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Enter...The MACROVERSE!!!


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Re: Enter...The MACROVERSE!!!


I was thinking' date=' in your campain, are there dimentions which one has to GROW to visit, and SHRINK to go home to? If so, do you think a requiered "Side Effect" for minor physical damage to the enviroment is requiered? What do you think?[/quote']





The actual ability to transfer from one to the other isn't shrinking or growth- it's Extra-Dimensional Teleport. The growing/shrinking part is just Special Effects.


Typically when I see this in comics, the character is in effect desolid to the various worlds until he completes the trip.

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Re: Enter...The MACROVERSE!!!




The actual ability to transfer from one to the other isn't shrinking or growth- it's Extra-Dimensional Teleport. The growing/shrinking part is just Special Effects.


Typically when I see this in comics, the character is in effect desolid to the various worlds until he completes the trip.


Acualy, I know that...growing is just a special effect.


Humm..."Haveing your atoms so far apart that other things float pass into and through you as you grow into the Macroverse" is an intresting special effect.

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Re: Enter...The MACROVERSE!!!


Acualy, I know that...growing is just a special effect.


Humm..."Haveing your atoms so far apart that other things float pass into and through you as you grow into the Macroverse" is an intresting special effect.

It would make for an interesting visual when taking extra time on your extra-dimensional movement power. :)

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Re: Enter...The MACROVERSE!!!


I was thinking' date=' in your campain, are there dimentions which one has to GROW to visit, and SHRINK to go home to? If so, do you think a requiered "Side Effect" for minor physical damage to the enviroment is requiered? What do you think?[/quote']


Notionally, at least, my CU has a Microverse. I hadn't thought about a Macroverse. It's not a bad idea though. It would really only work for characters like the Spectre, who grow bigger than the Earth quite regularly!


I wouldn't let "normal" Growth characters do it.

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Re: Enter...The MACROVERSE!!!


Acualy, I know that...growing is just a special effect.


Humm..."Haveing your atoms so far apart that other things float pass into and through you as you grow into the Macroverse" is an intresting special effect.


Interesting... I like it, not sure what to contribute, but I like it. Would be interesting to discover the earth was actually the heart, brain, or other vital organ of some metaphysical giant.

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Re: Enter...The MACROVERSE!!!


I actually posted this on a different thread... but It goes well here too:


My character Bastion is a scientist who derives his growth and shrinking powers from a device that manipulates the quantum chromodynamic fields between quarks, protons and neutrons. Blah, blah, blah... I could go on but real life quantum physics is usually boring to people besides me.


Suffice to say Dr. Sebastian Castle (Bastion) is a Doc Savage type. He's theorized about the existence of a Microverse and made it his life's work to discover its reality. His creation of the Chromo-Dial and his work on harnessing the forces of quantum strong interaction and especially gluons finally made a journey to the Microverse possible... in theory. (That endeavor has been a bit sidetracked by his induction into the Epic Alliance; Epic City's newest and best hope for a better future)


Dr. Castle has also done extensive work on the Macroverse. Just as his research supports the theoretical existence of a Microverse so does his work reveal the potential existence of a Macroverse. Unfortunately, Dr. Castle has speculated that it is entirely impossible to journey to the Macroverse. His reasoning is thus: To attain the appropriate size to leave this dimension and break the barrier allowing entrance into the Macroverse it would require more energy that our star (Sol) could provide and would inevitably cause the destruction of Earth, the Sol solar system and perhaps the entire Milky Way. It is assumed that, as the subject grew, he [the subject] would devour or displace all other celestial objects.


However, Dr. Castle is always formulating new theories on how to reach the Macroverse; such as the "Inverted Mass Theory" wherein his research suggests that as the subject grows his mass can remain the same. Thus, as his size increases, the distance between his molecules grows so great that interaction with other, more substantial objects, becomes nothing more than a benign whisper. Unfortunately, it is possible that neural transmitters may not function at such a distances inevitably causing death.


... The work goes on! Soon, very soon, Bastion will break down the barrier between our existence and the Microverse and in so doing issue forth an era of prosperity never seen before... He hopes.

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Re: Enter...The MACROVERSE!!!


Unfortunately' date=' Dr. Castle has speculated that it is entirely impossible to journey to the Macroverse. His reasoning is thus: To attain the appropriate size to leave this dimension and break the barrier allowing entrance into the Macroverse it would require more energy that our star (Sol) could provide and would inevitably cause the destruction of Earth, the Sol solar system and perhaps the entire Milky Way. It is assumed that, as the subject grew, he [the subject'] would devour or displace all other celestial objects.


The good doctor has more problems than he knows. Or perhaps fewer.


If it's impossible to grow into the Macroverse, just how does he intend on returning from the microverse?


If it's not a problem in one, it's likely not a problem in the other.

