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NGD Scenes from a Hat


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Must... resist urge... to make joke... about things being... fully inflated...


Guys will pay attention to more than the commercials during halftime.



True story - decades ago, when Shania Twain was first starting her career, my wife and I were playing some game with my sister and her husband. The TV was on, but the volume was way down.  Whatever program it was, Shania came out on stage and I looked at the TV and made the comment, "Wow, she's hot."  A few weeks later, my wife bought me one of her CDs, "...because you liked her singing on [whatever show]."   I wisely didn't say aloud what I was thinking:  Oh, she sings?!



NT:  surprising things people are going to bet on during the Super Bowl, other than anything related in any way to the game itself.

Off topic: Said by Dolly Parton to Barbara Walters: "I don't sing with my boobs, hon."
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Off topic: Said by Dolly Parton to Barbara Walters: "I don't sing with my boobs, hon."

Also referenced by June Carter at her husband's recording at Folsom Prison.


Johnny Cash: "I just like watching you sing."


June Carter: "But my mouth is all the way up here!"

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NT:  Surprising things people are going to bet on during the Super Bowl, other than anything related in any way to the game itself.

How many homes will be burglarized while people are watching the Big Game at sports bars, friends' homes, or Hooters.

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NT:  surprising things people are going to bet on during the Super Bowl, other than anything related in any way to the game itself.

How many of the people at your party are secretly watching the puppies on their smartphones instead of the game.


NT: You've been invited to a co-worker's Super Bowl party, but you can neither stand nor understand football. Reasons to go anyway. (Difficulty: Job security is not involved.)

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NT: You've been invited to a co-worker's Super Bowl party, but you can neither stand nor understand football. Reasons to go anyway. (Difficulty: Job security is not involved.)


He's holding your family hostage. (With a respectful nod to Bunneh.)

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How many of the people at your party are secretly watching the puppies on their smartphones instead of the game.


NT: You've been invited to a co-worker's Super Bowl party, but you can neither stand nor understand football. Reasons to go anyway. (Difficulty: Job security is not involved.)

Your engaged to their cousin.



NT: The boss tells you to host the Super Bowl party. What will you do to make it special?

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NT: The boss tells you to host the Super Bowl party. What will you do to make it special?

"What was in that beer, and what I doing standing on the roof wearing only flaming pink paint?"


NT: How you keep your job after spiking the boss's beer and leaving him standing naked on the roof wearing only pink paint?

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"What was in that beer, and what I doing standing on the roof wearing only flaming pink paint?"


NT: How you keep your job after spiking the boss's beer and leaving him standing naked on the roof wearing only pink paint?


"Don't worry, boss.  There's no reason for me to upload that video onto YouTube of what you did *before* painting yourself pink and climbing onto the roof.  Unless, of course, I find myself unemployed and short on cash.  By the way, can we talk about a raise?" 

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NT: How you keep your job after spiking the boss's beer and leaving him standing naked on the roof wearing only pink paint?


Promise to upgrade him to vodka, neon green, and a Speedo next year.


New Topic:  Now that the Big Game is over, how will we all pass our time until training camps open in the fall?

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NT: Subtle signs that Hell really has frozen over.


The Detroit Lions win the Super Bowl.




A man from Michigan dies and ends up in Hell.  The devil throws him into a room and cranks up the heat.  Coming back a week later, he finds the Michigan man is jogging happily.


"Why aren't you screaming in agony?"


"In this heat?"  The Michigan man gestures around.  "Heck, this is Michigan in June."

So the devil cranks up the heat even further and leaves.  Coming back a week later, he finds the Michigan man playing basketball.  "Don't tell me this isn't hot enough!"


"This?  This is Michigan in July."


So the devil cranks it up to the maximum, throws in some steam for good measure, and leaves.  A week later, he returns to find the Michigan man sunbathing.  "Why aren't you screaming for mercy by now?!"


"This?  This is Michigan in August."


At this the devil mutters, "If I can't boil him out, I'll freeze him out."  So he turns the thermostat all the way down and leaves.  A week later, he returns to find ice everywhere, snow falling, and the man from Michigan jumping up and down yelling, "Hip, hip, hurray!  Hip, hip, hurray!"  The devil shakes his head in dismay and thinks, I get the weirdest ones down here.  "What the hell is wrong with you?"


The Michigan man stops his celebrating to say, "Are you kidding?  It's snowing and freezing, in Hell,  You know what that means... the Lions won the Super Bowl!"


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