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Your favorite HERO System/Rules Contributor


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I didn't want to do a poll because it would leave people out. Rather, I'd just like to celebrate, as we close the year out, those folks who really rock when it comes to HERO systems rules. Ideally, pick one person per post - if your person's picked, just feel free to pick someone else, since there are SO many!


Personally, I'd like to give a special shout out to Hugh. A lot of it, I admit, is because I tend to agree with him, but I tend to agree with him also because I think his philosophy of HERO is dead on - he understands the boundaries of what the rules should do and what GMs should do and what players should do quite well. He also has a solid understanding of the rules, not always the nuances and extremely granular details, but he understands very well how it always fits and balances. He takes an approach that is neither overly-qualitative nor overly-quantitative.


But there are SO many others, as I said...nominate your favorite!


AND ONE RULE - NO DISSING! This is NOT a comparative exercise. There is NO need to say why one person is better than another and absolutely no excuse to say why someone isn't "worthy" or "good" at this. If you have nothing nice to say, well, presumably you're all adults enough to know that rule. Don't make me regret starting this thread! (I'm a giant rampaging lizard, after all, and like the Monkees, I may be coming to your town...)

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Re: Your favorite HERO System/Rules Contributor


There are many for me, and picking one would be something of a disservice to the rest.


So instead I'll cheat a bit and name by sub-categories. Some fine folks will still get left out, but at least the impact is lessened:


Best character content provider: Tough battle between OddHat, Enforcer, and Susano, but I have to give the nod to Susano -- his Digital HERO article on interesting planes was just too good.



Best rules splitting: Got to give it to Gary. He doesnt post so much, but when he does he's usually right.



Best attitude: This one is a tough one, with some stiff competition from notables like Lord Liaden, but I give the nod to Derek Heimforth. He's "good people" in my book, and a cheerful bloke to have involved in a thread.

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Re: Your favorite HERO System/Rules Contributor


I am going to go one step further and say that I enjoy the contributions of EVERYONE here. I enjoy the collaborative debate process here and have had my mind changed on more than one ocasion by different people. I have let my emotions get out of control a few times but I truly believe that each and every board member here brings a unique perspective to each and every conversation. Even if I disagree with someone's take on a particular rules topic I enjoy the discussion since it helps me be prepared for situations that I might not have encountered yet and cause potential conflicts with players that might otherwise take up valuable game time.


I hope this does not make me a closet Troll.






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Re: Your favorite HERO System/Rules Contributor


I'm not at all certain of actual contributions... so I'll pitch in for those I feel help other players think, whether that be think in a different way or think of new ideas. I can't really narrow it down to just one... but the people I immediately think of include Killer Shrike, Hugh Neilson, Gary and Lord Liaden. I don't always agree with them, but these are smart, clever guys who know what they are talking about, even if I don't.

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Re: Your favorite HERO System/Rules Contributor


I also want to send out a very special thanks to all the newbies. Specifically anyone who's gone ahead and posted questions and comments instead of lurking for months. It's those questions that help the rest of us keep seeing this old game through new eyes.

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Re: Your favorite HERO System/Rules Contributor


Sure, everybody be nice! :)


Just to be clear, I wasn't trying to exclude or pin down so much as allow for highlighting of people individually. However, I do want to add now -


Lord Liaden is very measured and judicious, both common sense and basics oriented. He can be counted on to know the HERO material well (not just the core book) and give orthodox answers.


Dust Raven is one of the best at constructing powers, I really pay attention to his constructs.


Gary's analysis is nuanced and detailed, but that's not the best of it; I tend to think of him like the best security guys, he finds holes and problems before they're exploited.


Hyper-man should be brought up; he has inventive power constructs but what I really like is he raises excellent questions and hones in on results through a questioning process - while he might not be a rules heavy-hitter, his questioning process has helped the experts move along.


I'm staying away in this thread from character contributors, first, there's lots, but second, I just want to stay more focused on rules and such, speaking FOR MYSELF and not being said to influence the thread.

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Re: Your favorite HERO System/Rules Contributor


I also went to send out a very special thanks to all the newbies. Specifically anyone who's gone ahead and posted questions and comments instead of lurking for months. It's those questions that help the rest of us keep seeing this old game through new eyes.


Agreed. And I'll extend that to anyone who posts somnething that defies the "status quo" - sometimes, the ideas that seem off the wall initially have some real merit when examioned a bit closer. [sometimes, they sink miserably, but you don';t get anywhere without taking some risks.]


I'll also add I'm very proud/flattered to be named in the company of the luminaries (and by several I consider shining lights on the Boards) above.

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Re: Your favorite HERO System/Rules Contributor


I'll also add I'm very proud/flattered to be named in the company of the luminaries (and by several I consider shining lights on the Boards) above.


That's how I feel as well. :o


As others have pointed out, there are so many thoughtful, intelligent, helpful posters here that it's very hard to narrow the field. Certainly everyone (else) mentioned on this thread so far deserves to be.


I do want to give special thanks to Tom McCarthy (he of the legendary List of published custom Limitations). Tom doesn't post on the general discussion boards that often, but when he does he's always pertinent, clear and to the point. However, those who frequent the Playtest forum have doubtless noted Tom's unflagging diligence in rooting out inconsistencies, imprecisions and downright inaccuracies in the playtest manuscripts. For that alone he deserves commendation. :thumbup:

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Re: Your favorite HERO System/Rules Contributor


I'd have to say that a tip of the hat is due for our illustrious "leader", Mr. Long. He is, after all, the primary HERO System/Rules Contributor. He did put together the whole thing (with a little bit of help from HEROphiles everywhere :D).


I appreciate the fact the Steve finds the time, while still putting out consistent, high-quality work, to answer rules questions here on the boards. Even if it's just a reference to a book. He still finds a few seconds for us folks.


Thanks Steve. :thumbup:

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Re: Your favorite HERO System/Rules Contributor


Best character content provider: Tough battle between OddHat' date=' Enforcer, and Susano, but I have to give the nod to Susano -- his Digital HERO article on interesting planes was just too good.[/quote']


Thank You.


As for myself, I'm in the interesting position of not being able to recall names. As in, as I sit here, right now, trying to think of who does what, I'm drawing a blank. However, I'd like to give mad props to Derk Heimforth (did I just misspell that?) for being a constant helpful presence and a constant source of ideas.

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Re: Your favorite HERO System/Rules Contributor


I just thought of Simon, which deserves as much, if not more, thanks for his help on these boards. Granted, he stays in his element (Hero Designer), but there he is king (and apparently never sleeps... I swear he posts messages through email from his cell phone).


Dust Raven is one of the best at constructing powers' date=' I really pay attention to his constructs.[/quote']

Much thanks to you.

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Re: Your favorite HERO System/Rules Contributor


Hmmm...this is a tough one...and I'm not one to pick one particular individual over another when there are so many excellent examples on this board.


I'd have to say pretty much all the "old-skool" posters who have been around for ages (you all know who you are), who argued with me and helped to keep me focused all these years. Thanks guys!


And as Dust Raven pointed out, thanks to all the newbies (there are so many of you guys these days!) for helping to keep things fresh around here.

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