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Re: Need help with my PC


. . . maybe it tells us the young mutant, orphaned at an early age, is taken in by a cabal of sorcerors and trained in the mystic arts, then experimented on in an effort to create the perfect soldier before being bitten by a radioactive wombat (ie a group of unrelated justifications for various abilities slapped down on a character sheet, not a cohesive character concept).

I am so stealing that for a character concept. :thumbup: I'll call him Wom-BOT, a cyborg mutant who was enhanced by mystical spells and, through the wonders of science and nature, endowed with all the powers of the mighty Wombat!

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Re: Need help with my PC


Is it just me or do you just tune out a post after you read the first page and realise it goes on for another 8 pages?


Either post the entire character and ask for feedback or ask for feedback on just a power or two.


You seem to be asking for us all to entirely rewrite your character from the groundup...and I just don't have the patience.




And just from what I've read, you are not playing a superhero but an average everyday guy. With stats like those you are a norm. Regardless of what other powers you may have.



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Re: Need help with my PC


What everone else said... I havent got the patience to go through an immense block of text.


If it helps, Greywolf, I can summarise in two lines. Nothing there is terminally illegal, but if I were your GM I'd throw the character sheet in the bin and ask you to come back with a solid concept and not a list of powers. Sometimes the sum of the parts is less than the whole (just look at the England football team ;) )

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Re: Need help with my PC


I am so stealing that for a character concept. :thumbup: I'll call him Wom-BOT' date=' a cyborg mutant who was enhanced by mystical spells and, through the wonders of science and nature, endowed with all the powers of the mighty Wombat![/quote']


Y A Y !


The Infamous Wom-BOT, the Combat Wombat recognizable by the proprietary Costume Logo:

"I'm a Wombat!, I eats, roots and leaves"


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Re: Need help with my PC


Oh, I hope my tact vitamin is working.



As I read some PMs, I think that the FOCUS part should go on the increase in stats when she transforms into her super heroic form because she needs the staff to use those powers but the focus would only be limited to activate the powers not to maintain them.


If you mean you keep your powers even if you dont have your staff (its been taken away from you), then it's not a focus, its a special effect. Many things that look like a focus in comics dont have to be a focus. for example, if you are creating a character with a gun, but you want to simulate someone who always has the gun, never lsoes, has extras, backup, then you don't take focus. You might take a restrainable limitation on whatever powers the GUN FX provides, or HIDO (representing something that obviously puts you in a Heroic identity, meaning it screams 'superhero gun) because its difficult and not that common its taken away, or you are prevented from accessing it. Some other guy might runa Gun wielding character, with the same exact powers, but decide his weapon can get taken away like any other weap[on, and makes it an OAF focus.


I think HIDO works as the limitation best for your statistics and powers from what I can make out of your character, no focus limitations.


The duration would be 24 hours without the staff before reverting to her normal mutant self.


Sounds just like an FX of the HIDO ability--seriously, its not a focus limitation if you maintain your powers 24 hours after its taken away from you.



Why I also reduced her number of disadvantages to 125 pts instead of 150, which will make the character easier to roleplay in the game instead of having lots of disadvantages.


IMHO, having disadvantages sort of helps with roleplaying.



"Getting into specifics, what is the rationale for a "Mutant Powers" EC, and why doesnt it work in water? More to the point, how are the Transer, Invisiblity, and Desolid so closely related that if one is drained it makes sense for all of them to be drained?"


All her powers comes from one source, like if she was an fire dudette, or mystic or whatever, these comes from her mutant genes, as simple as that, as well as night vision, but that cannot be included in an elemental group unless DM says so, so I let that one out for the moment.


Still doesn't explain the doesn't work in water limitation--it looks just like a points saving manuever. Drop it. Trust me, with the team of people answering this thread, you dont need it. This group can make 350 points do terrifying things.


As for the transfer, I did not go into details as what it drains and to what because it was not what I asked about the character and it is irrelevent to the question. As to how it functions, think of Rogue in the X-Men ;), but she cannot absorb the thoughts or entire person though. It was originaly 4d6 without limitations, but it looked as if she was an undead or something, so I made her more into a Rogue-like power that she cannot touch anyone without hurting them.


Well..ok. You do have to designate somethign to drain..even if its all mutant powers (which requires a hefty advantage). In the terms of clear character concept, you probably will be happier losing it. It's not uncommon for someone who likes a lot of various characters to build them all into one..but its like ice cream. One flavor, fun. Two, ok. 57-you get a big melted mess that tastes funny, and you relaized you would have been happy with vanilla..



It's because I cannot activate one and not the other, I need to activate all of them at once, thus the link part because when she uses her staff to transform all those stats powers adds up to hers


Linking really doesn't work for that effect that way. The powers arent linked to the strength, they are all based on the heroic identity. The way your build works (if all the illegal aspects were removed), a simple strength drain turns you back into Jane Doe. A cheap dispel power could make you really vulnerable at a bad time.



Like I said above, it's a super hero game, anything can happen and it is well explained in my 8 page shortened background which I will not copy here lol, I would agree with you if it were a fanatasy game or a normal people game, but it's not such a game. Why is everyone so scared when someone starts with a magical item anyways?


