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Champions vs. Mechanon


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Re: Champions vs. Mechanon


The speculation in the 'Upon Further Review...' thread got me interested. I'm gonna try to talk my gaming group into running the Champions vs. Mechanon sometime.


If anyone else is interested, post your battle reports here! :hex:


Actually, I'm hoping to run such a battle and record a play-by-play tonight.


One thing to keep in mind, though: Mechanon's writeup has a couple of boners too :D The second multipower is more "cute" than effective, the AE's aren't really compatible, and he lacks a couple of obvious slots (poison gas AE NND for example).

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Re: Champions vs. Mechanon


Actually, I'm hoping to run such a battle and record a play-by-play tonight.


One thing to keep in mind, though: Mechanon's writeup has a couple of boners too :D The second multipower is more "cute" than effective, the AE's aren't really compatible, and he lacks a couple of obvious slots (poison gas AE NND for example).


This would be very interesting. I haven't actually tried running the example Champions against Mechanon - should be illuminating.


I've also found some minor, easily-correctable quirks in Mechanon's writeup that wouldn't change his point total or existing power writeups at all, but would enhance his effectiveness. His secondary weapon multipower would actually be quite effective as part of a Multiple-Power Attack, except that his Weapons Array CSLs only apply to his primary weapons. If you combined the MP Reserves of both Multipowers into one 150-pt. Reserve while keeping the same cost for the slots, the total cost would remain the same, and you could still fire one Primary and one Secondary weapon slot simultaneously; but all the CSLs would now apply to all his attacks, giving him a much more effective and flexible CV.


Also, Mechanon as written has Lack of Weakness -5 for both Normal and Resistant Defenses, but of course he only has Normal Defenses; he has no Armor or FF. That gives you an extra 5 Character Points to slot in wherever you think it would do the most good.

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Re: Champions vs. Mechanon


Actually, I'm hoping to run such a battle and record a play-by-play tonight.


One thing to keep in mind, though: Mechanon's writeup has a couple of boners too :D The second multipower is more "cute" than effective, the AE's aren't really compatible, and he lacks a couple of obvious slots (poison gas AE NND for example).

I'm looking forward to these tales of battle; nothing like actual combat to test our speculations :D


And Mechanon's multipowers are kind of whacked: the first multipower seems burdened with many 'why would he ever use these' type slots. The 12d6 AP and 9D6 NND slots would essentially never be better than the 18d6 slot, and I'm not seeing the value of the 9d6 Autofire slot either. (he'd almost always get much better results from Rapid Fire or spreading).


For that matter, I'm seeing the Flash Attack in the Secondary Multipower as being almost the only use for that multipower.

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Re: Champions vs. Mechanon


Also' date=' Mechanon as written has Lack of Weakness -5 for [i']both[/i] Normal and Resistant Defenses, but of course he only has Normal Defenses; he has no Armor or FF. That gives you an extra 5 Character Points to slot in wherever you think it would do the most good.

Actually, his PD and ED are resistant (Robotic Form, second entry). That'd be a pretty serious oversight if they weren't!

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Re: Champions vs. Mechanon


His secondary weapon multipower would actually be quite effective as part of a Multiple-Power Attack' date=' except that his Weapons Array CSLs only apply to his primary weapons. If you combined the MP Reserves of both Multipowers into one 150-pt. Reserve while keeping the same cost for the slots, the total cost would remain the same, and you could still fire one Primary and one Secondary weapon slot simultaneously; but all the CSLs would now apply to all his attacks, giving him a much more effective and flexible CV.[/quote']


You can't use two attacks in the same powerframework to make a multiple power attack. The obvious way to change that is to make his levels with all combat or ranged combat, but I like him the way he is, it gives him some drawback to using a MPA.



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Re: Champions vs. Mechanon


You can't use two attacks in the same powerframework to make a multiple power attack. The obvious way to change that is to make his levels with all combat or ranged combat, but I like him the way he is, it gives him some drawback to using a MPA.




