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Russian Superheroes - Ideas and Comment Needed for 'Russian Dawn' game openings


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Zdravstvuite Gamers,


That's hello in Russian (http://www.ipl.org/div/kidspace/hello/russian.html).


This post is kind of linked to a current campaign opening in the Global Guardians Universe (Russian Dawn), but I wanted to send this to the wider audience.




What kind of characters would you create for a game set in modern Russia? I've come up with some ideas, and was looking for comment or other ideas that you may have played in the past (or even just thought about).


The one I'm going with at the moment is:


Census: Yelizaveta Galkin. She is a telepath, but with the uncontrollable ability to 'collect' statistical and biographical information about a person she looks at (eye contact required). She can pick up Name, Date of Birth, Occupation, Salary, Bank Account, PIN Number, Telephone Number, Email Address, Criminal Record, Marital Status... and so on. Actually pretty good for dating, to avoid all the 'bad choices' such as married ones, deadbeat unemployed ones, or ones with a history of violent crime. Plus you don't have to ask for a phone number...


Anyway, I had some other ideas, so please comment and add to the list:


1. Arctos: a scientist who worked on the border between Russia and Finland until he was caught in an explosion and turned into a 10' tall Polar Bear with a genius IQ.


2. Baba Yaga: the famous witch who lives in a house on Chicken Legs (or maybe one of her apprentices or just some lady who likes to scare little children!).


3. Rush (or the Polar Express): a speedster who consumes anything to do with the West almost as fast as he can run. He is a real American-consumer caught in the anything-goes society of modern Russia.


4. Ukulan: a water spirit from Siberia, named after the Lord of All Water from the Altai Tartars mythology. Ukulan is really just a peasant boy who has been sent to work for the government, even though he would prefer to work in his homeland and help his family and people.


5. Sub-Zero: a Russian with a body of ice who is pretty much invincible, able to regenerate any injury in seconds. Could be changed to an ice-projector.


6. Iron Curtain: A Brick. Maybe even with a hidden passion for interior decorating... :o)




Ben Langdon


(who wants more European superheroesin the Global Guardians Universe! - and don't get me started on Australia's missing heroes...)

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: Russian Superheroes - Ideas and Comment Needed for 'Russian Dawn' game openings


One interesting (to me) idea I had was someone with fire powers. Think about it. In a land of biting cold and harsh winters, fire is a comfort... something that you would readily associate with a protector/hero.


Don't know what a good name would be though. Probably something with classical/bibilical allusions.


Or something about burning emotions and fervour.

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Re: Russian Superheroes - Ideas and Comment Needed for 'Russian Dawn' game openings


Not so much a specific character concept as a possible origin.


Russia and the former Soviet Union has a long history of stealing the best technology from the West. How many Heroes in the Global Guardian's Universe already have a government science experiment based origin? Imperfect copies of any of these (if there are any?) would be interesting to say the least.



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Re: Russian Superheroes - Ideas and Comment Needed for 'Russian Dawn' game openings


Baba Yaga is also the Russian word for "witch."


Cyka (actual Russian spelling, the C is pronounced like an 's' and the Y is pronounced like "oo" as in moo, poo, too, for sooka) is bitch (female dog).


Personally, I've been trying to get someone to use a Siberian reference.


Psiberian - mentalist


Cyberian - cyborg


Saiberian - martial artists, uses sais.


Sighberian - Emotional (Kidding! I just thought of that one now :) )


I would think something about Russian winter would be more appropriate than the fire (though the fire still has its good points), if you're going for more of an icon image.


I don't know much about Russian mythology, but did find this site.

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Re: Russian Superheroes - Ideas and Comment Needed for 'Russian Dawn' game openings


Straight from my game guide/summary non-player character and agency lists, not a hero but someone intersting and potentially useful for the heroes to meet:


FALSE DMITRI - a Russian master-spy with a genius for every sort of copy, illusion, brainwashed actor and doppelganger. Whoever you catch, sooner or later it always turns out that it was a false Dmitri, it's never the real Dmitri, that is False Dmitri, who's ... The downfall of the Soviet Union was the best thing that ever happened to False Dmitri, who seems ageless. He has prospered mightily as a MAFYA boss, and is aggressively expanding his operations. His goons still can't beat real heroes though, especially not America-Man. Notable allies - MIRAGE, a formidable, young agent with an attraction to power.


* MAFYAS - these vary from gangs that can't shoot straight to Charlie ("straight arrow") Partanna's associates, to gangs with supervillains, to the mirror-maze Mafya empire(s) of False Dmitri.

# C.H.O.R.U.S. - Communist Heroes Of Revolutionary United States - a Communist network long since rolled up, and dangerous only when False Dmitri was running it.


