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Super Villainy on a Budget?


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Greeting HEROdom, How would a non High Tech, Non Powered, Non Inventor Villain compete with Superheroes, Agents, etc...???


Legal and not so legal things like Bear Spray, Bug Bombs for Insect Superheroes, and etc...


I need some creative ideas that border on the realm of Superheroes, but draws from the cinematic/realistic world (ie;MacGuyver).





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Re: Super Villainy on a Budget?


Take a look at all of the Super Skills in Dark Champions, and in the Super Skills Mega-Thread in the Dark Champions Forum. Now give him a 60 point VPP, Cosmic, Only for Martial Arts and Super-Skills. With 20 or so in all of his primary stats and 2-4 overall levels, you'll be amazed at how well he stands up to most heroes in a slug-fest.


Now give him a sniper-rifle, night-vision goggles, a few well planned escape routes, and a warehouse filled with good-old fashioned real world dynamite, gasoline and (for fun) fireworks. A few stupid mooks will help here as well to lead the players into the warehouse. The only problem will be not killing off the entire team.

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Re: Super Villainy on a Budget?


Poorly. :D


But...if they were crazy enough to try...basically they're an agent without access to high tech gear. Regular firearms, explosives, tasers, sprays/chemicals like you mentioned, normal protective clothing. Armored, souped up vehicle.


Planning. Lots of planning. Distractions planned, multiple escape routes, etc. Best way for this guy to beat the supers is to never have to try to deal with them face to face.

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Re: Super Villainy on a Budget?


Gasoline + bottle + dry rags = home made bombs

Fire Extinguisher for removing those pesky fire heroes

any hair spray canister + match/lighter = Flame thrower

Fix a Flat + Well aimed gun shot= Flamable Grenade

Car battery + wires connected over rubber gloves= Electrical fist

buy a handgun at wallmart for 30$

Beg more wealthy superVillian for cool gear.

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Re: Super Villainy on a Budget?


High KS: Superhero Disadvantages.


Start with Vulnerabilities and Susceptabilities. Lots of heroes take harm from very common, readily-available things: fire, water, electricity, bright light, loud noise, various chemicals, etc. With time to prepare these things for enemies he knows he's going to face, either as personal equipment or part of a trap, the villain can be very effective.


DNPCs are also very useful as hostages or bait to lure the heroes into a trap.


Psych Lims are readily exploitable (drop that claustrophic hero into a deep, narrow pit), and triggering Enraged or Berserk at the right time toward the right target is a surprisingly effective tactic.


Of course, these are all just combat-applicable tactics. The really dangerous non-powered villains are the ones in the Lex Luthor mold: tons of Perks like Money and Contacts that can make the heroes' noncombat existence hell, with the smarts to stay personally far removed from the villainous action and maintain their upstanding reputations.

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Re: Super Villainy on a Budget?


Snipers can take down almost any hero that relies on a high DCV or a force-field. If you don't actually want to kill them, just wound them badly. Drowning in concrete or molten steel will take care of most invulnerable characters. Invulnerable and life support? Frame them and let the other Heroes take care of them.

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Re: Super Villainy on a Budget?


The primary goal of a non-powered villain living in a city with Superheroes is to avoid attracting their attention while he is committing his crimes. In other words, DON’T grandstand or be flashy. Superheroes can’t be everywhere at once after all. This works especially well for thieves, serial killers, or regular murderers, etc. Force the Superheroes to use their detective skills to determine who was guilty of the crime rather than just listening to the police radio and swooping in to stop you.


(Personally, I think a non-powered serial killer could be a very creepy opponent. Especially if it takes time to determine exactly what criteria he is using to select his victims. Even if you do work out his pattern. Knowing that the killer will attempt to murder a redheaded woman on Tuesday night really doesn’t narrow the field down all that much.)


If you have to do something big and attention gathering, plan ahead. Use your contacts in the underworld to find out when a different Supervillian is planning to cause havoc, and use him as a distraction. The Heroes are likely to go after the guy that throws energy balls and leave the cops deal with you.


If, for whatever reason, your goal is to eliminate one of the heroes, once again, plan ahead. Don’t start following them around wearing some distinctive costume or call them out on national TV. First research them, find out their strengths and weaknesses. Then, sneak attack.


One thing to seriously consider is NOT wearing a special costume. Dress normally, with maybe a wig and makeup to conceal your identity. Superheroes seem to focus on costumes and may well assume you are just an ordinary citizen. Being ignored is to your advantage.


If despite your careful plans, the superheroes show up during one of your jobs, remember, running away isn’t a sign of cowardice, it’s a sign of intelligence. This especially holds true if you’ve already achieved your goal. If you can’t run, grab a hostage. Most heroes will back off if an innocent’s life is in danger.


If you do run and are being chased, try to lead them into a trap or dangerous area. Distract them by endangering innocents. Get lost in a crowd (this works better if you aren’t wearing a distinctive costume).


If they show up at your home, or try to capture you when you aren't in the middle of commiting a crime, let them. Fighting or running away only makes you look guilty. Remember, it is going to have to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt that you are guilty of whatever crime the Superheroes think you committed. And if you get a good lawyer, not only might you not have to serve any jail time, due to double jeopardy, they can never try you for that crime again.


(If the Superheroes are the type that are more likely to try to kill you than turn you into the cops, running makes since. As does running straight to the police. DON'T confess to everything, instead claim. "These idiots have me confused with someone else and are trying to kill me. I demand protection and I want to press charges.")


Don’t try to compete with Superheroes in a standup fight. You can’t win. Instead, outsmart them.


Let them underestimate you. You want to be underestimated. Remember you are there to achieve your objective, not to try to outmacho some idiot in tights.

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Re: Super Villainy on a Budget?


i think teh best example of a low rent supervillain would be tyler durden from fight club, froma derlict house in teh middle of no where to a powerful organisation witha legion of loyal followers with eyes and ears all over the country. not to mention bathtub explosives used as a finacial doomsday weapon.

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