slightest idea why you broke the latch on the center console. The stupid thing wasn't even locked. And there was nothing in it worth taking, which you no doubt realized after dumping it all out on the passenger seat....


Thieves are such idiots.

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Re: The cranky thread


You know what I mean. The guy who busted into my father-in-law's place a couple months ago passed up two big screen TVs, a laptop, a brand new convection toaster oven, and some other obviously valuable stuff, and just went through all the desks and drawers looking for cash and jewelry. According to the cops, that was the MO of a large group of thieves in the area, who took only things they could keep in their pockets. They get busted all the time but the prisons here are overcrowded, and it's petty theft (plus burglary), so it's a catch-and-release program.

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Re: The cranky thread


Not so much cranky as bummed. Some of my coworkers are leaving/have left the company. That's nothing new, but I've been working with one of them everyday for almost a year, and I consider her a friend. So I'm sad she's leaving, although I'm glad she's found a better job.

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Re: The cranky thread


My wife is phenomenally cranky this week. Monday she had hip replacement surgery. She told them about her metal allergy so they said they weren't going to use staples but stick to sutures and glue. So, when she get's out of surgery, she has staples in her leg. Also, they said that she didn't need to have her leg lengthened so they weren't going to do that. Of course, they ended up lengthening her leg, so now her gait's uneven. The staples are making her incision site swollen and itchy and she can't get them out until Tuesday.


Even though I end up bearing the brunt of it, she has damn good cause for her crankiness and I give her a pass and as much help & support as I can.


Thanks for the chance to vent on my wife's behalf.

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Re: The cranky thread


My wife is phenomenally cranky this week. Monday she had hip replacement surgery. She told them about her metal allergy so they said they weren't going to use stables but stick to sutures and glue. Of, when she get's out of surgery, she has staples in her leg. Also, they said that she didn't need to have her leg lengthened so they weren't going to do that. Of course, they ended up lengthening her leg, so now her gait's uneven. The staples are making her incision site swollen and itchy and she can't get them out until Tuesday.


So, even though I end up bearing the brunt of it, she has damn good cause for her crankiness and I give her a pass and as much help & support as I can.


Thanks for the chance to vent on my wife's behalf.


I hope she recovers quickly.

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