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The cranky thread


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Guest Skaramine

Re: The cranky thread


Hypocrites piss me off. :mad::thumbdown:bmk:

Seeing your Dina Meyer avatar reminds me how pissed off I am that they never made Batgirl the series.



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Guest Skaramine

Re: The cranky thread


I was just thinking of trying to make a "brush knife" basically a long(possibly slightly curved) handled curved blade similar to a naginata or possibly a scimitar or Darn Do. The haft would be probably a little over 2 feet long, with a full tang extension of the blade, then scales of wood mounted on it and probably cord wrapped.


I figure the blade probably 12-18 inches, maybe 2 " wide at the widest point.


Kind of inspired by a lot of things, including the "hand Glaive" I read in I think "Men of Iron" when I was a kid.

As you were talking about your brush knife, I suddenly had this image of something I have just named "the Blood Broom"


Imagine a push broom, with the bristles replaced with a row of 64 Tanto blades.


Or a Blood Rake, and make them hooked "tiger sword" style blades.

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Guest Skaramine

Re: The cranky thread


YAY, once again I am not the ONLY one!!!


Crushes I had on actresses as a kid.

Dina Meyer

Dawn Wells

Barbara Stanwyck


No wonder I am so messed up. :eg:

What was Dina in when we were kids?


And YAY! Someone else loved Dawn Wells too.


Mmmmmmm Mary Ann.


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Re: The cranky thread


OOPS, spaced, sorry. I was, of course thinking of Yvonne Craig, and just had a horrible BRAIN FART!!! :jawdrop:


barbara Eden was attractive, but I didn't have a crush on her until "Harper Valley PTA"





AND yet another link bounces off the Porn Filter. :(



What was Dina in when we were kids?


And YAY! Someone else loved Dawn Wells too.


Mmmmmmm Mary Ann.


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Guest Skaramine

Re: The cranky thread


OOPS, spaced, sorry. I was, of course thinking of Yvonne Craig, and just had a horrible BRAIN FART!!! :jawdrop:


Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yes. :love:


barbara Eden was attractive, but I didn't have a crush on her until "Harper Valley PTA"





AND yet another link bounces off the Porn Filter. :(

Damn, gewing. I was trying to embed it. Here, bro.

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Re: The cranky thread


Here's an update on my lost shipment from the 1/2 price sale (yes, it unfortunately still belongs in the cranky thread).


Whoever got my books handed them back to UPS. Instead of attempting to deliver them to the proper address, UPS decided to throw their hands up and send the books back to the shipper. At last report, my books are in Hodgkins, Illinois on their way back to San Francisco.


If UPS attempts to charge for shipping to get the books back to Massachusetts, I shall move well beyond cranky.

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Re: The cranky thread


Here's an update on my lost shipment from the 1/2 price sale (yes, it unfortunately still belongs in the cranky thread).


Whoever got my books handed them back to UPS. Instead of attempting to deliver them to the proper address, UPS decided to throw their hands up and send the books back to the shipper. At last report, my books are in Hodgkins, Illinois on their way back to San Francisco.


If UPS attempts to charge for shipping to get the books back to Massachusetts, I shall move well beyond cranky.


Maybe you'd better write them and complain again. And if you can get any documentation on this matter, do it. It will help you if things get even uglier.

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Re: The cranky thread


Seeing your Dina Meyer avatar reminds me how pissed off I am that they never made Batgirl the series.



Think you can find me a better Dina as Batgirl photo to use as my avatar?


:idea: There is a holy mission if there ever was one. :)


While searching I came across the "holy" herself: http://www.dinameyer.com/ :celebrate and also this:





And Rachel, consider this for obvious reasons Kara from Dragonheart

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Guest Skaramine

Re: The cranky thread


i hate all the teasing about pictures that can't be posted on the NGD board because they aren't appropriate.


has anyone considered creating a yahoo group or something? ;)



The opening page might not be work safe.




This one's work safe, she doesn't do nudes, but for some reason, they classify her group as "adult."

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Re: The cranky thread


One of the only things about people that I can't understand is a completely inability to see anyone else's point. I don't understand how a person can say things like "You're completely wrong" when discussing opinions. How can an opinion be wrong?! :idjit:


To take that one step further, how does a person say "I'm always right" no matter what? It's not like the issue is even "right vs. wrong". It might simply be a difference of opinion. But that's not enough for some folks. They have to flaunt their personal issues, hypocrisy and outright bullshit around for everyone to step in, then they get pissed when you leave footprints. Try and reason with them and you're "wrong!"


You can't argue with 'em and you can't ignore 'em (circumstantial, I know). What the hell can ya do?


Fah! Friggin' weenies need a boot to the head. :mad:

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Re: The cranky thread


One of the only things about people that I can't understand is a completely inability to see anyone else's point. I don't understand how a person can say things like "You're completely wrong" when discussing opinions. How can an opinion be wrong?! :idjit:


To take that one step further, how does a person say "I'm always right" no matter what? It's not like the issue is even "right vs. wrong". It might simply be a difference of opinion. But that's not enough for some folks. They have to flaunt their personal issues, hypocrisy and outright bullshit around for everyone to step in, then they get pissed when you leave footprints. Try and reason with them and you're "wrong!"


You can't argue with 'em and you can't ignore 'em (circumstantial, I know). What the hell can ya do?


Fah! Friggin' weenies need a boot to the head. :mad:


Hey! I resemble that remark.



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Re: The cranky thread


I've had this song, the Confessor (1985, Joe Walsh) stuck in my head for days going on weeks now. It wouldn;t be so bad if there was a way I could go someplace and hear the song so I could get it out of my head, but it ain't gonna happen. This was one of those songs that was red-hot when it came out, but nobody I know even remembers it. A pity, for it is a good song; especially the last verse. If only more people heeded this advice (emphasis mine...)


Take all the trauma, drama, comments,

The guilt and doubt and shame

The what if's and if only's

The shackles and the chains

The violence and aggresion,

The pettiness and scorn,

The jealousy and hatred,

The tempest and discord,


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