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Jack-Jack Parr


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Re: Jack-Jack Parr


No evening is complete without a chainsaw.

I thought it was standard fare. The one time I babysat I actually had a chainsaw that I was sharpening. (Neighbor's kid and the neighbor and I were cutting down all the eucalyptus that ringed our properties...)

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Re: Jack-Jack Parr


I was thinking more in terms of potential power. While still young' date=' both Dash and Violet have powersets that are already considerable in comparison to their parents, and have plenty of room to expand in versatility.[/quote']

I think in the context of that universe, nobody's powers get more powerful. You have what you are born with and the best you can do is use technology to add more. Then again, I doubt that Elastigirl could turn into a parachute or a boat when she was 15, so it's probably a matter of skill and learning new ways to use what you've got rather than getting new or improved powers.

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Re: Jack-Jack Parr


I did. I loved them' date=' but was annoyed at the number of them that were unavailable.[/quote']


Most of those had a good reason though...


I haven't checked, and don't know if it can even be confirmed, but I'm guessing they had only so many voice actors available (and so many voices they could do) for those clips, and they just picked those most likely to have gone missing or have messed up to be unavailable.


I did like the explinations for the deceased though...

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Re: Jack-Jack Parr


Then again, maybe its just that second generation superhumans are much more powerful than first generation.


Think about it: compare the actual power levels of Violet and Dash, with Bob and Rita. Then compare their relative ages and experiences.


interesting thought.



One of my favorite things about the movie is that neither Mr. Incredible nor Elastigirl are "pure power" characters. Both have skills too. :) I tried explaining to my wife how few skills there were in the original Champions game. She didn't get it. I wish I could get her to try gaming. :(

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: Jack-Jack Parr


I was thinking more in terms of potential power. While still young' date=' both Dash and Violet have powersets that are already considerable in comparison to their parents, and have plenty of room to expand in versatility.[/quote']


Really, all four (five? six?) of them could expand easily enough. (Okay, maybe Elastigirl would be a "stretch", but that's just 'cause it's an unusual power set - but Superstrength? Cold Control? There's a lot of growth potential there...).


Not that this will ever be truly answered. :)

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Re: Jack-Jack Parr


Incredibles 2 might answer it.


Plus, Mr. Incredible had to re-train his strength (and flexibility). If it could atrophy, it can also improve. So his strength may be something he could increase with dedicated workouts.


Violet and Dash both trained new powers during the movie. Gotta love the hamster ball-speedster combo.

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Re: Jack-Jack Parr


Plus, Mr. Incredible had to re-train his strength (and flexibility). If it could atrophy, it can also improve. So his strength may be something he could increase with dedicated workouts.


This is one of the reasons I loved the movie so much... the characters actually developed/dwindled over time. And Mr. Incredible, while tough, wasn't in the same league as the comics where the brick just shrugs off something like... oh, say, a plane dropping on them... just made them all seem more human.

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Re: Jack-Jack Parr


If you watch the "making of" on the dvd you can see that they really wanted to breath life into the characters instead of making them 2 dimensional.


I also like the comments about how Brad Bird liked Pixar because they felt the story came first.


A perfect example of visuals first, story second is ROBOTS. Nice to look at, but (IMO) a dull and story line with flat characters. I never got "in" to the movie. and never felt much sympathy or emapthy for the characters. I also didn't laugh much.

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Re: Jack-Jack Parr


He is truly packed with powers. I loved the babysitter in that short.

Yeah, we were thinking how she really is super-skilled! She deserves a ton of credit, she really could handle what the baby threw at her, though at the risk of her sanity. Definitely PS: Babysitting, 21-!


Actually Jack-Jack's Multiform reminds me of a PC's - he's got a super-dense stone form similar to JJ's metallic one, a flaming head similar to JJ's fire, and a desol.


I think Nexus is probably basically right, though it does seem likely that Jack-Jack will end up as some kind of multiform-type.

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Re: Jack-Jack Parr


He only has one multiform (the lead form). The rest are pure powers. Interesting' date=' his Desolid seems to only let him pass through things, as the babysitter pulled him out of the dryer door while he was half-way through.[/quote']

I'm not so sure. It may be that the exclusivity of what each "version" can do is so extreme that perhaps Multiform is more useful, though to be fair from what we saw a Multipower could also do, I do grant.