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Re: Enter...The MACROVERSE!!!


The good doctor has more problems than he knows. Or perhaps fewer.


If it's impossible to grow into the Macroverse, just how does he intend on returning from the microverse?


If it's not a problem in one, it's likely not a problem in the other.


You make a good point. However the laws of physics are drastically different at the quantum level. There may be absolutely no problem at all once the micro-barrier has been breached. I think it's all about your starting perspective. As a creature of this dimension Dr. Castle is beholden to the physics of this universe - physics which make growth much less reasonable than shrinking.


Who knows? Perhaps it's a one-way ride either way. That's whats so much fun about it... oh, the drama! I hope my GM is up to it.

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Re: Enter...The MACROVERSE!!!


macro verse plot hooks


a giant is rampaging though the city conducting experiments on the citizenry hes a scientist from the macro verse can you convince him to stop or will eh return time and again to perform his experiments.


land of the giants


finally succeeding in breaching the barrier to the macro verse the brave doctor and his companions step from there EMBIGULATOR SHUTTLE and find them selves in thick jungle. after several hours of fighting giant insects and beating there way through the dense forest they find the truth they are only 3 inches tall. and actually just fought there way out of the back garden of some ones house. what will they do when the shuttle is taken into the house by one of the owners children who will they return home.

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: Enter...The MACROVERSE!!!


I so so so so so so want to remake "Universe Man" with this power.


(A PP 4th standard character who had enough growth/workarounds to end up 1.5 times the size of the planet earth).



The power set would have to be something along the lines of infinite capacity to grow in size, coupled with the power to either create additional mass or NOT as he chooses, but with most sizes between 'Standing on the Earth is like balancing on a ledge' and 'Wow - the Macroverse sure is weird' end up being too dangerous, since he'd end up in the void of space.


Actually. How high could you grow to before hitting the 'thin air' problem? It would probably be the same as for a normal human being (he can either make his molecules larger, OR more dispersed, and he can affect simple molecules in the air around him?), and then an extra doubling would be the limit on actual growth (since in a crouch he would _just_ be able to breathe.


Hrm. Problem: In the macroverse, he still should be able to grow - but he should also be able to shrink. Of course, he'd have to be 'so' large to be able to breathe the macroverse molecules - of course. Since he has ONLY the power of growth, he has to appear, at most, at half his 'normal' size (relative to the macroverse molecules) in the macroverse. Any smaller and his body can't cope. 15 points is cheap enough. (Or you could have more, or less).


So how much growth/stretching/whatever DO you need to increase in size to be twice as tall as you'd need to be to to reach the height at which people can still breathe, but only just?


(In case you can't guess, I think this is an AWESOME character concept. :))

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Re: Enter...The MACROVERSE!!!


12,000 feet is what airlines typically determine is safe for passengers to not have to use oxygen masks.


Probably go higher than that, say 20,000 feet. I've been at 16,000 on a mountain, and had noticable trouble breathing after exertion.


That's about 6000 meters.


So call it 35-36 levels of Growth (36 gets you 8192 meters tall)


that's not even a 200 strength! the wimp.

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: Enter...The MACROVERSE!!!


45 Size Powers and their Ramifications Elemental Control

45a Diffuse: Desolidification, 0 Endurance Cost, Persistent, Difficult to Dispel

36b Obey Square/Cube: 60 points of Growth, 0 Endurance Costs, Only 2/3rds STR increase

30c Increase Volume Occupied: 12" Stretching, 0 Endurance Costs, No Velocity Damage, Entire Body Increases Equally In Size

45d Made to be Colossal: 20/20 Force Field, 0 Endurance Cost, Persistent, Hardened


20 Comic Book Science Size Powers Multipower, Linked to Obey Square/Cube

u2 Lumbering, But Still Long, LOOONG Legged: +10" Running, x4 total Non-Combat Multiplers

u2 The Macroverse: Extra Dimensional Movement: To the Macroverse


20 Huge Hands: Combat Skill Levels: +10 with Grab

16 Huge Hands II: Combat Skill Levels: +8 with Strike

11 Sight to Scale II: Telescopic Sight +8, Linked to Obey Square/Cube, Proportionate

7 Smallest Survivable Size: 10 points of Shrinking, Only in the Macroverse





Hrm. Needs more running, I think. Also, the character should have 20 STR if intended for a 12 DC game; more if possible. Less means he falls over and can't move at full size...


Still. I think that's a nifty core.

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Re: Enter...The MACROVERSE!!!


OK how's this:

El Giganto


Height: 4000.00 m (yes 4 kilometers) Hair: Black

Weight: 900000.00 kg (heavy) Eyes: Brown


Appearance: El Giganto is huge. Larger than anything you've ever seen. Really.


