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Musings on Random Musings

Kara Zor-El

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Let's just say' date=' when you mention customers calling for assistance, I [i']really don't want to know[/i] what they needed assistance with!


Spoilered for really adult humor



When I said really, I meant REALLY



Don't say I didn't warn you. CollegeHumor video via YouTube) inside next spoiler.









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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Originally posted by Vondy.


I call on the United States to make a full and phased withdrawal to the pre-1776 borders. The dream of a home of the free and land of the brave cannot be fulfilled through occupation. Not the occupation of the native american man, mexican man, french man, spanish man, or hawaiian man. Let alone the Filipino man, Peurto Rican man, Guam Man, Samoan man, or assorted other men. I see the only solution as being six states for six peoples in the formal fifty and a withdrawal from the territories. Other difficult questions, like the resettlement of hundreds of millions of Americans, the status of Washington DC, and the status of British refugees living in commonwealth nations will sort themselves out given time. I say this because the deep, strong bonds of friendship between our two nations require me to "speak the truth."



Another link.

Also of interest.

Probably not so much.

Just to be clear here.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings



Strangely - and perhaps you were simply unaware of it - Israel is not the 51st state. Nor is it a "Christian nation." Shocking tidbits, I know. But important. References to the US constitution and new testament are immaterial to our lives. I know many Americans find this hard to believe, yet its true. After all. The vast majority of Israelis are not Americans. And of late many of those who are prefer not to advertise.


And yet, we have protected speech and press, and officially recognize Islam (and several other faiths) and do not interfere with Imams even when they call for a second holocaust and the destruction of our state and the rape of our women and the burning of our texts (Israelis consistently poll more tolerant of Islam than your 1st and 15th Amendment Americans), and we have Arab MKs and Ministers. Indeed, there is nothing barring them from becoming Prime Minister or President. So, your apartheid screed is immaterial as well.


I admit we - much like you Americans - are not perfect and have our faults. But your attention on us - rather than the anti-semitic, extremist, racist, terror funding, human rights black hole you are funding, arming, and hoping to give a part of our ancestral heartland - is misplaced. Indeed, they are far more oppressive of their own people than we are - it just doesn't get reported. There's a reason Israeli Arabs in overwhelming numbers want to remain Israeli when your PA monster state is created.


I can tell you think Israel does not live up to your high-falutin sense of ethnocentrism, but have you looked at what you are paying to create alongside us? Does the PA even come close? They openly admit they intend to create an Islam-only state. They kidnap and torture their own people. They execute them for selling land to Jews. They imprison them for working for Jews. Or for being gay. And for blogging unpopular opinions - atheism, pacifism, and just about any verboten ism. There are daily calls for the murder of me and mine in their mosques, schools, and television. Calls for war. Calls for genocide. Calls for our nation's destruction. And calls for YOUR nation's destruction. All of which you are underwriting with your enlightened aid and populist race to support poor oppressed Palestinians. You reap what you sow. The problem is. We're reaping it too.


Which brings me back to my original point: what's good for the goose is good for the gander - and since you opened the door - if you live in a glass house don't throw stones. Perhaps you noticed? The Arab world was, with few exceptions, as underwhelmed with your Great Leader's speech as we were. You see, they'll take your money without loving you the way we do - and we do - but they found Obama's speech just as avuncular, cavalier, meddlesome, paternalistic, and worrying as we did.


Which is why your comments are amusing and disturbing all at one time. Your response - even as your great leader admitted other cultures would have to be democracies in their own way, which was one of the few things he said that I agreed with, was to start quoting from your American Scriptures with the implication we were wrong because. Why should we even begin to consider putting your way over our own? We're allies, colleagues, and friends - not spouses.


At the end of the day, even as we work together on common goals and share many (but not all) values, we go home to SEPARATE houses. We don't tell you how to put your house in order. And I noticed you reacted badly when - as parody - I outline my policy for your house. Which means I made my point. What planet are you living on where friendship isn't founded on reciprocation?

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Quaternions make my brain hurt.


I was stymed by the simplest things today...


access-class command

access-group command


not only that but the packet tracer required me to do things their way. When I try to get cute I lose points.




But yeah...I certainly didn't know them as well as I assumed coming into class today.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Strangely - and perhaps you were simply unaware of it - Israel is not the 51st state. Nor is it a "Christian nation." Shocking tidbits, I know. But important. References to the US constitution and new testament are immaterial to our lives. I know many Americans find this hard to believe, yet its true. After all. The vast majority of Israelis are not Americans. And of late many of those who are prefer not to advertise.


And yet, we have protected speech and press, and officially recognize Islam (and several other faiths) and do not interfere with Imams even when they call for a second holocaust and the destruction of our state and the rape of our women and the burning of our texts (Israelis consistently poll more tolerant of Islam than your 1st and 15th Amendment Americans), and we have Arab MKs and Ministers. Indeed, there is nothing barring them from becoming Prime Minister or President. So, your apartheid screed is immaterial as well.