Nobody was worried that its a magical item, mutant power. What they were responding to was, the way you described it, you seemed to be suggesting you take a normal item for free, and the powers you enhanced it with would stack onto the item. (Ie, You buy a magic staff, and give it 6d6 hth damage. You dont take the description of a normal staff, with 4d6 damage, add 6 to it, and get a 10d6 total hth attack. ) They thought you may be expecting damage classes of a power for free due to a misunderstandign, that was the concern.



As for the does not work in water is only for her mutant powers, they turn off, but as mentioned elsewhere, some cannot turn off so I'll have to come up with another logical limitation since the system does not allow me to do it like she is in GURPS system.


System has nothing to do with it. why wont her powers work in water. Was she cursed by the Priestess of a Water God? Child of a Fire God? by taking the doesn't work in water limitation, you are almost obligating your GM to stick you in water..along with the situations that the Hero ID only limit would trouble you. Trust me, you can probably live without the doesnt work in water limit.


I think you judge too quickly. And you made me laugh when you said powergaming, you cannot power game in a PnP unless the game is oriented in PowerGaming lol, it's a roleplaying game that the DM is making, there are some combats, but the game orbits around the characters and what they do not what they defeat, since it's a typical super heroes game, there is normally no killing in it.


I think you might want to take the opinion of very experienced players--powergaming is certainly possible in a roleplaying game, and its been the bane of many a game since they were made. Chapters of books, many threads in many forums are filled with the tales, and advice to prevent powergaming. Heck, columns exist in magazines to tell people how to powergame, for that matter.


I wanted less powerful characters, I would lower the number of points that I give for character creation LOL, which my DM obviously didn't do, bad dm!


Actual capability isnt measured in points, its how you spend them. Give me a 250 point character, and I can give him a power that will kill about everyone on earth. He only gets to use it once in his life..but hey, once should do it. Give me 400 points, and I can make an amazingly skilled, flexible guy who can only handle agents in combat. the way champions GNM's set power limits isnt primarily through points. Total character points is a tool, but as many GM's found out, that is no guarantee of controlling your power level. Active point limits, Damage Class limits, and balancing out things like your total OCV/defenses vs what the DM looks as a baseline. Being book legal and within total character points has nothing to do with campaign permissable. It's a matter of routine for a character to go through revisions and editing before being accepted, even if the first version was legal and at the set point limit.



In the hero system, you get AC for "dodging" in the for of additional DCV. BUT PLEASE, don,t tell me that if I dodge ONE GUY all the other guys get the same effect to their attack rolls. PLEASE!


You aksed nicely, but yes, in the basic superhero genre, if you dodge, your DCV goes up against everyone. Of course, there are situational modifiers that may give an opponent a bonus that makes the dodge ineffective. Now, limits on dodging may be genre specific..but how many times do you see the super-martial artist fight a horde of thugs, none laying a finger on him? Pretty regularly.


That said, dodging only makes it harder to hit you. If a bunch of people swing at you, odds are someone connects eventually.


This would make this system totally crappy in combat. I mean, you dodge the attack of ONE guys, not all the others that will attack you in the same round That is why a defense and attack roll are needed and logical. I like to defend my character myself, not by some abstract numbers.


If you want to make a dodge that fits what you think combat should be like, buy some DCV levels, only versus one target that you declare a Dodge action against, and maybe see if the GM will give you some ype of disadvantage for not ever using the base dodge rules.


actually, I don't mind adding one dice roll, and since someone, unless a super hero that has high speed like flash or silver lightning or 360 vision, cannot dodge all the attacks that comes to him from several ways at the same time, it's ridiculous.


Someone call the Batman writers. There are rules in the heroic genre, for being attacked by multiple attackers. There are base rules for attacks by suprise, etc. You may dodge, but a gang of attackers, based on the genrea and what optional rules the GM may be using, that dodge may be useless--or only helpful against the first guy or two, before the other bonuses the attackers are getting due to the situation make the character a punching bag.


you can see, DCV makes no sense since it means no matter how many times he gets attacked he always has he DVC at a certain level which means he is dodging and ducking and parrying faster than Flas or Silver Lightning,


No, it reflects the difficulty of hitting the character. if the GM has decided its genre appropriate for an attackers overwhelming a defender, they will get an OCV bonus that will, eventually, result in them group pummeling him. If it isnt genre appropriate, like a martial arts camapign of most superhero games (maybe not the street level ones), then the group can still find ways to get the PC. (Choosing attacks carefully, getting one in that knocks the player down and reduces their DCV, hititng them with an entagle or flash that blinds them--or the first guy who gets a grab manuever on him that holds him brings him right to "Beat me like a punching pag" street.



But with the advantages and disadvantages I give it, it's like Rogue in X-Men but at a much lesser degree, you touch her skin with yours, you get damage. I was looking for a limitation that would be only skin contact but found none. What could be that limitation?


Sounds like you want a damage shield, not a transfer.


how about this, tell us your camapign limits. Maximum Damage classes, active points, defenses, what the average values are, dex ranges, speed limits, etc. That might help us fit your vision of a character inot what the GM is looking for.

