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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


Had another 3am vomit attack.


I can only find one unifying element here. It hasn't matter what I've eaten, when I've eaten, how I've eaten, where I've eaten ... the only unifying element I can find is that I started having these stomach issues when I started on peritoneal dialysis, and they got much worse when I went on the overnight cycler. I'm starting to think the excess fluid in my torso cavity is 'squeezing' my stomach, for lack of a better term, and causing my gastric distress.

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Re: The cranky thread


Had another 3am vomit attack.


I can only find one unifying element here. It hasn't matter what I've eaten, when I've eaten, how I've eaten, where I've eaten ... the only unifying element I can find is that I started having these stomach issues when I started on peritoneal dialysis, and they got much worse when I went on the overnight cycler. I'm starting to think the excess fluid in my torso cavity is 'squeezing' my stomach, for lack of a better term, and causing my gastric distress.


Hell of a early morning visitor there.

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Re: The cranky thread


Sounds like you're really having a tough time, CC. Hope you get some relief so you can sleep through the night.


I'm still dealing with the insomnia thing. The funny part is, I felt positively exhausted an hour ago, and crawled into bed ready to pass out at a normal hour. Now... I'm wide awake again and it's getting close to midnight. This does NOT make any sense to me.


OTOH, I've gotten past that undefinable, nigh-uncontrollable urge to destroy all of humanity. Now I'm back to just thoroughly despising roughly 49% of the human race, which is basically normal.

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Re: The cranky thread


In some ways, watching my grandma tonight is worse. She's got more energy which is good BUT She talks a lot more in her sleep so I can't be sure if she's wanting something or just muttering loudly. (Not that I can throw stones about making noise as I sleep). She also pulls a lot more at the breathing apparatus and other doodads which worries me a great deal. I don't want to be a bastard and ignore her, but I don't want to be a pest either.


I feel frustrated and wondering if I'm any use at all

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Re: The cranky thread


You know you are. She is glad to have you there for her. Just like we are here :)


That's when she's coherent I suppose. We've gotten to the stage tonight where I don't know what she's saying and I'm not sure she realizes where she is. She wants to 'get up'...which I don't blame her for except she can no longer walk and even if she could, she'd disentangle IV , breathing tubes and monitoring device. She always seems less cognizant and 'here' during night time hours. During daylight she's more 'with it'.


I'm not comfortable with the moments she's not but there isn't much alternative right now.

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Re: The cranky thread


"No, grandma, you can't leave. You're still sick. Remember pneumonia? You still have it."


"No, grandma, if you get up you'll fall."


"Grandma, please stop pulling at that. Do you need a nurse?"


Take above, recycle every five minutes. I do not see how professionals do it. I'm about ready to beat my head against a wall.

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Re: The cranky thread


Thanks. I apologize for railing in this thread, but it's about the only place I feel I can safely vent. I flat out had to tell grandma something to the effect of "You know I love you, right? Then trust me. I will do anything you ask that I can except let you hurt yourself."


That firm declaration seemed to calm and assure her for ...fifteen minutes.


I got nothing.

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Re: The cranky thread


Well, my family has the day shift so to speak. And thanks, TKDguy. It kind of helps to know someone who has dealt with this sort of thing. I have no idea if I'm doing things right or not . Right now she seems to have settled down a bit, and I'm giving her space (Still in the same room etc) thinking it might be better to under respond than over respond.

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Re: The cranky thread


We've just spent the past week dealing with the drama of a person who just doesn't get what it means when other people have, and enforce, healthy boundaries. It staggers me to see people my age who are that socially "challenged." Hopefully, this'll be the end of it, since the last boundary I enforced was a very unambiguous: "I am not interested in 'mending' things or meeting you halfway. I'm done. I'm not answering your e-mails or calls anymore. Goodbye."


The power of "no" is highly underrated, and (IMHO) not used anywhere nearly enough as it should be.

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Re: The cranky thread


"No, grandma, you can't leave. You're still sick. Remember pneumonia? You still have it."


"No, grandma, if you get up you'll fall."


"Grandma, please stop pulling at that. Do you need a nurse?"



Take above, recycle every five minutes. I do not see how professionals do it. I'm about ready to beat my head against a wall.



Try "grandma, if you feel it's time to go, we understand."


When my dad was dying and to the point of incoherency, we told him that and it calmed him down. A couple hours later he died peacefully.

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Re: The cranky thread


Try "grandma, if you feel it's time to go, we understand."


When my dad was dying and to the point of incoherency, we told him that and it calmed him down. A couple hours later he died peacefully.

In this case, she seems to think 'time to go' means leaving the hospital physically. She seems to be recovering in body, it's now her mind that's worrying me

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Re: The cranky thread


Thanks. I apologize for railing in this thread, but it's about the only place I feel I can safely vent. I flat out had to tell grandma something to the effect of "You know I love you, right? Then trust me. I will do anything you ask that I can except let you hurt yourself."


That firm declaration seemed to calm and assure her for ...fifteen minutes.


I got nothing.


We've been there and we understand and you don;t need to apologize to us, our hearts are with you and your family. You are doing what you need to be doing and, of course, you are doing good -- just by being there. It is painful and frustrating, but there is no better place for you to be than with your loved ones. When I went through that with my Grandmother, I found Milton's words to be very comforting:


"And post o'er land and ocean without rest;

They also serve who only stand and wait."


You and your family remain in our thoughts.

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