I admit we - much like you Americans - are not perfect and have our faults. But your attention on us - rather than the anti-semitic, extremist, racist, terror funding, human rights black hole you are funding, arming, and hoping to give a part of our ancestral heartland - is misplaced. Indeed, they are far more oppressive of their own people than we are - it just doesn't get reported. There's a reason Israeli Arabs in overwhelming numbers want to remain Israeli when your PA monster state is created.


I can tell you think Israel does not live up to your high-falutin sense of ethnocentrism, but have you looked at what you are paying to create alongside us? Does the PA even come close? They openly admit they intend to create an Islam-only state. They kidnap and torture their own people. They execute them for selling land to Jews. They imprison them for working for Jews. Or for being gay. And for blogging unpopular opinions - atheism, pacifism, and just about any verboten ism. There are daily calls for the murder of me and mine in their mosques, schools, and television. Calls for war. Calls for genocide. Calls for our nation's destruction. And calls for YOUR nation's destruction. All of which you are underwriting with your enlightened aid and populist race to support poor oppressed Palestinians. You reap what you sow. The problem is. We're reaping it too.


Which brings me back to my original point: what's good for the goose is good for the gander - and since you opened the door - if you live in a glass house don't throw stones. Perhaps you noticed? The Arab world was, with few exceptions, as underwhelmed with your Great Leader's speech as we were. You see, they'll take your money without loving you the way we do - and we do - but they found Obama's speech just as avuncular, cavalier, meddlesome, paternalistic, and worrying as we did.


Which is why your comments are amusing and disturbing all at one time. Your response - even as your great leader admitted other cultures would have to be democracies in their own way, which was one of the few things he said that I agreed with, was to start quoting from your American Scriptures with the implication we were wrong because. Why should we even begin to consider putting your way over our own? We're allies, colleagues, and friends - not spouses.


At the end of the day, even as we work together on common goals and share many (but not all) values, we go home to SEPARATE houses. We don't tell you how to put your house in order. And I noticed you reacted badly when - as parody - I outline my policy for your house. Which means I made my point. What planet are you living on where friendship isn't founded on reciprocation?


Bravo and well said.

Somebody Rep Vondy for me?

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I was stymed by the simplest things today...


access-class command

access-group command


not only that but the packet tracer required me to do things their way. When I try to get cute I lose points.




But yeah...I certainly didn't know them as well as I assumed coming into class today.

I haven't heard of either of those. OTOH, I've never managed to take a programming class. Learning by trial&error and books is generally not much fun.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I haven't heard of either of those. OTOH' date=' I've never managed to take a programming class. Learning by trial&error and books is generally not much fun.[/quote']


well it's not programming so much. It's setting up network security on a router using Cisco's IOS.

It's not terribly difficult and they actually have a great set up for helping you through it. But on the test and on my virtual lab project I got abused...spent 5 hours on it.

was not fun I "had*" to keep erasing the router configuration and start over.


I tried (seriously) programming almost 10 years ago, rather than playing around like I did with BASIC as a kid. It wasn't for me. I still have dreams of writing character creation software but that's not gonna happen :)


*"had to" being something of a misnomer, since I just hadn't grocked the commands that let me modify my Access-Lists.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


well it's not programming so much. It's setting up network security on a router using Cisco's IOS.

It's not terribly difficult and they actually have a great set up for helping you through it. But on the test and on my virtual lab project I got abused...spent 5 hours on it.

was not fun I "had*" to keep erasing the router configuration and start over.


I tried (seriously) programming almost 10 years ago, rather than playing around like I did with BASIC as a kid. It wasn't for me. I still have dreams of writing character creation software but that's not gonna happen :)


*"had to" being something of a misnomer, since I just hadn't grocked the commands that let me modify my Access-Lists.

Ah, network security. I know it well...


...It's that thing I have to bypass to run code profiling software. :)

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Ah, network security. I know it well...


...It's that thing I have to bypass to run code profiling software. :)


I'm learning how to bypass it to stop that from happening again. It's fascinating - but I dont' think I could be a net security specialist, too intense.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Bravo and well said.

Somebody Rep Vondy for me?


I got him for both of us.


Frankly, I'm on Israel's side in this particular case anyway,so it didn't take much effort to hit the rep button on that one.


I like a lot of things about Obama, but when I disagree with him, I REALLY disagree with him.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


If I were to write the words "This is a car" on a sheet of paper, would the sheet of paper become a car?


No, of course not.


What if I were to write "This is a car" a hundred times?


Still no?


What if I were to write it in BIG RED LETTERS, over and over again?


No, obviously not. No matter how many times I say it is, a sheet of paper is not a car. Nobody over the age of three would ever believe me if I handed them a sheet of paper and said, "Here, this is a car." They'd laugh at my little joke, at best, or they'd assume I was crazy.


But... Strangely, this same simple trick actually works on a great many (possibly even most) people, at least some of the time. You can simply say something that obviously isn't true, and if you say it with enough conviction or repeat it over and over, people will believe you!