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Re: Need help with my PC


Blacmoor, read the really long post I made to answer everyone that posted before me, you will have your answers there.


aliceTheOwl, thanks, the visual effect wont cause any damage to people unless really dumb like staying behind a glass window when you see what is happenin, but that's the dm's choice of course and I don't really care ;)



AmadanNaBriona: You too, read the really long reply I have made, your answers are there, please read all the posts before posting yours ;) but thanks anyways. And I can't have a higher defense than 25 in total of any kind because the DM does want anyone to have over 25 for some stupid reason... mainly because he is too lazy to create super villains on his own and uses the crappy ones in the books. As for how my characte is built is my own business and is not part of the initial question I ask, so please keep this out of the subject, i want my character like that period. Just to be certain you read it, read my really big reply before this one before you post again.


Hugh Neilson: Thanks for clarifying the staff part. As for the multi and the elemental group, i was talking about the points used in the EC instead of let's say my stats or something else, so she is weaker in stats, other powers and skills because I pay more for the EC than the MP. When I was saying things about 350 pts characters and npcs, I meant logically built ones with skills and such, not one built only one way and made no sense like you r example hehe.



To all others: Could you please skip the DM's setting part, I don't care about that, that's between me and the DM, so stop wasting Forum space for nothing and save your breath...err.. fingers ;). All I want to know is if the character is according to the rule from the book, not from the freaking campaign settings darn it! Can't you read? I wrote it like many times in the orignal post and the lengthy reply!!! READ! I'll deal with the DM another day, now i just want to have a decent character according to the BOOK, not the DM.



I'll work on the character now that I have a good idea of what is working and what is not. Thanks to all who helped for real. :) I'll give you some news soon.

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Re: Need help with my PC


To all others: Could you please skip the DM's setting part' date=' I don't care about that, that's between me and the DM, so stop wasting Forum space for nothing and save your breath...err.. fingers ;). All I want to know is if the character is according to the rule from the book, not from the freaking campaign settings darn it! Can't you read? I wrote it like many times in the orignal post and the lengthy reply!!! READ! I'll deal with the DM another day, now i just want to have a decent character according to the BOOK, not the DM.[/quote']It is both my opinion and my experience on these forums that you generally get better responses and more helpful replies when you don't insult the people replying to you. Just a suggestion, not a critique.
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Re: Need help with my PC




As a fair warning to you, I am going to be somewhat dirisive, kinda distainful and possibly downright caustic in my reply. Please do not take offense at this. I am usually quite well received (at least, I think I am), but with such a long and disjointed post (well, two posts), I find myself becoming irritated and responding in a less than cordial manner. I'm not irritated with you, just your knowledge of the rules. It's natural, don't worry, you're new. It just looks like you went to get your feet wet for the first time in the deep end. So we'll just breathe deeply, comtemplate the color purple and move along.


Also, though I am only quoting your original post, I have read both you have made in this thread. Still, there is a lot of text there, so if I've missed something or some important explination, let me know.


I want to know if my character is legal according to the rules' date=' I don't care about my DM, I'll worry about that later. [/quote']

Welcome to the Hero System. FYI, most Champions/superhero games don't have dungeons. As a result, there is no "Dungeon Master." In fact, most games are like this, even most fantasy games. As a result, we call the guy who arbitrates the rules and runs the NPCs a GM, or Game Master. I'm guessing you've played a lot of D&D, and are probably just used to the term. I can't speak for everyone, but I find it somwhat annoying when incorrect terminology is used. Granted, the DM/GM thing is trivial at best, but in princaple it's just as bad as calling a D&D character's AC (Armor Class), DCV (Defensive Combat Value).


I just ask that you read carefully my post, questions or comments before you post, I, ve seen to many times someone posting without reading the full content of the post he is replying to, thanks.

Given that your first three posts on the Hero Boards were made without reading the board rules and guidelines, I find this statement hillarious.


IN a supers game, my character, when it goes into heroic ID, gains stats, can I just add the increases of the stats as powers and put the OIHID limitations on them and link them together? She is not multiforming or shape changing, or growing, only changing appearance a little, not enough to take morphing powers... she only becomes super heroic instead of just being heroic.


Before getting into the meat of your character, there are a few schools of thought concerning OIHID. The key to all of them is what enables the character to change forms and how easy it is. Also keep in mind there is more than one game mechanic that can describe a character that can only use his powers while in costume. What is absolutley essential is that the Powers are limited in some way. If nothing can stop the character from assuming heroic form, there is no limitation.


here is the character actually:


Not in heroic identity

s:10 D:10 C:10 B:10 I:20 Eg:10 P:10 Com:20

all derived stats are average for those stats above


she has 35 points in skills, talents and perks.

Without going into character concept and design philosophy, all of the above is legal. Of course, you might have illegal Skills, Talents and Perks, but all I know is that you've spend 35 point in them inclusively. Spending 35 points is legal.


her powers are:

1)Mutant Powers--, elemental group, does not work in water (as in "in the water" no me in the water), 60 APts

-- transfer, persistent, always on 2d6, no end, 17pts, 60 APts

-- Desolidification, no endurance, 60 APts

-- Invisibility to sight, hearing, smell/taste, and radio group, as well as detect, no fringe and 1/2 endurance cost, 24 pts, 60 APts

FYI, the Framework is called an "Elemental Control", often abbriviated EC.


