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Pirate-Theme Villains Needed


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Re: Pirate-Theme Villains Needed


Captain Merrill Stubing

Doctor Adam Bricker

Yeoman-Purser Burl 'Gopher' Smith

Bartender Isaac Washington

Cruise Director Julie McCoy

Vicki Stubing


It's the cast of the Love Boat! Make them undead, and ph34r.

:P :p :P :p :P :p

And an undead Jack jones singing the infamous Pirate Chant;




Exiciting and New.


Climb Aboard.


We're expecting you."


Damn the Seventies.

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Re: Pirate-Theme Villains Needed




The Privateer?


I'm picutring a skelatar Corsair that flies. You could use quite a few henchmen that could be generic hoodlums. Then, make a couple key positions with powers.


The Lookout?

First mate



Lackeys are prime fodder for a Golden Age scenario. They could fire the cannons with different shot for different effects, too.

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Re: Pirate-Theme Villains Needed


This may be a little obscure but I read somewhere once that the word "Buccaneer" comes from the rack of green branches (boucan) used in the 17th century to smoke meat in the carribean. Hence "The Buccaneer" could have fire or smoke related powers !

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Re: Pirate-Theme Villains Needed


Spyglass - clairvoyant / image projector


Black Spot - mutant life drain powers


Cannonball - brick / speedster


Black Dog - shapeshifting werewolf


Doubloon - golden brick / duplicator


Flintlock - gadgeteer / energy projector

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Re: Pirate-Theme Villains Needed


Actually Press Gang would be a good name for the collective group of no name normal hoodlums. And you could give Press Gang- the character and his powers to another character.


Some more ideas


1-Since we are on a Treasure Island character reference frenzy (Billy Bones, Black Dog) I will submit another Treasure Island pirate


Israel Hands- multi-limbed mutant (fused w/ squid or octopi DNA)


2-Mutiny- mentalist who "persuades" with his powers to make heroes fight each other.


3-Splinter- not sure on the power that'd work for him, but the reference comes from a pirate documentary I watched where they talked about how most people didnt die from cannonballs, but the splinters, and shrapnel that broke off the ship and hit the crewman inside after the cannonball slammed into the ship's side. I guess maybe some kind of ability to psionically throw wooden objects at opponents. Might be more of a low end member of the crew.



By the way, what was supposed to be the approx. size of a pirate ship crew in 1600/1700s anyway.

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Re: Pirate-Theme Villains Needed


Well my curiosity got the better of me, so I went looking for more about pirate crews. Any way the size seems to be by the 3 main ships used


Sloop- 20-70

Schooner- 75

Brigandine- 100+


Of course from what I remember from that pirate documentary from a few years ago. Was that pirates pretty much sailed what they could get their hands on. If they captured something better, that was the new ship.

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Re: Pirate-Theme Villains Needed


Here's some for you...


Call them...The Deep Six:

  • Jolly Roger- Martial Artist & Swordsman; Team Leader
  • Skull- Flying Energy Projector; twin to Crossbones
  • Crossbones- Flying Energy Projector; twin to Skull
  • Pieces of Eight- Density-based Brick; has the ability to transform his skin to metal, which appears like gold.
  • Polly- Beautiful Mentalist
  • The Bosun- Burly Weaponsmaster; uses a special lash as his weapon of choice.

Heck, maybe that will be the first villian team that I'm going to create. :cool:

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Re: Pirate-Theme Villains Needed


Splinter- not sure on the power that'd work for him' date=' but the reference comes from a pirate documentary I watched where they talked about how most people didnt die from cannonballs, but the splinters, and shrapnel that broke off the ship and hit the crewman inside after the cannonball slammed into the ship's side. I guess maybe some kind of ability to psionically throw wooden objects at opponents. Might be more of a low end member of the crew.[/quote']


I've seen references to that in other sources as well -- while Admiral Nelson bought it from a sharpshooter's bullet, there were lots of people at Trafalgar who were injured or killed by splinters. In fact, there were lots of people injured or killed by splinters for as long as navies mounted gunpowder weapons on wooden ships.


As far as his powers go, maybe a physical RKA with Explosion and Area Effect: Cone (for the spray of splinters), plus No Range and Reduced Penetration?

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Re: Pirate-Theme Villains Needed


Sea dog...werewolf pirate.

Scourge....Indonesian or Filipino pirate, works for Japanese as well (later found to be a double agent) martial artist/swordaman

Sky pirate...noticable German accent, large expert crew, flys around in a "privateer" themed zeplin, complete with small AA guns in braodside mounts (say 40mm)

"Chesty" Morgan...girl pirate,seduction villian, lots of contacts,favors and followers...everyone wants her goodies but the goodies stay in the jar (it being golden age and all)....the "Bad girl with a heart of gold"

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Re: Pirate-Theme Villains Needed


You're welcome to anything I've brought up, Libra.


I'm hoping to have time next week to bring my 5ER to work and start statting up a few of these. (One advantage to a theme team is that they can always recruit someone else -- I don't have to have everyone done at once ;) .)

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