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Visitor's Guide to Astro City


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Re: Visitor's Guide to Astro City


Astro City is one of my all-time favorite comics' date=' so I was very excited to read about Astro City - A Visitor's Guide. I haven't had a chance to swing by and buy it yet, but according to the web site, it's available today. Anyone have it? Read it? Like it?


- Bill


Just got home with it...more later.

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Re: Visitor's Guide to Astro City


read it at the comic shop I work at.

A nice little vignette at the front, then some adcopy for hotels and papers of Astro City and some other stuff like that, and then some art and little one/two sentence discriptions of the major supers we know. There is extra little details about them hidden in there...

Such as


Spolier space






























The sword that Old Soldier Carries is thought to be Excaliber.

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Re: Visitor's Guide to Astro City


Still waiting for the @#$%& story of the Silver Agent.

But he's promised it will be told at some point.


It's the next major story arc.

Over the next year, there is going to be a 12 issue mini called "Astro City: Dark age" IIRC. There will be 4 seperate 3 issue mini story arcs, and the whole thing will be about whatever it was that happened in the seventies that has been menioned a number of times.

Silver Agent won't be the focus character, but his story, and what happens to him, will be a major part of the story arc.


As I understand it, there are also oneshots set in the modern day to run between each 3 issue mini-arc so that we still get other AC stories while the big one goes on.

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Re: Visitor's Guide to Astro City


I did not pick up AC. It reminded me of some game supplements I've bought where they're written like magazines and laced with ads for the city.


But I did see at my local comic store... Flare. Yup, heroic publishing actually got a comic into stores.


The writing hurt my head! Nonetheless it's nice to see a comic with a former champions character on the stands again.

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Re: Visitor's Guide to Astro City


They really need to put AC out on a regular basis once more. It's such an incredible book and one of the fore-runners of the Neo-Silver movement that is hitting comics right now.


Well Kurt is finally over his long term illness and things seems to be coming out about 2 issues every three months now... so I have hope for fair consistancy.

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Re: Visitor's Guide to Astro City


Let's hear it for AC!


I haven't seen the handbook, but it might work fairly well for a basis for a Champions campaign?


I realize of course, that Astro City really isn't about individual heroes, but their effect on society and vice versa... Still, If you love AC, you can't help but think of making it into a Champions campaign.

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Re: Visitor's Guide to Astro City


It's the next major story arc.

Over the next year, there is going to be a 12 issue mini called "Astro City: Dark age" IIRC. There will be 4 seperate 3 issue mini story arcs, and the whole thing will be about whatever it was that happened in the seventies that has been menioned a number of times.

Silver Agent won't be the focus character, but his story, and what happens to him, will be a major part of the story arc.


As I understand it, there are also oneshots set in the modern day to run between each 3 issue mini-arc so that we still get other AC stories while the big one goes on.

I had the remendous pleasure of meeting Brent Anderson at the ComicCon. At that time he had just received the first script for AC: Dark Age.

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