And no, it hasn't been said enough, so...


The rule for ECs is they require a tight special effect to define them. While this is very, very open to personal interpretaton to what constitutes "tight", it is generally accepted that Mutant Powers is about as loose a special effect as you can get. However, if your GM agrees that it's tight, then he's right and I'm wrong. If it doesn't, than he's right and you're wrong.


I see no OIHID Limitation. While that perfectly legal, you mentioned you have a completely normal person unless in heroic identity, and the lack of this Limitation doesn't jive with your description.


I'll assume you mean the powers don't work while submerged in water, correct? Well, that's fine, and it's legal. Since you haven't listed a value for it (or for any other Modifier for that matter), no one here can really tell you what you actually paid for is legal. As far as we know, you've labled at as a -5 Limitation and got your EC for 10 points. Probably not, but you haven't stated otherwise. Based on the cost you've listed for your Transfer, I'd guess you have it at -1/4. I have no idea if that is a good or bad value for it, as only your GM can determine that (note: not you, only your GM).


The Transfer. Well, short answer: NO. Long answer: 1) No definition as to what it transfers from and to. 2) Transfer is not a Constant Power (Transfer is Instant), and so can not be bought Persistant. An Instand Power can be made Constant by applying the Continuous Advantage. 3) It doesn't do anything. Being Persistant and Always On still requires you to make an attack roll to affect a target, and that still takes up an action. You mentioned something Rogueish about it. Okay then, I'd suggest including Continuous and Damage Shield. This would allow it to opperate even when someone is attacking you, or when grabbing. If it only works with skin contact, that is a Limitation with a value to be determing between you and your GM.


Desolid is fine.


Invisibility: As mentioned by others, because the Transfer has a required visible effect, the use of Invisibility is completely negated. You must include IPE to the Transfer to this to work. Also, you cannot buy Invisibility to Detect. Detect by itself isn't a sense. Detect Magic, Detect Gold and Detect Bill Clinton are all Detects, but each are completely different senses and likely all belong to different sense groups. You'll have to define which Detect you are Invisible to or drop it from the Power.


2)Night vision, Always on, rapid: X10, +1 PER


I think this was adequately covered by other posters.


3) running, +6", +6" (12" total), OIHID


4) Leaping, +12", +12" (18" forward, 9" upward) OIHID

Looks good.


5) Strength, costs end to activate only, X2 endurance cost, +20 strength OIHID 17pts, 25 APts


6) other stats, OIHID, +20 dex, +10 con, +5 body, +5 ego, +20 Pre, +2 spd, all linked with strength, total of 79 pts, 140 APts


7) armor, 15 resistant PD, 5 resistant ED, linked to str, OIHID


8) Power Defense, 20 pts, OIHID, linked to str


Looks bad.


STR: As mentioned before, Costs END Only To Activate is normally only applied to some Body Powers. With the GM's permission, you can apply it to other Powers as well. For STR, there is really no explination for how this works. Technically, you can activate your STR several times in the same Phase (You leap, you grab, you crush, you get grabbed and resist, you get entangled and resist, etc.). According to the rules, you only spend END for STR once per Phase, regardless of what all it's used for. So what you've got here is a Limitation, not an Advantage. Of course, it's Limitation I'd never allow, because it's innane.


Again, you didn't list the Limitation values. You know it takes us extra work, after reading really long post, to work backwards from the math to deduce what values you did use, and that we could be completely wrong because as far as we know you own math is off. Listing the values with your Powers not only allows us message board posters to more accurately critique your character, but is an essential tool for the GM to use to make sure your character is balanced, within his character building guidelines and properly valued.


Anyways, I'd like to point out the obvious. If there any limiting factor to having all your Characteristics go up at the same time? It doesn't look like it. The Linked Limitation will have to go on all of these in such a case.


9) Weapon--, FOCUS, unbreakable, expendable (extremely difficult to get another), obvious and removeable, 62pts multipower, magical

-- Darkness, 5" radius, sight group, personal immunity, 62 APts, costs 2

-- Illusion, 1" radius, sight group, normal touch and hearing, +/-5 PER, mobile, costs endurance only to activate, difficult to dispel, costs 2pts, 62 APts

-- Flight, 20", positional shift, cost end only to activate. costs 2 pts, 62 APts

-- Weapon Damage, +6d6 HtH damage, affects any form of desolidification, costs 2 pts, 60 APts


she has 125 points of disadvantages that goes with her story and origins.


At the risk of infringing on DOJ's copyright, allow me to define what "expendable" means for a Focus. An expendable Focus is one that is completely used up when the Power is used. For example, you could turn on your Darkness, pay your END, and the Sight Group would be blocked in a 5" radiaus within the range of your Power for one Phase. Then your staff would vanish/vaporize/turn to dust/fade into shadows/etc. and would be gone until you went to Wal-Mart to buy a new one. I'm taking a wild stab in the dark here, but I don't think that's what you had in mind.


