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Musings on Random Musings

Kara Zor-El

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


No. :) :) I'm reading and interpreting what the phrase/term means (albeit literally).


As said #3: ...I'm objecting to "born ... Christian". To my mind, one can't be birthed into a religion, one is birthed into a spirituality, which is distinct from the dogma, ritual and holy text of religion..."


Rephrasing #5: I'd prefer that instead of using the word "born again..." with reference to religion in a figurative sense, a person would choose better words to convey what they wish to communicate.


With reference made to Hermit's post, it appears to me the origin of the phrase is from the Gospel Hermit kindly pointed out, and which the Catholic Encyclopedia references as baptism. Now that I see the intention behind the phrase it actually makes sense to me.


Also note, I'm not challenging anyone's use of the phrase, just voicing my interpretation . :)


(and I like that bumper sticker! :) )


Cool. The problem with sticking to a hard fast "this is what this phrase literally means" is that English doesn't really work that way. I'll agree that being born into a religion is one thing that the phrase could potentially mean. However it isn't the only option. :)

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


We're having a monsoon/thunderstorm/cold front moving in. Today it got up to 70 and before now it was still 67 at 9:30 at night. I had to crank on the AC as my house was 75.


I've yet to have to crank on the AC this year, though I've gotten close a few times.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Born Again Pagan? :D (I have seen a woman wear a button proclaiming this)


I have one of those... although I really can't say I was "born Again" - I was never formally brought up with religion when I was growing up. I found Wicca when I was 18, did a Self-Dedication and never looked back... Amused, on the other hand, grew up around me and my beliefs (imagine that) but I when she was older, I tried to encourage her to find what works for her. I'm not a very good teacher when it comes to religion, but I do what I can...

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I would love to live someplace that I never needed AC. Unfortunately Keri would hate it.


Geez, and all you have to move is across the bay. I didn't have AC while I lived in the Bay Area. (Granted there were a couple times I wished I did)

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


[...]but I when she was older' date=' I tried to encourage her to find what works for her. I'm not a very good teacher when it comes to religion, but I do what I can...[/quote']Sounds like someone is a good mother.


Imagine that.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Geez' date=' and all you have to move is across the bay. I didn't have AC while I lived in the Bay Area. (Granted there were a couple times I wished I did)[/quote']


I would only not want/need AC if I lived someplace that it never got above about 75. And didn't have much sunshine.


Keri on the other hand is solar powered. I've gotten to where I no longer hate sunshiney days, just because of how much energy they give her. :)

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


This morning a co-worker mentioned she'd clipped an article about D&D for me' date=' but left it on her kitchen table accidentally. I waved my hand dismissively and said, "Bah! D&D is for noobs!" She (and the other woman standing nearby, who's never heard me talk Geek before), blinked in surprise. I laughed and thanked her for the thought, but assured her I already knew, and wasn't terribly interested in D&D. "I do . . . a game that involves more math," I said, before breezing along to put my lunch in the fridge.[/quote']


At least she was thinking of you and (presumably) trying to be helpful/friendly. :)



I waste so much of my time eating' date=' sleeping, peeing, and bathing. Flesh is... inefficient.[/quote']


But it sure can be fun at times! ;):D

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Superman is an Illegal Alien! He wasn't born here' date=' and never (AFAIK) applied for Earth citizenship or even got a work (by work I mean save-the-planet-on-a-daily-basis work) permit![/quote']


But he has since married an American citizen, which gives him citizenship.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Superman is an Illegal Alien! He wasn't born here' date=' and never (AFAIK) applied for Earth citizenship or even got a work (by work I mean save-the-planet-on-a-daily-basis work) permit![/quote']


The post-Byrne Superman was rocketed to Earth in a Kryptonian birthing chamber/mechanical womb, and was technically "born" on American soil when he crashlanded in Kansas. So he's as American as apple pie. :)

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Quite. She's one of the few who grasps the full magnitude of my geekery' date=' and she's never been anything but kind and helpful about it.[/quote']


Or at least has some idea as to the levels of your geekery. Because of course if she understood the full magnitude of it, she wouldn't have thought you played D&D. ;)

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Re: Musings on Random Musings




She's the only reason I know about the Ren Faire that takes place (somewhat) nearby every fall, and she's the only one I know I can start a conversation with about speculative fiction who'll have any clue what I'm talking about. I CAN talk to my other co-workers about it, but then I feel like an elementary school teacher. "No, you see, there was this guy named Ray Bradbury - Have you ever heard of Bradbury? No? Okay, let's go back to Jules Verne. Have you ever heard of him? Okay, um, War of the Worlds was recently a movie; did you see it? All right, so that was a book once . . ."

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Re: Musings on Random Musings




She's the only reason I know about the Ren Faire that takes place (somewhat) nearby every fall, and she's the only one I know I can start a conversation with about speculative fiction who'll have any clue what I'm talking about. I CAN talk to my other co-workers about it, but then I feel like an elementary school teacher. "No, you see, there was this guy named Ray Bradbury - Have you ever heard of Bradbury? No? Okay, let's go back to Jules Verne. Have you ever heard of him? Okay, um, War of the Worlds was recently a movie; did you see it? All right, so that was a book once . . ."




Sounds like you have a pretty cool coworker. :thumbup:

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