Actually, the prohibition against two or more Powers in a Framework being used in a MPA only applies to Elemental Controls (FREd. p. 204). Otherwise, "if two or more of the Powers are in the same Power Framework, he must have enough points in his Power Framework to allocate to both of them." (FREd p. 234)


It was indeed my intention to make Mechanon more effective, for those like me who feel he should be and easily could be. If you like him as he is, of course you should keep him that way for your campaign. :)

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Re: Champions vs. Mechanon


Actually' date=' his PD and ED are resistant (Robotic Form, second entry). That'd be a pretty serious oversight if they weren't![/quote']


This is part of the new definition of Lack of Weakness: "Normal Defenses" for purposes of LOW include a character's innate Physical and Energy Defense, including Damage Resistance. "Resistant Defenses" include Force Field and the Armor Power. You have to buy LOW to apply to each category. (FREd p. 125)

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Re: Champions vs. Mechanon


This is part of the new definition of Lack of Weakness: "Normal Defenses" for purposes of LOW include a character's innate Physical and Energy Defense' date=' [i']including[/i] Damage Resistance. "Resistant Defenses" include Force Field and the Armor Power. You have to buy LOW to apply to each category. (FREd p. 125)

Urgh. Well, you are of course correct. Another thing to house rule, I think. Or change Mechanon's resitant LOW to mental defense LOW (call it tightly coded I guess).

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Re: Champions vs. Mechanon


This would be very interesting. I haven't actually tried running the example Champions against Mechanon - should be illuminating.


I've also found some minor, easily-correctable quirks in Mechanon's writeup that wouldn't change his point total or existing power writeups at all, but would enhance his effectiveness. His secondary weapon multipower would actually be quite effective as part of a Multiple-Power Attack, except that his Weapons Array CSLs only apply to his primary weapons. If you combined the MP Reserves of both Multipowers into one 150-pt. Reserve while keeping the same cost for the slots, the total cost would remain the same, and you could still fire one Primary and one Secondary weapon slot simultaneously; but all the CSLs would now apply to all his attacks, giving him a much more effective and flexible CV.


Also, Mechanon as written has Lack of Weakness -5 for both Normal and Resistant Defenses, but of course he only has Normal Defenses; he has no Armor or FF. That gives you an extra 5 Character Points to slot in wherever you think it would do the most good.


Um, huh?? Mechanon has plenty of resistant defense.

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Re: Champions vs. Mechanon


*looks it up*


Quite odd. I'd say the typo is in how its described, since Mechanon clearly bought -5 LOW twice.


I once e-mailed Steve Long about this because I thought it was an error. Steve suspects that when he was originally writing up Mechanon he intended to include some Resistant Defenses, but didn't put them in the final writeup - but he overlooked changing the LOW.

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Re: Champions vs. Mechanon


Getting it set up now. For the record I'm using them *as presented in Champions* -- no accounting is being made for errata.


In the case of Witchcraft, I'm going to give her an NND vs "golems" (being made of living flesh is the defense), translation a "Bat Mechanon Repellent" spell -- with Charges so it doesn't hurt her (pathetic) END score. Yes it's a little munchkiny to give a VPP slot charges, however it's only 30 active so I don't really care too much.


Given that his vulnerabilities are scientific in nature I don't believe it's appropriate to give her something like an RKA set to one of them even if she's aware of them.


And I'm just using the 5 Champions; no Kinetik or any of the Millenium City Irregulars.

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Re: Champions vs. Mechanon


Bedtime for bozo, I'll have to finish in the morning. But it's not shaping up well for the white hats -- it's segment 5 (started with 12) and Defender is at -13 Stun (and -4 DEX), Sapphire is at -16 STUN (and -4 DEX), and NightDuck still has 1 segment of Flash remaining and currently has 25 of 35 STUN remaining. Ironclad and Witchcraft have yet to feel Mechanon's wrath but neither has managed to hit Mechanon yet either.


In fact, so far the only hits Mechanon has taken were in Segment 12. Defender managed to tag him and do a inch of KB and a few STUN, and Mechanon actually did a few STUN to himself with his 9d6 AE EB slot -- all of which was recovered during the Post-12 Recovery.