Also (and please forgive my anal-retentiveness (which is spelled with a hyphen by the way)), but again with the terminology. It's accessible, not removable. That's where we get the OAF acronym from.


You didn't mention whether or not these are Fixed or Flexible slots either.


The slots themselves:

Darkness: cool

"Illusions": First, it's called Images, there is no Power called Illusions. What is "moble"? And you do realize that just because it's perceivable to the touch group, you can't actually exert any force with it, right? Meaning if you make the illusion of a wall, people can still walk through it.

Flight: looks okay except for the Only Costs END To Activate (see next).


I noticed that you also put the Only Costs END To Activate on the Images and Flight. It looks to me like you are trying to set up a few of your Powers so that you pay some END up front, and then leave it on without paying more. I suggest taking a look at the Unconrolled Advantage, which allow you to do just this thing.


Weapon Damage: Looks okay.


You mentioned the "hero builder" software. I hope you mean Hero Designer v2. There is no official Hero System character creation software called "hero builder". If you are using HDv2, as suggested earlier please download the export template so you can post your character on the boards in a more organized manner. If it difficult to see exactly what you've written here and it takes extra time to try to clarify.


A question about her weapon, do you take a normal weapon and enchant it or the powers it has is what it does? Like for example, if I say my focus is a staff that does normally 4d6 of normal damage, but I say in my focus' description that is has +6d6 of HtH damage, so does it do 6d6 + str or 10d6 + str?

As you've written it up, she'll do STR+6d6 damage. Staff might be the SFX of the weapon, but SFX doesn't mean you get a free 4 dice of damage. If it did, I'd make sure all of my characters had "Light Saber" for a SFX for their Hand Attacks.


another question, if I want to use my desolidification as a defense to replace dodges, parries and blocks, is there an advantage I must buy and which one? If I don't need any advantage, how would it work in the game? Lose the next phase? Or lose the next phase only for activating powers? Or use only half a phase? If instead of dodging, blocking or parrying I use my desolidification, what do I basically need to make it so?

As a general rule, you may abort your Phase to perform any "defensive action." It's up to your GM to decide if turning on Desol is qualifies. Personally, I think it does. Read the rules for Aborting your Action and Combat Maneuvers for details about aborting.


Thanks for your help. :D


You're welcome. Hopefully I wasn't too harsh. My deepest apollogies if I was.


Oh yeah, my DM says the character is too strong for the campaign he's running, originally, my character had more disadvantages and 8 of speed, but he said that was too strong. I think if he wanted to make super zeroes he should have limited players to 100 pts in disadvantages instead of 150pts lol. What do you think? Oh yeah, I think it's also because all but one player in his group of players have generic unimaginative character that sucks compared to my character lol. But if he wanted weaker characters, why did he give 350 points to build them anyways? A bit dumb don,t you think? If I would make a game in this system and wouldn't want the super heroes to be too strong I would reduce the amount of disadvantages one could have by 50 for example to have character of 300 points instead of 350. Bad DM, lol.

If he's a DM, he would be running D&D. But enough of semantics.


No, I don't think it's dumb. The problem here is that you don't like it. Maybe his definition of weak and strong differ from yours. Maybe he wanted character with a broad spectrum of abilities, but no overshadowing uberpower (like the Tick) and wanted make sure you have enough points for it. Who knows, but it's not dumb. Talk to your GM about it. If he's worth of the title, he'll help you understand the type of campaign he's trying to run. If not, then find a new GM.



question on the side, why ain't there any REAL dodges in the game?


You know, the rest of this gripe isn't even worth reprinting. My advice to you is to take your own advice. Read something in its entirely before commenting on it. While you're at it, freshen up your knowledge of the D&D combat rules as you seem to be under some misconceptions there as well, which might be the root of your misconceptions about the Hero System. As a rule though, you shouldn't look for equivilants between any level based system and a point based system. You'll end up making lots of wrong assumptions. Just let D&D be D&D and Hero be Hero. The players might mix, but the rules don't.

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Re: Need help with my PC


To all others: Could you please skip the DM's setting part' date=' I don't care about that, that's between me and the DM, so stop wasting Forum space for nothing and save your breath...err.. fingers ;). All I want to know is if the character is according to the rule from the book, not from the freaking campaign settings darn it! Can't you read? I wrote it like many times in the orignal post and the lengthy reply!!! READ! I'll deal with the DM another day, now i just want to have a decent character according to the BOOK, not the DM.[/quote']


While I did, for the most part, skip it, I'd like to point out that the setting/campaign is very important in developing a character. You could be writting up a completely legal, balanced and well designed character that is completely innapropriate and overpowerd for the campaign it's intented for.

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Re: Need help with my PC


This group can make 350 points do terrifying things.

All within character concept of course!


And an important note for Greywolf2001ca:


Do not post a sheet of stats to this group and expect us to treat it like a list of numbers. No one here will look at a character and see a list of powers.


We'll look at a character sheet and look for the person it is supposed to represent. Who are they? What motivates them? What can they do? How? Why do they do it? Does it fit? Is it fun? Is it a playable person? Are they interesting?


