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WWYCD #110- Dark Guardian

Marcus Impudite

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Note: This one's kind of X-Files-ish and may not work well with some characters.


A small child is reported missing after she doesn't come home from school one day, and is believed to have been kidnapped. One night as you and your team are out searching with other volenteers and the police, you see a man run out of an apartment downtown; carrying the girl and screaming in terror. When you confronted the kidnapper- who looks scared out of his mind- he says, "Look, just take the girl and toss me in the slammer, I don't care, just don't let that thing get me!"


When questioned- either by you or the police later- the kidnapper says he was about to call the girl's parents with a ransom demand when the shadows in the room coalesced into a humaniod silhouette with demonic looking, glowing red eyes. This being, whatever it was, then threatened to kill him and devour his soul if he didn't let the girl go unharmed. Because certain paraphernalia was found in the man's possession at the time, the cops wrote the story off as a hallucination brought on by drug use.


Later, possibly when you visit the girl to see if she's okay, you find her drawing something with her crayons that looks alot like the kidnapper's "shadow demon." When ask about the drawing, she says, "It's my gaurdian angel, Eddie."


It is then that you get a creepy feeling like someone is standing right behind you, but when you turn to look, you only see your own shadow on the wall.



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Re: WWYCD #110- Dark Guardian


Starguard -- well, given that she's (as near as we can tell) a significantly powerful angelic being in her own right, the "demon" would either be coming out for a nice chat, or whimpering and hiding under the bed. Either way, her Cosmic Awareness and Soul Sense /would/ see it.


Dr. Pain -- "... hello, Homestead? Can I talk to Bethany? I think I just tripped over something that's /way/ more up her line of work..."


Baron von Darien -- "To whatever entity might at present be capable of hearing me -- I do not intend to cause any harm or distress to your charge. I will, however, be taking measures to satisfy my curiosity as to your general provenance, and whether or not *you* might cause any harm and distress to *my* charge... which is the welfare of the general public, if and when threatened by the supernatural. Are we clear?"

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Re: WWYCD #110- Dark Guardian


Style - Detect magic and do a light scan of the girl's aura. If she has been touched by something infernal, deal with it. If she is an emerging mage or metahuman, speak with her parents about it as gently as possible. If she is being followed by a spirit or metahuman, talk with him.


AnimeGai - Full spectrum scan of the area. Is there something here? If so, determine if it's a threat to the girl or other innocents and respond.


Flesh Gordon - "Ooh, crayons! Y'know, I never got to play with these when I was a little boy. We had chalk. May I join you? Look, this is the Phantom Plannet, and here's the Princess, and..."

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Re: WWYCD #110- Dark Guardian


Eve: Would likely make friends with the little girl (they are about the same mental "age") and see if she could get her to talk about her guardian Angel. Since the creature sure doesn't look like an angel, she'd eventually talk to Element, because she knows about magic.


Tao:She'd assume the child was a emerging metahuman and suggest she be sent to the Venture Institute or some other responisble instition for training.


Shidoku: Sighs,"Oh Crap" and called Old Man Li, a spiritualist she knows down in Chinatown...just in case.

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Re: WWYCD #110- Dark Guardian


Eddie? From Iron Maiden? Why, I'd play "Number of the Beast" at 666 decibels, see if I can summon him!


Oh, that's right... wwyCd.


Audra Blue would search for all references to such a creature. She can do tons of research in a short time by jacking into the 'net. She'd try to figure out where this thing has appeared before, if it's been seen before the kid was born, has anyone died from it, etc. Then she'd pass the info onto the rest of the team, who are better able to handle it.


Anthem would ask the parents about such sightings. She'd keep an eye on the girl for a few weeks. If nothing happens bad, what can you do about something that's not hurting anyone? Can't drive something out for threatening to protect the girl.


Uncle Slam would see if PRIMUS employs any mystics and have them check on the background of the being in question. If they turn up nothing he would request with the parents, in person, that they let him study her briefly to see if there is anything to this story. If they disagree, he gives them his card and asks they notify him if there are any problems. If they agree, he lets the parents come along and she is subjected to scientific and mystic study over the course of a couple days.

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: WWYCD #110- Dark Guardian



Well, the team has already met _one_ being claiming to be an angel. So he doesn't dismiss 'demon' as an option. Sadly, the team knows no mystics, so he'll just be a little spooked, and maybe ask her 'Eddie? How often does Eddie help you?' (etc)



Be nice, and go get a mystic, stat. :)


Personally, I want to know... is Eddie real? And is Eddie Evil?

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Re: WWYCD #110- Dark Guardian


Plex : Danger sense didn't go off, must be my imagination... must stop watching late night spooky shows like x-files and twilight zone. Turn on the wrist communicator and contact the only Mystic of the group, Mordred, and tell him whats going on anyways. Convince the family that it would be in their best interest to bring the girl to their base for "tests just in case". Prepare himself for the worst and figure that the entity will probably come out long before they get to the base or even leave the house. Call back to the base via communicator and request back-up. Then start herding the family towards the door.

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Re: WWYCD #110- Dark Guardian


The Mask of Justice: Can see Dennis' true form, which is a small, fluffy bunny. He just casts the illusion of the scary shadow monster to protect himself (and the little girl.) All ends well.


