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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


I am mad at the weather. :mad: It was clear to partly cloudy earler today, and I took a fair amount of (admittedly last minute) time to work out a makeshift solar observing telescope using a tripod and some binoculars, and a posterboard for the projected image. I went to sleep so I wouldn't be a total zombie at work (3 hrs sleep) tonight after setting my alarm clock to get me up with enough time to do a quick set-up at work and give some coworkers a chance to see the transit as well. I wake up late to a thunderboom, and after a bit realize that my power has gone out. After a bit more, I realise that it is later than I wanted to get up, because I had no alarm clock. When I get outside to come to work, I find that it is a *solid* overcast and has no sign of breaking up before sunset.


So much for my once-in-a-lifetime (last) chance to see a transit of Venus. :mad::mad:

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Re: The cranky thread


Had the same issue here. Went through the trouble of getting eclipse glasses for the boys, then had a solid ceiling at about 3000' all day. Of course, the wife was in one of her moods again, so it probably didn't matter.


Oh well, I'll just catch the next transit.

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Re: The cranky thread


this has been a month of highs and lows so far...


my girlfriend's sister's birthday is today. And last night? Her uncle was murdered by his roommate. I'm gobsmacked.


My friend Lori got a job recently, the first she's had since she was 16. That's pretty cool

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Re: The cranky thread


How many days has it been? Hope you're staying hydrated.


The diarrhea has stopped, but it took almost five days. Hydration was an issue; I'm not good at that in the first place. I am doing better now; I've started the antibiotics.


Losing five days to can't-really-think illness at the end of the quarter is rather unpleasant with the grading backlog that didn't get cleared in that time. I suppose it would have been worse had I been a student, but it's still not good.

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Re: The cranky thread


I'm on my feet. Weak, very little endurance, and I don't have my lecture baritone back yet. But I can think again, at least for part of for part of a day. Yesterday, about 4 - 5 hours. Today, seven and counting.

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Re: The cranky thread


Night manager gig tonight, so I pull out one of my stain-resistant no-iron white shirts. (A little teenage acne, and I'd look like a real evening-shift "assistant manager." Oh, well, it's a living.)


It's got a stain. Hmm. Lots of stains, as a matter of fact. This one is for the donations bin. Pull out another one. Guess what? That's it for clean. Oops, I have to leave for work at 2:30. What's in the laundry basket? Well, the top one has stains that I missed last night.


Down a few geological eons down in the pile, there's one last shirt. It's crinkled and off, but at least there's no flecks of tomatoey stain. Hopefully I won't look too terrible, and it's one last (managing) night before vacation.


Looks like I've got to go give Mark's Work Warehouse all my money again.

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Re: The cranky thread


Ah. Now that I know the context' date=' it makes sense. Thanks. :) And I am sorry to hear about your problems with the C-PAP mask. :( I wouldn't have thought the plastic they are made with would be so inflexible as to cause such serious problems.[/quote']


my original mask had a lousy design to attach the straps. they revised it when I got my second... the cushion pad on it works pretty well, at least.

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