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Whattya call it?


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Here's the premise (and forgive any rambling...it's hard to nail this down).


Imagine your basic "Western Hero" setting. We're talkin' post-Civil War stuff, late 1800's. Now imagine a bit of magic and steampunk-esque technology thrown in (air ships, steam-powered robots, a guy with a gatling gun for an arm or something similar). It's basically like "Wild Wild West" meets "Deadlands", but not too heavy on the more esoteric aspects. It's still a Western, and it's about outlaws and cowboys and hustlers and rustlers and all that good stuff.


If you've seen the comic "Alternation" you have an idea of the setting.


What would you call it? "Western Hero" seems a little more limited than the scope of the game would imply. "Western Steampunk", perhaps?


I know, it sounds like it'd be an easy call, but the whole "the name is everything" applies here. We gotta call it something.


So...any ideas?

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Re: Whattya call it?


Here's the premise (and forgive any rambling...it's hard to nail this down).


Imagine your basic "Western Hero" setting. We're talkin' post-Civil War stuff, late 1800's. Now imagine a bit of magic and steampunk-esque technology thrown in (air ships, steam-powered robots, a guy with a gatling gun for an arm or something similar). It's basically like "Wild Wild West" meets "Deadlands", but not too heavy on the more esoteric aspects. It's still a Western, and it's about outlaws and cowboys and hustlers and rustlers and all that good stuff.


If you've seen the comic "Alternation" you have an idea of the setting.


What would you call it? "Western Hero" seems a little more limited than the scope of the game would imply. "Western Steampunk", perhaps?


I know, it sounds like it'd be an easy call, but the whole "the name is everything" applies here. We gotta call it something.


So...any ideas?

Have you thought about a name based on the town they are in or something even more abstract?


One of the most enjoyable RPG experiences I ever had was using the "Stalking the Night Fantastic/Bureau 13" rules, but the game was universaly called by its nickname: Mortis Omega (Latin+Greek for Dead End guys which was the GM's Dad's name for the group of teenagers that always hung out at his house on Saturday instead of going out on dates with girls!). The GM was basically doing his own version

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Re: Whattya call it?




Sounds good to me. Othoe it dosen't realy scream 'steam' to me...


Acualy, if I just herd that name without reading this, I would of thought about cowboys with mohawks rideing robotic horses and fraging cyber-injins with there rocket launchers.

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Re: Whattya call it?


Imagine your basic "Western Hero" setting. We're talkin' post-Civil War stuff' date=' late 1800's. Now imagine a bit of magic and steampunk-esque technology thrown in (air ships, steam-powered robots, a guy with a gatling gun for an arm or something similar). It's basically like "Wild Wild West" meets "Deadlands", but not too heavy on the more esoteric aspects. It's still a Western, and it's about outlaws and cowboys and hustlers and rustlers and all that good stuff.[/quote']How about just a subtle alteration of the classic phrase, "The Old West." Since this one is "futuristic" (compared to the real Old West) it wouldn't be "old." And since it sounds like a more fictionalized, larger-than-life version of the west, with almost a pulp adventure feel, it would certainly be "bold."


How about, "The Bold West?"

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Re: Whattya call it?


RevolverPunk, maybe? If I remember my history correctly, the revolver didn't come into common use until after the Civil War. (Please correct me if I'm wrong :straight: )You could connect this "newfangled" piece of technology with the magic and anachronistic gear in the setting.


I also thought SaddlePunk, but that might be a little silly.

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Re: Whattya call it?


Posse Comitatus


(law passed after Reconstruction to prohibit the use of the military as a police force within the US)


It's Latin, which evokes the magic bits, and sounds scientific too, while retaining "posse" for a Western feel. And you could even have the PC's as a special police force set up specifically to deal with the weirdness.




Hexas Rangers





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