We want the background, the Special Effects, the Genre being emulated, the Personality, the desired effect and aim of the character being created. If short the more information you give us the more input we'll give back.


Otherwise Snowball and Firebomb are just the same thing - EnergyBlast: Lots Of Dice.

We want - Icicle Blast: EB - 8D6, Autofire and Fireball: EB - 8D6, Area Of Effect.


That kind of thing. Otherwise it's just not that interesting - and this group likes to help people, but we also like to have our imaginations engaged. Fail to do that and you fall to the wayside. And no one wants to see that happen.

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Re: Need help with my PC


To all others: Could you please skip the DM's setting part, I don't care about that, that's between me and the DM, so stop wasting Forum space for nothing and save your breath...err.. fingers ;). All I want to know is if the character is according to the rule from the book, not from the freaking campaign settings darn it! Can't you read? I wrote it like many times in the orignal post and the lengthy reply!!! READ! I'll deal with the DM another day, now i just want to have a decent character according to the BOOK, not the DM.


You know, with an attitude like that, you're going to get on a lot of people's ignore list very quickly... oh, look at that.


I'll work on the character now that I have a good idea of what is working and what is not. Thanks to all who helped for real. :) I'll give you some news soon.


I can only hope you get somewhere with the help of these fine folks who again, are far more patient than I. Good Luck.

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Re: Need help with my PC




AmadanNaBriona: You too, read the really long reply I have made, your answers are there, please read all the posts before posting yours ;) but thanks anyways. And I can't have a higher defense than 25 in total of any kind because the DM does want anyone to have over 25 for some stupid reason... mainly because he is too lazy to create super villains on his own and uses the crappy ones in the books. As for how my characte is built is my own business and is not part of the initial question I ask, so please keep this out of the subject, i want my character like that period. Just to be certain you read it, read my really big reply before this one before you post again.

Ok, boy-o ..take your own advice here...

Re read my post and you'll see numerous mentions to things you said in your insanely long, rambling and not particularily clear post... which I read # times before responding, and didn't quote only becasue it was so freaking massive and jumbled.


To all others: Could you please skip the DM's setting part, I don't care about that, that's between me and the DM, so stop wasting Forum space for nothing and save your breath...err.. fingers ;). All I want to know is if the character is according to the rule from the book, not from the freaking campaign settings darn it! Can't you read? I wrote it like many times in the orignal post and the lengthy reply!!! READ! I'll deal with the DM another day, now i just want to have a decent character according to the BOOK, not the DM.


HERO is like an LSD trip... it's all about set and setting, as they used to say back in the day (that would be before your time, most likely). And if you hadn't noticed, we're really biting down on our usual urges to spank you for biting the hands that are trying to help you here and trying to show you how to do it legally... but you don't seem to want to get it.

Your perogative.

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Re: Need help with my PC


ok--long post.


I took a swing at your character, as you initially wanted, eliminating the illegal focus+ OIHD builds, the lineked structure. I also didnt use the 'doesnt work in water limitation' having not seen any explanation a gM would approve. I cant think why mutant/mystic powers dissolve in water without a very specific fx. I also dropped the power defense, since I saw no reasonto have it other than to protect your character from the potential negative effects of having your strength drained due to the improper use of the linking disadvantage.


Naturally, it comes in over points, about 395, but then, as a GM, I'ld say theres a lot of completely inacceptable parts to dump, so no problem. I kept the multipower as part of a focus, everythign else went to a HIDO build.


Charactersistics are normal ID/heroic ID. Yes, I gave you some above normal stats in normal ID. Sue me :)


Val Char Base Points Total Roll Notes

STR 10/30 11- / 15- HTH Damage 2d6/6d6 END [1/3]

DEX 15/30 13- / 15- OCV 7/10 DCV 7/10

CON 13/23 12- / 14-

BODY10/15 12-

INT 10 11- PER Roll 11-

EGO 20 13- ECV: 7

PRE 10/30 15- PRE Attack: 6d6

COM 20 13-

PD 2/21 PD (0/15 rPD)

ED 3/20 ED (0/15 rED)

SPD 3/6 Phases: 4, 8, 12/2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12

REC 5/11

END 26/46

STUN 27/42

Running 6 12"

Swimming 2 2"

Leaping 2 14"/18" 61

35 Total Skills Cost


Cost Power END

Heroic form Powers, all slots OIHID (-1/4)

36 1) Armor (15 PD/15 ED) (45 Active Points) 0

10 2) Running +6" (12" total) (12 Active Points) 1

10 3) Leaping +12" (14"/18" forward, 7"/9" upward) (12 Active Points) 1

16 4) +20 STR (20 Active Points) 2

36 5) +15 DEX (45 Active Points)

16 6) +10 CON (20 Active Points)

8 7) +5 BODY (10 Active Points)

16 8) +20 PRE (20 Active Points)

16 9) +2 SPD (20 Active Points)

41 Mystic Weapon: Multipower, 62-point reserve, (62 Active Points); all slots OIF (-1/2)

4u 1) Darkness to Sight Group 5" radius, Personal Immunity (+1/4) (62 Active Points) 6

4u 2) Sight, Hearing and Touch Groups Images 1" radius, +/-5 to PER Rolls, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), Mobile (+1/2) (61 Active Points) 2