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Re: Jack-Jack Parr


But do we want to see that? The rights are owned by Disney' date=' not Pixar, and judging from recent output Disney scriptwriters suck like a two-dollar whore.[/quote']

Pixar has right of first refusal. Disney has to offer to them first. However, of course, it's entirely possible Pixar will be in a position it will believe it's best interests are to refuse. Depends a lot on timing and Eisner personally, as Pixar has already stated they are reexamining (more optimistically) their relationship with Disney given Eisner's declared eventual movement from his current position and they have publicly stated their beef is with Eisner's personal running of Disney.

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Re: Jack-Jack Parr


Yeah, we were thinking how she really is super-skilled! She deserves a ton of credit, she really could handle what the baby threw at her, though at the risk of her sanity. Definitely PS: Babysitting, 21-!


Actually Jack-Jack's Multiform reminds me of a PC's - he's got a super-dense stone form similar to JJ's metallic one, a flaming head similar to JJ's fire, and a desol.


I think Nexus is probably basically right, though it does seem likely that Jack-Jack will end up as some kind of multiform-type.

That poor, poor babysitter. Mr. Dickers MIGHT be keeping her in mind for later use. Basically slowly move her into the super-hero community to keep her sanity intact. Once she's fully immersed, she'd be an invaluble asset to the supers world. Get Edna Mode to design a costume for her.


As to Jack Jack's powers. Hmmm. The little demonoid seems to be the only tru multiform. The lead form and flame form seem to be density increase and damage shield with appropriate visual FX

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Re: Jack-Jack Parr


Pixar has right of first refusal. Disney has to offer to them first.


Well, that's something, though it looks like Toy Story 3 is being made without Pixar's involvement-- with two writers, one of whom has never done a script before, and the other responsible for Meet The Parents/Meet the Fockers.


So I've got my misgivings.

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Re: Jack-Jack Parr


Well, that's something, though it looks like Toy Story 3 is being made without Pixar's involvement-- with two writers, one of whom has never done a script before, and the other responsible for Meet The Parents/Meet the Fockers.


So I've got my misgivings.

Oh, absolutely, I think it's probably doomed, but just saying there's room still for some hope.


As to the writers for the new Toy Story, that's just sad.

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Re: Jack-Jack Parr


interesting thought.



One of my favorite things about the movie is that neither Mr. Incredible nor Elastigirl are "pure power" characters. Both have skills too. :) I tried explaining to my wife how few skills there were in the original Champions game. She didn't get it. I wish I could get her to try gaming. :(


I'm not sure if this is what you meant, but you made me think of Mr. Incredible's +20 w/ thrown objects. He was a crackshot. Can anybody figure out the numbers for the transport into the two guards or small boulder at the guard in the balcony shots? They looked hard to me, but he was just like "zing!"


You guys catch him using his danger sense? I didn't pick up on it until I read the NSA file.

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Re: Jack-Jack Parr


You guys catch him using his danger sense? I didn't pick up on it until I read the NSA file.


Clearest example I can think of is the scene in the bank with Bomb Voyage. He knew there was something wrong and where it was wrong -- he just didn't know what.

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Re: Jack-Jack Parr


Clearest example I can think of is the scene in the bank with Bomb Voyage. He knew there was something wrong and where it was wrong -- he just didn't know what.


I missed that one, but yah! I liked how it went off for his wife when she was waiting for him to come home from "bowling."


Oh, Susano, did you pick up on that the first time? Or after you watched the files?

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Re: Jack-Jack Parr


Oh' date=' Susano, did you pick up on that the first time? Or after you watched the files?[/quote']


Actually, it came to me just now, when you mentioned anyone noticing it in the film. First thing I thought of.

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Re: Jack-Jack Parr


It's cool' date=' huh? The way they didn't overtly mention it, but when you go back it's like OH! Very clever.[/quote']


It shows they thought about the story elements and applied them non-intrusively. Which I like a lot.

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