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Game of Thrones


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Originally posted by AnotherSkip

I'm Too Picky.


(Burning hands _seven Times a Day_ Woohooooo HOt hot hot hot.. Stab, Kill, Okies now off to the three dragons..... [actually in AD&D it is Stab Burn Stab Burn Stab Burn Stab Burn Stab Burn Stab Burn Stab Burn, Kill.] ASSUMING OF COURSE you get her alone)


heh... well, to be fair, the rest of her spell selection isn't too bad and is in general enchantment/illusion spells, but it is, admittedly, a tre' D&D character write-up of Daenyrs (sp?) and not how I would've done it using the same system... to each their own, I guess.

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IMNSHO, a Westeros campaign fits finest with the WFRP game system.


As for managing an army, just remember that an army may fight fiercely, but to keep it together you've got to be more a quartermaster than a general. Quartermasters have won and lost more battles than any general. For Champions, though, the obvious choice is to use an opposed Tactics vs. Tactics roll (to decide the overall battle), then permit the non-generals to get involved with some small-scale fighting -- maybe they won their part of the battle, but overall their general sucked, and thus the battle was lost. Or whatever.

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Re: Westeros


This is why I'm anxious to see what Steve does for mass combat rules in Fantasy Hero. For a setting like Westeros, it's almost a must have.


I've recently purchased a copy of Pendragon, from Green Knight publishing, specifically with the idea of running a Westeros game in mind. The rules for mass combat are what convinced me to plunk down my cash and pick it up.

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A Song of Fire and Ice (aka A Game of Thrones) Resources


A Song of Fire and Ice (aka A Game of Thrones) Resources


A Song of Fire and Ice



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I particuallry liked this setting and often wondered what kind of campaign I would run in it. In the end I decided the Night's Watch for some reason they strike he greatest cord in me. I wonder why?







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Re: Game of Thrones


I love this series! I can't tell you how great it was to read a story where the characters are unique, consistantly written and yet are still able to evolve.


I love that I wasn't following every single living moment of one or two main characters... the author spends time only on the interesting things that are happening- to several characters on all sides of the conflict- which left me wanting more.


Great dialog. Unexpected plot twists. And the author is not afraid to alter his characters, giving the story a realistic feeling to it. Good things happen. Bad things happen more often. It keeps you on your toes.



Looking forward to the next book.



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Re: Game of Thrones


I've read them all, and am now listening to the audio versions (great for long car or airplane trips). Those rock too.


And if you can find them, be sure to read his "Dunk & Egg" stories about Ser Duncan the Tall and Egg his squire, set maybe 150 years before the novels. Good stuff.

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Re: Game of Thrones


Anyone else thought about running a game in George R R Martin's setting?

I made a house roll that at the beginning of each session every player flips a coin, heads their character dies. Tails someting terrible happens to their character and the character wants to die. It really captured the spirit of the novels. ;):)

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Re: Game of Thrones


I made a house roll that at the beginning of each session every player flips a coin' date=' heads their character dies. Tails someting terrible happens to their character and the character wants to die. It really captured the spirit of the novels. ;):)[/quote']


Well I wouldn't go quite -that- far. All but one of the point of view characters did survive the first book after all. It's dark certainly, but it's not a VC Andrews book. :P;)


On further thought though, it does seem that giving the majority of the characters the players interact with the psych lim: dishonorable poopyhead (or words to that effect :P ) would be quite appropriate for the setting indeed.

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Re: Game of Thrones


I've read them all, and am now listening to the audio versions (great for long car or airplane trips). Those rock too.


And if you can find them, be sure to read his "Dunk & Egg" stories about Ser Duncan the Tall and Egg his squire, set maybe 150 years before the novels. Good stuff.