Witchcraft is actually the poorest off. Her mental powers don't affect him at all (machine class of minds) and she's yet to tag him with the NND. I'm thinking about redoing her actions to reflect a Machine class of mind Ego Attack instead of that NND...

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Re: Champions vs. Mechanon


A couple of questions:


1. Mechanon is Vulnerable to Gravity, Magnetic, and Force attacks. What qualifies as a 'Force' attack? :stupid: (And do any of the Champions have one?)


2. Nighthawk can use the +2d6 HA slot in his Multipower with his Martial Arts even though he doesn't have a Weapon Element for the MA because he paid points for the HA, right?


Tactical thoughts: Maybe have Defender Entangle and Sapphire Flash?

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Re: Champions vs. Mechanon


Play by Play


NOTE: Some edits have been made to correct a couple of boners on my part.


Headline: Pathetic Fleshbags get internal organs handed to them


Minor disclaimer: I forgot to record the actual score of the Teamwork rolls. Since not a one of them mattered anyway it doesn't matter that much.


Major discalimer: The following WILL contain editorial comments. They are my opinion -- no more, but no less either.


Arena: I was originally going to go "blank" -- just an empty hex mat -- since that gave no advantages and no disadvantages. However since the point is to test them in the environment that would occur in play I instead used the "Rosies" map that came with the 5th Edition GM screen. This *almost* mattered but mostly just decided when character took extra damage from KB. However in all three cases where the extra KB damage might have mattered the victim was already at negative STUN before they landed.


Status: Mechanon is in the middle of the intersection, with the Champions surrounding him 7" away on hexsides -- so it will be hard for Mechanon to AE them. Nobody has had the opportunity to adjust any skill levels at the beginning of phase 12 by GM fiat. Witchcraft has a 3d6 NND vs Golems (defense is being made of living flesh) -- because she knows from experience that a 3d6 Ego attack vs the machine mind, the largest she can make with her VPP, will not penetrate his Mental Defenses.


ND = NightDuck

WC = Witchcraft

IC = Ironclad

Saph = Sapphire

Dfdr = Defender

Mech = Mechanon


Segment 12

  • Defender & NightDuck make their Teamwork rolls.
  • ND swings in (half phase) and attempts a throw, putting his level on OCV (CV 9/9). He rolls a 13 and and would miss if it weren't for the combined attacker bonus. The damage result is 38 S, 12 B, 0 K (martial attack), of which 8 STUN gets through.
  • Dfdr flies closer and 5" up (half phase), goes all OCV (CV 10/8), and fires his Electric Blast. He rolls an 8 and hits him for 42 S, 11 B, and 1 KB. Mechanon takes 12 S and 1 KB. The combined 24 STUN (his attack and Defender's) is not enough to CON-stun Mechanon.
  • Mechanon stands up (half phase) and goes all DCV (CV 8/15). He then performs a Multiple Power Attack with his AE Cone Flash and AE Radius EB attacks on NightDuck's hex. Yes, even though these are different shapes of AE the attack roll and target are the same so it's perfectly valid. He gets 6 Segments of Flash effect on ND and Ironclad (IC will only be affected this segment, ND will be out until Segment 6 inclusive). He gets a result of 34 S, 8 B, and 0/3 KB on the AE EB. He takes 4 STUN himself. ND takes 18 STUN. Dfdr was in the air, and as such takes 14 STUN and 3 KB (no damage, didn't land or hit anything).
  • Sapphire and Witchcraft make Teamwork rolls.
  • Sapphire moves to within 4" (half phase) and attempts Power Blt 1. She rolls a 6 and misses (needed a 4).
  • Witchcraft moves to within 4" (half phase) and attempts her Golem NND. She rolls a 5 and misses (needed a 3). She burns 6 END of her precious 36 END in a wasted effort. I probably should go into a snooty commentary about how the END Reserve suggested in her description is a bad joke since her out-of-VPP powers weren't built with "Can use own or reserve END" but that's a mostly-dead horse.
  • Ironclad moves to within 4" (half phase) and attempts Find Weakness (half phase) -- yes, even though he's been blinded technically FW is its own sense so this is possible. He knows it's an outside chance (needs 7) but it's about all he can do this segment. Rolls 9 and fails.
  • POST-12 RECOVERIES. End result is that NightDuck is at 25 of 35 Stun, all other END and STUN recovered.


