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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


Man! How could our marriage counselor have figured out my wife has Daddy issues after just six sessions' date=' when I've known her for 17 years and been involved romantically for 7 and didn't put two and two together? I knew she had issues with her mom favoring her sister growing up, and has a tendency towards negativity similar to her mom, but I didn't realize until now that her unrealistic expectations for my performance as a husband were based on some paternal ideal she was striving for. If I had realized this 4 or 5 years ago, I could have addressed it with her and maybe we wouldn't be where we are now...[/quote']


"Can't see the forest for all the trees" is REALLY freaking common when relationships start to go south. 'Grats on the counselling revelation, hope it opens doors for you both.

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Re: The cranky thread


F**k. I forgot to do my mid-afternoon manual drain AGAIN. Means less blood-cleaning and puts me behind schedule for getting set up to go to sleep. I'm gonna have to start setting an alarm or something.



And now I think I have an air bubble in my torso cavity. Not dangerous, but quite painful. Fortunately, I just need to lay down with my hips elevated (pillow under butt) and it should get pumped out during my next drain cycle.

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Re: The cranky thread


The National Air and Space Museum has a special "Mars Day" planned for tomorrow. Scientists discussing the planet's makeup; folks from NASA discussing exploration missions; that kind of thing. Sounds like fun.


I, of course, will be stuck at work.


That case of indigestion you have might actually be food poisoning. Conveniently, tomorrow is a Friday, so the food poisoning might last three days and you could be back at work on Monday none the worse for wear.

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Re: The cranky thread


I'll be getting up in the morning to head towards another part of the state. My grandmother is ill again, and mom doesn't think she's getting better this time. I don't know, the hospital took her to the step down situation so I THOUGHT she was getting better, but my mom is a retired RN and she's there... so I'm going to trust her judgment better than my own.


Yeah. I'm bringing the suit.


Death wears a suit, I'm convinced of it. It's a fine suit, so black and somber it threatens to suck all the brightness out of a life. Sometimes its pull is so strong that even hope cannot escape. I barely fit in my suit sometimes. Death? He's got it easy. When you're a skeleton, almost everything fits if you just tighten the belt enough. No matter how nice my suit makes me look, Death is there wearing a better one.


I hate suits.


#$#$ing hate them.


Of course, the logical part of mind realizes that's stupid, and maybe if I wore them for something beyond funerals I'd hate them less.


Not likely.


The suit I'm bringing with me is a triumph over practicality over optimism, a sign I've caved in before its even necessary. My grandma deserves the hope, but she's getting the caution.


I feel like #$#$ for that. But the grim reaper? He just keeps on smiling.


It maybe that my grandma will live, I'll return home, and tell myself all is well.

It maybe she'll die while I'm there, and hey, I lost a grandma, but at least I have a mother#$#$ing suit.

Or perhaps she'll seem to recover. I head home, and then I get the news I need to come back the very next week.


Death wears a suit. Me? I feel like I'm wearing vulture feathers.



I, selfish bastard that I am, hate suits.


Of course, my grandma isn't the only one who could be in trouble. Apparently one of my father's sisters is also ill.

Perhaps I should invite him to a suit burning party.


No, damn things are too expensive. Probably one of the reasons Death grins about the whole situation. He sets the fashion and we follow even if we'll never match his dapper and smug look.


I'll show him though. I haven't written a last will in testament, but I think I'll make one demand for my funeral arrangements:

No suits.


Folks can wear jeans, slacks, or skirts , but pull overs, the brighter and tackier the better, will be a definite request.


Then Death can feel like the awkward one out.


The jerk

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Re: The cranky thread


Spent roughly 4 and a half hours on the road, and 9 at the hospital. It's still touch and go, the nurses say she's getting better but who knows? Pneumonia at 96 is never good. I'm now at my parents place. Thanks for those who gave their support. yes, the suit is with me.


Let's hope it isn't needed.

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Re: The cranky thread


Spent roughly 4 and a half hours on the road, and 9 at the hospital. It's still touch and go, the nurses say she's getting better but who knows? Pneumonia at 96 is never good. I'm now at my parents place. Thanks for those who gave their support. yes, the suit is with me.


Let's hope it isn't needed.


I'll keep that thought in my prayers.

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