Personality: El Giganto just wants to be left alone, and get a nice meal without being shot at.


Quote: "Yo Quiero Taco Bell!"



Juan Gomez was always big for his age. It was natural that he became a wrestler, after all what else are you going to do when you are nearly 8 feet tall and weigh 450 lbs? It was too bad he was only 14 years old. When he continued to grow people began to wonder, is this kid a mutant? As he passed 9 feet around his 16th birthday, all doubts were erased. However, he had a huge following of fans, mostly children.


Sadly, on the eve of his 21st birthday, Juan had another growth spurt. This time when he woke up he found himself laying out in the open. With his parents goats crawling over his chest. The local police report states that Juan's feet destroyed the neighbor's barn, and his arm caused a traffic jam for over an hour that morning.


Unsure of what to do, Juan headed for a less populated region, and attempted to live off the land.

Powers/Tactics: He's really really big. And strong. And did we mention his enormous size? Yeah, all that and a bag of tortilla chips.

Campaign Use: Use him for a one shot encounter of a really Humongous guy


Val Char Cost

80 STR 40

14 DEX 12

30 CON 40

21 BODY 10

11 INT 1

8 EGO -4

25 PRE 15

6 COM -2


20/40 PD 10

20/40 ED 14

4 SPD 16

16 REC 0

60 END 0

61 STUN 0


6" RUN 0

2" SWIM 0

16" LEAP 0


Characteristics Cost: 152


Cost Power END

30 Humongous!: Elemental Control, 60-point powers

32 1) Area Of Effect (up to 5" Radius; +1) for up to 50 Active Points of Strength, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (62 Active Points) 2

20 2) Growth (+30 STR, +6 BODY, +6 STUN, -6" KB, 5.76E7 kg, -4 DCV, +4 PER Rolls to perceive character, 4,000 m tall, 2,000 m wide), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (60 Active Points); Always On (-1/2) 0

30 3) Tremendously thick skin: Armor (20 PD/20 ED) (60 Active Points) 0

24 4) Grows to Humongous size: Stretching 4", Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2), Megascale (1" = 1 km; +1) (60 Active Points); no Noncombat Stretching (-1/4) 0

30 5) Running 0" (6" total), x128 Noncombat, Noncombat acceleration/deceleration (+1) (60 Active Points) 6

24 6) Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 75% (60 Active Points); Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4) 6

24 7) Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 75% (60 Active Points); Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4) 6

Powers Cost: 214


Cost Martial Arts Maneuver


4 1) Choke: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +0 DCV, Grab One Limb; 9d6 NND

4 2) Escape: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, 95 STR vs. Grabs

3 3) Hold: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, -1 DCV, Grab Two Limbs, 100 STR for holding on

4 4) Reversal: var Phase, -1 OCV, -2 DCV, 95 STR to Escape; Grab Two Limbs

3 5) Slam: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +1 DCV, +v/5, Target Falls

3 6) Take Down: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +1 DCV, Strike; You Fall, Target Falls

Martial Arts Cost: 21


Cost Skill

3 PS: Wrestler 25-

2 KS: Mexican Professional Wrestling 11-

0 Language: Spanish (idiomatic) (4 Active Points)

2 Language: English (fluent conversation)

3 Streetwise 14-

3 Demolitions 11-

3 Contortionist 12-

3 Survival 11-

Skills Cost: 19


Cost Perk

2 Reputation: Adored my millions of kids (A large group) 8-, +2/+2d6

Perks Cost: 2


Val Disadvantages

25 Physical Limitation: Humongous! El Giganto stands nearly 4 kilometers tall (All the Time, Fully Impairing)

20 Physical Limitation: No delicate/fine work: El Giganto has huge hands (All the Time, Greatly Impairing)

25 Social Limitation: Humongous size (Very Frequently, Severe)

25 Distinctive Features: El Giganto is larger than anything on Earth (Not Concealable; Extreme Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

30 Hunted: US Government 14- (As Pow, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Capture, It's the fricken Government!)

20 Psychological Limitation: Hates being HUGE (Very Common, Strong)

20 Psychological Limitation: Acrophobia (Very Common, Strong)

10 Unluck: 2d6

Disadvantage Points: 175

Base Points: 200 Experience Required: 33 Total Experience Available: 35 Experience Unspent: 2 Total Character Cost: 408

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: Enter...The MACROVERSE!!!


What, sixty something viewers and no one makes a comment about the ultra cheezy use of Megascale on stretching?


Ha, El Giganto is so huge, he stomped this thread! :doi:


I doubt it's legal. So... meh.

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Re: Enter...The MACROVERSE!!!


Read "Hyperspace" by Michio Kaku.


It will give you happy feelings.



One of the best Theoretical Physics books for people with no scientific training written in the last 10 years (and it is almost 10 years old). IMHO

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