Rock Bottom: Umm, not his area. Maybe Tao has a power that can detect/identify Dennis, if he actually exists.


Calculus: Quickly discerns the true nature of the situation, and takes the appropriate action.


Kira Midori: Attempts to use her powers to see if the little girl is creating/manipulating Dennis, or if the shadow creature is a separate entity. If it's hostile, it's time to call in a mage.


Talion: Dennis will turn out to have been enslaved by the little girl, who is in fact a powerful demon lord (lady?) Much blood and death will ensue.

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Re: WWYCD #110- Dark Guardian


The Mask of Justice: Can see Dennis' true form, which is a small, fluffy bunny. He just casts the illusion of the scary shadow monster to protect himself (and the little girl.) All ends well.


Talion: Dennis will turn out to have been enslaved by the little girl, who is in fact a powerful demon lord (lady?) Much blood and death will ensue.


I've mentioned how much I like these two, right? :)

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Re: WWYCD #110- Dark Guardian


Husky will be suspicious and plan on doing sruviellance of the girl. Once he gets bored (in about 20 minutes) he'll go out on the town beating up muggers and impressing co-eds until it's time to go home. Then he'll change into Kenneth. With an exasperated sigh Kenneth will momentarily resent the time he's wasted then he'll get to work. He'll have one research terminal build a portfolio on the girl and have another research terminal work on researching the entity. He'll than hack the school system and arrange for one of his imposter droids to attend her school as a new transfer student. Based on his research and observations Kenneth will build a device for Husky to commincate with or capture the creature. He'll then change into Husky. If the thing is a threat Husky will hurry off to pummel the thing. If the thing is a potential ally he'll hurry off to invite the thing out for a beer.

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Re: WWYCD #110- Dark Guardian


Cannis pivots warily, searching the room for whoever is giving her that creepy feeling. As no threat appears, she relaxes slightly, and sits down next to the girl. “That’s cool. I always wanted a guardian angel of my own. Has Eddie protected you from people before today?†She chats a bit with the girl becoming more and more convinced that they have discovered a new mutant. Finally, when the time seems right she asks, “Would you and Eddie mind if I snipped of just a tiny bit of your hair. It won’t hurt at all.†Provided she can get the girl to agree and nothing attacks her while she does so, she takes the sample home and tests it to determine whether or not the girl is a mutant. If the girl is a mutant, Cannis, of course, tells Adam and probably ends up contacting the campaign Professor X equivalent. If not, Cannis may keep an eye out for a while to see if she can determine what mutant has taken an interest in the girl. But, unless the girl is the daughter of someone Cannis personally cares about, she doesn’t worry about it to much.



Sailor Io glances around suspiciously and then looks to Magnus and Sailor Centari to see if they sense anything and if they are acting as if they think it is evil/dangerous. Io continues to speak with the girl in a non-threatening manner, attempting to find out as much as she can about Eddie. She asks questions like, “How did you first meet Eddie? Does he only show up when you are in danger or do you speak with him other times too? Has he ever had to protect you from someone before? What happened?†After she finds out as much as she can from the girl, she addresses the room, “Eddie, would you please come out and speak with us for a bit.†If he doesn’t show himself, she asks the girl to summon him. The senshi and Eddie have a nice talk about his plans and intentions and provided all he is doing is protecting the girl and he isn’t actually hurting anyone, the Senshi leave him in peace. They possibly even commend him for choosing to devote himself to taking care of a little girl.

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Re: WWYCD #110- Dark Guardian


Blackcat's suite of mystical senses would go off, and she would look around, and do a detect/analyze on the girl with her mystic senses (ch'i based crossed with second sight for having been dead herself). And she would go from there.


Ballistic would instantly shift his magic pool into mystic senses and try and summon the shadowthing to talk to it, and find out what and why he is watching over the girl, and what kind of destiny she has to have such a guardian, from either side. He'd then call in the "spell squad*" to help out if needed to fix things.


*Ballistic being an Ex-cop thinks in those kind of terms, and when he became a supermage went to all the other supermages and set up a network for them to call each other when trouble only they can deal with arises, sort of a superhero magical version of SWAT.

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Re: WWYCD #110- Dark Guardian


Hardware: Take some broadspectrum scans of the girl and the room, then analyze the data at HQ. If the data is inconculsive, defer to the judgement of teammates more experienced with supernatural stuff.


Tiger Shark: Decide he's out of his depth on this one and pay a long overdue visit to the base chaplain (he's in the navy) for advice.


Air Raider: Assuming the creature's only interest is protecting the girl, Raider would let them be. If "Eddie" has some sinister alterior motive, he'll research a way to thwart him.

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Re: WWYCD #110- Dark Guardian


Warp: Has 360 degree Spatial Awareness, so he won't have to turn around if Eddie is behind him. :P


"I'm glad you were there to keep INSERT NAME HERE from being harmed. As long as you're just here to protect her, I've got no problems with you."


Afterwards goes to consult someone more versed in mystic matters to figure out what exactly Eddie is, and whether he poses a threat to the girl or innocents in general.


Spectrum: A variation of the above.


Mystic: Possibly the next Archmage, he has the knowledge and power to identify what Eddie is, determine his motives, and banish him if it turns out to be less benevolent than the girl thinks he is.


Eddie better be good, or Eddy gets a ticket to Hell.

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