Segment 1

Nothing happens.


Segment 2

  • Nightduck could try a PER roll to hear Mechanon (if so, he rolls an 8 and succeeds) -- but decides that his chance of hitting is miniscule to nothing (at best he's half OCV and could only get the "autohit" at a result of 3). So instead he swings back to behind a car (half phase) and performs a Martial Dodge.
  • Mechanon puts his Overall levels into OCV and "With Multipower" levels into DCV (resulting CV 11/12). He decides to forego future use of the second MP since the slots don't do damage and would therefore just drain his END needlessly. He first considers using his Meson Bolt (12d6 Armor Piercing) but realizes it's pointless against this kind of opposition: to do more damage than his 18d6 on average he'd need to be up against someone with a 42 DEF (6 dice lost means 21 STUN lost on average). He then considers his Neural Agonizer 8d6 NND but realizes it will on average do 28 STUN -- considerable, but even against Ironclad his 18d6 will get 35 STUN through on average. While he could stack that with his Tangler, he's just going for the kill right now. So he lines up against Dfdr and rolls a 7 (needed 14) and gets 68 S, 20 B, and 18 KB. Of this 48 STUN and 18 KB get through; Dfdr is at -13 STUN when he hits the ground taking 9d6 KB damage for another 11 STUN after defense. Dfdr ends at -24 STUN and isn't going to return to the fight.
  • Saph holds her action.


Segment 3

  • IC (no longer flashed), Saph, and WC all make teamwork rolls.
  • IC *almost* fails to hit the hex Mech is in (rolls 15, needed 15). He goes all OCV (CV 11/7) and attempts a punch. Needing a 13 he rolls another 15 and misses. He'll fall to the ground next Segment but takes no falling damage from a mere 5". By GM fiat he lands on his feet from such a "short" fall.
  • Saph again goes for Power Bolt 1. Needing a 10 she rolls a 9 and hits -- then gets a great roll for 27 STUN.
  • WC again goes for her Golem Bolt. Needing a 9 she rolls a 7 and hits -- and gets a poor roll for 6 STUN. The combined STUN total of 33 is not enough to CON-stun Mechanon.


Segment 4

  • ND misses his PER roll to hear Mech (needed 11 because of range, rolled 12). He performs a Martial Dodge anyway.
  • Mech attempts the same tactic (CV 11/12) against Sapphire this time. Sapphire realizes she's in trouble and aborts to Dodge (CV 8/11). Needed an 11 Mech rolls a 9, resulting in 68 S, 20 B, and 16 KB (Saph was airborne). Saph takes 44 STUN damage and 16 KB and is at -9 STUN when she hits the ground. However the additional 8d6 KB damage gets 7 more STUN through defenses and she ends up at -16. If the others can just delay Mech long enough...
  • Saph is below -10 STUN and does not get a recovery.


Segment 5

  • Defender is below -10 STUN and does not get a recovery.
  • WC & IC make teamwork rolls.
  • IC rolls an 8 and hits Mech's hex. He then attempts to punch but rolls an 18 and misses. Again, by GM fiat he'll hit the ground on his feet next segment, but shouldn't an experienced gladiator have the Breakfall skill anyway?
  • WC needs a 6 and rolls a 9. She then mutters a curse at whoever decided she needed a whopping 30 pt VPP her combat levels wouldn't help instead of effective slots to use against non-human targets. Even her 9d6 EB slot would have trouble do more than discoloring his paint (average result would be 1-2 STUN).