3u 3) HA +6d6, Affects Desolidified Any form of Desolidification (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (60 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2) 0

4u 4) Flight 20", Position Shift, x4 Noncombat, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (62 Active Points) 2

24 Mystic Powers: Elemental Control, 60-point powers, (30 Active Points); all slots OIHID (-1/4)

24 1) Desolidification , Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (60 Active Points) 0

17 2) Transfer 1d6+1 (Stun to Stun), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2), Continuous (+1) (60 Active Points); Always On (-1/2) 0

24 3) Invisibility to Sight, Hearing, Smell/Taste and Radio Groups and Detect , No Fringe, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (60 Active Points) 2

297 Total Powers Cost


I guessed on the transfer, The points you have in it gets you 1d6+1 vs one specific target--to do more, you have to add disadvantages that weaken it, I got rid of the costs end to activate, mainly because I didnt like it, and replaced with reduced endurance.


Ok, as a GM, I'ld look at the transfer and say "why bother' you dont have the points to do a Rogue, it makes your life suck.


Slot gone, points saved.

If you're pure sneak..maybe the invisibility, but honestly I wouldnt allow thge versus detect ability, or radio..the smell bits getting carried away. Ad din the images and darkness with personal immunity-..the thing is, you have terribly little, if no offensive power, as going to hth mode reveals you. (Maybe invisibility instead of affect desolifdified--besides, if you want to affect desols--go desol yourself.


Or, as many people do, look at your first write up as a goal, a destination of where you want to get to--but maybe it will take some experience. Look as these powers as a goal you want to reach, but havent. Strip down and weaken the Invisibility and the desol, forget the transfer, drop a few extras like the leaping, and you have the core of your character.


Take a look at this build. Yes, some things are missing--but on the multipower slots, you can add those abilities back quickly with experience. the points in the multipowwer are fewer..but just say you havent masters the full effects of the weapons. Also note I made it just the HIDO limit, not a focus in this build--meaning you lose access to the powers far less--only when you are already relatively helpless from not being in your HIDo in the first place. It's 2 points over. trim 2 points where you like. The EGO dropping to 18 might be a good place to start. 30 Presence s pretty high. Drop to 20, and you get a good chunk of points to put in fun places. (maybe martial manuevers?)


Note I used the expensive pure EC way to do it. some may frown--with good reason, for the hodge podge of powers in there, but then shrug it off because I didnt go the old EC/multipower route.


Ok, I'm sleepy now. Goodnight.



Val Char Cost

15/35 STR 5

20/30 DEX 30

13/23 CON 6

15 BODY 0

10 INT 0

20 EGO 20

30 PRE 0

20 COM 5

3/22 PD 0

3/20 ED 0

3/6 SPD 0

6/12 REC 0

26/46 END 0

30/45 STUN 0


12" RUN 0

2" SWIM 0

3"/7" LEAP 0

Characteristics Cost: 66


Cost Power

Heroic form Powers, all slots OIHID (-1/4)

4 1) Nightvision (5 Active Points)

36 2) Armor (15 PD/15 ED) (45 Active Points)

10 3) Running +6" (12" total) (12 Active Points)

16 4) +20 STR (20 Active Points)

24 5) +10 DEX (30 Active Points)

16 6) +10 CON (20 Active Points)

8 7) +5 BODY (10 Active Points)

16 8) +20 PRE (20 Active Points)

16 9) +2 SPD (20 Active Points)

16 Mystic Powers: Elemental Control, 40-point powers, (20 Active Points); all slots OIHID (-1/4)

16 1) Desolidification (40 Active Points)

16 2) Invisibility to Sight, Hearing and Mental Groups , Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (37 Active Points)

16 3) Sight and Hearing Groups Images 1" radius, +/-4 to PER Rolls, Mobile (+1/2) (40 Active Points)

24 4) Flight 20", Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (50 Active Points)

17 5) HA +5d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Invisible to Sight Group (+1/2) (50 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2)

Powers Cost: 251



Cost Skill

35 Custom Skill

Skills Cost: 35




Total Character Cost: 352


Base Points: 200

Experience Required: 152

Total Experience Available: 0

Experience Unspent: 0

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Re: Need help with my PC



To all others: Could you please skip the DM's setting part, I don't care about that, that's between me and the DM, so stop wasting Forum space for nothing and save your breath...err.. fingers ;). All I want to know is if the character is according to the rule from the book, not from the freaking campaign settings darn it! Can't you read? I wrote it like many times in the orignal post and the lengthy reply!!! READ! I'll deal with the DM another day, now i just want to have a decent character according to the BOOK, not the DM.


Wow, I just stayed up hours on a work night helping someone with an attitude like this. I feel pretty stupid.


I'll say right now you won't be getting any more help beyond this from me--but this last bit may be help you need, and it has nothign to do with a particualr character.


You need to READ our posts. We know YOU dont care about the camapign settings, but why should we contribute to the building of a character when we dont know the trigger points that get it rejected. People help you with a character on monday. Tuesday rolls around--"My GM rejected it. SPD too high and this power he wont accept"--Rework. Wenesday "My GM said my DCV and defenses in combination were too high one, or both, have to change", and we see you've made an illegal build, or one that horribly cripples you. Rework Again. Friday "He said I'm over the active point limit" ...see what people would want to avoid yet?


