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Musings on Random Musings

Kara Zor-El

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Agreed, I miss it too. I can only assume that it screwed things up.


And thanks for the reasoning. I generally wonder if people do it because they're just lazy and/or don't care, or honestly don't know, or because they know there are those of us annoyed by it.


But hey, as the Poster formerly known as Ghost Angel said, sometimes rules need to be broken...

Half lazy, Half don't care, Half annoying people.


Besides, I treat reality like one of those snow globes... every once in a while you just have to pick the thing up and give it a good solid shake.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Besides' date=' I treat reality like one of those snow globes... every once in a while you just have to pick the thing up and give it a good solid shake.[/quote']

Fascinating comparison.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Normally it's when I forget. I visit based on email subscriptions' date=' so I often am not paying attention to the topic and so it's a natural mistake. I try to correct it when I realize it's happened, though.[/quote']


I always forget about the whole e-mail subscription thing, since I've never used it. Good point!

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


My great uncle was a mason. I saw my first masonic funeral today.

They wear approns.

I laughed and wondered what they'd think of gamers dressed in chainmail.

I think they look fine unless they wear sneakers, have pot bellies and thier only knowledge of soap is from a TV commercial. :D

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


My great uncle was a mason. I saw my first masonic funeral today.

They wear approns.

I laughed and wondered what they'd think of gamers dressed in chainmail.

If done with reverence, most of the Masons I've known would probably approve.


I myself want a viking funeral, complete with mailclad palbearers


Yes, I have been taught many secrets on my travels. :sneaky::D


3rd Degree Masons represent! :D

Sorry 'Bec... never managed to wind up with the Masons. Which is weird, considering how much I know about the masons, the number of masons I've hung out with, and the communities I've hung out in. (Lots of Scots)

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


If done with reverence, most of the Masons I've known would probably approve.


I myself want a viking funeral, complete with mailclad palbearers



Sorry 'Bec... never managed to wind up with the Masons. Which is weird, considering how much I know about the masons, the number of masons I've hung out with, and the communities I've hung out in. (Lots of Scots)

Yup, Scots have a history there. :yes:

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Last night saw a documentary on September 11th 2001 focusing on those that jumped and one of the iconic photographs that was not shown afterwards. I missed most of this on the day itself. Part of the programme was devoted to trying to identify the man in the picture. They knew it was porobably a guy in the restaurant and his general size. They eventually came up with a name after a previous article had identified it as a pastry cook. This was in error.


The thing that disturbed me most was the family of the pastry cook believed that if someone committed suicide then they would go to Hell. Now as a Catholic I cannot accept that. It is just wrong to my way of thinking that if you choose to escape burning to death by leaping out of the building that you automatically consign yourself to damnation. Sorry if this is a rant but it rankles.


That is not right on SOOOO many levels. I'm pretty outspokenly NOT a Catholic (or Christian, for that matter) but I can track the logic of faith here... A leap from certain death... people have survived falls like that before. Hence the leap itself, is almost literally a leap of faith. One would not expect a miracle to save you, but the hope is still there. Thus, the hearts intent was not suicide, but hope. Hence no sin.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I can see that.

However the family were Hispanic and it was their belief.

A journalist looking into the jumpers found one guy whose partner found relief in the belief that she jumped. He is pretty sure he recognised her in the pictures from clothing she had.


I am also aware that this is a topic that can arouse strong passions, the idea that those who jumped are denied Heaven. I defy the thinking or doctrine that says that.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I can see that.

However the family were Hispanic and it was their belief.

A journalist looking into the jumpers found one guy whose partner found relief in the belief that she jumped. He is pretty sure he recognised her in the pictures from clothing she had.


I am also aware that this is a topic that can arouse strong passions, the idea that those who jumped are denied Heaven. I defy the thinking or doctrine that says that.


It's part of the doctrine of several denominations that anyone not of their specific sub-group will burn in Hell forever, as well as any member of their own sub-group that fails to follow each and every rule. Faith can be cruel.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Original Green Death flavor!

Tastes like cr@p, but its powerful enough that you don't care.

Say hello to Klaus!


(It wasn't till I first had Absinthe that I finally realized what NyQuil was trying to taste like)


NyQuil, we love you,

You giant f**king Q!

I was reading an article on Absinthe last fall or so, some chemist did a completel anlysis from some of the original casks way back when - turns out we've been making it wrong for over a hundred years or so and it's not supposed to taste that bad.


go figure.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I was reading an article on Absinthe last fall or so, some chemist did a completel anlysis from some of the original casks way back when - turns out we've been making it wrong for over a hundred years or so and it's not supposed to taste that bad.


go figure.

Thats pretty amusing, actually.

I'd be curious what its supposed to taste like?


Sort of like the whole "sake is supposed to be served warm" thing eh?

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Thats pretty amusing, actually.

I'd be curious what its supposed to taste like?


Sort of like the whole "sake is supposed to be served warm" thing eh?


Sake should either be warm (not hot) or chilled. I generally prefer chilled for the better sakes, and warm for the lesser ones.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Sake should either be warm (not hot) or chilled. I generally prefer chilled for the better sakes' date=' and warm for the lesser ones.[/quote']

From what I've heard, chilled is the traditional way it was intended to be served. Warming sake came as a result of modern chemistry discovering that low quality sake had certain volatile elements in it (like formaldahyde) that were probably best removed before human consumption. Even bad Sake now no longer has the "bad for human consumption" bits, but the practic of warming it is still in effect.


Of course, if sake was always chilled than I wouldn't have my memories of a particular new years eve party and the Fountain of Flaming Sake

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Thats pretty amusing, actually.

I'd be curious what its supposed to taste like?


Sort of like the whole "sake is supposed to be served warm" thing eh?

I can't remember how they described it, it was in a Discover I believe.. I'll try and find it.



Opposite actually.


Premium Sake is served chilled. Junmai style Sake is served at room temperature or just below.


Warm Sake is warmed to kill the acidity and "impure" flavors they have.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


It's part of the doctrine of several denominations that anyone not of their specific sub-group will burn in Hell forever' date=' as well as any member of their own sub-group that fails to follow each and every rule. Faith can be cruel.[/quote']


Someone once asked me what my religion was. I said, "I was baptized Catholic but I gave it up at age 5 when I found out I couldn't be Pope."



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