False Dmitri makes extensive use of doubles, hypnosis and post-hypnotic suggestions for his arcane plots. His hobbies include chess, collecting icons and rare Russian dolls, mushroom-gathering, serial and compound bigamy and attendance at prestigious events such as the Olympic figure skating (under various false identities of course). He loves mirrors and mazes, and has a unique art collection of the world's greatest forgeries.


False Dmitri should never ever be a big killer threat, because he's far too frustrating an opponent for that role. Instead he's much more like the Thugmaster, and a cultured James Bond 007-type dubious occasional ally. (Any threat to Russia as a whole, like an unwanted war, will definitely get the otherwise devious - albeit urbane - mastermind's complete attention.)


Dimitri Mishkin: I am Dmitri Mishkin, Russian Minister Of Defense. So, how shall we execute you today, Mr. Bond?

James Bond: What, no small talk? No chit-chat? You know, that's the problem these days. No one bothers to take the time to give a really sinister interrogation. It's a lost art.

- GoldenEye, 1995


While False Dmitri lives - and he's an archetypal survivor - this art, so highly developed in his beloved Russia, will never be lost.

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Re: Russian Superheroes - Ideas and Comment Needed for 'Russian Dawn' game openings


Rasputin: Not necessarily THE Rasputin(but he thinks he is). He thinks he's returned to the land of the living to redeem himself in the eyes of God. I designed him as a martial artist in the Kung Fu tradition...with an appropriate background.



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Re: Russian Superheroes - Ideas and Comment Needed for 'Russian Dawn' game openings


The idea of Rasputin is already set in motion, I think, as the team's arch enemy. As far as I can tell so far Rasputin is a crime boss who is eradicating all opposition.


And you just reminded me about another character already set up as an NPC which I thought was great (although he ended up squished by a speeding train...):


Khameleon: a shapeshifter.


Gotta love the use of 'K' in Russian hero names.


As a side question: does anyone remember the names of the Marvel Comics Russians:


Soviet Super Soldiers: Vanguard, Darkstar and Ursus Major.


People's Protectorate: Perun, Fantasia, Vostok (was he an evil Vision?), Crimson Dynamo, Titanium Man, Gremlin (maybe not...)... who else?


Plus there were the Soviet mutants who appeared in X-Factor Annual #1 led by Father ... someone ... and including such favourites as Sibercat (I think that's your Siberian reference) and ... well, maybe they weren't all that memorable.

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Re: Russian Superheroes - Ideas and Comment Needed for 'Russian Dawn' game openings


Here are some websites:


Pagan Gods:




Some saints:








and mythic birds:



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Re: Russian Superheroes - Ideas and Comment Needed for 'Russian Dawn' game openings


Russia used to be into developing ESP and TK type powers (back in the cold war). How about a ex-KGB Telepath? Super soldiers developed by the KGB might be good too, they might have TK powers in addition to being tough and strong.


Don't forget good, old fashioned radiation accidents. Chernobyl dropped a lot of radiation around eastern europe.

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Re: Russian Superheroes - Ideas and Comment Needed for 'Russian Dawn' game openings


Chessmaster - a supergenius tactician and planner.


And how can you have a team of Russian supers without a supergymnast? Russians dominated international gymnastics for almost 20 years, and even now are a force to be reckoned with. (The fact I play such a character in my campaign is merely a coincidence. Honest.) :whistle:

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Re: Russian Superheroes - Ideas and Comment Needed for 'Russian Dawn' game openings


For the real world Military enthuiziests you may want to check out Russias special forces as well.


The site has some intersting history about russian special forces and their origans.



Originally I played a character that was trained as a Spetznaz and took the name when he was recruited to become an "Iron Man" kind of charcter.


hope this helps.

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Re: Russian Superheroes - Ideas and Comment Needed for 'Russian Dawn' game openings




This is a link to a website which is part of the Keeper of Infinite Earths site. The Red Guardians are a Russian supers team. I plan on using a similiar team in my campaign. I want them to be a merc unit that is "supported" by the crumbling remians of Russian.

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Re: Russian Superheroes - Ideas and Comment Needed for 'Russian Dawn' game openings


One Russian hero I used to play way back when was Kodiak, a minor brick able to change into a large bear. When I made him I basically crossed Sasquatch (of Alpha Flight) with Major Ursa to make a scientist-mutant.


Drakon (Russian for "dragon", I think) - you could make him a fire wielder, I'm thinkin'.


Redstar - good name for a super-soldier type, or maybe a flying brick.


MiG - Aerial speedster

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Re: Russian Superheroes - Ideas and Comment Needed for 'Russian Dawn' game openings


If you want some good Russki superheros go to enforcer84's "hero a day" thread. Look up the new guard. they are the russian version of the avengers. I especially like Goriiy. You might want to change some of the origins.