For instance, you can tell people that you are a Christian, and if you repeat it over and over again, they'll believe you no matter what you do. You can cheat on your wife, you can steal, you can hire a homosexual prostitute, you can break every commandment. You don't even have to know a thing about the Bible. How many pastors get caught practicing the most terrible, un-Christian things you can imagine, and yet still preach to full pews on Sunday?


Or a politician can tell people that they're a fiscal conservative, and yet don't do anything even remotely fiscally responsible. Day in and day out, you can spend money on pet projects, sponsor lavish government giveaways to favored industries, never meet an appropriations bill you don't like, but when you go home to your constituents you can tell them that you're "cleaning up Washington" and they'll believe you if you just say it sincerely enough.


I just don't get people, sometimes. :no:


in no particular order:

Fact Checking is hard. You have to go to sources that are a) unbiased and/or B) multiple sources with well known biases and try to weed the truth out - most people don't have that kind of time. We're run via soundbite.


They lie. Not the person speaking, the other people. Heck, Newt Gingrich just called people liars if they quoted him. That's ballsy. And people are more likely to believe someone they trust. When they're shown that person can't be trusted? They give them the benefit of the doubt as long as they are able.


Forgiveness cannot be overrated. Some very good people have it in them to forgive many transgressions.


The enemy of my enemy is a friend. If the person is vocally against something you are against you will ignore other unpleasantness

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


in no particular order:

Fact Checking is hard. You have to go to sources that are a) unbiased and/or B) multiple sources with well known biases and try to weed the truth out - most people don't have that kind of time. We're run via soundbite.


They lie. Not the person speaking, the other people. Heck, Newt Gingrich just called people liars if they quoted him. That's ballsy. And people are more likely to believe someone they trust. When they're shown that person can't be trusted? They give them the benefit of the doubt as long as they are able.


Forgiveness cannot be overrated. Some very good people have it in them to forgive many transgressions.


The enemy of my enemy is a friend. If the person is vocally against something you are against you will ignore other unpleasantness







"The enemy of my enemy is my enemy's enemy, no more, no less." :)

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Sure. You had to be able to play Hero.


...Well, I don't suppose you have to, but I don't see why someone would register for a game forum without having played said game.


Smarta$$ reply: I joined the forum without having played Hero because I wanted to play Hero. :P


And now I have. But not nearly as much as I'd like. Hopefully that should be changing soon.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


If I were to write the words "This is a car" on a sheet of paper, would the sheet of paper become a car?


No, of course not.


What if I were to write "This is a car" a hundred times?


Still no?


What if I were to write it in BIG RED LETTERS, over and over again?


No, obviously not. No matter how many times I say it is, a sheet of paper is not a car. Nobody over the age of three would ever believe me if I handed them a sheet of paper and said, "Here, this is a car." They'd laugh at my little joke, at best, or they'd assume I was crazy.


But... Strangely, this same simple trick actually works on a great many (possibly even most) people, at least some of the time. You can simply say something that obviously isn't true, and if you say it with enough conviction or repeat it over and over, people will believe you!


For instance, you can tell people that you are a Christian, and if you repeat it over and over again, they'll believe you no matter what you do. You can cheat on your wife, you can steal, you can hire a homosexual prostitute, you can break every commandment. You don't even have to know a thing about the Bible. How many pastors get caught practicing the most terrible, un-Christian things you can imagine, and yet still preach to full pews on Sunday?


Or a politician can tell people that they're a fiscal conservative, and yet don't do anything even remotely fiscally responsible. Day in and day out, you can spend money on pet projects, sponsor lavish government giveaways to favored industries, never meet an appropriations bill you don't like, but when you go home to your constituents you can tell them that you're "cleaning up Washington" and they'll believe you if you just say it sincerely enough.


I just don't get people, sometimes. :no:


"Say we write 'angel' on the devil's horns,

'tis not the devil's crest."




Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary notes that every since he picked Prospero for the Sword and Sorcery draft Lucius has had Shakespeare on the brain.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


They lie. Not the person speaking, the other people. Heck, Newt Gingrich just called people liars if they quoted him. That's ballsy. And people are more likely to believe someone they trust. When they're shown that person can't be trusted? They give them the benefit of the doubt as long as they are able.


In my experience, people quote what they heard and not what was said.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


In my experience' date=' people quote what they heard and not what was said.[/quote']


In my experience those are often the same thing. "Listen to what I meant not what I said."


In this instance, Mr. Gingrich said something completely rational but his base took offense so he backpedaled...going so far as to call people who took his quote in context liars. Saw the interview.


I suppose what you've said could be true and what he said was not what I heard. Or the people on the right who were so enraged misheard his meaning, but they're not the one's he's calling liars (it would seem).

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


A friend was helping me do laundry at the laundromat. She was snacking on carob beans, of all things, and had left them on a sorting table by somebody's detergent. So when a load was dry and she asked were to put it, I said "Pile it on the carob beans, by the stranger's Tide."


Lucius Alexander


At which point she threatened to feed me to a palindromedary

It ringeth a bell; a distant bell; a bell that I have heard before.

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