Don't expect us to not care about not knowing the campaign limits becase you intend to to try some song and dance or bully routine on the GM to tell him why he is 'stupid' for trying to make a balanced game. Since the people here sweat out more HERO game knowledge in a day than you'll acquire in a year, maybe you might want to listen to them instead of insult them.


The book doesnt decide if your character is decent. your GM (its a GM, not DM thank you) decides what is appropriate. It's not his job to rewrite his campaign based on whatever abusive munchkin build a player comes up with. It's his campaign. You conform to the limits HE sets, he doesn't rewrite the universe around yours. Don't like it, run your own game. I'll gladly help your ex GM make book legal, points limits compliant characters that will destroy the balance of your game and leave your villains gasping on the floor in a turn.


If you need help in the future, this is till the best place to go; try and be a bit more politer about it though when someone else spends their time helping you.

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Re: Need help with my PC


You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to incrdbil again.

For both taking the time to write out a new character for this guy and for the post right after it, because it needed to be said. (making note to Rep you when I can)


Fortunately, I was able to give some rep for that. It's a good build, though still with faults (in concept or aplicability in the campaign, not in design). If nothing else, a lot of effort went into that I'm sure.

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Re: Need help with my PC


What an amazing amount of writing. This may have been mentioned by others, but for the 'rogue-like' transfer effect you probably need to use Damage Shield - which is in the book and Hero Designer, but I warn you it is one of those advantages that tends to wind up very expensive. You can accomplish more or less the same thing with the construct you have but adding 'AE: one hex (only actually activates if there is skin to skin contact)' for +1/2.


See guys - you can keep posts below 1000 words if you try :D

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Re: Need help with my PC


Blacmoor' date='[/b'] read the really long post I made to answer everyone that posted before me, you will have your answers there.


AmadanNaBriona: You too, read the really long reply I have made, your answers are there, please read all the posts before posting yours ;)


Greywolf, here's a clue. In the top corner of each message, there are numbers relating to number of posts made and Reputation. Reputation is calculated from the sum of all the reputations of people who 'Rep' you, divided by 100. So, to have a reputation of 10, you must have received reputation adding up to 1000. And one person cant continually 'rep' another to artificially inflate the reputation score.


Why am I saying this? Because the two people you explicitly dismiss have reputations of 16 and 20, with more than 2,600 posts between them. They know what they're talking about. To come to a board like this, ask for help, receive it from knowledgable experts and then dismiss is foolish and ill-mannered.


And I can't have a higher defense than 25 in total of any kind because the DM does want anyone to have over 25 for some stupid reason... mainly because he is too lazy to create super villains on his own and uses the crappy ones in the books.

No. Perhaps you should read some of the posts on here. As I expressed in my earlier message, many GMs operate a Rule of X, which prescribes limits on attack and defence. This is to help maintain something that experienced roleplayers call 'Game Balance', a concept that is a counter-weight to 'Munchkinism' and 'Power Gaming'. Your attitude certainly gives us a clear indication of where you sit on this scale.


As for laziness, try GMing. I can put as much as 20 to 30 hours preparation into a campaign, with at least 3 or 4 hours preparation for each individual session. I use pre-gen villains, because they're rounded, balanced, game-legal, interesting and well-thought-out characters. And sometimes I do like to sleep.


As for how my characte is built is my own business and is not part of the initial question I ask, so please keep this out of the subject, i want my character like that period.


As others have said, less explicitly, we won't[/]b keep this out of the subject. It is absolutely and totally fundamental. HERO system is not a menu from which you can just pick the bits you like. The concepts of character and game-legal are actually fundamentally related. Many aspects of the rules explicitly rely on GM judgements (e.g. STOP sign powers), and many specifically refer to the character concept as to what the game effect is (E.g. the legality of an Element Control; whether CHAR as Powers provide figured characteristics). Concept is equally vital in determining whether something is SFX, Focus or OIHID.


In short, if you want help, respond politely to the questions. If you cant be polite, don't bother posting. Time for me to follow my own advice....

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Re: Need help with my PC


[on damage shield] You can accomplish more or less the same thing with the construct you have but adding 'AE: one hex (only actually activates if there is skin to skin contact)' for +1/2.


Er, no. Without damage shield it still requires conscious thought to switch on. Unless there is an unwritten assumption that you've already purchased 0 END and Continuous?



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Re: Need help with my PC



I just ask that you read carefully my post' date=' questions or comments before you post, I,ve seen too many times someone posting without reading the full content of the post he is replying to, thanks.[/quote']


Given that your first three posts on the Hero Boards were made without reading the board rules and guidelines, I find this statement hillarious.


heh heh heh---


much rep to finding a way to say this so much more kindly than I was able to. ;)

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Re: Need help with my PC


You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to incrdbil again.

For both taking the time to write out a new character for this guy and for the post right after it, because it needed to be said. (making note to Rep you when I can)


Ditto but I could (and did) rep now.

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