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Re: Russian Superheroes - Ideas and Comment Needed for 'Russian Dawn' game openings


Hi All,



WhammeWhammwe's idea's has merit.


One interesting (to me) idea I had was someone with fire powers. Think about it. In a land of biting cold and harsh winters, fire is a comfort... something that you would readily associate with a protector/hero.


Don't know what a good name would be though. Probably something with classical/bibilical allusions.


Or something about burning emotions and fervour.



But I think there are areas in Russia where one would find intense heat; vocanic heat!


The Kamchatka peninsular has a long history of vocanic activity, geysers, mud springs, etc...


Check out the link below,








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Re: Russian Superheroes - Ideas and Comment Needed for 'Russian Dawn' game openings


I have a Russian super team I’ve been working on




5 members of a Russian super soldier program


Hammer, brick super soldier with indestructible hammer and heavy weaponry (the heavy hitter)


Sickle paralyzed gymnast given back the ability to walk by super soldier program super agility armed with twin sickles (weapon master/agent destroyer)


Molotov pyro-kinetic/energy projector throws fire-balls (long range)


The commissar team leader tactical genius weapons and gadgets supplied by science directorate the teams political officer he also has voice based mind control powers and super charisma assigned to stop the team defecting)


I haven't decided on a fifth member yet probably a speedster or teleported

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Guest lucky

Re: Russian Superheroes - Ideas and Comment Needed for 'Russian Dawn' game openings


Russia actually has a rich mythic culture. If I recall correctly' date=' they had a mythos around legendary warriors with mysterious powers.[/quote']

They did and they're called the bogatyrs. The easiest comparison to draw is with the knights of the round table, but that's a broad analogy. For one thing, the bogatyrs are explicitly written as champions of the people and not tools of the state (king, landowner, etc.). More information is readily available by googling "bogatyr russian myth" or something like that. To get you started, here's a picture of three of the more famous bogatyrs, Alyosha Popovitch, Dobrynya Nikitich and Ilya Muromets:

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Re: Russian Superheroes - Ideas and Comment Needed for 'Russian Dawn' game openings


There's been mentions of Marvel's Russian teams and others, but you could also create the Rocket Reds from DC Comics, most prevalent in the early Justice League, JLI series.

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Re: Russian Superheroes - Ideas and Comment Needed for 'Russian Dawn' game openings


There's been mentions of Marvel's Russian teams and others' date=' but you could also create the Rocket Reds from DC Comics, most prevalent in the early Justice League, JLI series.


And if you buy Heroclix, you probably have a metric butt-ton of them kickin' around the casa.

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Re: Russian Superheroes - Ideas and Comment Needed for 'Russian Dawn' game openings


"They did and they're called the bogatyrs. "


I thought that's what they were called but wasn't too sure.


Sidenote: It's funny that most people want to emphasize the Communist legacy of the Russian culture, but don't realize the rich heritage that preceded that era. Think about the possible use of Rasputin as a villain (he was in the Hellboy movie!). Or the impact that the return of a Russian historical/legendary hero to the modern day culture.


Hmm...something I may actually need to check out.

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Re: Russian Superheroes - Ideas and Comment Needed for 'Russian Dawn' game openings


I have had a lot of Soviet Russian influence in my Foundation Chronicles campaign world.


The Soviet Union ended up with the German psionic researchers after WWII. The KGB had quite a few psionic operatives. A lot of them went freelance with the disintegration of the Soviet Union.


One of the rogue factions worked for a Colonel Kerenski and served as the background for Aura/Anna one of the main NPCs in the first Wardens Chronicles campaign.


Another KGB faction worked for The Bear and operated frequently in North America. They were called WINTER.


Wind - Telekinetic Wind Control

Ice - Cryokinesis

Natasha - "Girl of Your Dreams" literally

Tiger - Telekinetically Enhanced Strength with Claws

Enigma - Mental Illusions

Red Star - Martial Artist with Mega Mental Defense


The campaign also has a Russian designed battlesuit that has ended up in criminal hands. So some of the bad guy agents got a boost in hardware.


I just posted the Delenev Battlesuit to one of the campaign websites, you can find it here link to battlesuit. It was inspired by the Katushka Rocket figures from SuperFigs, which I think were inspired by Rocket Reds.


I like the idea of the bogatyrs as inspiration for the heroes of post-Soviet Russia. I may do something with that.

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Re: Russian Superheroes - Ideas and Comment Needed for 'Russian Dawn' game openings


Out of curiousity, does anyone recall what the Rocket Reds' power suits were capable of? I know they had flight, and that's about it. (I also know they had some sort of EB, but don't recall if it was a laser, or mini rockets, etc.)

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