Segment 6

  • ND again rolls a 12 to fail his PER roll because of the range penalties (insert snide crack about the importance of second targetting senses,flash defense, or bonuses to his secondary sense instead of his flashable sense here). He performs a Martial Dodge again in case Mech decides he's a threat.
  • Mechanon uses the same tactic (CV 11/12) but against WC this time -- he distrusts her magic, and every gamer knows you should take out the magic user as soon as feasible. He rolls at 8 (needed 15) and gets a result of 72 S, 21 B, and 11 KB. Poor Witchy-Paste takes 55 STUN and 4 BODY, going to -25 STUN before she hits the brick wall 4" behind her. She hits it for 7d6 -- doing 2 BODY to the wall and 10 more STUN to herself. She's at -35 STUN and has 6 (of 10) BODY when all is said and done.
  • Saph is below -10 STUN and does not get a recovery.


Segment 7.

  • Continuing his methodical slaughter, Mech uses the same tactic (CV 11/12) against IC. He rolls a 13 and results in a 62 S, 18 B, 13 KB hit. IC takes 34 STUN -- enough to CON-stun anyone on the team but him -- and 1" of KB. EDIT: While running this I mistakenly recorded IC's CON as 40. I have since discovered it is only a 30, so this should in fact have CON-Stunned him.


Segment 8

  • ND is *finally* out from the Flash. Now, logically he should stick his cape between his duck-billed hat and make a break for it -- or at least try and get over to WC. But he doesn't have the Paramedic skill roll and hence would probably botch any attempt to help her. So he instead does the cinematic thing and attempts a Move By on Mechanon. Needing a 7 (9 for the CV difference, -2 for Move By) he rolls an 11 and misses. But at least he lands in a hex where he's unlikely to take KB damage...
  • Dfdr, Saph, and WC are all below -10 STUN and do not get recovereies.
  • Ironclad stands up (half phase), and then jumps over (rolls a 5) to a nearby car (half phase). If he had the Breakfall skill he logically should he could have picked up the car...


Segment 9

  • Mechanon decides to take ND out of our misery and uses the same tactic (CV 11/12) against ND. He rolls a 17 -- which because of the -3 DCV penalty from the Move By actually hits NightDuck! Again that was probably a poor choice on ND's part but I don't really think it matters much in the long term -- it just would have meant IC probably goes down this segment instead of ND. Worse, Mech gets an above-average result (66 S, 16 B, 13 K) which reduces ND to -25 Stun. Thankfully he goes off the map without hitting a wall...


Segment 10

  • It's down to metal against metal now. If he hadn't need to waste a phase standing up IC would already be holding the car and hence could simply jump into range and throw the car at Mechanon -- but he did, so all he can do is pick it up and move closer. After all, he can only throw the car 6" and Mechanon is 5" up, so Ironclad will have to make up at least 2" (and should probably get a lot closer) to throw it that high -- and that's beside the nastiness of whether the car takes a -2 or -4 penalty to throw.


Segment 11

  • If it ain't broke (CV 11/12)... Mech rolls a 13 (needed 15) and gets 69 S, 20 B, and 16 K as a result. This is result enough to put IC to -10 STUN, but the KB damage is incidental (nothing to run into and 5d6 is unlikely to pierce IC's DEF). In Segment 12 Mech will be able to easily hit him again, and barring interference will be able to hit or collect them all next turn as he pleases.


So there you have it. Frankly Mechanon didn't need to be fancy that first segment, he probably should have just lowered the 18d6 boom on somone instead but I wanted to try it. If that or NightDuck's Move By bothers you, just say he blasts NightDuck on Segment 12 instead. Ironclad might have hit for additional damage but then again with Mechanon at full DCV it's not too likely (needed 7 or less -- 15 DCV 11 OCV).

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Re: Champions vs. Mechanon


1. Mechanon is Vulnerable to Gravity, Magnetic, and Force attacks. What qualifies as a 'Force' attack? :stupid: (And do any of the Champions have one?)
I'd define it as a particle impact attack, such as a Particle Projection Cannon from Battletech -- or a Telekinetic attack. Defender's attacks are electrical, Sapphire's are light based, Ironclad and NightDuck are "fist based", and Witchcraft's are magic based. Theoretically Witchcraft could have a whopping 6d6 Telekinetic EB (or 20 STR TK) from her VPP -- but you'd have the same "how do I hit an 8 CV opponent with 7 skill levels when I have a 7 CV and no applicable skill levels" problem.


