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Talk about toxic Gas!


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Ok, here's one for the record books, perhaps. Or the asylum. Not sure which. Here's the scenario: It's a first session with new characters. Most of the PCs are playing an established team, while mine is a newb. There's a bomb in the park that's set to go off in 4 minutes. The PCs don't know how to get rid of the VX gas that threatens to engulf the entire downtown area of Providence.


My character, not knowing what the other folks can and can't do, offers to simply ingest the poison in it's gelled form. He's got the appropriate LS: immunity. So here's my question--what happens when the PC, um, digests the VX?


OK, I know--gas jokes for days. But all you GM types, how would you handle this?

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Re: Talk about toxic Gas!


My question would be: Can he ingest that much, even in it's gel form?


If the canister is the size of a water-cooler tank, that is a lot of gel. :nonp:


Of course, I don't know how much there is, but if he can "consume" the whole thing, I think that is a GENIUS idea.


And can he get at the VX without setting off the bomb. Those supervillains can be REALLY sneeaky. :sneaky:

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Re: Talk about toxic Gas!


I'd applaud the ingenuity, say that the hazmat team now considers him a biohazard, have him taken to a government facility and detoxified. Treat him like he's a disease carrier, basically; He himself hasn't gotten sick, but he's still carrying this dangerous substance. He'd be locked up until he "passes" all of the stuff through his system. And if that doesn't get you even worse jokes than him having "gas", i'd be surprised.

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Re: Talk about toxic Gas!


Youch - ingenious thought I must say. I definately would go with Blue on this. But he would be very - toxic. His sweat would have enough VX in it to kill people. Depending on the situation, I would probably even have the character take on a disadvantage due to having VX imbedded into fat cells.

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Re: Talk about toxic Gas!


If the character had any XP, I'd pull for a radiation accident-type change. Alas, no such luck. Should be interesting to see what comes of it, since the GM has ruled (fairly, IMO) that he'll need to make a CON roll, even given his LS: immunity. His chances are good (15-), and the end will be spectacular if he fails... :drink:

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Re: Talk about toxic Gas!


I'm with Blue here. If his honestly-bought LS Immunity is applicable, then this is an excellent solution. Maybe the authorities will oblige him to go potty in a toxics dump or special treatment facility for the next week, but that's an off-camera piece of color.


If he's stretching his LS Immunity, then you can get more creative. But this sounds like a great piece of creativity on the player's part, and I like that.

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Re: Talk about toxic Gas!


If the character had any XP' date=' I'd pull for a radiation accident-type change. Alas, no such luck....[/quote']


Remember, your character doesn't really need to become more powerful when he is subjected to a "radiation accident", he may just have a massive rearranging of his powers. ;)


Blue: He didn't say he would die, just that the results would be spectacular! :eg:

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Re: Talk about toxic Gas!


The question is' date=' what happens when VX is combined with hydrochloric acid, and various other digestive chemicals? I'd suspect the end results would be very different from VX.[/quote']

VX is activated by strong acids. The gel would turn into a gas. Yuck.

If he digests the VX in a few WEEKS he would be non-toxic. VX is persistant. All of his clothes and items he had on will have to decomtaminated in strong bleaches or burned in special incernators. The problem with VX is that it is a gel and I doubt a mutant human could eat more than a few pounds (your stomach is only so big).

VX IS NOT a powerful mutagen. From a toxicology standpoint (realistically that is, this does not prevent a GM from doing it), VX exposure to a resistant person should not be a radiation accident. Now, the GM could say the toxin has cause mutations.... and then the altered character sheet fun starts.

How fiendish is the player's GM? Find out next session......

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Re: Talk about toxic Gas!


Is this a new varient on Dragonbreath Chili?


New! Green Dragonbreath Chili at Taco Time!


Gives a whole new meaning to the concept of a toxic belch. I think I concur with many of the others (depending on the character's SFx for the immunity, of course)... He should be at no danger but methinks that the government officials on site are likely to rush the character into quarantine alone with a few gallons of industrial pepto.

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Re: Talk about toxic Gas!


I'm with Blue here. If his honestly-bought LS Immunity is applicable, then this is an excellent solution. Maybe the authorities will oblige him to go potty in a toxics dump or special treatment facility for the next week, but that's an off-camera piece of color.


If he's stretching his LS Immunity, then you can get more creative. But this sounds like a great piece of creativity on the player's part, and I like that.

I dunno if this is the GM's reasoning, but making him roll against his CON to avoid simply throwing up after injesting that much of anything makes sense to me.

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Re: Talk about toxic Gas!


Man' date=' am I *not* a favor of save-or-die solutions. I don't think the guy should be punished for coming up with a clever result that is well within the scope of his powers.[/quote']

Well, it has yet to be determined exactly *what* would happen if he were to fail his CON save. And, as we all know, death in the comics is not necessarily permanent. Especially for an immortal. :)

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Re: Talk about toxic Gas!


I dunno if this is the GM's reasoning' date=' but making him roll against his CON to avoid simply throwing up after injesting that much of anything makes sense to me.[/quote']

Exactomundo ;) In the immune character's case the apparent threat isn't to him, but the surrounding area and people if it gets out.

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Re: Talk about toxic Gas!


I dunno if this is the GM's reasoning' date=' but making him roll against his CON to avoid simply throwing up after injesting that much of anything makes sense to me.[/quote']


OK, if the amount is an issue, that's OK. I just read "a bomb", and that could be anything from 25 grams of VX gel (which is enough to made a quite satisfactorily nasty bomb in a park) to 10-20 kilos of it. (25g is one Hershey's kiss.) I assumed something near the bottom end of that range. If it's a half kilo, then eating all of it quickly and keeping it down is a roll. If it's 1.5 kilos, without some other anatomical powers, it's impossible to consume all of it in the time allotted.

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Re: Talk about toxic Gas!


The game's going on over at HeroCentral if you want to check it out. Called 'Of Masks and Metahumans', or something to that effect.


As it turned out, we decided to attempt to incinerate the VX rather than eat it. ;) We'll see how that goes...

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Re: Talk about toxic Gas!


The game's going on over at HeroCentral if you want to check it out. Called 'Of Masks and Metahumans', or something to that effect.


As it turned out, we decided to attempt to incinerate the VX rather than eat it. ;) We'll see how that goes...


Yes--probably safer, but a whole lot less fun for me as a player! Instead, the just gets to have a plain ole knock-down drag out fight...

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Re: Talk about toxic Gas!


Two warnings:

1) I'm GMing it, and have doubts about my ability to do so well in an online medium. I do okay face to face, but feel a lot less confident online about it. If you peek through the bars of my cage, I may fling poo at you crankily. :P


2) We are running (with some changes) a certain Adventure (set of adventures actually) from an offiical 5th Ed Product. Some of you may have run this yourself, or been in it, others may not. Either way, I would prefer the Players stay as ignorant as possible of the plot, so not to spoil their fun... I don't think that would be a problem here, but it bears mentioning.

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Re: Talk about toxic Gas!


Two warnings:

2) We are running (with some changes) a certain Adventure (set of adventures actually) from an offiical 5th Ed Product. Some of you may have run this yourself, or been in it, others may not. Either way, I would prefer the Players stay as ignorant as possible of the plot, so not to spoil their fun... I don't think that would be a problem here, but it bears mentioning.


To assuage any fears or doubts, I think things are going swimmingly thusfar and I have *no* idea what the adventure is, who the mystery villain on the scene is, or what's going to happen. Wheeeee!

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