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GAC Plots


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Re: GAC Plots


A radio active GAC?





How about, and this is a variation on a "Classic" theme. You know the "Nazi supernatural ritual that keeps superhumans away from the Front in Europe?

Well, how about a team of heroes, non supers, who have to disrupt it towards the end of the war? Setting up a huge brawl between Allied and Axis supertypes.

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Re: GAC Plots


One country assembles a team of crack human agents designed to "Batman" the heroes- study them, analyze them, and then take them out. A little bit of grey in the four color as now superheroes are actually frightened of normal human agents even if they're used to bouncing artillery shells off their chest.

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Re: GAC Plots


Hitler has created a special group of scientists to unlock the scientific laws behind the use of magick. These scientists figure out all the mathematical formulae to create spells and such.


When science and magick combine horrible things begin to go wrong for those who do not control it. Technology ceases to function properly. Guns are little more than oddly-shaped clubs, tanks become steel walls.


But magick isn't fairing well either. As they lack the true cohesion of higher math to function properly.


The heros must use their resources to stop this threat.


God forbid that the Nazi technomages lose control.




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Re: GAC Plots


"Kilroy was here..."


Kilroy, a German super-spy, (possably with the powers of Invisibility, Teleportation, Duplication, and/or Desolidification), who has been seen snooping around the US's many stragic military compounds... is discovered in the player's main HQ.


"Lights in the Sky"


Foo Fighters, unidentified lights that whizzed around in the night sky during bombing raids, begin zapping pilots right out of their cockpits, and flying off into the Mid-Atlantic with them.


"There's something outside the plane, on the wing!"


Gremlins, nasty little imps that the Nazi's have learned to summon, swarm all over a bomber plane, with the characters in it, during a long flight.

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Re: GAC Plots


Well, there's the big plot of "Axis Powers trying to take over the world" :D


"Axis powers try to recruit help" - support "Aztec fascists" in Mexico, etc.


"While they're fighting..." while the Axis and Allies are busy with each other, someone else tries to carve out their own little empire. Villain tries to take over neutral country, etc.


"Real 'Terror' weapons " - some kind of device loaded into buzz-bombs causes excessive panic and infighting among the previously stoic Londoners.

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Re: GAC Plots


You can't go wrong with nazis. Evil cults were common then, too. You might have the players investigate an ancient castle in the hinterlands that is rumored to be a secret nazi base. Then they discover that the group there is doing something... darker... than even the nazis knew.


Combine Lovecraft, Indiana Jones, and Saving Private Ryan.

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Re: GAC Plots


You can't go wrong with nazis. Evil cults were common then, too. You might have the players investigate an ancient castle in the hinterlands that is rumored to be a secret nazi base. Then they discover that the group there is doing something... darker... than even the nazis knew.


Combine Lovecraft, Indiana Jones, and Saving Private Ryan.


Like I keep saying, HELLSING's Nazi vampires just rule.

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Re: GAC Plots


Okay -- back on track for Jim's benefit.


In HELLSING, the Nazis experiment with producing undead soldiers. Basically they work with either creating ghouls (mindless undead) and/or vampires. You could also have then work on raising the dead (*any* dead) as zombies and sending them into battle. As the 3rd Reich fell, the survivors fled to South America and established a base there, perfecting the vampire process. They also seemed to pick up some werewolves along the way (one of who seems to have Duplication and global Teleport). Most of the rank-and-file vampires are SS troopers armed with assault rifles, panzerfausts, grenades, and so on. The captains have assorted "super" powers.



Lt. Rip Van Winkle has a flintlock musket that can fire "magic" bullets. Said bullets can punch right through fighters and helicopters, make 90 degree (or better) turns, and a single shot has killed upwards of 1-2 dozen men.


Zorin carried a huge scythe and can produce intense Mental Illusions over a wide area of effect.


One other vampire used playing cards like weapons. He could hurl them through people, teleport in a cloud of cards, and can block bullets with them.


The vampires have super strength, enhanced reflexes, incredible balance (we see some running across daggers sticking out of the ground), Night Vision (see in night as clear as day), Telescopic Vision, blood rain, and regeneration -- oh, and full Life Support.

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Re: GAC Plots


I saw a History channel program about the Japanese secret plots of WWII (can't remember the name of it though), that had a lot of very GAC story seeds. They had built submarine aircraft carriers, lauched balloons carrying anti-personnel and incendiary bombs, into the jet stream. Most of these only caused forest fires in the Pacific Northwest, but one actually caused some civilian casualties, and another cut off the electricity at a government lab. Something like that loaded with a more diabolical payload would make a great plot to stop. BTW...one of theses actually made it as far east as Indiana.

The Axis also big on secret societies before the war. Most were set up to gather support, intelligence, and perform guerilla operations before a big invasion. Who knows what else they could have been up to?

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Re: GAC Plots


I saw a History channel program about the Japanese secret plots of WWII (can't remember the name of it though)' date=' that had a lot of very GAC story seeds. They had built submarine aircraft carriers, lauched balloons carrying anti-personnel and incendiary bombs, into the jet stream. Most of these only caused forest fires in the Pacific Northwest, but one actually caused some civilian casualties, and another cut off the electricity at a government lab. Something like that loaded with a more diabolical payload would make a great plot to stop. BTW...one of theses actually made it as far east as Indiana.[/quote']


The I-400 carried 3 airplanes and a 6" or 8" deck gun. Thing is *huge*!


Also, the firebombs were intended to burn out all of the US forest land. Not a bad idea per se, but it suffered from the US having a wetter than normal summer (IIRC). Also, if Japan had been able to launch them from closer in...


Naturally, all those mad scientists using Science! may want to steal the idea of delivering one's payload via high altitude balloon. Not to mention replacing the simple firebomb with germ warfare...

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Re: GAC Plots


Don't forget homegrown plots too. Heroes at home visiting their families could stumble onto a plot in their hometown by Nazi collaborators to steal The Plans (or the Super Soldier formula or whatever) and deliver it to a Nazi version of Captain Nemo waiting offshore in his super-sub surrounded by a legion of speargun-toting frogmensch. It would give the plot much more menace when their trusted neighbor is among the spies.

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Re: GAC Plots


You know the "Nazi supernatural ritual that keeps superhumans away from the Front in Europe?


This may be a classic theme, but I've never liked it. It's so much more fun for the Allied supers to go on secret missions behind enemy lines, and occasionally beef up the Joes on the front line for a major operation. All this putzing around the Midwest when there's a war going on is not so fun in comparison.

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Re: GAC Plots


Some real WWII superweapon experiments/ideas/concepts:


the atomic bomb

superguns that can fire across the English Channel

(hand) guns that can shoot around corners

soundwave/sonic weapons to to knock airplanes out of the sky

intercontinental ballistic missiles

jet bombers

trans-Atlantic jet bombers

jet fighters

jet/rocket fill-in-the-blank

super tanks

1,000 and 1,500 ton land cruisers mounting 12" navel guns

suicide rocket bombs

balloon bombs

submarine aircraft carriers

[giant] aircraft carrier made out of ice and sawdust

flying wings

flying saucers

super-battleships with 18" guns

"parasite" fighters launched from bombers

giant wooden troop transports (a.k.a. the Hughes Flying Boat/the Spruce Goose)

a rocket plane that would skip off the atmosphere and travel around the world (I'm not making this up)

orbital rockets


how's that?

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Re: GAC Plots


Some real WWII superweapon experiments/ideas/concepts:


1,000 and 1,500 ton land cruisers mounting 12" navel guns


Mo'fo'in War Wheel, baby!


Dude, the US seriously needs to look at this idea again. That would so rock.

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