2. Nighthawk can use the +2d6 HA slot in his Multipower with his Martial Arts even though he doesn't have a Weapon Element for the MA because he paid points for the HA, right?


According to the rules, yes. Me, I just gave him WF after cleaning up that multipower of his.


Tactical thoughts: Maybe have Defender Entangle and Sapphire Flash?


Mechanon has 3, count them 3 targetting senses - sight, radar, and sonar. And just for total overkill he also has 10 points of Flash Defense for Sight. Since I'm assuming they've fought at least once before Sapphire would know her Flash is a waste of time.


As for Defender's Entangle -- it might actually work at costing Mechanon a half phase or two, since it'll average 6 DEF/6 BODY and Mechanon has 60 STR (meaning he'd have to use full STR to break it). Sapphire would then have had a fighting chance of getting her NND to hit since her NND would not be affected by the entangle.


I didn't use this tactic (which did occur to me) because the permutations tend to not favor the Champions IMO. If Defender holds his attack until Sapphire can act, Mechanon will be able to get off a shot before Sapphire can act (DEX 24 vs 23) -- and since he's likely to know she has an NND which can hurt him he'd simply put his levels on DCV and take either her or Defender down. If Defender goes ahead on his own 25 DEX Mechanon will get a chance (on 24 DEX) to break out of the entangle -- the likely result being that he can break out and still have a half phase to blast someone (likely to be Sapphire).


Also, Sapphire and Witchcraft would be the only ones capable of damaging Mechanon without weakening the Entangle. Ironclad and NightDuck would just weaken the entangle for Mechanon. If by some chance Mechanon failed to escape before Defender's next action (Mechanon will act on 12 and 2 while Defender acts on 12 and 3), all Defender could do without damaging the entangle would be to attempt to dispel some aspect of Mechanon. He'd average 56 active points but could get lucky -- of course Mechanon could just reactivate them on his next phase, but it might be cute to dispel his Life Support so NightDuck's gas pellets would work against him :rolleyes:


Post Fight Notes

  • Mechanon really needs to invest in a couple of points of Knock Back Resistance, or he's going to spend too many half-phases standing up on those occassions when somebody manages to hit him. He should also purchase Inherrant on his Life Support. He also needs to either put useful things in that second VPP or ditch it.
  • Witchcraft's VPP is more cute than useful; she *desperately* needs at least one high-impact slot in her multipower against non-human opponents (9d6 EB just doesn't cut it).
  • There's a reason I call him NightDuck. Seeing him "in action" without any edits just makes it clearer.
  • Defender should look into a "takes no damage" entangle so he can drop an opponent to 0 DCV for his friends.

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Re: Champions vs. Mechanon


Thanks for running this, Emerged. Interesting breakdown, although the "editorial comments" were occasionally grating (I had to grit my teeth every time "NightDuck" was mentioned). :rolleyes: The issue of CV difference between the Champions and Mechanon was certainly telling; lack of CSLs is one of my own reservations about the current Champs, especially Nighthawk as the martial artist in the group (maybe fewer gadgets instead)? You're plainly running all parties as if they know each other from past conflicts and what will work against them, which I think is fair.


I do question the advisability of making Withcraft's Mental Powers ineffective against Mechanon, though. I realize that it makes sense based on SFX, but as a test of the combat effectiveness of the Champions as built vs. Mechanon as built it seems a bit unfair. Nonetheless I appreciate why you chose to do that.


I think that by the Simulated Sense Group rule (FREd p. 227), Find Weakness would most likely be considered part of Ironclad's Sight Sense Group, and so would have been Flashed with his Normal Sight. Not that it would have made much difference.

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Re: Champions vs. Mechanon


Interesting combat but I would doubt that someone who hates organic life and feels like he must destroy it, not to mention being strongly overconfident, would immediately put all of his levels into dcv. If I were the gm I would not allow this until Mechanon as at half or less stun. That right there is the difference between 4 hits per phase and 1.

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