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Dear G-D, NOOOOOOOOO!!! I hate Hollywood!

Teflon Billy

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Re: Dear G-D, NOOOOOOOOO!!! I hate Hollywood!


Yes... this is a stupid direciton for the movie. :stupid:


Stacy-X, (who is in the current continuity of the X-Men comic books), is a way lame character. We have yet to see either Angel or Beast, and this schmuck wants to add in a hooker mutant with snake scales from Nevada? Weak.


What about Mr. Sinister? Sentinals? Mojo, for Christ's sake...


Maybe this new director can convince Jackie Chan put on some roller-blades, chew bubble-gum, and play Jubilee? That would be novel... :thumbdown


speaking of Mojo...


I stood at the comics rack earlier today. It was pretty funny when mojo was talking about how he had been threatened by experts and Miss Pryde gave him a look.


He started grovelling in a hurry. :)

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Re: Dear G-D, NOOOOOOOOO!!! I hate Hollywood!


You are thinking of Nekra and Monkey-Boy's name was The Mandrill (which has all KINDS of connotations).


Additionally, here is some higher math:


(X-Men)-Singer+Ranter=the suck/number of people who like Rush Hour 2



I'm gettting depressed. Now where were those trailers for Sky High and Serenity?

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Re: Dear G-D, NOOOOOOOOO!!! I hate Hollywood!


That would kinda mess with thier plans to give him his own movie if they did that (even though I'm not a fan of the character).


The more I hear about what might happen with X3, the more I worry. :angst:

Why, oh why couldn't Fox just wait for Singer to finish Superman and have him come back for the third?



or call on Mr. Whedon... when he finishes saving the honor of WW, I guess.

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Re: Dear G-D, NOOOOOOOOO!!! I hate Hollywood!


Actually' date=' isn't there a mutant with this exact power. Albino African-American woman. Some how related to a guy that looks like a monkey and has this power. I think she dated Grim Reaper for a while.[/quote']


I hope this hasn't already been answered -- you're thinking of Nekra. She didn't have pheromone powers: she gained super-strength whenever she got mad. She also could do voodoo, apparently on the basis that she was black and black folks all do voodoo. (I'm not kidding; that was the impression I got...)


The one with pheromones was the Mandrill. Some superhuman strength and agility, face like a baboon, and could turn any woman he wanted into his personal sex slave. He eventually got killed by the Reaper after he came back as a zombie, shortly after ol' Grimbo killed Nekra, who used her voodoo to bring him back in the first place.

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It gets worse. Check this out. :eek:

Thank G-d!


I was worried with the rumors of the mutant hooker with pheremones that the writers/director/producer didn't understand the subject material or, more importantly, the target market.


But if she's going to be a bisexual mutant hooker with pheremones, they've obviously got the target market pegged.



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Re: Dear G-D, NOOOOOOOOO!!! I hate Hollywood!






WTF, is WRONG with these people?!


Can't they leave well enough alone, and leave changes to only those things that directly don't translate well to celluloid over completely fubaring the entire concept?!







To truly despise Hollywood as it deserves, you need to have worked with some of these incompetent control freaks. :-)

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Re: Dear G-D, NOOOOOOOOO!!! I hate Hollywood!






WTF, is WRONG with these people?!


Can't they leave well enough alone, and leave changes to only those things that directly don't translate well to celluloid over completely fubaring the entire concept?!







And the movie studios can't figure out why they're losing revenues. They blame DVD's which have been around for years.

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Re: Dear G-D, NOOOOOOOOO!!! I hate Hollywood!


My prediction is that X3 kills off the franchise.


From what I understand, the mutant hooker character was in the X-Men comics as well and didn't work there either.


I'm thinking Ratner will downplay the hooker angle (to avoid getting an "R" rating).


This all has a very "Schumacher-esque" feel to it.

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Re: Dear G-D, NOOOOOOOOO!!! I hate Hollywood!


The rumours mostly sound bogus. They're the kind of things that people who don't like the film will make up - that is, they sound exactly like 'worst scenario' stuff. Things calculated to make fans like us howl.