Their available in the Legends and Legends II fantasy anthologies (I've got them :) )

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Re: Game of Thrones


I enjoyed the books, but have been put off by the author's claim that the last book printed was split the way it was because it was getting too big. That meant that he had the other half with the other characters in it, and yet that book has yet to surface after a few years... Now it seems that it hadn't been written at all as a recent update indicates that he has still been working on it over the last 10+ months...

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Re: Game of Thrones


He's been working on a lot of other stuff too. I can't remember the details but it's any or all of putting out a book of short stories, editing a short story anthology, cowriting another book with someone else, and working on another Wild Cards novel.


Having read books 1-4 it's becoming increasingly apparent that he's got way too much going on in the series. I think he's reached a point where he can't just sit down and write without doing a lot of research into what he's already written and hinted at, to keep things consistent yet moving in the direction he wants them to go. There's an army of fans out there analyzing literally every phrase he writes, and he dare not make any mistakes in continuity or they'll come after him with pitches and torchforks.

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Re: Game of Thrones


Having gotten half way through A Clash of Kings I have to ask, does anybody else feel like George R R Martin -really- doesn't like the Starks? It seems like half the calamity he dumps on characters always lands on the Starks. Good book mind you, and I'm not going to stop reading the series over it but still what does he have against those poor Starks?

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Re: Game of Thrones


Bad things happen to good people. They just happen to be in the way of the ambition and power climbing of others who have fewer compunctions against killing an obstacle.


To me it's starting to seem as though the Lannisters are one giant family of Mary Sues and the whole of the North are thier buttmonkeys. :mad: If things don't pick up with the third and fourth books I'm going to seriously regret purchasing them.


The whole bit with Theon Greyjoy was particularly inane. Making 90% of the characters ****heads doesn't equal realism, killing off all the characters who are remotely likable doesn't equal good writing.

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Re: Game of Thrones


Oh, do keep reading. Trust me, things....happen to the Lannisters as well. And there are some truly memorable villains, but there are also some pretty inspiring heroes as well - but everyone has shades of grey. Except maybe Gregor Clegane. He's just pure psycopathic eeeeeeevilllll.

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Re: Game of Thrones


Oh' date=' do keep reading. Trust me, things....happen to the Lannisters as well. And there are some truly memorable villains, but there are also some pretty inspiring heroes as well - but everyone has shades of grey. Except maybe Gregor Clegane. He's just pure psycopathic eeeeeeevilllll.[/quote']


Oh I'm willing to give the series a chance, just on the strength of the first book. That said, the last part of the second book left me rather cold. The entire subplot with Theon Greyjoy seemed particularly pointless and, dare I say it, pulled from the author's bottom. Could've done without that easily.

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Re: Game of Thrones


I made a house roll that at the beginning of each session every player flips a coin' date=' heads their character dies. Tails someting terrible happens to their character and the character wants to die. It really captured the spirit of the novels. ;):)[/quote']


On further consideration after finishing the second book, I think a better way to capture the spirit of the novels would be to give the conniving unlikable characters a certain amount of luck, whereas the likable and honourable people recieve a certain amount of unluck.

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Re: Game of Thrones


What's interesting about the series is the general lack of black-and-white likable/unlikable characters. Jaime, for example, is portrayed as mostly eeevil in the first book, but in the second, where he becomes a POV character and we see what motivates him, he becomes... not good, but not evil either, just badly flawed in a couple of ways. Of course a couple of even the POV characters seem to have very few redeeming characteristics.

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Re: Game of Thrones


Yep, one of the marks of success of this series is that it affects people so strongly: most readers care about the characters - enough so that when something bad happens to them, you feel outraged. You even care about the evil characters - if only that they get what's hopefully coming to them.


I do expect, by the way, that the Lannisters are going to get what's coming to them (in fact, it's already started). But based on his past books, Martin likes to put his characters (and readers) through the grinder on the way to the conclusion. I don't recall any of his stuff that I have read having easy, happy endings.


I don't mind: there are precious few fantasy series these days that can hold my interest as well as this series has done.



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