That said, I have severe doubts about the film anyway. I'm one of about three people in the world who preferred movie 1 to movie 2. Why? Movie 2 was an action film. Fun, fast-paced, exciting. Movie 1 was a film on its own. It belonged to no genre but its own - it deliberately moved against the tropes of the action genre. Case in point: when watching it for the first time, when we see the Blackbird power away from the Mansion for the first time, I remember wondering where the bass roar of the engines and the swelling music was. It just wasn't there. Then I thought about it and said 'well, we're seeing it through a window - what's happening here is we're seeing the Blackbird disappear, perhaps never to return, through the eyes of the children. We aren't drawn out of the film by a musical cue of 'yeah, get some!', we're kept very much in the realm of the film.'


Second movie? Bass roaring and swelling musical score all over the place.


That's just one example, and pretty crude at that. While X2 was certainly bigger, with far better special effects and more excitement... it was lacking to me. Partly because the heroes were, by and large, dumb and useless. The villains drove that piece. And Cyclops got royally shafted. (People complain about him being whiny... when, exactly, did he whine?)


So, I've long predicted X3 to go further down the same path. X2 was still good enough to be enjoyable, I just didn't like it enough. X3 I hope with halt the trend and be at least as good as X2.

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Re: Dear G-D, NOOOOOOOOO!!! I hate Hollywood!


My prediction is that X3 kills off the franchise.


From what I understand, the mutant hooker character was in the X-Men comics as well and didn't work there either.


I'm thinking Ratner will downplay the hooker angle (to avoid getting an "R" rating).


This all has a very "Schumacher-esque" feel to it.


"Schumacher-esque" is one of the words banned on the Hero boards.

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Re: Dear G-D, NOOOOOOOOO!!! I hate Hollywood!


And Cyclops got royally shafted. (People complain about him being whiny... when, exactly, did he whine?)


I never been a big fan of cyclops. The only time I remember him being "whiny" was when Jean got off the black bird to stop the wave of water heading there way, but come on people he just lost his girl so I can understand why he was be whiny.

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Re: Dear G-D, NOOOOOOOOO!!! I hate Hollywood!


This panic is a bit premature, isn't it?


I mean, they're talking about one character. How big a role does she have? We don't know. It could just be a bit part.



That having been said... Yeah, they should stick to the source material. And they really should've stuck with Bryan Singer. I'll take the director of "The Usual Suspects" over the director of "Rush Hour 2" any day of the week and twice on Sunday. The X-Men should be about more than cliche humor and slapstick action.


I hope that Marvel studios picks up on this trend developing over at DC... if Batman Begins can be any indicator, DC may be breaking its streak of HORRIBLE films. Although, I have to say that Batman Begins had far too much logic and internal consistency to really be a 'faithful' adaptation of a DC comic. (Well, on second thought,... I guess Batman could be the exception) :rolleyes:

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Re: Dear G-D, NOOOOOOOOO!!! I hate Hollywood!


While I have no faith in Hollywood not f'ing with things for their own perverse pleasure, as everyone has said these are rumors. Perhaps we should wait until the film is finished... And even... Dare I say it? Watch it before deciding to hate it. :eg:


Take care,



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Re: Dear G-D, NOOOOOOOOO!!! I hate Hollywood!


You know what would really suck... is if the writter desided to change the source of mutant powers from a evolutionary genetic deviation, into a mystical... say "force-like" energy field that surrounds and penitrates all life. That would just be lame.

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Re: Dear G-D, NOOOOOOOOO!!! I hate Hollywood!


You know what would really suck... is if the writter desided to change the source of mutant powers from a evolutionary genetic deviation' date=' into a mystical... say "force-like" energy field that surrounds and penitrates all life. That would just be lame.[/quote']


I feel a disturbance in force now.

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Re: Dear G-D, NOOOOOOOOO!!! I hate Hollywood!


While I have no faith in Hollywood not f'ing with things for their own perverse pleasure, as everyone has said these are rumors. Perhaps we should wait until the film is finished... And even... Dare I say it? Watch it before deciding to hate it. :eg:


Take care,




Nah, can't happen.

That way I'd have to actually WATCH Catwoman In Name Only

before hating it.


I am comfortable in my hate.

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